Jewish Year Book 1929 Search : S
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SOLOMONBertha (born Schwartz), Advocate, B.A, LL.B. Born in Russia in 1892. Came to South Africa in 1896. E ...View
SOLOMONIsrael, Attorney. Born in Calitzdorp, Cape Province, in 1898. Educated at the South African College, ...View
SOLOMONJacob Benjamin, Medical Practitioner, M.B., Ch.B. Born in Johannesburg in 1897. Educated at the Jepp ...View
SOLOMONSWoolf, Partner of the Standad Shoe Co., 119 Princes' Street, Port Elizabeth. Born in London in 1886, ...View
SONNENBERGMax, M.P.C. for South Peninsula, Merchant. Born in Germany in 1879. Educated in Germany and South Af ...View
SOSKALNEIsrael, Wholesale Butcher. Partner of firm of Newtown Mean Supply Co. Born in Janosick. Lithuania, i ...View
SPERBERJoseph, Chemist, M.P.S. Born in Peddie. Cape, in 1900. Educated at Christian Brothers College. Hon. ...View
SPILKINJacob Hyman, Solicitor and Notary Public, B.A., LL.B. Born in Resitza, Lithuania, in 1904. Came to S ...View
SPITZLouis, Attorney. Born in Johannesburg in 1896. Educated at the Hebrew High School and Marist Bros. C ...View
STALLERHarry, Furniture Merchant. Born in Russia (Mir) in 1894, and educated there. Came to South Africa in ...View
STANFIELD(Starfield) Bernard, Director of Sydney Clow & Co., Ltd., Born in Poland in 1873. Educated in Poland ...View
STAZJulius, Dental Surgeon, L.D.S., R.C.S., England. Born in Johannesburg in 1903. Educated at. Jeppe Hi ...View
STEINIsaac, Dental Surgeon, L.D.S., R.C.S. (Edinburgh). Born in Lithuania in 1905. Educated at the Univer ...View
STEINMark, Dental Surgeon, L.D.S., R.C.S. (England). Born in London in 1902. Came to South Africa in 1904 ...View
SACHSWulf, Medical Practitioner. M.D. (Cologne), M.B. (Leningrad), and L.M.S.S.A. (London). Born in Lithu ...View
SACHSEugenie,Chemists, M.P.S., F.S.L., F.C.S., London and U.L.M. Born in Kruzia, Lithuania. Came to South ...View
SACHSLouis, Attorney. Born in Johannesburg in 1907. Educated at the Technical High School and Witwatersra ...View
SACHSSomah, M.P.S., Pharmaceutical, Manufacturing and Analytical Chemist, Managing Director Somah Sachs ( ...View
SACKEJoseph Louis, Chartered Accountant (S.A.) and Company Auditor. Born in Dvinsk, Latvia, in 1901. Came ...View
SACKSGeorge, Consulting Surgeon, M.B., F.R.C.S. (England). Born in Oudtshoorn in 1900. Educated at Univer ...View
SACKSJack Michael, Secretary of Companies. Born in Bloemfontein in 1905. Educated at Grey College. Hon. S ...View
SACKSJulius, Proprietor of Sacks & Co., Printers and Manufacturing Stationers, Kimberley. Born in Latvia ...View
SACKSSamuel David, Merchant. Born in Lithuania in 1881. Came to South Africa in 1900, and educated here. ...View
SAGARArthur Benjamin, Solicitor. Commissioner of Oaths. Born in Kimberley in 1901. Educated at Christian ...View
SAGARWilliam, Auctioneer and Estate Agent. Justice of the Peace, Commissioner of Oaths. Born in Liverpool ...View
SAHARINSolomon, Merchant and Manufacturer, Commissioner of Oaths. Born in Homel, Russia in 1882, and educat ...View
SAKSJulius Louis, Ophthalmic Optician, A.S.M.C., B.O.A., M.P.S. Born in London in 1899. Came to South Af ...View
SALOMONCharlie, Merchant. Born in Roumania, and educated there. Came to South Africa in 1893. Married in 19 ...View
SALOMONJoan Elsie, Elocutionist, Instructress for Speech Defects, L.R.M., L.T.C.L. (Eloc.), Registered Lond ...View
SAMMELHerman, Wool and Produce Merchant. Born in Lithuania in 1880, and educated there. Came to South Afri ...View
SAMOLSKYReuben, Dental Surgeon, L.D.S., R.C.S. (England). Born in Oudtshoorn in 1902. Educated at the Boys' ...View
SAMUELSydney David, Dental Surgeon, Doctor of Dental Surgery, D.D.S. Michigan. Born in Johannesburg in 189 ...View
SAPHRAToni. Born in Germany in 1877, and educated there. Married in 1898 to Bernard Saphra; has three chil ...View
SAPIRSTEINHarry, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Born in Bialystock, Russia. Came to South Africa in ...View
SARETZKYAbraham Jacob, Accountant and Estate Agent, Chartered Accountant (S.A.). Born in Sackovitch, Poland, ...View
SARONGustav, Lecturer in Classics, University of Witwatersrand, B.A. (Wit. and Oxon.). Born in Johannesbu ...View
SATUSKYWoolf, Merchant. Born in Russia in 1877, and educated there. Married in 1902 to Nancy Morat; has fiv ...View
SAXESolly, Boot and Shoe Importer. Head Office and Wholesale, 27 Loop Street, Capetown, with Branches in ...View
SCHACHSolomon, Merchant. Born in Chwadan. Russia, in 1884. Educated in Russia. Came to South Africa in 189 ...View
SCHAFFERSamuel, General Merchant. Born in Russia in 1888, and educated there. Came to South Africa in 1905. ...View
SCHAIOWITZElkon, Attorney, formerly at Koster, A.T.C.L. Born in Kedan, Kovno, in 1901. Came to South Africa in ...View
SCHAPIROHetty (daughter of the late Bar Joffe, Krugersdorp, Transvaal). Born in Russia in 1884. Came to Sout ...View
SCHAUDERAdolph, Wholesale General Merchant. Born in Kolomea, Galicia, in 1880. Educated at Kolomea and Vienn ...View
SCHLAPOBERSKYHarry, Oil Merchant. Born in Keidany, Lithuania, in 1886. Married in 1912 to Janie Gertrude Rabinowi ...View
SCHULMANJeremiah, Musician and Teacher of Violin, Musical Director, African Broadcasting Co., Johannesburg. ...View
SCHUMACHERJeannot (J. Schumacher & Co.), Wholesale Merchant. Born in Tuckum, Latvia, in 1880. Educated at Tuck ...View
SCHWARTZDavid, Merchant. Born in Roumania in 1884, and educated there. Came to South Africa in 1905. Married ...View
SCHWARTZHyman, Consulting Technologist, Manager Rhodesian Farmers' Co-op. Industries Oil Factory, B.Sc. (Tec ...View
SCHWARTZMark, Attorney, Lieutenant Fifth Smith African Brigade. Born in London in 1892. Came to South Africa ...View
SEEHOFFJoseph, Merchant. Born in Beverungen, Germany, in 1871, and educated there. Came to South Africa in ...View
SEGALAlbert, Diamond Buyer, Mafeking. Born in Riga in 1887. Came to South Africa in 1903. Married in 1925 ...View
SEGALBernard, Manager of Ackermans, Ltd., Benoni. Born in Bielsk, Russia, in 1887. Educated in Russia. Ca ...View
SEGALLeon, Director, Ackermans, Ltd. (S.A.), Ackermans (Tvl.), Ltd., Ackermans (Natal), Ltd., Ackermans E ...View
SELEKOWITZSamuel, Furniture Manufacturer. Director of South African Cabinet Works, Ltd., Capetown. Born in Lit ...View
SELEKOWITZSamuel, Medical Practitioner, M.B., Ch.B., Edinburgh University, 1925, Clin. M.D., Edinburgh Univers ...View
SELKONJack Michael, Medical Practitioner, B.A., M.B., Ch.B., B.A.O. (Dublin University). Born in Russia in ...View
SENNETTStanley Nahum, Consulting Gastroenterologist, B.A. (Cape), M.B., B.S. (London), M.R.C.S. (England), ...View
SHAPIROCharles, Medical Practitioner, B.A., M.B., Ch.B. Born in Lithuania in 1899. Came to South Africa in ...View
SHAPIROCharles Bertram, Medical Practitioner, M.B., Ch.B. Born in Johannesburg in 1891.Educated at King Edw ...View
SHAPIROHarry, Livestock Dealer. Born in Lithuania in 1880, and educated there. Came to South Africa in 1886 ...View
SHAPIROLazar Harry, Managing Director, L.H. Shapiro & Co., Ltd., Born in Bialystock in 1882. Educated at Si ...View
SHAPIROMoses Jacob, Merchant. Born in Tauroggen. Lithuania, in 1870. Educated in Moscow (Gymnasium and Univ ...View
SHAPIROPhilip Joseph, General Dealer. Born in Rakishka, Lithuania, in 1888. Came to South Africa in 1903. M ...View
SHEINIsaac Reuben, Dental Surgeon, B.D.S. (Witwatersrand University). Born in Benoni in 1905. Educated at ...View
SHAWSINBella, General Medical Practitioner, Pretoria, M.B., B.Ch. Born in Bulawayo, Rhodesia, in 1903. Educ ...View
SHEINBAUMHarry, Head of firm of Murton & Sheinbaum, Estate, Insurance and Shipping Agents and Auctioneers; Ag ...View
SHINDLERMorris Jonah, Principal of firm of M.J. Shindler. Born and educated in Riga. Married to Janie Green, ...View
SHLOMLeopold, Dental Surgeon, B.D.S. (Witwatersrand). The first dentist to qualify in South Africa. Born ...View
SHNAPSMorris, Retired Merchant Tailor. Born in Loiwiez, Poland in 1876, and educated there. Came to South ...View
SHOULLazarus Abraham, Chartered Accountant (S.A.). Born in Manchester, England, in 1899. Came to South Af ...View
SIDERSKYHarry, Chemical Manufacturer. Managing Director, Crystallizers, Ltd., Johannesburg, Commissioner of ...View
SIEFFBassia, Doctor, M.D., L.R.C.P. and S.I. (Dublin), C.M. Rotunda, Pediatrics, Harvard University, Medi ...View
SIEGENBERGHenry, Turf Accountant and Licensed Victualler. Born in London in 1877, and educated there. Came to ...View
SIERADZKIAbraham, Curio Dealer. Born in Lodz Poland, in 1878. Came to South Africa in 1890. Married in 1901 t ...View
SILBERMANSamuel, Director and Manager, L.K. Jacobs & Co., Ltd., Estate and Insurance Agents. Born in London, ...View
SILBERTPhilip, Timber Merchant, Manager, Hillman Bros., Ltd., Krugersdorp Branch; Managing Director, Nolans ...View
SILOVEMorris, Shochet. Born in Dwinsk, Latvia, in 1875, and educated there. Came to South Africa in 1895. ...View
SINGERBarney, Medical Practitioner, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (Lond.). Born in Potchefstroom in 1903. Educ ...View
SLESINGBernard, Wine Merchant. Born in Wilna, Russia, in 1881. Cane to South Africa in 1894. Married to Ger ...View
SLOOTNathan Marcus, Attorney, B.A., LL.B. Born in London in 1903. Came to South Africa in 1904. Educated ...View
SLOSBERGArthur, Optician, D,S.D.C. Born in Russia in 1885. Educated in Vilna. Married in 1909; has one child ...View
SMITHHarry Abraham, Durban Corporation. Chartered Civil Engineer (Englandl), B.Sc., Hons. (Eng.), A.M.Ins ...View
SMITHIsidore, Grain Broker. Born in London in 1888, and educated there. Arrived in South Africa in 1903. ...View
SMITHJack, Medical Practitioner, M.B., Ch.B. (Edinburgh). Born in Russia in 1899. Came to South Africa in ...View
SMITHNathan, Medical Practitioner, M.R.C.S. (England). L.R.C.P. (London). Born in Manchester, England, in ...View
SMOLLANDavid, Partner, Kaplan Bros., Wholesale Merchants. Born in Middlesborough, England, in1877. Came to ...View
SMOLLANIsrael, Property Owner. Born in Lithuania in 1871, and educated there. Married in 1898 to Johanna Jo ...View
SMOLLANJoseph, Property Owner. Born in Middlesborough, England, in 1875. Came to South Africa in 1882. Educ ...View
SMOLLANMonto M., Director of Companies. Born in Bristol, England. Educated in Port Elizabeth. Married in 19 ...View
SMULIANHorace Robert, Director L.K. Jacobs & Co., Ltd., with which is merged Smulian & Co., Ltd. Estate Age ...View
SNIDEMANDr. Pincus, Medical Practitioner. M.B., Ch.B., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. (Edinburgh), L.R.F.P. and SG. Born ...View
SNIDERLeopold, Manager. Born in Libau in 1889, and educated there. Came to South Africa in 1905. Married i ...View
STEINMorris, Merchant. Born in Roumania in 1884, and educated there. Married in 1911 to Eva Soref; has fo ...View
STODELAmelia Jane. Born in London in 1872, and educated there. Married in 1891 to Henry Stodel; has eight ...View
STODELHenry Judah, Director of Companies. Born in London in 1869, and educated at London Jews' Free School ...View
STRELITZIsrael Nathan, Mineral Water Manufacturer, East London, Born in Valkimir, Russia, in 1884. Educated ...View
STRELITZSolomon, Proprietor Royal Hotel, Fort Beaufort. Born in Valkimir, Russia, in 1883. Educated at Valki ...View
STUPPELBarnett, Merchant. Born in Lithuania in 1875, and educated there. Came to South Africa in 1897. Marr ...View
SUSSERCecil, Solicitor. Notary and Conveyancer. Born in Russia in 1888. Came to South Africa in 1899. Educ ...View
SUSSERSamuel Zelick, Partner in firm of West Rand Trading Co., Furnishers. Born in Lutzin, Latvia, in 1885 ...View
SUSMANEli, Merchant and Farmer. Born in Russia in 1880, and educated there. Married in 1913 to Bertha Lewi ...View
SUSMANHarry, Merchant and Farmer. Born in Russia in 1877, and educated there. Came to South Africa in 1896 ...View
SUSSMANPhilip, Speculator and Farmer. Came to South Africa in 1893. Has four children. Well-known figure in ...View
SWIRSKYEmanuel Jacob, Medicial Practitioner, L.R.C.P. and S. (Edinburgh), L.R.F.P.S. (Glasgow). Born in Kov ...View
Jewish Year Book 1929 Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.