These Genealogy Books on South Africa are made available for you to use but please acknowledge where you got it from. This collection will keep growing and if you have books to donate that can be used and uploaded by me, please feel free to contact me. Also find other South African Africana and genealogy related books to buy here.
Wynberg Boys High School Magazines (1925-2018)
Wynberg Boys High School Magazines provide an integral part of the history of this school. We have been kindly given permission by Headmaster Jan De Waal to make available almost a century of the Wynberg Boys High School Magazines from 1925 until 2018. We hope these publications will help you find those ancestors who attended this school. |
Men of the Times (1906)
Old Colonists of the Cape Colony and Orange River Colony. |
Motoring & Aviation of South Africa (1941)
Personalities in Motoring and Aviation in South Africa is a rare publication of biographies of over 650 pages dedicated to those pioneer men and women, whose vision, faith and pertinacity, surmounting all obstacles, have given to posterity the freedom of utilitarian benefits of the highways and skyways of Southern Africa. |
Changing Hands
A calendar of bondage in Southern Africa 1550 – 1888. Slaves, property and the colony changed ownership often between 1588 and 1888, and many of the important documents discussing ownership are inaccessible because of their obscure locations or difficulty in reading the original handwriting. |
Sports & Sportsmen of South Africa (1926)
Sports and Sportsmen of South Africa is a rare publication of over 525 pages covering various aspects of sport in South Africa and includes biographies of leading personalities of the time. |
From Diaspora to Diorama – The Old Slave Lodge
Slave-lodgings, lunatic asylum, police station, prison and brothel: these were some of the functions which the building at the entrance to the Company’s Gardens at the top of Adderley Street (the old Heerengracht), unashamedly fulfilled. The Lodge fused the dramatic themes of thralldom, perpetual servitude, sex and insanity into a fortress of misery which could provide South African novelists with the raw material of a hundred novels. This complex building was a forgotten crucible of colonialism and apartheid which helped perpetuate facets of colonial life which are still recognizable in present-day South Africa. From Diaspora to Diorama contains over 9,000 pages of interpretations, newly unearthed eyewitness accounts, newly commissioned aquarelles by John English and many new sketches and photographs by model builder, Peter Laponder; there are also appendices of 6,000 entries: slaves, political exiles, slave voyages to the Lodge; slave cargo lists, Lodge censuses, Slave Lodge deaths and Lodge manumissions, in short, this publication is the most extensive single work on any one building and one community in South Africa. By Robert Shell 2012 |
The Jewish Year Book 1929
Collection of Biographies from the Jewish Year Book of 1929 |
Personalia of the Germans at the Cape 1652-1806
Personalia of the Germans at the Cape 1652-1806 by Dr J Hoge’s was published in the Archives Yearbook for South African History in the 1946. |
Précis of the archives of the Cape of Good Hope 1715-1806
The Precis of the Archives or otherwise known as Requesten (Memorials) 1715 – 1806 is a transcript of of the original records and contains volume One which forms a section of the Annexures to the Minutes of the Council of Policy, and will be found to contain much of permanent historical interest. |
Woman of South Africa 1935
The Woman of South Africa 1935 publication is a historical, educational and industrial encyclopedia and social directory of the Woman of the Sub Continent. Search the over 1700 biographies of these prominent women and find out about their social standing. |
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