Men of the Times 1906 Search : V
Surname First Names Region Source View
ValderGeorgeCape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
Van BlommesteinDiederik LeendertCape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
Van BredaGert Hendrik TobiasCape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
Van BredaLlewellyn John PritchardCape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
Van der BylPhillip J.Cape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
Van der BylVintcent AlexanderCape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
Van der BvlVoltelinCape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
Van der RietFred John WerndlyCape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
Van EerdenBarnard Isaac ChristiaanCape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
Van EerdenFrederick JacobusCape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
Van EvkHenry P.Cape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
Van HeerdenRev. Johannes PetrusCape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
Van ZylGideon PetrusCape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
Van ZylHendkik StephanusCape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
VarkevisserGerhardus ReynoCape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
VarleyFrederickCape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
VennGeorgeCape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
VercueilH.Cape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
VersfeldDirkCape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
VersfeldF.Cape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
VilliersAbraham Coenraad DeCape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
VilliersC. J. DeCape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
VilliersGeorge Warren DeCape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
VilliersJean E. R. DeCape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
VilliersRight Hon. Sir J. Henry DeCape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
VilliersJacob J. DeCape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
VilliersJan Jacobus DeCape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
VilliersPaul DeCape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
VilliersSeptimus P. H. DeCape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
VintcentAlwynCape ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
Van der MerweF. J.Cape LegislativeMen of the Times 1906View
Van HeerdenH. C.Cape LegislativeMen of the Times 1906View
Van RooyAntonie Charles AugusteCape LegislativeMen of the Times 1906View
Van ZvlH. S.Cape LegislativeMen of the Times 1906View
Van ZvlDr. J. A.Cape LegislativeMen of the Times 1906View
Van ZvlHon. Hermanus ChristaanCape LegislativeMen of the Times 1906View
VanesDr. Arthur BagleyCape LegislativeMen of the Times 1906View
VilliersHon. Jacob Nicolaas Pieter DeCape LegislativeMen of the Times 1906View
VoslooJ. A.Cape LegislativeMen of the Times 1906View
Van der MerweAndriesOrange River ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
Van der Merwe-OliviePhilipfus JacobusOrange River ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
Van HeerdenRev. Peter ShalkOrange River ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
Van IddekingeJean FrancoisOrange River ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
Van RietGideon JacobusOrange River ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
Van ZylJacobus PetrusOrange River ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
Van ZylJames StraatenOrange River ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
Van ZylPeter CorneliusOrange River ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
VersterGerrit PeterOrange River ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
VisserCornelius JohannesOrange River ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
VisserDr. Thomas ChristopherOrange River ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
VisserJohannes FrancoisOrange River ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
VoigtAnthon DiderichOrange River ColonyMen of the Times 1906View
Men of the Times 1906 Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.