For anyone whose family was an 1820 Settler Peter Kirkman’s years of research and investigation has proven to be one of the finest and most comprehensively cited genealogy books of any particular South African family I have yet to read.
See the list of some of the surnames mentioned below
This epic saga of the Kirkman family and their descendants spans over 200 years of hardships living in hostile African conditions, brave farmers who fought for their land, strong religious values and survival of a remarkable family that have their tales to tell. 1820 Settler John Kirkman who arrived with Smith’s party had a particularly interesting son in law Edward Jeffries who was married to his daughter Martha. Their son, also named Edward, set fire to his neighbour’s property after a fit of rage, and through a lucky decision by the jury, he was declared temporarily insane. Jefferies after serving 17 months for the duty of his crime was finally released from prison. This left his mother with a difficult choice, as he was released into her care, but not ever allowed to return to the farm. Amongst the animosity of the hostile conditions of the battlegrounds the family lived through, John Green, the husband of Margaret Kirkman, another of John Kirkman’s daughters was a “self appointed observer and recorder of events.”
During the 8th Frontier War he decisively mentions that he and his colleagues were having to “watch the watchers and the watched.” Many of his letters and witnessed events were not taken as seriously as he would have liked, but as time can tell, his valuable recordings in the Grahamstown Journal have stood testament. Read the fascinating life of Walter Kirkman aka “Harry” and “Kirkman’s Kamp” who was a living Bushveld Legend, a man who as seen more African wildlife than anyone alive. For more years than he can remember. Harry Kirkman had run his steely blue eyes over the Transvaal Bush for most of his life. At the age of 61 he was attacked by a lion and still managed to walk 2 miles to get home, after a young colleague shot the animal. Kirkman’s Kamp is world renowned and now known as Malamala.
Close to 4 000 individuals (not all direct family!) have been indexed, derived from 8 generations. They represent almost 1650 separate families, identified by upward of 960 surnames. More than 7 900 vital “events” have been recorded, an “event” being a birth, baptism, marriage, divorce, death, burial, etc.
These “events” generated reference to more than 1 000 place names. Over 200 books are listed in the bibliography and over 1200 source references including references to death notices in the archives, email confirmations, written confirmation as well as full references to church, military and websites just to mention but a few.
Self published, printed by STN Printers, Pretoria
Size: 210mm x 297mm, comprising 616 pages, including title page, colophon and end piece (i.e 308 leaves printed both sides).
Covered by 230 gsm Bleach Board, printed full colour, matt lamination
Perfect binding, with flaps. Set in Arial 10pt. Cover design arranged by Graphic Artist Penny Ann Kirkman of Harare (great-great granddaughter of 1820 Settler John Kirkman).
Cover theme adapted from Ford Maddox Brown’s painting Leaving England; presented against a backdrop of 19th century Mancunian textile, symbolising the Kirkman family’s weaving vocation prior to emigration.
The origin of the information has been acknowledged by a total of 1267 citations, and over 850 sources and repositories were tapped. Close on 400 quality photographs, images, figures and diagrams have been included. Descendant charts have been included for each main family grouping.
Contact details:-Postal address: P. A. Kirkman P.O.Box 274 Hilton,3245, KwaZulu-Natal, Republic of South Africa
(The last two lines necessary for overseas orders only).Email Peter KirkmanTelephone : (033) 3434417′,
Surname – find out more about the book |
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Andre |
Andrews |
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Argie |
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Arnold |
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Aspeling |
Aspinall |
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Book |
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Bornmann |
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Chipman |
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Clark |
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Dunn |
Durran |
Dymond |
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Egland |
Eksteen |
El Garasha |
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Ellertson |
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Elsworth |
Embling |
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Engstrom |
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Evans |
Eyre |
Farquharson |
Farrant |
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Fell |
Fenn |
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Flanagan |
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Flint |
Fooks |
Forbes |
Ford |
Forrester-Brown |
Forword |
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Fourie |
Fowler |
Fox |
Fraser |
Freeman |
Frey |
Frisbey |
Fuchs |
Fuller |
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Galley |
Gallow |
Gambale |
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Gardiner |
Gardiner-Beg |
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Garrett |
Garson |
Gate-House |
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Geard |
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Ghiselli |
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Glore |
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Goad |
Godfrey |
Goercke |
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Gouws |
Govender |
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Graetz |
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Gray |
Greeff |
Green |
Greener |
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Greenshields |
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Greenwell |
Greenwood |
Gregor |
Grieveson |
Griffiths |
Grobbelaar |
Grogan |
Groom |
Grundlingh |
Gunn Of Gunn |
Gush |
Hackney |
Hagen |
Hall |
Halliday |
Hamilton |
Hammer |
Hampson |
Hancock |
Hanesworth |
Hansen |
Harbetson |
Harbisin |
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Harries |
Harris |
Harrison |
Hart |
Hartman |
Harvey |
Hastie |
Hatch |
Hawkes |
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Haynes |
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Heigen |
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Hepworth |
Herholdt |
Hetitt |
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Heurlin |
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Hortop |
Hosking |
Houghting |
Hounsell |
House |
Howard |
Howard-Davies |
Howell |
Howitt |
Hubbard |
Hubert |
Huett |
Hugo |
Hulme |
Humphreys |
Humphries |
Hunsaker |
Hunt-Davis |
Huskisson |
Hutchinson |
Hutton |
Hynch |
Hyslop |
Iberer |
Jacobs |
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Jamison |
Jardim |
Jarvis |
Jeary |
Jefferey |
Jefferies |
Jeffries |
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Jeppson |
Jerrome |
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Joubert |
Joyner |
Kavanagh |
Keevil |
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Kerley |
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Keytel |
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Killian |
Kindinger |
King |
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Kirchhoff |
Kirkman |
Kirkman-Hansen |
Kjonstad |
Klarbach |
Kluyts |
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Knowlton |
Knox |
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Kretzmann |
La Rose |
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Logie |
Lombard |
Lotter |
Louw |
Love |
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Lowther |
Luck |
Lurie |
Lynn |
Lythgoe |
Maasdorp |
Macbean |
Mackay |
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Mahon |
Maloney |
Marais |
Marcom |
Maree |
Mark |
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Martin |
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Maughn |
May |
Mcalister |
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Mcclure |
Mcdonald |
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Mcfarquhar |
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Mcphee |
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Meyer |
Miallo |
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Miekle |
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Mostert |
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Naude |
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Nicola |
Nield |
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Nutter |
Nye |
Oakley |
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Oliver |
Olpin |
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Osche |
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Otto |
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Owens |
Oxender |
Page |
Painter |
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Parry |
Parsons |
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Pasqua |
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Paton |
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Payne |
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Peay |
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Perrow |
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Philipson |
Phimister |
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Pierce |
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Porteous |
Post |
Potgieter |
Pottinger |
Poulter |
Pratt |
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Pretorius |
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Pryde |
Pulsipher |
Purdon |
Quinn |
Rabe |
Rademan |
Raitt |
Ralph |
Randall |
Rankin |
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Ray |
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Reunert |
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Rohm |
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Rose |
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Roux |
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Rowlands |
Rowney |
Rudlen |
Rudman |
Rundle |
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Rushforth |
Russell |
Rutter |
Rymer |
Saadani |
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Sessions |
Share |
Shaw |
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Shepperson |
Shepstone |
Shone |
Shumway |
Sievewright |
Siggs |
Sim |
Simcox |
Simpkin |
Simpson |
Sinclair |
Sizemore |
Skinner |
Slabbert |
Slack |
Sleight |
Small |
Smart |
Smith |
Smothers |
Smuts |
Snyman |
Solomon |
Soltwede |
Somerville |
Southwell |
Spencer |
Speziale |
Stainton |
Stanbury |
Stander |
Stanford |
Starke |
Stay |
Steed |
Steele |
Sterrenberg |
Stevens |
Stevenson |
Stewart |
Steyl |
Stokes |
Stone |
Storm |
Stretton |
Struthers |
Sullivan |
Sumner |
Surgery |
Suter |
Sutton |
Swanepoel |
Swartz |
Sweatnam |
Sweeney |
Syddal |
Symington |
Szombati |
Taillefer |
Talbot |
Tarr |
Taylor |
Tedder |
Terlouw |
Ternent |
Thal |
Theophilus |
Thom |
Thomas |
Thompson |
Thornhill |
Thornton |
Thurgood |
Thwaite |
Thyssen |
Tiffany |
Tilney |
Tolmie |
Topper |
Torr |
Townsend |
Train |
Trangmar |
Triggs |
Truscott |
Truter |
Tselentis |
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Tyler |
Underwood |
Ungerer |
Urry |
Usher |
Valora |
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Van Wyk |
Van Zyl |
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Vigne |
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Visagie |
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Vos |
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Wallstein |
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Wardell |
Warner |
Warren |
Warrington-Jackson |
Watson |
Watt |
Watts |
Wayland |
Weaver |
Webb |
Webster |
Welch |
Wells |
Werge |
Wessinger |
Westlake |
Whitby |
White |
Whittaker |
Whittal |
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Wicks |
Widdison |
Wienand |
Wiggill |
Wilcox |
Wilken |
Wilkins |
Wilkinson |
Willemse |
Willet |
Willey |
Williams |
Williamson |
Wilmans |
Wilson |
Wilton |
Wiltshire |
Withaar |
Wollenschlaeger |
Wood |
Woodburn |
Woodhead |
Woodland |
Worral |
Wrankmore |
Wright |
Wroughton |
Wybrow |
Wylde |
Wyness |
Yeatman |
Young |
Yriola |
Zeederberg |
Zoutendyk |