Sometimes bold, sometimes bashful, sometimes seductive but mostly Cockney Liz was a business woman and hotelier, with a lust for life. After traveling thousands of miles unaccompanied across the Atlantic Ocean and then by train to the gold mines of the Reef, Liz has to lower her upbringing by selling her body to some of the richest men in South Africa. The likes of Abe Bailey, Sammy Marks, Hirschel Cohen and Alfred Beit swooned her, protected her and one of them even offered her a hand in marriage.
The shy and quite Alfred Scribbens accidentally meets Lizzie for the 2nd time on her quest to find her sweetheart, whom she had carried a blue lace jersey across the world for. She never gave up her search until she found the grave of Roy Spencer. Can-can girls, pool tables, drunken men, brothels, auctions and jealous woman are merely some of the daily responsibilities that Lizzie was faced with. A remarkable story of a truly incredible and respected woman of Barberton. Liz is buried in Maitland Cemetery in public grave, this means there is no headstone for her.
Published by SA Country Life.
ISBN 978-0-9870356-1-5 2
2ND edition 1st Impression
Soft Cover 146 pages
Cost R150.00
Author: Hans Bornman