Precis of the archives 1715-1806 Search : A
Year Surname Names Summary View
1715AlderszJanBookkeeper and Salesman in Company's service, arri ...View
1715Anna van Christiaan PieterszFemale Slave of the Company, had been a slave 28 y ...View
1715Aldertsz?Janis proposed as Elder at the Cape. See above and 17 ...View
1718AtesHendrikof 'S Heerenveen, asks to be appointed boatswain's ...View
1718AngeretGerritarrived as Freeman in 1701; asks for a passage hom ...View
1719AlbertszJanof Amsterdam, Sailor at f11 on the 'Uno,' asks for ...View
1719AppelJan Willemof Atterburg, junior surgeon on the 'Meijenburg,' ...View
1719AlmeesJanof Alkmaar, junior mate on the 'Leytsman'. (No. 63 ...View
1719AdamszPieterof Amsterdam, Sailor on the 'Voorburg,' made Sailm ...View
1719AndrieszPieterof Tonningen, burgher infantryman (Drakenstein). ( ...View
1721AldersJanmade Member of Orphan Board; Elder of Cape Church, ...View
1722AugsburgErasmusChief Sailmaker here, asks for the same salary as ...View
1723AckermanChristiaanarrived as Soldier in 1720 in the 'Purmerlust'; th ...View
1723AlenJohanna ElizabethWidow of the Assistant Joh. Cassimir Sonnius, pass ...View
1724AfslagerJan SymonszJunior Mate on the 'Margaretha'. (No. 83; date, ?. ...View
1724AdelaarJurriaanarrived as Sailor in 1705 in the 'Abbekerk,' belie ...View
1724ArtoisPaulusBurgher, requests the freehold of a house erf, whi ...View
1724ArtoisPaulusBurgher; similar petition to the above, with chart ...View
1724Anna van de CaapWife of the Burgher Jan Jansz van Beulen, mentions ...View
1724AldertszJanElected Elder at the Cape. (No. 109; date, 17th De ...View
1724AlbertijnAdamSucceeds Jan Ellewe as Koster at Stellenbosch. (No ...View
1726AugierSamuelOrdinary Engineer in the Service. (No. 24.)Pg no.:3; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1729-1732ArtoisPaulusburgher; owner of an erf in Table Valley, adjoinin ...View
1729-1732AllemanRudolf Siegfriedproposed as Member for the Orphan Board. (No. 34.) ...View
1729-1732ArtoisPaulproposed as Member for the Orphan Board. (No. 34.) ...View
1729-1732ArtoisPaulusproposed as Burgher Councillor; his Signature, 101 ...View
1729-1732AllemanRudolf SiegfriedSignature of. (No. 80.)Pg no.:3; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1732AbelRudolf Jurgenproposed as Member of the Marriage Board. (No. 124 ...View
1732ArtoijsPaulusproposed as Member of the Orphan Board. (No. 125.) ...View
1732AnselmeAb.Commander of the E.I. Ship 'Darby,' states that sh ...View
1733-1734AnselmeAb.Translation of the above. (No. 131.)Pg no.:3; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1733-1734AckermanJurgenproposed as Member of the Orphan Board. (No. 49.)Pg no.:3; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1733-1734ArtoisPaulusproposed as Member of the Burgher Council. (No. 50 ...View
1733-1734AmbuerenDirkAdelborst, likes to open a school here, to teach t ...View
1733-1734AllierDionysiusof Paris, arrived in 1728 in the 'Meijenburg' as s ...View
1733-1734ArtoisPaulusproposed as Burgher Councillor. (No. 98, and 1735, ...View
1733-1734AbelRudolph JurgenEnsign here, has appealed to Batavia against a ver ...View
1735-1736AalmeesCornelisThird Officer on the Admiral's ship 'Hillegom'. (N ...View
1735-1736Agraformerly slave of the Chinaman Dianzin; had bought ...View
1737-1738ArtoisPaulusproposed as Member of the Orphan Board (and No. 10 ...View
1737-1738AbelRudolph JurgenEnsign here (see above), asks for a passage hone; ...View
1737-1738Abraham van MacasserA free black. (No. 14.)Pg no.:4; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1737-1738AllemanRudolf Siegfriedproposed as Member of the Orphan Board. (No. 44.)Pg no.:4; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1737-1738AucamDiederikof Raden, arrived in 1727 in the 'Prattenburg' as ...View
1739-1740AckermanGeertjestates that her Mother, Maria Jansz Visser, had di ...View
1739-1740Annaof Dapoer, free black, asks for the manumission of ...View
1739-1740ArtoisPaulusproposed as Burgher Councillor (and Orphan Master, ...View
1739-1740AbelRudolf Jurgenproposed as Member of the Burgher Council. (No. 42 ...View
1739-1740AckermanJohannesa burgher. See Rebecca van de Cust. (No. 92.)Pg no.:5; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1739-1740AnderssenClasinaWife of Jacobus v.d. Spil, q.v. (No. 102.) 1741Pg no.:5; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1742ArtoisPaulusproposed as Burgher Councillor. (No. 59.)Pg no.:5; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1742Aronof Baly, free black, wishes to emancipate his slav ...View
1743Abdul Ragmansee Mitoe Abdulla. (No. 28.)Pg no.:5; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1743Abdulof Batavia, banished hither for some crime 26 year ...View
1743Agusof Java and Padan of Batavia, banished hither 10 y ...View
1743AndrieszHarmanusgunner's mate here. (See v.d. Schijff (Dirk), No. ...View
1744AsW. vanhis signature as Elder of Stellenbosch. (No. 110.) ...View
1744Agricultural Depression(See Farmers' troubles and difficulties, No. 30.) ...View
1744AndrieszRoelofof Groningen; arrived in 1742 as soldier in the 'N ...View
1745ArtoisPaulusproposed as Burgher Councillor. (No. 68.)Pg no.:5; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1745AckermanWillemof Stockheim, arrived as soldier in 1735 in the 'H ...View
1745Aaronof Ceylon, free black. (See Paul Keyzer, 53.) (No. ...View
1746AndrieszGeeleof Veenwoude; arrived in 1727 in the 'Huis Assenbu ...View
1746AalwijkAnna vanwidow of P.J. v.d. Heijde, q.v. (No. 9.)Pg no.:5; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1746AmeesterFrans Andriesof Bijlefeld, arrived in 1739 in the 'Crabbendijk' ...View
1747AndrieszHarmanusstates that his wife's Mother, named Cornelia, dau ...View
1747AuretJeremiasAssistant, wishes to remit his salary to Anthony v ...View
1747AdledaCarelSteward (hofmeester) in the Governor's house, wish ...View
1748ArentzEduardMinister of Stellenbosch. (No. 93.)Pg no.:6; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1748AuretJeremiasAssistant; married to the widow of the late Bookke ...View
1748AuretJeremiasAssistant, wishes to remit. (No. 13.)Pg no.:6; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1748ArendsenRev. EduardMinister at Stellenbosch, wishes to remit. (No. 30 ...View
1749ArtoisPauluswishes to emancipate his slaves David of Ambon and ...View
1749Alphensituated behind the 'Wijnberg'; its owner, Abraham ...View
1749AdledaCarelBookkeeper at the Company's Shambles, wishes to re ...View
1749ArendsenRev. EduardMinister at Stellenbosch, wishes to remit. (No. 32 ...View
1750AlbregtPaulusof Piflichem; arrived in 1744 in the 'Marsseveen' ...View
1750AckermanWillemburgher; asks for a passage home for himself, his ...View
1750AlbertszMatthijsof Leijpzig, arrived in 1729 as soldier in the 'Pr ...View
1750ArentsDirkassistant. (No. 17.)Pg no.:7; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1750AdledaCarelBookkeeper. (No. 25.)Pg no.:7; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1751AllemanNicolaas Anthonassistant. (No. 27.)Pg no.:7; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1751Arie of the Capeslave in the Company's lodge; wishes to be emancip ...View
1751ArtoisPaulusBurgher Councillor, asks for a building plot in th ...View
1752AndelLambertus vanUpper Merchant and late 'Fabrique' at Batavia; pas ...View
1752AllemanNicolaas Anthonwishes to transmit his pay accounts to Holland. (N ...View
1752AdledaCarel Maximiliaenwishes to remit. (No. 37.)Pg no.:7; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1752ArentzDirkwishes to remit. (No. 41.)Pg no.:7; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1752AsWillem vanEx-heemraad; mentions that to his surprise he had ...View
1752AndelLambertus van(see 1751, No. 104) requests, as his wife has been ...View
1752AlbregtJan Christoffelarrived in 1749 as soldier in the 'Crabbendijke'; ...View
1752AngelbeekJohan Gerard vanof Witmond, in East Friesland. Arrived in 1751 in ...View
1753Aurora of Rio de la Goafree black; wishes to manumit her slave Clara of B ...View
1753AuretJeremiaswishes to remit. (No. 17.)Pg no.:8; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1753Ameliadaughter of Mary, daughter of Zumeele, female slav ...View
1753AstenJohannes vanof Leijden, arrived as steward this year in the 'D ...View
1754AngelbeekJohan Gerard vanBurgher, wishes to leave with his wife for Batavia ...View
1754AdledaCarelBookkeeper, wishes to remit. (1755 No. 46, 1756 No ...View
1754AuretJeremiasBookkeeper, wishes to remit. (1755, No. 45.) (No. ...View
1754AndrieszHarmanusGunner of the Castle, wishes to remit. (No. 39.)Pg no.:8; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1754AdolphFrederickasks for a passage to Batavia. (No. 55.)Pg no.:8; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1755ArentsDirkAssistant, wishes to remit (1757, No. 27). (No. 70 ...View
1755AstenJohannes vanBookbinder. Wishes to remit (1763, No. 64.) (No. 1 ...View
1755AllemanNicolaas AnthonAssistant. Wishes to remit. (1758 No. 45, 1760 No. ...View
1755AppeldoornRev. JohannesMinister at Stellenbosch. (1757, No. 14) (No. 38.) ...View
1756ArendszHendrik Andreasof Oosterwijk, arrived in 1750 as soldier in the ' ...View
1757AdriaanszAgathawidow of the late gunner, Hermanus Adriaansz, wish ...View
1757AdledaCarelBookkeeper and Superintendent of the Company's Tim ...View
1757AstenJohannes vanDeputy Messenger of the C. of Policy, wishes to re ...View
1757AkkerhuijsCesarof Amsterdam, arrived in 1756 as soldier in the 'O ...View
1757AllemanRudolf SigfriedAssistant; wishes to re- (1758 No. 49, 1763 No. 82 ...View
1757ArendszMartenof Straalsond, arrived in 1742 as arquebusier in t ...View
1758AardenJohannes vanburgher; asks for a piece of ground near his farm ...View
1758AdledaCarel Maximiliaanof Frankfort, arrived as corporal in 1738 in 'Het ...View
1758AppeldoornRev. JohannesMinister at Stellenbosch, wishes to remit. (1759 N ...View
1758AljeDenijsof the C. of G. Hope, accepted into the service in ...View
1758AdamseJohanna Magdalenawishes to manumit her slave Henela Augustina of th ...View
1758Augustus of Bengalfree black; wishes to manumit his slave Clara of B ...View
1759AbrahamszJohannesfree black, married to Elizabeth Adamsz, formerly ...View
1759AssenJohannes vanDeputy Messenger of the C. of Policy, wishes to re ...View
1759AllemanNicolaas AnthonBookkeeper, wishes to remit. (1762, No. 80.) (No. ...View
1759ArendszDirkAssistant; wishes to remit. (1760, No. 75.) (No. 4 ...View
1759AdledaCarel MaximiliaanBookkeeper and Superintendent of the Company's tim ...View
1760AardenJohannes vanlessee of the Cape Wine and Brandy licence, wishes ...View
1761Antje of the Capefree black, wishes to manumit her slave, Salmon of ...View
1761AndreasJan Deowaldsoldier. Wishes to remit. (No. 54.)Pg no.:10; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1761AllemanRudolf SiegfriedAssistant, wishes to remit. (No. 82.)Pg no.:10; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1761ArendszDirkassistant and writer in the Slave lodge, wishes to ...View
1761AdledaCarel Maximiliaan(See 1759, No. 72.) Wishes to manumit his female s ...View
1761AndrieszRoeloffof Halmstadt; arrived in 1754 as arquebusier in th ...View
1762AbrahamiRev. Sijbrandusleft here last year by the 'Kievietsheuvel' in Fal ...View
1762AkkerhuijsenBarendof Amsterdam; arrived in 1759 as sailor in the 'Kr ...View
1762AndreasJan Deowaldof Grosgotteren; arrived in 1755 as soldier in 'He ...View
1762Anna of Dapoerdivorced wife of the burgher Carel Matthijs Meurin ...View
1762Apollus of Macassarfree black, wishes to manumit his slave girl, name ...View
1762Anna Jacoba of the CapeMistress in the slave lodge, wishes to emancipate ...View
1763AllemanNicolaas AnthonBookkeeper; Rudolf Sigfried Alleman, assistant; an ...View
1763AllemanN.A.and the others (see above, No. 191) wish to remit ...View
1763AllemanN.A.etc. (the same as above), wish to remit (No. 27.)Pg no.:11; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1763AllemanFrederick WillemAssistant; wishes to remit. (No. 46.)Pg no.:11; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1763AbelCarel FrederickSoldier; wishes to remit. (No. 87.)Pg no.:11; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1763AndrieszJanjunior Merchant; wishes to remit. (No. 90.)Pg no.:11; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1764AspelinkErik Gustaffof Leerbeek; arrived as soldier in 1758 in the 'Vl ...View
1764Annadaughter of Jacoba of the Cape, a slave in the Lod ...View
1765AlphenConstantiasurveyed for the ex-burgher Jan Serrurier (see Ser ...View
1765AdledaCarel MaximiliaanBookkeeper and Superintendent of the Company's tim ...View
1765AlesOltmanBoatswain on the hooker 'Neptunus'; wishes to remi ...View
1765AllemanRudolph SiegfriedAssistant, asks to be sent to Bengal. (No. 77.)Pg no.:12; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1766AdmiraalsAgathawidow of the burgher Barend Artois; Nicolaas Antho ...View
1766AkkerhuijsCesarburgher, asks permission to work his passage home. ...View
1766AlbregtJanof Idekinge, Merchant in the 'Jonge Thomas,' wishe ...View
1766AllemanRudolf Siegfriedwishes to manumit his Slave, Romana of Bengal; off ...View
1766AntonieJohannesburgher, wishes to manumit his slave, Eva of the C ...View
1767-1768Amarens of Bengalfree black, and widow of Augustijn of Bengal, wish ...View
1767-1768AntwerpenJacob vanof Gouda; arrived as soldier in 1763 in 'De Jonge ...View
1768-1770AdamusEverhardusof Weesel; arrived in India in 1753 in the 'Bloeme ...View
1768-1770AbelCarel Frederickof Coningsbergen; arrived in 1757 as soldier in th ...View
1768-1770Anna Jacoba of the Capewidow Volraad; wishes to emancipate her son, a sla ...View
1768-1770Anna Koddawishes to manumit his female slave, Kalister Boegi ...View
1768-1770AppelJacobusof Mentz, arrived as soldier in 1764 in the 'Vrouw ...View
1768-1770ArendseJohanna Adrianaseparated wife of the ex-superintendent of the Arm ...View
1768-1770ArtoijsBarend JacobWard of Orphan Master, who asks for him 'Veniam Ae ...View
1771AdriaantzFrederickfree black, wishes to manumit his slave girl, Leen ...View
1772AkkermanChristiaanof the Cape of Good Hope, arrived as soldier last ...View
1772ApleisOttmanboatman on the wharf; wishes to manumit his slave ...View
1773AkkermanChristman Joelburgher; submits that on the 21st March, 1703, an ...View
1773AlbregtJohan Valentijnof Melis, arrived as soldier in 1767, in the 'Noor ...View
1773AdledaCarel Maximiliaanof Frankfort on the Maine; arrived in 1738 as Corp ...View
1774Amarentia of Bengaldeceased; a free black. Her executor, Simon Willem ...View
1774ArlaudElizabeth MariaWife of the ex-chief Surgeon Frans de Vrije, submi ...View
1774AndriesseCornelisSkipper on the Hooker 'De ZPg no.:15; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1774AuretJeremiasof the Cape of Good Hope; entered the Service as C ...View
1775ArendszWillem Cornelisof the Cape of Good Hope, entered the Service in 1 ...View
1775AlesOltmanof Oldenburg; arrived as sailor in 1754 in the 'Ke ...View
1776AckermanChristiaan Michielof the Cape of Good Hope; arrived here in 1770 as ...View
1776AndriesseCornelisskipper in the Hooker 'De Zon,' permanently statio ...View
1778AegidiusMarcusof Flensburg; arrived in India as third officer in ...View
1778AbelbeckJohanburgher; asks for a passage home for himself, his ...View
1778AndreasJohan Diowaldburgher; asks for a passage out for his daughter, ...View
1778AndrieseCornelisof Zeet; left Holland in 1761 as boatswain's mate ...View
1779ArtoijsBarend JacobLieutenant of the 1st Company of burgher Cavalry h ...View
1780AsWillem vanof the Cape of Good Hope; arrived as passenger, la ...View
1780AllemanFrederik Wilhelmof the Cape of Good Hope; entered the Service as s ...View
1781AuretJeremiasburgher; asks for a plot of ground at Simon's Bay, ...View
1781ArendseJohanna AdrianaSeparated wife of Jochem Kannemeyer; wishes to man ...View
1781AernoutsJohan Wilhelmof Wassenberg; arrived in 1776 as soldier in the ' ...View
1783AuretJeremiasburgher lessee of the Cape wine and brandy licence ...View
1783AdriaanszCornelislate third officer on the China return ship 'Midde ...View
1783AllemanFrederik Willemasks for a plot of ground on this side of the Lies ...View
1783AardenJohannes vanSenior, asks for the freehold of a certain place, ...View
1784AntwerpenJacob vanof Gouda, Messenger of Swellendam; left Holland in ...View
1784AnthonyFransof the Cape; arrived in 1780 as arquebusier in the ...View
1784Aarbyfree black of the Cape, requests, with his sister ...View
1784AbrahamseJanof the Coast, free black, wishes to emancipate, on ...View
1784AuretJeremiastitular burgher ensign, asks for the grant of a pl ...View
1785AndrieszCornelisSkipper of the 'Jagt Rust'; wishes to take home hi ...View
1785AltenJohannesof Borkum; arrived in 1768, as sailor in the 'West ...View
1785AuretJeremiasburgher ensign (see above); lives at Simon's Town. ...View
1785Akierof Batavia, Chinaman; arrived in 1763, as an exile ...View
1786AndringaWatse Sibius yanNaval Lieutenant on the 'Catwijk aan Rijn,' asks f ...View
1786Auction salesA lot of goods received from home to be sold, as w ...View
1786AarssenCornelis vanJunior Merchant, left here by the 'Java' in conseq ...View
1786AccountsAuditing of the accounts by Magister Jacobus Joh. ...View
1786AboTogerNaval Captain, allowed to take with him to Holland ...View
1786Artilleristsfor reasons adduced by the Governor based on despa ...View
1786Amok runnerWhereas one of the Asiatics, serving as 'Caffres' ...View
1786AssignationsIn connection with the request of the widow of J.R ...View
1786AgulhasIn consequence of the disasters which befell the C ...View
1786ArtoijsBarend Jacobformerly ex-burgher Lieutenant here, now repatriat ...View
1786Asiaticsas Caffres - or hangman's helpers. The retiring an ...View
1786AndriessenFrederikex-first lieutenant of the 'Rosenburg,' detained h ...View
1787Agulhassee above - p. 1074. 1st November. - Du Miny repor ...View
1787AckerNicolaasNaval Captain, requests to delay here in consequen ...View
1787AckerNicolaassee above - asks to be permitted to continue his v ...View
1787AdriaansenCornelisNaval Lieutenant, left Holland in 1874 in the 'Sta ...View
1787AckerNicolaassee above. Arrived this year in the 'Diamant,'; al ...View
1787AdamseMarthinusSlave in the Lodge here, has been baptized, and as ...View
1788AddensJanMinister on the outward bound ship for Batavia 'He ...View
1788AgricultureMemorial of certain agriculturists, showing that f ...View
1788Artoijs'Magister' Barend JacobRepatriated. His agents, the ex-second chief surge ...View
1788AuretJeremiasburgher Ensign, had in 1780 and 1784 obtained from ...View
1788Aerssen'Magister' Cornelis vanSecretary to the Court of justice, made junior mer ...View
1788Artoijs'Magister' Barend Jacobsee above, No. 34 - as his money is lying idle in ...View
1788AardenJohannes Vanburgher, executor in the estate of his late mother ...View
1788AckerNicolaasCaptain on the ship 'Zoutman,' bound for Batavia, ...View
1788AsJoost Rijnhard vanCaptain of the first Company of burgher dragoons a ...View
1788AchmetPrince of Ternaten, having been released from. ban ...View
1789Augusteof Balij, as he is poor, asks for a free passage t ...View
1789AsimontSamuelassistant, left Amsterdam in 1787 as gunner in the ...View
1789Aprilof Macassar asks for a free passage (in consequenc ...View
1789AspelingJohannes Gustaaphleft for Europe in 1785 in the private Swedish ves ...View
1790AckermanWillem Adolpharrived as sailor in 1785 in 'De Gerechtigheijd'. ...View
1790AarssenCornelis vansee above, No. 60, 1788--appointed Secretary to th ...View
1790Assignationssee Remittances, No. 59; 1790. (No. 59 date, 2nd M ...View
1790AersenCornelis vansee above. Had bought from the junior surgeon at B ...View
1790AckermanWillem AdolfHis agent, Matthiam Hoffman, sub-lieutenant of the ...View
1790Armenian Padre Pavelae Alnianiean Armenian priest, arrived in the Genoese ship 'M ...View
1791AntwerpenJacob vanMessenger of the Swellendam Colony, entered the se ...View
1791ArendsJanskipper on the outward-bound ship 'Erfprins,' lyin ...View
1791ArendsJansee above - sends in a further requisition for his ...View
1791AckerN.skipper on the Company's ship 'Zoutman,' asks for ...View
1791AckerN.see above--asks for supplies and materials for his ...View
1791AnosiDavid Georgearrived in 1782 as sergeant in 'De Zeeuw,' and pro ...View
1791AndriessenGustaafof Weismerland, substitute Landdrost of Stellenbos ...View
1791AnreithAnthonsculptor in the service and appointed to the Trade ...View
1803Aerssen'Magister' Cornelis vanlate merchant and secretary of the Council of Poli ...View
1803AspelingJ.G.offers Government his services, as a duty he owes ...View
1803AdriaanssenCornelisJ'.s.son, of Middelburg in Zealand, has served the ...View
1803AspelingDirk Jacobushas for 15 years served at the judicial office, un ...View
1803AldersJ.P.On the 1st October, during the Revolution of 1783, ...View
1803AndrFrederik Christoffelarrived here as soldier in 1779, and made sergeant ...View
1803AegidiusMarcusburgher. Had formerly earned a reasonable subsiste ...View
1806-1807AckermanWillem Adolfa native of Arnheim. After 15 years' service on la ...View
1806-1807ArendszeFrederikshows that near Diep River, below the place of Her ...View
1806-1807ArendszeFrederikDutch original of the above. (Signed with a cross. ...View
1806-1807AspelingDirk JacobusAbraham Fleck, member of the Court of Justice; Joh ...View
1806-1807AspelingDirk JacobusDutch original of the above, with signatures. (No. ...View
1806-1807AspelingDirk JacobusMemorial of--stating that between the places of Me ...View
1806-1807AspelingDirk JacobusDutch original of the above, with signatures. (No. ...View
1715AuretJeremiashumbly sheweth that under the former Government he ...View
1715AuretJeremiasDutch original of the above, with signature. No. 1 ...View
Precis of the archives 1715-1806 Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.