Jewish Year Book 1929 Search : D
Surname Biography word/phrase View
DAINOWDavid, Editor, 'The Zionist Record'. Born in London in 1886. Son of the late Rabbi Israel Dainow of ...View
DAITZBernard, Merchant (Director of Companies). Born in Kovno, Russia, 1875, and educated there. Came to ...View
DALESKIJoseph, Attorney, B.A. Born in Johannesburg in 1897. Educated at Jeppe High School and Transvaal Uni ...View
DANIELSLouis, Proprietor, Royal Hotel, Vereeniging. Born in Niesweiz, Poland, in 1896. Educated in Russia a ...View
DAVIDOWITZDavid Leopold, Merchant. Born in Latvia in 1889, and educated there. Came to South Africa in 1905. M ...View
DAVIDJudel, Proprietor. King's Hotel, Potchefstroom. Born in Kovno in 1886. Educated in Lithuania. Came t ...View
DAVIDSONCyril (Enterprise Fisheries, Pine Street, Durban. Born in Capetown in 1904. Educated at the Durban H ...View
DAVISAdolph, K.C., Advocate. Called to the Bar at the Middle Temple in 1908. Born in Aliwal North, Cape, ...View
DAVISAlfred Abraham (son of the late D.A. Davis), Electrical Engineer, A.M.I.E.E. Lieutenant Royal Engine ...View
DAVISLewis, Farmer. Came to South Africa in 1899. Married in 1909 to Helen Bloomberg; has one child. Gene ...View
DAVIS-MARKSEzra Michael, Accountant. Born in Dunedin, New Zealand, in 1864. Educated at Manchester Grammar Scho ...View
DAVIS-MARKSHenry, Dental Surgeon, L.D.S., R.C.S. (England). Born in Johannesburg in 1898. Educated at St. John' ...View
DAVISMick (late of Kimberley), Turf Commission Agent. Born in Birmingham in l882 and educated there. Came ...View
DEENSolomon, Butcher, Durban (Estab 1907). Born in Russia in 1884 and educated there. Came to South Afri ...View
DEMBERWolf, Produce Merchant. Born in Russia in 1855, and educated there. Came to South Africa in 1878. Ma ...View
DE SAXEMorris, B.A. (Cape), LL.B. (Witwatersrand), Advocate of the Supreme Court of South Africa (Transvaal ...View
DIAMONDDavid, Medical Practitioner. M.R.C.S. (England), L.R.C.P. (London). Born in London in 1899. Educated ...View
DRUBINNathan, Pharmaceutical Chemist and Druggist, M.P.S.T. Born In Manchester in 1892. Came to South Afri ...View
Jewish Year Book 1929 Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.