British Residents Search : D
Surname Names Source View
DagnallSamuelBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DailonGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DairyWBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DaleJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DaleRobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DalgleishJames EdwinBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DaltonThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DalyLt RnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DalyJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DamantJohn SancroftBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DamantThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DamsWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DanielEdwardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DanielJacobBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DanielJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DanielThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DanielWalterBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DaniellSamuelBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DanielsElizabethBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DanielsThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DannThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DarlingLt ColBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DarlingJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DarwallFBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DashwoodFrancisBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DatesChristopherBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DavidPeterBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DavidsonWidowBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DavidsonAdamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DavidsonAlexanderBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DavidsonLeith AlexanderBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DavidsonWalterBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DavidsonWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DaviePeterBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DavieWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DaviesMrBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DaviesEdwardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DaviesThomas HughBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DaviesWilliam HenrBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DavisEdwardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DavisElizabethBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DavisRevBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DavisHenryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DavisJohn HenryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DavisWBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DavisWBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DavisonJBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DavisonJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DavyJosephBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DavyThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DavyWilliam GabrielBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DavysW CBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DawdellThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DawesJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DawesR JBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DawesWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DawsonCharlesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DawsonJohn PinhBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DawsonThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DawsonWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DayJosephBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DayPeter MartinBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DayWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DeaconJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DeaconWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DealeJames WilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DealeWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DealySamuelBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DeanLt R ArtilleryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DeanMissBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DeanPhilipBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DeanWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DeaneAnneBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DeaneHonBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DeaneJBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DeaneJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DeaneRobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DeaneThomas KiftBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DecknerCBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DeeRobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DempseyW HenryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DempsterJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DempsterJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DennisGeorge HansonBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DennisJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DennisRevBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DennisNicolasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DennisWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DennisonDanielBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DennyJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DentWBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DermotArthurBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DesbarresFrederickBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DesbrisayCapt Lt R ArtilleryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DevenishJohn MearesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DewWBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DewdneyThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DewsnapGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DexterJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DibbonJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DickABritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DickAlexanderBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DickJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DickJames JuniorBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DickWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DickWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DickensHenry CharlesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DickensRichard MarkBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DickensSBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DickinsonTBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DicksonAlexanderBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DicksonThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DigbyDBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DillonCharlesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DingleyR HBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DinieMichaelBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DisnyWilliam HenryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DistfieldJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DixonAlexanderBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DixonCharlesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DixonCharlesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DixonDanielBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DixonJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DixonJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DixonJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DixonThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DobbinRobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DobbinsBenjaminBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DobbinsonThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DobreeP BBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DobsonSutler To ThBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DoddEdwardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DoddJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DoddJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DoddJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DoddsArchibaldBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DodgeEdwardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DodsworthGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DodsworthWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DonaldGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DonaldsonRobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DonaldsonRobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DonaldsonWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DonkinSir Rufane ShawBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DonnellyRossBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DonoughMatthewBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DonovanLieutBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DonovanE DBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DonovanThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DoolanCromwellBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DoranThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DorantHughBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DorralBenjaminBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DossieFrancisBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DoughtyTheodorisBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DoughtyThomas WrightBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DouglasAlexanderBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DouglasBBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DouglasBillyBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DouglasCharlesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DouglasJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DouglasJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DouglasRobert SBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DouglasWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DowdallJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DoweGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DowieAndrewBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DowlingThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DownesCaptBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DownieJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DowningAdaBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DowningEugeneBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DownmanCaptBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DoyleDaniel JamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DoyleJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DoyleJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DoyleThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DoyleWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DoyleySir JohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DoyleyJ HBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DraperEphraimBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DrayMrs MargaretBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DrewWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DrummondDonaldBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DrummondGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DrummondM HBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DruryCharlesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DrurySamuelBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DrydenJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DuckettRBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DuckittWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DudgeonRalphBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DudleySamuelBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DudneyJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DuffyGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DukeValentineBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DukeWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DukesEdwardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DunbarJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DunbarJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DuncanAlexanderBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DuncanJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DuncanKennethBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DundasFrancisBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DundasGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DundasPhilipBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DundasThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DunfordGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DunfordJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DunlevyWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DunlopAlexanderBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DunlopJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DunnJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DunningFBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DunscombeJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DunsmureCaptBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DurantsJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DurbanWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DurhamBartholomewBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DurhamDavidBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DurhamEdwardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DurhamJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DurnfordA M JBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DurnfordJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DyasJames JonesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DyballThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DyerL GBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DyerSamsonBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DyerThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DymokeNeedhamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
DysonJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
British Residents Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.

Many of inhabitants were of course army officers and merchants and it should be possible to use this work to trace in detail to trace the family histories of these early English Settlers. In general historians working on the early period of British rule at the Cape will be able to find this a useful work of reference and in all probability and within its limits are very reliable one.