Precis of the archives 1715-1806 Search : D
Year Surname Names Summary View
1753DieselJanburgher; Lessee of the Cape wines and brandies at ...View
1715-1716De LangeJacobusburgher at Stellenbosch and Drakenstein; also deac ...View
1715-1716De VriesHendrickCorporal of Cape Burghers. Succeeds Corporal H. Sm ...View
1715-1716De VilliersJacobappointed Elder of Drakenstein. (No. 11; date, 1st ...View
1715-1716Des PreeHerculesretires as deacon of Drakenstein; proposed as Heem ...View
1715-1716DaillyJeanelected as deacon at the Cape--(a Company's servan ...View
1715-1716DoessenCornelismentioned as Cape Deacon (No. 14; date, ?; exhib., ...View
1715-1716De RensJacobusproposed as Stellenbosch deacon. Made 'voorlezer' ...View
1715-1716DonkerHendrikmentioned as retiring Burgher Councillor. Proposed ...View
1715-1716De ChavonnesPieter Rocquesproposed as Member of the Orphan Chamber; a servan ...View
1715-1716Du ToitFranretires as Heemraad of Drakenstein. Retires as eld ...View
1715-1716Du BusonEstherwife of Godfried Stols, (q.v.) and widow of the la ...View
1715-1716De KoninkJanskipper of the old and leaky ship 'Vrijburgh,' who ...View
1715-1716De BaussaiHendrikof Rochelle; lance-corporal, in 1712, on the 'Bent ...View
1715-1716De ChavonnesMauritz Pasques deJunior; requests permission to enter the Service. ...View
1715-1716De MeijerPieterof Amsterdam. Arrived in India as 'Adelborst' in 1 ...View
1715-1716De MertsMijndert Barentsza Lutheran. Arrived in 1710 as sailor in the 'Thee ...View
1715-1716De ChavonnesPieter Rocques Pasquessee above. Applies for vacancy caused by resignati ...View
1715-1716De BruijnTheunismentioned as a man of straw, and without means. (N ...View
1715-1716D'AillyJeanarrived in 1708 in the 'Generale Vrede' as 'Adelbo ...View
1715-1716De BruijnBarend Janszof Amsterdam; sailor on the 'Barnevelt'; asks for ...View
1715-1716De HaanJacobmakes a similar request to that of De Bruijn. (No. ...View
1715-1716De MildeCornelisof Naaldwijk. Arrived in 1715 in the 'Bergh' as sa ...View
1715-1716DalgueIsacq'adelborst'; had been employed by Land. and H.H. a ...View
1715-1716De VilliersJ.signs as Elder of Drakenstein. (No. 145; date, 25t ...View
1715-1716DrakensteinKerkeraad ofask permission to build a new church. (No. 145; 25 ...View
1715-1716DurandJansigns as deacon of Drakenstein; (retires, No. 152. ...View
1715-1716Du PreeJacominawidow of the agriculturist Abraham Vivie (? r). (N ...View
1715-1716Du PlessisCharlesa burgher; seduces his wife's cousin, Elizabeth Vi ...View
1715-1716De la FontainJanproposed as elder at the Cape, and as member of th ...View
1715-1716DoessenCornelisretires as deacon at the Cape. (No. 150; date, ?; ...View
1715-1716De ChavonnesDominicus Marius Pasquesproposed as member of the Marriage board. (No. 155 ...View
1717De ChavonnesDominicus Marius Pasquesrequests that the order drawn up for the military ...View
1717De MeijerPieterVendu-master. Complains that many owe him money, a ...View
1717DelitzJan FrederikCorporal. Made sergeant. (No. 10; date, 1st Februa ...View
1717De SwartErnst Frederikmade burgher corporal. Had served the Company 16 y ...View
1717De WaalDavidassistant in the Company's service. (No. 23; date, ...View
1717De WitJanburgher of this Colony. (See also 1719, No. 24.) ( ...View
1717De la FontaineJanarrived in India in 1708 in the 'Belvliet,' and at ...View
1717De WetJacobus Wilhelmusof the C. of G. Hope. Assistant in the Pay office, ...View
1717De VrijHermanusof Amsterdam. Junior mate on the 'Schellenberg'. ( ...View
1717DouwePieter Ysbrandsdied as third officer of the 'Velserhooft'. (No. 5 ...View
1717De RoverArijarequebusier on the 'Velserhooft'. (No. 57; date, ...View
1717De WetJacobusskipper of the 'Westerdijkshorn'. Charged by Rev. ...View
1717De PreePhilipa farmer. Supplies Sergeant Treur-Met with sheep, ...View
1717DatisCeciliaWidow Du Mont. Supplies Sergeant Treurniet and peo ...View
1717D'AillyJoh. Godefridusminister. Arrived in 1707 in the 'Generale Vrede'; ...View
1717De WitJohannesburgher; requests the freehold of two pieces of gr ...View
1717De MeijerPieterhad an account with Landdrost Voet. At the Settlem ...View
1717De VriesHendrikbutcher. Complains that in consequence of the mort ...View
1717De LeeuwJacob Faaszchief carpenter on 'Het Vaderland Getrouw'--(decea ...View
1717De la BoscanjePieterof Enckhuijsen. Arrived in 1710 in the 'Brugh' as ...View
1717De GournSalomonarrived here as freeman in the 'Bevelant' in 1688. ...View
1717De WaalDavidof Middelburgh. Arrived as adelborst in 1714 in th ...View
1718DrakensteinChurch Council ofhad not succeeded in finding good clay for bricks. ...View
1718DouwHelenaWidow of the late Jacob Verhaijk. Had lost her hus ...View
1718De VriesFrederikmentioned as the son-in-law of John Phitus. (No. 5 ...View
1718DeckerAbrahamarrived in March, 1717, in the 'Duyno,' from India ...View
1718De BruijnIsaac Abrahamszof Amsterdam. Sailor in service of the Comp. At pr ...View
1718Du ToitF.Heemraad of Stellenbosch and Drakenstein. (No. 99; ...View
1719De VlamingPieterCaptain of the 'Una,' and shot when that vessel wa ...View
1719DartisJ.G.a company's servant. (No. 2; date, 24th January; e ...View
1719De KampJana company's servant. (No. 2; date, 24th January; e ...View
1719DirksBruna company's servant. (No. 2; date 24th January; ex ...View
1719De WitLamberta company's servant. (No. 2; date, 24th January; e ...View
1719DempersWillemof Middelburgh. Arrived in 1712 in the 'Raadhuis v ...View
1719De VriesHendrikheir to Maria Evers. (No. 15;. date, 28th February ...View
1719De MunnikReijnier Corneliszof Amsterdam; boatman on the 'Equipagie' Wharf; wi ...View
1719De NeckerAdriaansoldier at the Castle; arrived as such in 1711 in ...View
1719De ReneJacobusa testimonial form the 'Notables' of Stellenbosch ...View
1719De BensJacobusMemorial of; appears to have been suddenly summone ...View
1719De GraafGillisSkipper on the 'Lughtenhurg,' wishes to stay here ...View
1719De RooPaulusjunior Merchant on the 'Spieringh'. Had been allow ...View
1719De CatCornelis JanszSailor. Arrived in 1719 in the 'Raadhuijs van Midd ...View
1719De NethDirkjunior mate on the 'Rijksdorp'. (No. 84; date, 12t ...View
1719De BruijnPaulusof Rotterdam. Provisional third Mate on the 'Noord ...View
1719De MoffSimon Janszof Hoorn. Sailor on the 'Rijksdorp'. (No. 109; dat ...View
1719De ClerqAbrahamburgher dragoon. Stellenbosch. (No. 112; date, ?; ...View
1719Du ToitAndriesburgher dragoon. Stellenbosch. (No. 112; date, ?.) ...View
1719Du PlessisCharlburgher dragoon. Stellenbosch. (No. 112; date, ?.) ...View
1719Des PresPhilipburgher dragoon. Stellenbosch. (No. 112; date, ?.) ...View
1719DavermanGerritburgher infantryman. Drakenstein. (No. 112; date, ...View
1719De VosPieteris fined for absence from Stellenbosch Parade. (No ...View
1719De BruijnAdraan Adriaanszjunior Surgeon on the 'Loenderveen'. (No. 119; dat ...View
1719Drakenstein Kerkeraad ofsubmit list of new office bearers; mention that th ...View
1719De VilliersPieterproposed as deacon at Drakenstein. (See also 1720, ...View
1719DomanGabrielMade member of the orphan Board. (No. 140; date, 1 ...View
1719De SavoijeP.R.See Savoije. (No. 143; date, 19th December.)Pg no.:354; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1720DelitsJan FrederikMade member of the orphan Board. (No. 143; date, 1 ...View
1720De KatCornelis Janszof Haarlem; arrived as sailor in 1718 in the 'Raad ...View
1720Drakenstein Church ofStatement of revenue and expenditure for 1719. Bal ...View
1720DenickArijof Maassluijs; boatswain on the 'Soetigheijt'. (No ...View
1720De HaamTeunis Robbertszboatswain's mate on the 'Soetigheijt'. (No. 8; dat ...View
1720De RuijterDirkcaterer on the 'Samson'. (No. 13 date, 5th May.)Pg no.:355; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1720DouderstadtGodfriedof Rijnsdorff. Had since 1686 continually served t ...View
1720De St. JanBarthosecond surgeon in the Hospital; had left his wife ...View
1720Du ToitPieterSon of the ex-heemraad Francis du Toit; agricultur ...View
1720DeckerAbrahamassistant. (No. 37; date, ? exhib., ?.)Pg no.:355; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1720Dominusthe sick visitor mentioned as such. (No. 58 date, ...View
1720Du CastelAbrahamof Middelburg; second surgeon on the 'Samaritaan'. ...View
1720De St. JanBartholomeusarrived here in 1719 in the 'Meijnden' as junior s ...View
1720De LabuscagnePieter'Koster' of the Drakenstein church; in consequence ...View
1720De KoninkIsaacqof Sluijs, in Flanders. Junior mate on the 'Middel ...View
1720DasselaarChristiaanof Delft; Second sailmaker on the 'Goudriaan'. (No ...View
1720DrewesPieterlance corporal here; served here 8 years. Asks for ...View
1720Du ToitFranproposed as Heemraad for Drakenstein. (No. 115; da ...View
1720De VosWouterproposed as Heemraad for Drakenstein. (No. 115; da ...View
1721De ChavonnesPieter Roques Pasquesdispenser; proposed Member of the orphan board. (N ...View
1721DelagoaW.V. Taack and three others submit that not one of ...View
1721D'aillijSara Mariawishes to return to Holland. Was on her way with h ...View
1721De WitJanburgher; wishes to send a box to Holland. (No. 41; ...View
1721D'AillijDavidof Amsterdam; arrived in 1713 in the 'Generale Vre ...View
1721De HeereJanskipper on the 'Herstelde Leeuw'. Wife's name Corn ...View
1721De HaanJacobgunner's mate on the 'Amstel Veen'. Native of Amst ...View
1721De WolfCornelisboatswain on the 'Doornik,' (No. 55; date, ?.)Pg no.:357; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1721De JonghWillemboatswain's mate on the 'Doornik'. (No. 55; date, ...View
1721D'AillijRev. Johannes Godefridussubmits to the Kerkeraad a document signed by Adri ...View
1721Du ToitF.see Hottentot women. (No. 73; date, 9th September. ...View
1721De VosWoutersee Hottentot women. Heemraad of Drakenstein (1723 ...View
1721De JonghMartenof Venhuijsen; quartermaster on the 'Baanman'. (No ...View
1721De VreijAbrahamowner of an erf adjoining a plot asked for by Herm ...View
1721Drakenstein Kerkeraad ofreport that on the 4th September the Northern gabl ...View
1721De VilliersPieterDeacon elect for Drakenstein. (See also 1723, No. ...View
1721Du PliciJanDeacon for Drakenstein. (No. 97; date, 7th Decembe ...View
1721Drakenstein Kerkeraad ofstate that the council's reply to their request, ( ...View
1721De WaalJanproposed deacon of the Cape Church. (No. 101; date ...View
1721De LangeJacobusproposed Heemraad for Stellenbosch. (No. 106; date ...View
1721Du ToitFrancoisproposed Heemraad for Drakenstein, (No. 106; date, ...View
1721De VosWouterproposed Heemraad for Drakenstein, (No. 106; date, ...View
1721De SavoijePhilip Rudolfproposed member of the Orphan board. (No. 107; dat ...View
1722DelitzJan Frederikproposed member of the Orphan board. (No. 107; dat ...View
1722DonkerHendrikagent for Gov. W.A. v.d. Stel. (See v.d. Stel (W.A ...View
1722DonkerHendrikhad been burgher Councillor and Captain, and fille ...View
1722DickGabrielof the English ship 'Chandos'; wrecked here. (No. ...View
1722De WitGeertruijwidow of the burgher councillor, Hendrik Bowman; h ...View
1722De SavoijePhilip RudolfMember of the orphan board. (No. 81; date, 15th De ...View
1722De SavoijePhilip Rudolfproposed Member of the Marriage board. (No. 82; da ...View
1722DelitsJohan Frederikmember of the marriage board. (No. 82; date, 12th ...View
1722De WitJanmember of the marriage board. (No. 82; date, 12th ...View
1722De VriesHendrikproposed Elder of the Cape Church. (No. 83; date, ...View
1722De WitJanproposed Elder of the Cape Church. (No. 83; date, ...View
1722Du ToitFranproposed Elder of Drakenstein. (No. 85; date, 13th ...View
1722De VilliersJacobdeacon of Drakenstein. (No. 85; date, 13th Decembe ...View
1722DeurenDaniela fisherman. (No. 86; date, 22nd December.)Pg no.:359; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1722DempersWillemat present glazier in the service; asks for a refu ...View
1722De WaalJanSecretary of the burgher 'Krijgsraad' here. (No. 9 ...View
1722De LangeJacobusproposed heemraad for Stellenbosch. (No. 92; date, ...View
1723Du ToitFrancoisproposed heemraad for Drakenstein. (No. 92; date, ...View
1723Drakenstein ChurchRev. P. v. Aken notifies the death of the French ' ...View
1723De VriesJacobusson of the free butcher and burghers Hendrik de Vr ...View
1723De SavoijePhilip Rudolfproposed member of the orphan board. (No. 19; date ...View
1723Danish ship 'Graaf Larvik'Captain writes a similar letter to that written by ...View
1723De St. JeanBartholomeusarrived in 1719 in the 'Meijnden' as junior surgeo ...View
1723De HaasGeleijnskipper on the 'Patmos'. (No. 65; date, ?.)Pg no.:360; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1723De LabuscagnePieterasks for a plot of ground at the Paarl, adjoining ...View
1723De SavoijePhilip Rudolfcellar master. Member of the orphan Board. (1723-4 ...View
1723De La FontaineJanSecunde and Administrator. (No. 80; date, 31st Aug ...View
1723De PijperJanof Amsterdam. Sailor on the 'Opperdoes'. (No. 92; ...View
1723De VriesGerritof Leeuwaarden; gunner's mate on the 'Opperdoes'. ...View
1723De ConingAnnawife of Ex-Captain Olof Berg. (No. 94; date, ?.)Pg no.:360; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1723De VosHarmanusjunior mate on the 'Goudriaan'. (No. 99; date, 14t ...View
1723De HaasDirkthird officer on the 'Goudriaan'. (No.. 102; date, ...View
1723Den BrabanderAnthonijsick comforter on the 'Wolphaersdijk'. (No. 108; d ...View
1723DurandJanelected Elder at Drakenstein. (No. 121; date, 5th ...View
1724De LangeJacobuselected Elder for Stellenbosch. (No. 131; date, 13 ...View
1724DiephoutJanskipper on the 's Gravenhage'. No. 11.)Pg no.:360; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1724DeckerAbrahamBookkeeper and 'Overdrager'. (No. 25.)Pg no.:360; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1724De GrootArijof Delft; sailor on the 'Midloo'. (Second Vol., 40 ...View
1724De BruijnMichielsecond surgeon on the 'Castricum'. (No. 41.)Pg no.:361; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1724De VriesHendrikbutcher contractor. (No. 51.)Pg no.:361; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1724De HeereJandischarged from the service by the High Court at B ...View
1724DempersWillemarrived in 1720 in the 'Valkenisse,' as glazier; a ...View
1724DalgueIsaacqarrived as Adelborst in 1713 in the 'Nesserak'; si ...View
1724Du ToitFranretires as elder for Drakenstein. (No. 160.)Pg no.:361; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1724De VilliersDavidproposed deacon for Drakenstein. (No. 100; date, ? ...View
1724De VilliersJacobretires as deacon for Drakenstein. (No. 100; date, ...View
1724De LangeJacobusretires as Heemraad for Stellenbosch. (Signature.) ...View
1724Du ToitFranretires as Heemraad for Drakenstein. (No. 102; dat ...View
1724De VosWouterproposed Heemraad for Drakenstein. (No. 102; date, ...View
1724DeckerAbrahamproposed member of the marriage board. (No. 108; d ...View
1724De WitJanproposed member of the marriage hoard. (No. 108; d ...View
1724De VriesHendrikretires as Cape Deacon. (No. 109; date, 17th Decem ...View
1724DeckerAbrahamproposed as Cape Deacon. (No. 109; date, 17th Dece ...View
1724De SavoijePhilip Rudolfproposed as Cape Deacon. (Signature, 1737-8, No. 1 ...View
1724De WaalJanof Amsterdam; arrived in 1715 in the 'Doornik' as ...View
1724DiemerHendrikward of his brother-in-law, the ex-burgher Council ...View
1724De WetOlofgarrison bookkeeper; asks for the rank of junior m ...View
1724De VosW.Heemraad of Stellenbosch. (Signature.) (No. 19.)Pg no.:362; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1724De SwartErnst Frederikburgher; asks to be allowed to carry on a butchery ...View
1724Du PlessisJana resident at the Paarl. (No. 31.)Pg no.:362; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1724DisselJan Andriesof Oost Vriesland; arrived as soldier in 1720 in t ...View
1724D'AillijDavidof Amsterdam; arrived in 1713 in the 'Generale Vre ...View
1724Du ToitF.signature of. (No. 48.)Pg no.:362; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1724De MertsMijndert Barrensesignature of. (No. 48.)Pg no.:362; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1724De Grand PreezJosephusarrived in 1720 as soldier; made assistant in 1722 ...View
1724De Grand PreezJosephusarrived in 1720 as soldier in the 'Linschoten'; fi ...View
1724-1725DurandJeanretires as Elder of Drakenstein. (No. 68.)Pg no.:362; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1724-1725Du ToitPieterproposed as deacon for Drakenstein. (No. 68.)Pg no.:362; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1724-1725De LangeJacobusproposed as heemraad for Stellenbosch. (No. 71.)Pg no.:363; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1724-1725De SavoijePhilip Rudolphproposed as member of the Orphan board. (No. 72.)Pg no.:363; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1724-1725DelitszJan Frederikproposed as member of the Burgher Council. (No. 73 ...View
1724-1725De LangeJacobusretires as elder of Stellenbosch. (No. 74; date, 5 ...View
1724-1725De VosWouterproposed as deacon for Stellenbosch. (No. 74; date ...View
1724-1725DeckerAbrahamproposed as deacon for the Cape Church. (No. 75; d ...View
1726DunnP.(English document, undated, and unaddressed as fol ...View
1726DelitzJan Frederikproposed as member of the Burgher Council. (No. 3. ...View
1726De LangeJacobusproposed as heemraad for Stellenbosch. (No. 4.)Pg no.:363; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1726De WetOlofproposed as member of the Marriage board. (No. 5; ...View
1726De SavoijeRudolph Philipproposed as Member of the Marriage Board. (No. 5; ...View
1726De Grand PreezJosephusproposed as member of the Marriage board. (No. 5; ...View
1726De WetOlofproposed as member of the Orphan board. (No. 6.)Pg no.:363; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1726De Grand PreezJosephusproposed as deacon for the Cape. (See also 1737-8, ...View
1726De VilliersPieterproposed as deacon for Drakenstein. (No. 8.)Pg no.:363; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1726De VilliersJacobjunior; proposed as deacon for Drakenstein. (No. 8 ...View
1726Du ToitPieterproposed as deacon for Drakenstein. (No. 8.)Pg no.:364; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1726DuijfAndriesof Brandenburg; arrived in 1719 as soldier in the ...View
1726DiemerElbertof the Cape of Good Hope; a ward of the Orphan Cha ...View
1726De St. JeanBartholomeusarrived in 1719 as junior surgeon in the 'Mijnden' ...View
1726De La RoseJanarrived in 1723 as adelborst in the 'Middelwout'; ...View
1726DiemerAlexanderof the Hague; junior surgeon on the 'Steenhoven'. ...View
1727-1728De WitAnnamarries Rijnhard Joh. Wilters (q.v.), and proceeds ...View
1727-1728D'HuuctterMaximiliaana baker. (No. 4.)Pg no.:364; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1727-1728De la RocheJanburgher; asks for a butcher's licence for a year. ...View
1727-1728De RuijterLourensof Amsterdam; chief mate on the 'Elizabeth'. (No. ...View
1727-1728DeenikCornelisof Maassluijs; chief mate on the 'Amsterdam'. (No. ...View
1727-1728DalgueIsaakburgher; proposed as messenger of the Orphan Chamb ...View
1727-1728De VosWouterproposed Heemraad for Stellenbosch. (Signature, 17 ...View
1727-1728De LangeJacobusproposed Heemraad for Stellenbosch. (No. 31.)Pg no.:364; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1727-1728De WetOlofproposed as member of the Orphan Board. (No. 32.)Pg no.:364; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1727-1728De VilliersJacobjunior; proposed as deacon for Drakenstein. (And H ...View
1727-1728Du. ToitPieterproposed as deacon for Drakenstein. (And Heemraad, ...View
1727-1728De LangeJacobuselected Eider for Stellenbosch. (Signature, No. 81 ...View
1727-1728DelitzJan Frederikproposed as burgher councillor. (No. 36.)Pg no.:365; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1727-1728De Grand PreezJosephusarrived as soldier in 1720; became 5 years later f ...View
1727-1728DeckerAbrahambookkeeper. Assistant in 1718; made bookkeeper in ...View
1727-1728DitteAndriesof Hoornburg; arrived in 1727 as soldier in the 'P ...View
1727-1728De BeerAlettawidow of Daniel Thibault. Her signature. (No. 63.) ...View
1727-1728DelitzFrederikLieutenant in the burgher Cavalry; suffers from go ...View
1727-1728Den BreemsCornelisarrived this year (1728) as third officer in 'Den ...View
1727-1728De SavoijePhilip Rudolphproposed as Member of the Marriage board. (No. 77. ...View
1727-1728DeckerAbrahamproposed as Member of the Marriage board. (No. 77. ...View
1727-1728De SavoijePhilip Rudolphproposed as Member of the Orphan Board. (No. 78.)Pg no.:365; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1727-1728Du ToitPieterproposed as deacon for Drakenstein. (No. 80.)Pg no.:365; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1727-1728Du PlessisCharlproposed as deacon for Drakenstein. (Signature, 17 ...View
1727-1728De VosWouterproposed as Elder for Stellenbosch. (No. 81.)Pg no.:365; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1729-1732De SavoijeBarbara Theresiawidow of the late Elias Kino, and mother of Christ ...View
1729-1732De GoodeJacobusCorporal at the 'Ganse Kraal'. (No. 22a.)Pg no.:365; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1729-1732Du ToitPieterproposed as Heemraad for Drakenstein. (Signature, ...View
1729-1732DeckerAbrahamproposed as Member of the Marriage board. (No. 32. ...View
1729-1732De SavoijePhilip Rudolphproposed as deacon for the Cape. (No. 33.)Pg no.:366; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1729-1732DeckerAbrahamproposed as Member for the Orphan Board. (No. 34.) ...View
1729-1732De WitJanproposed as Burgher Councillor. (His signature, No ...View
1729-1732De WitJanBurgher Councillor; asks for a passage home for hi ...View
1729-1732De SavoijePhilip Rudolphof the Cape of Good Hope; arrived here in 1715 in ...View
1729-1732Death NoticesCape Kerkeraad report that in consequence of the n ...View
1729-1732DuijmelingMauritiusof Weimar; arrived in 1725 in the 'Castricum' as ' ...View
1729-1732DragoonsThe Burgher Military Council of Stellenbosch and D ...View
1729-1732De VriesPieter Matthijsburgher; heir of the late burgher Martinus Cramer, ...View
1729-1732D'AillyDavidproposed as deacon for the Cape. (See also 1733-4, ...View
1729-1732De VilliersJacobjunior; proposed as deacon for Drakenstein. (No. 7 ...View
1729-1732De VilliersPieterproposed as deacon for Drakenstein. (No. 70; date, ...View
1729-1732De SavoijePhilip Rudolphproposed as Orphan Master. (And Member of Marriage ...View
1729-1732De VosWouterproposed as Heemraad for Stellenbosch. (No. 74.)Pg no.:367; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1729-1732De WaalAlidaof Amsterdam; wife of Pieter Wannenburg (q.v.). (N ...View
1729-1732De HeereJanskipper on the 'Maria Adriana'; asks for a passage ...View
1729-1732De VilliersPieterelected Elder for Drakenstein. (Signature, 1735-36 ...View
1729-1732Du ToitStevenproposed as deacon for Drakenstein. (Signature, 17 ...View
1729-1732De VilliersDavidproposed as deacon for Drakenstein. (Signature, 17 ...View
1729-1732Du ToitAndriesproposed as Heemraad for Drakenstein, and deacon. ...View
1729-1732DeckerAbrahamproposed as Orphan Master. (No. 100.)Pg no.:367; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1729-1732D'AilleyDavidproposed as deacon for the Cape. (Signature, 1735- ...View
1729-1732De St. JeanBartho.Chief Surgeon at the Hospital; gives a certificate ...View
1729-1732De HennionJacobusproposed as Member of the Marriage board. (1735-6, ...View
1729-1732De WetOloffproposed as Member of the Orphan Chamber. (1733-34 ...View
1729-1732De WitJanproposed as Member of the Orphan Board. (See also ...View
1729-1732De WitJanproposed as Member of the Burgher Council. (1735-6 ...View
1729-1732De VilliersJacobproposed as deacon for Drakenstein (and Heemraad, ...View
1729-1732DeckerAbrahamelected Elder for the Cape. (No. 128.)Pg no.:368; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1733-1734De WetJoh. Carolusproposed as deacon for the Cape. (His signature, 1 ...View
1733-1734De WetOloffJunior Merchant, and garrison bookkeeper; reports ...View
1733-1734De WulfMatthaeusof the Hague; arrived in 1726 as soldier in the 'H ...View
1733-1734Den BreemsCornelisChief Mate on the 'Magdalena'. (No. 30.)Pg no.:368; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1733-1734De St. JeanBarto.Second Surgeon at the Hospital. His signature. (No ...View
1733-1734De WitThomasof New York; arrived as arquebusier in 1731 in the ...View
1733-1734De St. JanBartho.proposed as Member of the Marriage board. (No. 49. ...View
1733-1734De WaalJanof Amsterdam; arrived in 1715 in the 'Doornik' as ...View
1733-1734De WetOlofof the Cape of Good Hope; entered the Service in 1 ...View
1735-1736DisselJan Andriesburgher asks for a passage to Europe. (No. 108.)Pg no.:368; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1735-1736De WitChristoffelfather of Frederik de Wit, who asks for 'veniam ae ...View
1735-1736DessinN. Vanhis signature--see Kina (A.N.). (No. 32a.)Pg no.:368; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1735-1736De WetJoh. Carolusproposed as deacon for the Cape (and Marriage Comm ...View
1735-1736De SavoijePhilip Rudolfproposed as Orphan Master (and Cellar Master, 1741 ...View
1735-1736De BruijnNicolaasof the Cape of Good Hope; asks for 'veniam aetatis ...View
1735-1736D'AillyDavidof Amsterdam; arrived, but not in the Service (bui ...View
1735-1736De WetJoh. Carolusof the Cape of Good Hope; entered the Service in 1 ...View
1735-1736Du'MeeWilliamJunior Merchant on the provision ship 'Voorduiju'; ...View
1735-1736De Wet Oloflate 'Curator ad Lites'; asks to be excused from t ...View
1735-1736DambergenDavidof Manheim; arrived in 1730 in 'Den Dam,' as soldi ...View
1735-1736De VriesJacoba burgher. See Boetendag (C.D.). (No. 93.)Pg no.:369; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1735-1736DreebsJan Jurgenof Waldeck; arrived in 1733 in the 'Leijden' as so ...View
1735-1736DantePieter Danielof Maagdeburg; arrived in 1732 in 'Den Dam' as shi ...View
1735-1736De St. JanBarto.proposed as deacon for the Cape. (See also 1737-8, ...View
1735-1736De WetJoh. Carolusproposed as deacon for the Cape. (1737-8, No. 43.) ...View
1735-1736D'AillyDavidproposed as Member of the Marriage board; (propose ...View
1737-1738Du ToitPieterproposed Heemraad for Drakenstein. (See also 1737- ...View
1737-1738De VriesJacoba burgher. Wishes the Company to take over for the ...View
1737-1738De KokServaashusband of Susanna Van Boven (q.v.). (No. 21.)Pg no.:370; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1737-1738De PlooijMichielward of the Orphan Chamber; asks for 'veniam aetat ...View
1737-1738De VilliersAbrahamproposed as deacon for Drakenstein. (See also No. ...View
1737-1738De HennionJacobelected Elder for the Cape (and burgher Councillor ...View
1737-1738D'aillijDavidproposed as member of the Orphan board. (Book and ...View
1737-1738De VriesCornelisasks for the Manumission of the Company's slave in ...View
1737-1738De VijLeonorawidow or the late Nicolaas Jansz Mulder. (No. 89.) ...View
1737-1738Du ToitPieterproposed as Heemraad for Drakenstein. (No. 100.)Pg no.:370; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1737-1738DekkerAbrahamelected elder for the Cape. (See also 1739-40. No. ...View
1737-1738De WulffMatthaeusburgher; charged by the burgher officers with drun ...View
1737-1738De BrakCarelsee Ackerman (Geertje). (No. 116.)Pg no.:370; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1737-1738De JongeClaas Jonaszsee Ackerman (Geertje). (No. 116.)Pg no.:370; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1737-1738DoessenCorneliaasks for 'Veniam aetatis'; her mother's name is An ...View
1739-1740DoessenCatharina Corneliasame request as above. Signature of her Mother att ...View
1739-1740De WaalJanburgher. Asks for a plot of ground adjoining his p ...View
1739-1740De St. JeanBarthoproposed as deacon for the Cape (and orphan Master ...View
1739-1740Du ToitStevenproposed as deacon for Drakenstein. (Signature, No ...View
1739-1740De VilliersAbrahamproposed as deacon for Drakenstein. (Signature, 17 ...View
1739-1740De WetJoh. Carolusproposed as burgher councillor (and orphan master, ...View
1739-1740DomanHendrik Valentijnproposed as member of the Marriage Board. (No. 43. ...View
1739-1740De VilliersDavidproposed as heemraad for Drakenstein. (Signature, ...View
1739-1740De NeckerFranwishes to start a bakery. (No. 46.)Pg no.:371; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1739-1740De BruijnPieterburgher. (See also No. 84.) (No. 48.)Pg no.:371; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1739-1740Du ToitFrantoo poor to pay his lease rent. (No. 48e.)Pg no.:371; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1739-1740Du ToitPietertimes are bad; will pay his lease rent after the L ...View
1739-1740De VilliersAbrahamtimes are too bad; asks for time to enable him to ...View
1739-1740Du ToitAndriestimes are too bad,--cannot pay his lease rent. (No ...View
1739-1740DelportPietertoo poor to pay his lease rent. (No. 48e.)Pg no.:371; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1739-1740De SmitPieterof Bremen; assistant; wishes that the arrangement ...View
1739-1740De St. JeanBarthoSecond chief surgeon at the Hospital. (Signature, ...View
1739-1740D'AillijDavidjunior merchant and 'Soldij overdrager' (1742, No. ...View
1739-1740DessinNicolausbookkeeper and secretary of the Orphan chamber; as ...View
1739-1740De CooningMatthijsquartermaster at the wharf; asks for a passage out ...View
1739-1740DietsCarel JacobCorporal; of Bremen. (See also 1742, No. 36.) (No. ...View
1739-1740De CatCorneliswishes to emancipate his mother-in-law, Sarah of B ...View
1739-1740D'AillijDavidelected Elder for the Cape (and junior merchant an ...View
1739-1740De VilliersJanproposed as deacon for Drakenstein. (No. 107.)Pg no.:372; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1739-1740De WitJanproposed as burgher councillor (and orphan master, ...View
1739-1740De HennionJacobhis signature (proposed as burgher councillor, 174 ...View
1741De NijsAnnaMother-in-law of J.T. Guto (q.v.). (No. 113.)Pg no.:372; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1741De NickerFranwishes to open a bakery. (No. 1.)Pg no.:372; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1741De VriesHendrikburgher; wishes to remit some money of his late so ...View
1741DeckerAbrahamjunior merchant and ledger keeper; wishes to submi ...View
1741De ConingBarthelburgher; asks for a passage home. (No. 33.)Pg no.:372; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1741DeelaJohan Bernardof Eschweijse; arrived in 1735 in the 'Carssenhof' ...View
1741Dibbetz'Magister' Josiassee Orphan Master. (No. 39.)Pg no.:372; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1741De WitThomasa burgher; see Timendorf (J.F.). (No. 49.)Pg no.:372; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1741De WitPetrus Joh.of ?; arrived in 1736 as soldier in the 'Noordwadc ...View
1741De WetOlofelected Elder for Stellenbosch. (No. 51.)Pg no.:372; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1741De VilliersPieterelected Elder for Drakenstein. (No. 52.)Pg no.:372; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1741Du ToitAndriesproposed as deacon for Drakenstein. (No. 52.)Pg no.:372; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1741De VilliersJanproposed as deacon for Drakenstein. (No. 52.)Pg no.:372; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1741De HennionJacobelected elder for the Cape; (proposed as burgher c ...View
1742De WitJanburgher councillor--(his signature, see 1742, No. ...View
1742De WetJoh. CarolusEx-burgher councillor, wishes to open a butchery. ...View
1742D'AbbadieFranCaptain on the English E.I. ship 'Neptune'; lost t ...View
1742DrunkennessLanddrost Lourentz and Heemraden report that many ...View
1742De VriesDanielfarmer--see Cruijwagen (J.), No. 44. (No. 44.)Pg no.:373; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1742Du PreeHerculesproposed as deacon for Drakenstein. (No. 54.)Pg no.:373; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1742De WitPetrus Johannesproposed as member of the marriage board. (No. 57. ...View
1742De VilliersDavidproposed as heemraad for Drakenstein. (No. 58.)Pg no.:373; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1742Dalima of Macassarfree black; Executor in the estate of the discharg ...View
1742De VriesCornelisof Leeuwarden; arrived in 1720 in the 'Raadhuis va ...View
1742DelitszJan Federikwishes to open a bakery. (No. 4.)Pg no.:373; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1743DiemerChristinawidow of the Burgher-Councillor, Fred. Russouw, as ...View
1743De BrossaartCarel Isak Courtonnearrived here in 1741 unemployed, from Patria; wish ...View
1743Dipa NagaraPangerang, or Princehad arrived here with his followers in the 'Herste ...View
1743Derpa Wangsa and War Jaditaboth free Javanese; had for certain misdeeds, 18 y ...View
1743Djoa Djewa and Ombakfree Javanese; were banished hither 20 years ago f ...View
1743Daijn Toadaa free 'Boegis'; banished hither 5 years ago; asks ...View
1743Dangin of Balifree woman; had 5 years ago, for some crime, been ...View
1743De WetOlofwith other associates, asks for a concession for t ...View
1743De St. JeanBarthosecond chief surgeon at the hospital; wishes to re ...View
1743DeckerAbrahamof Amsterdam; junior merchant and ledger keeper; a ...View
1743DessinJoachim Nicolaas vanof Rostok; arrived in 1727 in the 'Ketel' as soldi ...View
1743Du PlessisJanSailor; possesses the required ability to teach th ...View
1743De WaalJanlessee of the Cape wine and brandy license at Rond ...View
1743De WitJanLieutenant of Infantry here; 66 years old; asks fo ...View
1743De JagerAndriessee Swellendam. (No. 102.)Pg no.:376; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1743DijkVansick comforter.--See Heresy--charge of--against. ( ...View
1743De WitIsabella and Johannadaughters of the Ex. burgher councillor, Jan de Wi ...View
1743De WetJoh. Carolusappointed Elder of the Cape Church. (No. 109.)Pg no.:376; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1744D'AillijJan Benjaminproposed as deacon of the Cape Church. (No. 109.)Pg no.:376; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1744DabijnGillesarrived in 1740 as Chief Mate in 'De Brak'; made s ...View
1744DoekumBarend vanMaster Ships' Carpenter; wishes to remit his salar ...View
1744D'AillijDavidJunior Merchant, and garrison bookkeeper. Wishes t ...View
1744Danish Ship(E.I. Company), 'Koning van Denemarken'.--Jacob Li ...View
1744Danish Shipsee above--the Memorial states that the Ship is un ...View
1744D'AillijJan Benjaminproposed as deacon for the Cape. (No. 65.)Pg no.:377; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1744De WetOlofElected Elder for Stellenbosch. (No. 66.)Pg no.:377; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1744De WetJoh. Carolusproposed as burgher Councillor (and Orphan Master, ...View
1745De WitPetrus Joh.retires as Marriage Commissioner. (No. 70.)Pg no.:377; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1745De CockAlexanderburgher; wishes to open a school to teach the youn ...View
1745Danish Ship'Koning Van Denemarken' (see above)--having receiv ...View
1745Distressed Condition of the burghersSee Burgher Council, 48. (No. 48.)Pg no.:378; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1745DijkBurgert VanJunior; had seen to his surprise that he had been ...View
1745DempersJohannesof C.G. Hope; asks 'Veniam aetatis'. (No. 61.)Pg no.:378; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1745Drakenstein ChurchDavid de Villiers Elected Elder, and Hercules du P ...View
1746De NijsAdriaanassistant; wishes to remit. (1747, No. 25; 1749, N ...View
1746De WitJanex-burgher councillor; asks for the free-hold of t ...View
1746Danish Ship'Koning Van Danemarken'--see above. The same memor ...View
1746DepnerJohan? Dippenaar--of Welau; arrived in 1735 in the 'Beu ...View
1746Dipa Nagara;Pangerangwishes to emancipate his female slave Roenga of Be ...View
1747De BoerMame Janszof Jeferland; arrived in 1735 in 'Het Land van Bel ...View
1747Drakenstein ChurchH. v.d. Merwe elected Elder, and Jan de Villiers, ...View
1747Dalima of Macassarfree black; wishes to emancipate his slave Dorothe ...View
1747DallenaEmeritus Wijnandusjunior mate on the 'Weltevreden,' now in False Bay ...View
1747DekkerHendrik Tijsseof Embden; arrived in 1742 as young sailor in the ...View
1748Drakenstein ChurchPieter du Toit elected Elder, and Dan. Russouw, An ...View
1748DeckerAbrahammerchant and ledger keeper; wishes remit. (1749, N ...View
1748DockumBarend vanmaster ships' carpenter; wishes to remit. (No. 22. ...View
1748De KoningDeborawife of the late harbour master, Jac. Moller; wish ...View
1748DithoffGenualdof Rijpen; arrived in 1727 as soldier in the 'Prat ...View
1748DiederigJan Ottoof Stierberg; arrived in 1729 in 'Het Huijs Assenb ...View
1749Drakenstein ChurchSteven Marais elected Elder, and Hercules du Pree, ...View
1749DeukmanHendrik Anthonyof the diocese of Munster; arrived in 1737 as sold ...View
1749DetgenNicolaas Willemof Bremen; arrived in 1745 in the 'Leijden 'as sol ...View
1750Drakenstein ChurchJan Blignaut elected Elder, and Pieter Strijdom, R ...View
1750De WaalCornelisasks for two pieces of land adjoining his farm Val ...View
1751Drakenstein ChurchPieter du Toit elected Elder, and Daniel Russouw, ...View
1751Dalima of Macassarex-female slave of the late Fiscal Daniel van den ...View
1751De WaalJanSenior,--asks for a piece of ground adjoining his ...View
1751DeeleBernardussee Hiebenaar (J.D.). (No. 40.)Pg no.:380; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1751De NickerPieterburgher; wishes to emancipate his slave, Sarah of ...View
1751De VilliersIsaacasks for a house-erf, situated in Table Valley; si ...View
1751De WaalArentasks for a house-erf situated in Table Valley; siz ...View
1751De WitJanex-burgher Councillor; asks for a building lot in ...View
1751De WitPetrus Johannesex-commissioner of Civil and Marriage affairs; ask ...View
1751De WaalJanburgher; asks as above. (No. 59.)Pg no.:381; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1751DijkBurgerdburgher; asks as above. (No. 63.)Pg no.:381; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1752Drakenstein Church CouncilChad Marais elected Elder vice Jan Blignaut; and v ...View
1752D'AillijDavidwishes to transmit his pay account to Holland; (17 ...View
1752De NijsAdriaanwishes to remit. (No. 14.)Pg no.:381; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1752DeckerAbrahamwishes to remit. (No. 23.)Pg no.:381; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1752DessinJoachim Nicolaus vanwishes to remit. (No. 26.)Pg no.:381; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1752De NijsAdriaanarrived in 1741 as quarter master at f14 per month ...View
1753Drakenstein Church Councilelects Pieter le Roux as Elder vice Pieter du Toit ...View
1753DessinJoachim Nicolaus vanwishes to remit. (No. 24.)Pg no.:381; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1753De VilliersRachelwidow of the late Anthony Faure; asks for a plot o ...View
1753DijkTobias vanasks for a piece of land adjoining his farm at the ...View
1753De VilliersDavidFirst Lieutenant of the Stellenbosch burgher Caval ...View
1753DreijerJohannes Augustusof the C. of G. Hope. Entered the service in 1739 ...View
1753Drakenstein Church Councilnotify that they have elected Pieter du Toit, sen. ...View
1753De JongeCatharina Elizabethasks for a plot of house and garden ground at Drak ...View
1753De NijsAdriaanbookkeeper; wishes to remit. (1756, No. 54; 1757, ...View
1753DessinJoachim Nicolaus vanjunior Merchant and Secretary to the Orphan Chambe ...View
1753DeijnhardJohan Michaelof Saxony. Arrived in 1749 as sailor in the 'Hercu ...View
1753DetkenNicolaas Willemburgher; wishes to open a bakery. (No. 73.)Pg no.:382; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1753DijkGijsbert van'Mandoor' of the Slave Lodge; wishes to remit. (No ...View
1755Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder Abraham & Villiers, vice Pieter Le ...View
1755DaalenSimon vanSkipper, and Braeckel Van der Kluijt (Mathias van) ...View
1755DempersJohannesburgher; asks for a piece of garden land adjoining ...View
1755Dinadaughter of Moor--a free black,--wishes to manumit ...View
1755De NeijsAlettarelict of the late Sea, Captain, Gerrit Rijndersz ...View
1756Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder, Wijnand Louw, vice Pieter du Toit, ...View
1756De VasserotDavid; Baronex-Lieutenant among the Swiss in the service of th ...View
1756Du MeeWillemJunior Merchant. Arrived this year in the return s ...View
1756DijkChristiaan Burgert vanagriculturist. Asks for a cattle farm situated at ...View
1756Dj ee Si-Ina Chinaman--wishes to manumit his slave, City of M ...View
1756D'AillijDavidis heir to his late sister-in-law, Susanna King, w ...View
1757Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder, David de Villiers vice Abr. de Vil ...View
1757DreijerAndriesof the C. of G. Hope; entered the service in 1753 ...View
1757De NeijsAdriaanmother's name Elsje de Ridder, widow of the late J ...View
1757DessinJoachim Nicolaas vanarrived in 1727 as soldier in the 'Keetel'; made a ...View
1757Dolphina of Bengalfree black,--wishes to manumit leer slave, Marcus ...View
1758Drakenstein Kerkeraadelect as elder Charl Marais vice Wijnand Louw, and ...View
1759Drakenstein Kerkeraadelect as Elder Roelof v.d. Merwe vice David de Vil ...View
1759DoetsteijnHans JacobProvost; wishes to remit. (1760, No. 86; 1761, No. ...View
1759DidelofHansof Holsteijn; arrived in 1753 as young sailor at f ...View
1759DeinenJan Frederikof Garsleeben; arrived in 1744 as soldier in the ' ...View
1759DrakeRogerjunior; The English ship 'Ilchester'--See under Wa ...View
1759David of Ceylonfree black, wishes to manumit his female slave, Le ...View
1759DelportPieterAgriculturist; asks for the freehold of a cattle f ...View
1760Drakenstein Church Councilelect Pieter Loret as Elder vice Charles Marais, a ...View
1760DirksenJanneyof Amsterdam; arrived in 1759 as corporal in 'De B ...View
1760D'AillijJean Benjaminbookkeeper; wishes to remit. (1761, No. 101; 1762, ...View
1760De NijsAdriaanjunior merchant; wishes to remit. (No. 78.)Pg no.:386; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1760Drakenstein Church Councilelect as. Elder Pieter du Toit, jr., vice Roelof v ...View
1761DroskijGodfriedCornet and adjutant of the Swellendam burgher Drag ...View
1761DanielJohannesGun locksmith wishes to remit. (1762, No. 17.) (No ...View
1761De WetOloff Godliebassistant; wishes to remit. (No. 44.)Pg no.:386; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1761De NijsAdriaanJunior Merchant and Post holder, in False Bay; wis ...View
1761Drouetdeex-cashier in the service of the French E.I. Compa ...View
1761DuijvelandePieter Willemsz vantester of the Company's Cattle at Batavia, and son ...View
1761DirkSon of Helena, daughter of Leisblom, slave in the ...View
1761DessinJoachim Nicolaas vandeceased. Orphan Masters submit extract from his W ...View
1762Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder Francois Retief, vice Pieter Loret, ...View
1762DieffenbachJohan LourensSergeant; wishes to remit. (No. 1.)Pg no.:387; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1762DanielJohannesof Tweebrugge; arrived in 1757 as soldier in the ' ...View
1762DanielJohannesburgher; wishes to manumit a certain slave boy amo ...View
1763Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder Roelof v.d. Merwe, vice Pieter du T ...View
1763Daniel of the Capeprays to be permitted to manumit his slave sister, ...View
1763Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder Dan. Russouw, vice F. Retief, and n ...View
1763DieshaarHendrikwishes to manumit his slave, Rosina of Batavia, an ...View
1764DragoFranciscoof Castelrave; left in 1755 as arquebusier in the ...View
1764D'AillijJean Benjaminbookkeeper at the Company's Shambles; wishes to re ...View
1764D'AillijJoh. PetrusSoldier; wishes to remit. (No. 100.)Pg no.:388; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1764DietloffJan AndriesJunior Merchant, repatriating; requests permission ...View
1764DietloffJan Andriesarrived here in the return ship 'De Burg,' lately ...View
1764Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder Thomas Arnoldus Theron, vice Roelof ...View
1765DeventerWillem Willemsz vansee Willemsz (Willem), 1764, No. 191. (No. 191.)Pg no.:388; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1765DitleffHans DiderikSoldier; wishes to remit. (No. 13.) Dessin (Joachi ...View
1765DijkJan Cornelisz vanentered the service as soldier in 1740. Asks for b ...View
1766Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder Pieter Loret, vice Dan. Russouw, an ...View
1767-1768Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder J. Blignault, vice T.A. Theron, and ...View
1767-1768Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder Jan de Villiers, vice P. Loret, and ...View
1768-1770Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder Paul Roux, vice Jan Blignault, and ...View
1768-1770Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder R. v.d. Merwe, vice Jan de Villiers ...View
1768-1770David of Ceylonfree black; wishes to manumit his little slave boy ...View
1768-1770Dorothea of the CapeSee Doeksteen (Jacob), No. 103, below. (No. 103.)Pg no.:389; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1768-1770DoeksteenHans JacobProvost; wishes to manumit his slave, Dorothea of ...View
1768-1770DuuringDaniel Nicolaasburgher; wishes to teach the young reading, writin ...View
1768-1770DuuringDaniel NicolaasKerkeraad report him to be fit for the duties. (No ...View
1768-1770DuvenaarAbrahamof Stettijn; arrived in 1765 in the 'Nieuw Nieuwer ...View
1768-1770Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder Pieter Loret, vice Paul Roux, and n ...View
1768-1770DooijemaJan Wibrandusof Leeuwaarden; arrived as soldier in 1759 in the ...View
1768-1770Du VinageAbrahamburgher; wishes to open a bakery. (No. 2.)Pg no.:390; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1768-1770Dolahimtime-expired convict,--wishes to manumit his femal ...View
1768-1770DuurveldtPetrus Bernhardusordinary clerk on the 'Nieuwenhoon'; wishes to tak ...View
1771DesselaarWillemof 'Pruijsminde'; cook on the return ship 'Ridderk ...View
1771Davidson of Grisella of the Cape, a slave in the Lodge; ...View
1771Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder Thos. Arnoldus Theron, vice R. v.d. ...View
1772DanielszChristoffelfree black; wishes to manumit his slave, November ...View
1772Dolphina of Bengalfree black; wishes to manumit her slave, Domingo o ...View
1773Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder Jac.. Marais, vice P. Loret, and no ...View
1773DroskijGodfriedLieutenant of the 2nd Burgher Dragoon Company of S ...View
1773Dina of Bimawidow of Claas Jonas; wishes to manumit her slaves ...View
1774Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder Jan Blignault, vice Thomas Arnoldus ...View
1774DaghHendrietta Helenaof Hamburg; arrived last year in the 'Asia' as ser ...View
1774DreijerSarawidow of the Pyrotechnist extraordinary, Johannes ...View
1774Daing Mannerangwishes to manumit his slave Letjong of Bali, on co ...View
1774David of Ceylonfree black; wishes to manumit his slave, Adolph of ...View
1774Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder Wentzel Christoffel Coetzer, vice J ...View
1774DudemeneBCommander of the French Snow, fitted out by Mons. ...View
1774DisselJan Philipof Bikkenbag; arrived in 1769 as soldier in the 'W ...View
1774Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder Isaac Nel, vice Jan Blignault, and ...View
1776D'AillijDavid Benjaminwishes to open a bakery. (No. 104.)Pg no.:392; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1776Du VinageAbrahamburgher; wishes to open a bakery. (No. 11; date, 1 ...View
1776De LilleCarel Matthijs WillemLieutenant of the Castle; refers to a certain obli ...View
1776De VilliersDavid deJan Pieter's son; second Lieutenant of the burgher ...View
1778Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder Daniel du Plessis, vice Wentzel Chr ...View
1778DeegJohan Wilhelm Lodewijkof Isvelt; arrived in 1772 as soldier in the Hooke ...View
1778DervelingMichielof Halberstad; arrived in 1769 as soldier in the H ...View
1779Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder Joh. Petrus Roux, vice Daniel du Pl ...View
1779Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder Pieter Blignault., vice Pieter de V ...View
1779DeegJohan Willemburgher; wishes to repatriate. (No. 27; date, 28th ...View
1779Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder, Pieter de Villiers, Sr., vice Joh. ...View
1782Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder Joh. Petrus Roux, vice Pieter Blign ...View
1782DanielszPieter Jacobszasks for the grant of a piece of land in the Frenc ...View
1782DieffenbaghGeorge Hendrikof Neederliedenbaet; arrived in 1772 as soldier in ...View
1783Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder, Stephanus du Toit, vice Pieter de ...View
1783DeventerCornelis vanjunior mate on the ship 'Batavia'; asks permission ...View
1783DeventerCornelis vansee above. Asks for his discharge, and permission ...View
1783David of Ceylonfree black; wishes to manumit his female slave, Ag ...View
1783Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder, Pieter de Villiers, senior, vice J ...View
1783DeneijsJacob Pieterprovisional merchant, and lately Commander at Sadr ...View
1784DitmarGabrielex-buildings' Surveyor; arrived from Batavia in 17 ...View
1784DribergCarol vonpassenger on the return ship 'Willem de Vijfde' fr ...View
1784DribergFrederik Willem vonMilitary Ensign, passenger as above; wishes to del ...View
1784De LettreFranbutler's mate on the ship 'La Sirene' ('Meermin'), ...View
1784DijkmanBarendCooper; wishes to manumit his slave, named Christi ...View
1784DahlWilhelm Grodfriedrequisitions for supplies for his Ship, 'De Swarte ...View
1784DempfleJosephjunior surgeon at False Bay; wishes to emancipate ...View
1784Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder, David de Villiers, Jan Pieter's so ...View
1785DragoFransburgher; wishes to open a bakery. (No. 133.)Pg no.:395; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1785Du Toit's KloofJosua Joubert, Gideon's son, Heemraad for Drakenst ...View
1785Dianadaughter of Klijntje, slave in the Lodge, has been ...View
1785DekkerikJan HendrikJunior Mate on 'Het Huijs te Spijk'; asks for a fr ...View
1785DomusPieterFirst Chief Surgeon of the Government; submits tha ...View
1785De BonnaireJeanwishes to manumit his slave, Rosalie of the Coast, ...View
1785DunkelCasper Leopoldof Kiesper; obtained permission from the Middelbur ...View
1786Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder, Abraham Josua Le Roux, P. son, vic ...View
1786Du MinieFrancoisDuminij--Naval Captain; described by the Governor ...View
1786DirectorsAs urged by the Directors, the Council proceeds to ...View
1786DuminijFranNaval Captain; see Harbour master. (p. 794; date, ...View
1786DomisJohannes Franjunior merchant; left ill here by the 'Holland' on ...View
1786De LangeHendrikskipper of the 'Rosenburg'; dies on the voyage, an ...View
1787De Meuron In reply to the question of the Directors, dated 2 ...View
1787DebonaireJeanHis Executors, the titular Merchant and first swor ...View
1787De WetPieterJacobus' son; wishes to open a bakery. (No. 21.)Pg no.:398; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1787De VilliersFranswishes to open a bakery. (No. 22.)Pg no.:398; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1787DoeckersWillemChief Surgeon of the late War Ship 'Holland,' wrec ...View
1787Du PuitsJosephex-Chief Surgeon at Cochin, left Punto Gale for Pa ...View
1787DubbrickSalomonMilitary Ensign; left Ceylon in the ship 'Paarl,' ...View
1787DanckelmanWidowon her way from Bengal to Holland, she left here a ...View
1787DuminijFranexpresses his feelings of disappointment, etc., be ...View
1787DomusPieterof Middelburg; first chief Surgeon in the Hospital ...View
1788Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder, Joh. Petrus Roux, vice Abraham Joz ...View
1788D'Aubertin(Sub-Lieutenant in the Luxemburg Regiment), repatr ...View
1788DiehlJohan Philiparrived as soldier in 1770 in the 'Bertha Petronel ...View
1788D'Aubertin(see above, No. 32); sends another Memorial statin ...View
1789DoesCornelis Van derAssistant on the outward bound Ship 'Horslen'; is ...View
1789DuminijFranhad in 1783 as naval Captain on the frigate, the ' ...View
1789DuurkoopSimon Coenraadjunior merchant on the 'Vredenburg'; wishes to del ...View
1789DoesCornelis van derassistant; arrived last year in the 'Horssen' as a ...View
1789DuminijFransea Captain; asks for the grant of a plot of groun ...View
1789DuurkoopS.C.see above--wishes now to leave with his sister and ...View
1789DuminijF.See above.--Since the Directors disapproved of his ...View
1789DoesC. v.d.see above.--Having been permitted to return home w ...View
1789DonkelCasper Leopoldasks for a strip of ground, a morgen in extent, in ...View
1789DriekoppenJan de Goede, burgher, went to live in a house on ...View
1789DrillingerJan EverwijnCaptain in the States' Navy; arrived here in the W ...View
1789Diepe RivierJan Willem Wernick wishes to have a proper recogni ...View
1789Diepe RivierJan Willem Wernick wishes to have a proper recogni ...View
1789DomusPieterlate first chief surgeon in the Hospital here; ent ...View
1789Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder Pieter Blignault, Senior, vice Joh. ...View
1790Drakenstein's School Master and 'Voorlezer,'Johannes Krugel--see Resolution, 11th December, 17 ...View
1790DijkemanHendrikBoatswain on the 'Zeeland'; wishes to have his box ...View
1790DuminijFranSea Captain in the Service; was enabled to see fro ...View
1791DunilacC. Dubirewishes to proceed to Europe in the Packet Boat now ...View
1791DozijRoelof JacobusSupercargo in the Company's trade with China; show ...View
1791DeneijsJacob PieterMerchant in the Service, and 'pro interim' Fiscal, ...View
1791DielJohannesof Eppingen; arrived as young sailor in 1787 in th ...View
1791DanielJohannes Cornelisborn here; entered the Service in 1789 as soldier ...View
1791DanielJohannes CornelisAssistant without pay, and born here, wishes to re ...View
1791DhenBernard Wilhelm VonMajor in the Wurtemburg Regiment, arrived here as ...View
1791DijkJan Joseph vanWriter on the Ship 'Java,' has from his youth suff ...View
1791De Neijs'Magister' Jacob PieterPg no.:409; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1791De VilliersFranshaving become, through a combination of unfortunat ...View
1791De BruijnJanof Sabaar; sailor. Has been 30 years in the servic ...View
1791Drakenstein Church Councilthehave dutifully responded to your instructions of t ...View
1791Drakenstein Church Councilelect as Elder, Schalk Willem Van Eder Merwe, vice ...View
1803DhenB.W. VonMajor in the Wurtemburg Regiment. Complains of the ...View
1803D'AillijJan Benjaminresident in this colony, shows how his ancestors, ...View
1803D'AillijJan BenjaminDuplicate of the preceding Request (No. 42). (No. ...View
1803DekenahK.C.boatswain on the Equipment wharf. (Signature.) (No ...View
1803DriebeijnFrederik Wilhelmarrived in 1779 in 'Het Huijs to Bijweg,' and rema ...View
1803De VriesJuriaanoccupying the place called 'De Oude Windmolen' on ...View
1806-1807De VriesJuriaanDutch original of the above. (No. 125.)Pg no.:411; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1806-1807De VilliersAbraham Paulsubmits that when under the former Government, Mes ...View
1790de Jonge FrankMinute of its ship's Council. As the captain-Lieut ...View
1729-1732DrugelMatthijsproposed as Heemraad for Drakenstein. (No. 76.)Pg no.:629; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1786de Jonge FranckMutineers on the hired shipPg no.:796; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
Precis of the archives 1715-1806 Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.