Commercial Rd Cemetery Pietermaritzburg Search : Y
Surname Names Date of Death View
YamsakiMasa31 May 1927View
YatesAnnie B. P09 September 1922View
YeomanWilliam J08 April 1917View
YerburyElizabeth16 November 1917View
YoungAmelia17 April 1886View
YoungAnnie14 June 1926View
YoungArthur19 May 1889View
YoungArthur C.E06 September 1902View
YoungDorothy16 August 1914View
YoungEdith05 December 1902View
YoungEdwin06 March 1910View
YoungEmily24 July 1901View
YoungEric09 March 1921View
YoungGeorge F03 August 1923View
YoungGwendolin19 June 1903View
YoungH.G14 February 1898View
YoungHenry16 July 1900View
YoungHenry Charles10 January 1931View
YoungIsabella Thomson18 November 1935View
YoungJames Gourlay30 September 1911View
YoungLouisa Annie24 July 1916View
YoungMyrtle04 November 1902View
YoungNoran Kathleen1975View
YoungNot Given02 January 1907View
YoungRose A11 July 1925View
YoungStella07 April 1902View
YoungWilliam P13 July 1903View
YoungerMaria Isabella29 January 1902View
YoungerRosemary Jean28 January 1935View
Commercial Rd Cemetery Pietermaritzburg Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.