British Residents Search : W
Surname Names Source View
WaineThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WainhouseWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WaitJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WaitThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WaiteCharlesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WaiterJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WakeBaldwinBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WakeWBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WaldegraveHenryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WaldenJaneBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WaldoCharles FBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WaldronFrancisBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WalkerAlexanderBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WalkerCharlesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WalkerEdward BrookeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WalkerEdward ThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WalkerGeorge WarrenBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WalkerJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WalkerJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WalkerLeslieBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WalkerPeterBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WalkerThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WalkerWBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WallJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WallaceMrBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WallaceAlexanderBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WallaceAndrewBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WallaceDavidBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WallaceEdwardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WallaceGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WallaceJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WallaceJames MBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WallacePBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WallerJacobBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WallisCaptBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WallisJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WallisJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WallisWilliam ParryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WalshJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WaltersChristianBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WaltersFBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WaltonJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WaltonJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WaltonJosephBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WaneRichardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WanlenJohn WilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WanningAndrewBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WarburtonDavid HBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WardJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WardJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WardJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WardSamuelBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WardWalterBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WardaleJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WardenMrs DianaBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WardenHenry DouglasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WardropJ MBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WarmountJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WarnerCharlesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WarntonWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WarrackerJohn JosephBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WarreWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WarrenEdwardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WarrenNathanielBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WarrenRichardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WarrenRichardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WarrenSamuelBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WarrenWilliam JnrBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WarrenWilliam ThomaBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WarringtonWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WarwickFrancisBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WarwickJBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WashingtonJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WatermanJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WatermanThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WatkinsEdwardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WatneyFrancisBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WatneyJohn PigottBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WatsonAlexanderBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WatsonAlexanderBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WatsonAndrewBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WatsonAndrewBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WatsonCharlesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WatsonCharlesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WatsonEdwardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WatsonElizabethBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WatsonHarrisonBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WatsonHelenBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WatsonHenryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WatsonJacobBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WatsonMichaelBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WatsonRobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WatsonSophiaBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WatsonWalterBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WatsonWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WatsonWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WattJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WattPeterBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WattWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WattellChristopherBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WattsAlexanderBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WattsJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WattsRobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WauchopeRobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WaughJ FBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WaylandCharles IsaacBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WeaknerJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WearGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WeareJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WeatherheadGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WeaverEdwardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WeavingJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WebbArchibaldBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WebbCharles CBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WebbWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WebsterAlexanderBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WeirJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WeirJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WeirJohn LaingBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WelchCBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WelchThomas ReadBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WeldStandishBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WeldonJames DuffBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WellingtonArthur WellesleyBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WellsGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WellsJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WellsJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WellsWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WemyssWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WergeJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WestAlidBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WestFredrickBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WestHenryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WestJohn WilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WestMatthewBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WestThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WestWBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WestermanJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WestonThomas CharlesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WetherallEdwardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WetherallFrederick AugustusBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WetherallGeorge AugustusBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WetherallWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhaleyRobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhartonJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhartonRobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WheatleyWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WheelerWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhiskenJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhitakerJohn GibsonBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhitcombCharlesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhiteWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhiteBartholomewBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhiteCharlesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhiteEdwardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhiteGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhiteHenryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhiteJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhiteJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhiteJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhiteJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhiteJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhiteKBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhiteMBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhiteThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhiteThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhiteThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhiteWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhiteWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhiteWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhitefordWilliam RBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhitelawJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhitelawJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhitelockJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhitelockRichardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhitlaWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhittingtonRichardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhittleDanielBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WhoraganJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WickendonJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WickhamRobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WicksThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WicksWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WiddonThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WiersRobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WildeRobert TaylorBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WildeWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WileyWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilgressEdward PastonBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilkesEBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilkieFletcherBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilkieJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilkieJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilkieJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilkinsTBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilkinsonHughBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilkinsonJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilkinsonJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilkinsonRobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilkinsonWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilkinsonCaptBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilksJosephBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WillJ JBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WillJacobBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WillanWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WillardL KBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WillattsPeterBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WillcocksR HBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WillesJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WillettIsaacBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilliamsAlexanderBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilliamsCatharinaBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilliamsDavidBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilliamsGBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilliamsGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilliamsJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilliamsJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilliamsJames OnslowBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilliamsJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilliamsJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilliamsJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilliamsJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilliamsJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilliamsJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilliamsJosepBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilliamsJosephBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilliamsMaryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilliamsMichaelBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilliamsRichardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilliamsRobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilliamsThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilliamsWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilliamsWBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilliamsWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilliamsonCBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilliamsonGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilliamsonGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WillockJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilloughbyN JBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WillsGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WillshireJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WillshireJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WillshireThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WillshireWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilmottBenjaminBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilsonAdamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilsonAndrewBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilsonCharles HartlBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilsonHenryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilsonHenryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilsonIsaacBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilsonJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilsonJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilsonRobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilsonSamuelBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilsonTBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilsonTimothyBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilsonWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilsonWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilsonWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilsonWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WilsonWilliam James HughBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WindellCharles SomervilleBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WindellJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WindserFrederickBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WindsorJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WinkworthJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WinnicottRebeccaBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WinterGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WisdomJuliaBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WisemanJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WittenoonThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WolfJohn HenryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WolfeGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WoodAbrahamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WoodHenryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WoodIsaacBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WoodJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WoodWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WoodgateGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WoodgateRBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WoodheadJoseph DysoBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WoodhouseRichardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WoodlockMichaelBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WoodmanJosephBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WoodsThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WoodySurgeonBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WoolcombCaptBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WoollsThomas BrownriggBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WoolnoughJosephBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WorrallJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WorsleyHenryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WortleyMajoBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WottonJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WraightHenryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WrankmoreRichardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WrenchW HBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WreyfordJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WrightMrsBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WrightGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WrightHenryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WrightJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WrightJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WrightRichardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WrightThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WrightThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WrightWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WrightWilliam CharlesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WurrBenjaminBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WyattHubertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WykardChristoff LBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WylieSamuelBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WymanGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
WynneArthur NicholasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
British Residents Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.

Many of inhabitants were of course army officers and merchants and it should be possible to use this work to trace in detail to trace the family histories of these early English Settlers. In general historians working on the early period of British rule at the Cape will be able to find this a useful work of reference and in all probability and within its limits are very reliable one.