Precis of the archives 1715-1806 Search : E
Year Surname Names Summary View
1806-1807EvertsAbrahamAgriculturist; mentioned as the husband of the wid ...View
1806-1807EksteenHendrik Oostwaltburgher and agriculturist; buys a vessel, and requ ...View
1806-1807EdenbroekDanielBurgher; owner of a house and garden in Table Vall ...View
1717ElsevierSamuelliving in Holland. Mentioned by the Rev. H. Beck a ...View
1717EbbenaarPhilipLance Corporal on the 'Meijnden' at f12. (No. 72; ...View
1717EsserIsaacof Amsterdam. Had been unfortunate in business in ...View
1718EksteenHendrik Oostwaltfisherman at Saldanha Bay; asks permission to buil ...View
1718ElleweeJoanmade 'Koster' at Stellenbosch. (No. 56; exhib., 26 ...View
1718EsserIsaachas for some time successfully carried on a wine b ...View
1719EksteenHendrik Oostwaltburgher; asks for a strip of ground adjoining his ...View
1719EbelN.a Company's servant. (No. 2; exhib., 24th January. ...View
1719EmmerickCarl Abrahama Company's servant. (No: 2; exhib., 24th January. ...View
1719EckkertDaniela Company's servant. (No. 2; exhib., 24th January. ...View
1719EngelsEngela Company's servant. (See also 1720, No. 86a) (No. ...View
1719EngelbertPa Company's servant. (No. 2; exhib., 24th January. ...View
1719EversMariadeceased; leaves two children, Maria and Evert. (N ...View
1719EvertszJurriaanof Hoorn; sailor on the 'Rijksdorp'. (No. 110; exh ...View
1719EvertszCornelisburgher infantry man, (Stellenbosch). (No. 112; ex ...View
1719EggertsJanof Flensburg; burgher infantry man, (Stellenbosch) ...View
1719EggertsMatthijsof Elberfeld; burgher infantry man, (Stellenbosch) ...View
1719ErasmusPieterburgher infantry man, (Drakenstein). (No. 112; exh ...View
1720EversdijkHendrikarrived as 'Adelborst' in 1716 in the 'Bentvelt'; ...View
1720ElsevierJohanna Constantiawife of Rev. Henricus Bek; proceeds to Europe; all ...View
1720EelderszeCornelisarrived in 1720 in the 'Amasone' as lance-corporal ...View
1720EijldersEbeof Hoogkerke - during life soldier in the Castle. ...View
1720EksteenHendrik Oostwaldburgher. (See wine lessee.) (No. 90; exhib., 3rd S ...View
1721EsserIsaacqburgher. (See wine lessees.) (No. 90; exhib., 3rd ...View
1721EksteenHendrik Oostwaldasks for the grant of a piece of ground adjoining ...View
1721EsserIsaaqwine lessee. (No. 72; exhib., ?.)Pg no.:413; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1721EsserIsaaqproposed member of the marriage board. (No. 99; ex ...View
1721EksteenHendrik Oostwaltproposed member of the burgher Council. (No. 100; ...View
1722EksteenHendrik Oostwaltproposed member of Orphan Board. (Retires, 1723, N ...View
1722EversdijkHendrikhusband of Engela Valk, burgher; wishes to return ...View
1722EksteenHendrik Oostwaltproposed as burgher councillor, re-proposed 1723, ...View
1723EsserIsaacmade burgher sergeant here. (No. 90; exhib., 1st F ...View
1723English East India shipsCaptains and Supercargoes complain that they canno ...View
1724EffenmeijerJan Jacobof Erfurt; cook's mate on the 'Goudriaan'. (No. 99 ...View
1724EngelsmanJ.boatswain of the wrecked ship 'Schoonenberg'. (No. ...View
1724ErasmusPietera farmer resident near the 'Groenekloof'. (No. 54f ...View
1724EngelsenCornelisMerchant in the service; permitted by the Governme ...View
1724EekhoffHendrikmentioned as owner of land in Drakenstein. (No. 73 ...View
1724ElleweJanretires as 'Koster' at Stellenbosch, and is succee ...View
1724EksteenHendrik Oostwaldproposed as member of the Orphan Board. (No. 72.)Pg no.:414; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1726EksteenHendrik Oostwaldproposed as member of the Burgher Council. (No. 73 ...View
1727-1728EksteenHendrik Oostwaldproposed as member of the Orphan Board. His signat ...View
1727-1728EksteenHendrik Oostwaldwishes to send a box to Holland. (Signature, No. 7 ...View
1727-1728EksteenHendrik Oostwaldproposed as burgher Councillor. (No. 36.)Pg no.:415; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1729-1732EeldersCornelisproposed as member of the Marriage Board. (Do., 17 ...View
1729-1732EelersChristinadaughter of the late Barbara Theresia de Savoije, ...View
1729-1732EversdijkHendriklessee of the Rondebosch wine licence; asks permis ...View
1729-1732EeldersCornelisof Amsterdam; arrived in 1720 in the 'Amasoone,' a ...View
1729-1732EngelbregtJanof Amsterdam; arrived in 1717 as soldier in the 'L ...View
1729-1732EksteenH.O.proposed as Orphan Master (No. 100, and as burgher ...View
1729-1732EksteenH.O.proposed as member of the Orphan Board. (1733-4, N ...View
1733-1734EksteenH.O.proposed as member of the burgher Council. (1735-3 ...View
1733-1734ErnstChristiaanof Frederikstad; arrived in 1723 as soldier in the ...View
1735-1736EeldersCornelisproposed as Orphan Master. Signature. (1735-36, No ...View
1735-1736ElardLibregtof Bergen op den Zoom; arrived in 1729 as soldier; ...View
1737-1738EurgChristiaanof Frefort; arrived in 1729 as soldier in the 'Com ...View
1737-1738Esperanfree black; wishes to manumit her slave, Augustus ...View
1739-1740EijselegeChristoffelof Saxen Eijsenach arrived in 1736 in the 'Castric ...View
1739-1740EensAugust Willemof Wolffenbuttel; arrived in 1735 as soldier; asks ...View
1739-1740Elsie Mulderfree black; asks for the manumission of her daught ...View
1739-1740English shipThe Supercargoes of the English ship 'Defence,' no ...View
1739-1740English East India return shipsJames Houghton,. chief mate on the 'Haesselingfiel ...View
1742English beerThe lessee of the Cape Malt beer, H.J. Monk (q.v.) ...View
1743English shipsCaptains Thos. Brown, Steven Cobham, Robt. Cumming ...View
1744EksteenHendrik Oostwaldproposed as member of the Marriage Board. (No. 114 ...View
1744EsAletta vanwidow of Steven Vermeij; asks for the grant of the ...View
1745EksteenHendrik Oostwaldex-burgher councillor; deceased; wife's name Alida ...View
1745ElersJan Hendrikof Straalsond; arrived in 1735 in the 'Ooostrust' ...View
1745English return ship 'King William,'Captain Joseph Philips, - lost her main and fore m ...View
1745English war ships and East IndiamanThe Captains of the war ships 'Harwich' and 'Winch ...View
1745English East Indiaman 'Pelham;'Captain William Wells. Her Commander asks to be su ...View
1746EijskampGerritof Amptheijl; arrived in 1735 as soldier; appointe ...View
1746EsbeekGeorge Lodewijk Ernst vanarrived in 1740 as soldier in 'De Visch'; asks for ...View
1746EermeijerJan Harmanof Swallenburg; arrived in 1736 in the 'Castricum' ...View
1747EngelaarJurgen Hendrikof Muiden; arrived in 1738 as soldier in the 'Beuk ...View
1747EckertMartensoldier; wishes to remit. (No. 17.)Pg no.:418; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1747EldenAnsem vangunner; wishes to remit. (No. 34.)Pg no.:418; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1748English East India Company's shipsThe captains, in the name of the supercargoes, etc ...View
1748EgtenSalomon vanRev. - wishes to remit. (Do., 1749, No. 13; and 17 ...View
1749EurbergFrikof Wester Noorlandt in Sweden; arrived in 1742 as ...View
1749EldersJoust Barendof Paterborn; arrived in 1740 as soldier in the 'O ...View
1749EckertMartenof Perlingen in the Palatinate; arrived in 1744 as ...View
1749EermeijerHarmonburgher; finds that his slave, Jephtha of Bougis, ...View
1750ElleweeHendrik vanof the Cape of Good Hope; appointed last year (174 ...View
1751Elizabeth(daughter) of Simosia of the Cape, begs that her d ...View
1752EngelaJurgen HendrikBurgher; asks for a building plot in the newly-sur ...View
1752EchtenCasparus vanAssistant; wishes to remit. (No. 8.)Pg no.:419; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1753EchtenRev. Salomon vanof Drakenstein; submits that he had, long ago, alr ...View
1753EijckenstroomZachariasand Meijburgh (Albert); the executors in the estat ...View
1753EertenCasparus vanassistant; wishes to remit. (1755, No. 70; 1756, N ...View
1753ElsthoutHendrikof Rotterdam; arrived this year in the 'Pasgeld' a ...View
1753ElsthoutHendrikburgher; wishes to remit. (No. 74.)Pg no.:420; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1753EckTobias vanBurgher-Infantry-Lieutenant here; complains of bod ...View
1753EijckenCornelisCaptain of the Ceylon ship 'Kievietsheuvel,' not b ...View
1755ElandFrederikof Coningsbergen. Arrived in 174.2 in the 'Bosbeek ...View
1755EchtenSalomon vanAssistant; wishes to remit. (1759, No. 44; 1760, N ...View
1755EkkertJan Valentijngaoler. (No. 85.) 1756Pg no.:420; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1755EngelbertsGeurtof Noorden; arrived in 1753 as sailor; made wagon ...View
1757ElsenJoseph Barendburgher; wishes to manumit his slave, Alexander of ...View
1757EnselenkJan Adamsoldier. Wishes to remit. (No. 36.)Pg no.:421; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1757EksteenPaulus Henricussoldier. Wishes to remit. (No. 85.)Pg no.:421; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1757EijsbrandszTijof Farnison; arrived in 1751 as sailor in the 'Spa ...View
1757EksteenPaulus Henricusof the Cape of Good Hope; entered the Service in 1 ...View
1758Eva of the Capelate slave of the late burgher Noach Backer, - sub ...View
1758Elersz:Johannes Victorof the Cape of Good Hope; arrived here as ship's b ...View
1758EijckAlardus vanBookbinder. Wishes to remit. 2759 (1760, No. 85; 1 ...View
1760EsselingJansoldier. Wishes to remit. (No. 87)Pg no.:421; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1760EmmelmanJohannes LudolfEnsign of the Castle; wishes to remit. (1760, No. ...View
1760EhrlagenFrans JacobMaster Mason. Wishes to remit. (1761, No. 47.) (No ...View
1761EsselingJanof Hasselig; arrived in 1754, in the 'Visvlied,' a ...View
1761EmmelmanJobs LudolfEnsign of. the Castle; wishes to remit. (1762, No. ...View
1761EelersJan Hendrik Victorburgher; submits that his lately deceased grandmot ...View
1761ElsthoutHendrikburgher; asks for the freehold of a garden plot at ...View
1761EckersJan Hendrikof Siegburg; arrived in 1750 as soldier in the 'St ...View
1761EsselaarJohanneslessee of the 3rd part of the brandy licence in th ...View
1762EijckWillem vanof Vleuten; arrived in 1755 as soldier in the 'Roo ...View
1762EhrlagenFrans JacobMaster mason; wishes to remit. (No. 66.)Pg no.:422; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1762ErinkrouwerJohan Anthon vanof Rensburg; arrived as soldier in 1745, in the 'W ...View
1763EnselinkJan Adamof Pafhugen; arrived in 1752 as soldier in the 'Be ...View
1765EijsingJan Fred. Christoffelwagon driver; wishes to remit. (No. 14.)Pg no.:422; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1765EchtenRijk vanassistant; wishes to remit. (No. 13.)Pg no.:422; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1765EckhardHenricus Jacobussoldier; wishes to remit. (No. 13.)Pg no.:422; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1765EurdingenJan vancarpenter; wishes to remit. (No. 14.)Pg no.:422; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1765EijssenMatthias vanplumber; wishes to remit. (No. 14.)Pg no.:422; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1765EerhardiBerthrandof Holstein; arrived in 1761 as soldier in 'De Vro ...View
1765EedenJan vanof Eeden; arrived as soldier in 1752, in the 'Voor ...View
1766EngelsJohannesof Raffort; arrived in 1757 as soldier in the 'Ove ...View
1766EntinkIsaac JacobusLieutenant-Engineer, repatriating in the 'Overnes' ...View
1766Elizabethdaughter of Cecilia, daughter of Angoria, a slave ...View
1767-1768Elsjedaughter of Helena, daughter of Schilla, a slave i ...View
1767-1768EelhoffJan Zachariasof Gandershijn; arrived in 1759 in the 'Keukenhoff ...View
1767-1768Eva Moseswife of the ex-burgher Johan Hendrik Geerhard, men ...View
1768-1770EckertJohan Hendrikburgher; wishes to open a bakery. (No. 76.)Pg no.:423; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1768-1770EngelaJurgen Hendrikburgher; wishes to manumit his slave Lijs, and her ...View
1768-1770Eijlert Hendrik)of Osnabrugge; arrived as soldier in 1765 in the ' ...View
1768-1770EijssenMatthias vanof Altenburg; arrived as soldier in 1758 in the 'R ...View
1772ErasmusCatharinawidow of the late Roeloff van der Burgh. Orphan Ma ...View
1772ElterbroekBarend Hendrikof Herfort; arrived as soldier in 1767 in the 'Wes ...View
1772EedenJudith vanwidow of the late agriculturist, Hendrik Swanepoel ...View
1772EsEvert vanof Jutphaas; arrived in 1753 as young sailor in th ...View
1773EedenJudith vansee above, No. 43. - The Council having considered ...View
1773EijsdenJan vanSkipper on the Return ship 'Alkemade'; had, shortl ...View
1773EksteenPetrus Miehielof the Cape of Good Hope; entered the Service as s ...View
1773EijkMijndert vanof Amsterdam; arrived in 1767 as junior Carpenter ...View
1773Elizabethdaughter of Catharina, a slave in the Lodge, submi ...View
1775EbCoenraadof Caltenwester; arrived in 1763 as soldier in the ...View
1775EckardJan HendrikAdjutant to the Cape Burgher Infantry; asks for th ...View
1775EchtenSalomon vanBookkeeper; asks for a passage home for his son Sa ...View
1775ElserJan Michielburgher; asks for two house erven in Table Valley ...View
1776EijmanJohan Hendrikof Bremen; arrived in 1763 as sailor in the 'Orang ...View
1776EchtenRijk vanof the Cape of Good Hope; entered the Service in 1 ...View
1776Eva Mozeswidow of the late Hendrik Geerhard; wishes to manu ...View
1778EngelhartMichielof Solskercke; arrived as soldier in 1771 in the ' ...View
1778EckhardtJohan Wilhelmof Erfurt; arrived as soldier in 1772 in the 'Vred ...View
1779EndeJan Christiaanof Hildesheijm; arrived in 1767 as sailor in the ' ...View
1779EngelJohannesof Gippingen; arrived in 1768 as soldier in 'De jo ...View
1780EchtenSalomon vanof the Cape of Good Hope; entered the Service as s ...View
1780EcksteenAletta Susannawidow of the burgher-Captain here, Pieter Soermans ...View
1781EksteenHendrik OostwaldPieter's son; Lieutenant of the first Company of b ...View
1781EsterhuijsenWillemagriculturist; shows that his late grandfather on ...View
1782EksteenMichiel Casparus2nd Lieutenant of the 3rd Infantry Company here; h ...View
1782EksteenHendrik Oostwaldex-burgher councillor; wishes to manumit his littl ...View
1783ElswoutHendrikburgher; wishes to manumit his slave, named Doeril ...View
1783EbCoenraadburgher; wishes to open a bakery. (No. 14)Pg no.:430; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1783EnnegaJan FrederikBookkeeper; of Gipkenstein; arrived in 1752 as sol ...View
1783EsmanGerritlate chief mate on the Bengal Return ship 'De Dank ...View
1783EertenCasparus vanof Amsterdam; arrived in 1750 as young sailor in t ...View
1783English prisoners of warArchibald Blair, John Robinson, James Plunkett, an ...View
1784Elsje of the Capewishes to emancipate her little slave boy, named A ...View
1784EsselbruggeChristiaanof Dordrecht; arrived in 1771 as Chief Surgeon in ...View
1784EchtenJohannes vanEx-Merchant; and Wentzel (Carel David), Bookkeeper ...View
1784ElleweElsja vanfree woman; mentions that there is in the Slave Lo ...View
1784EswegenJohan Barend Rudolph vanarrived as soldier in 1756 in the 'Zuijderburg,' a ...View
1785EksteenJohannes Paulusburgher-Lieutenant wishes to open a bakery. (No. 1 ...View
1785ErhardijAnthon Augustarrived as passenger on the ship 'Norge,' mainly t ...View
1786ExterGabrielof Tweebrugge; arrived in 1779 as soldier in the s ...View
1786EsNicolaas vanCarpenter on the island 'Onrust'; deserted thence, ...View
1786ExpenditureThe expenditure this year is accordingly f406595.5 ...View
1786English Man of Warcalls at St. Helena bay for refreshments. Johannes ...View
1786English OfficersSee Gunthersinn - p. 753, 29th June. (p. 753; exhi ...View
1786English OfficersPassages home allowed to Captain Samuel Black and ...View
1786EnslingJohan MartenNative of the Cape; asks for burgher papers. In co ...View
1787Engineers Instructions forGovernor submits the following: - (1) The Engineer ...View
1787EhrlichJohan Christoffsoldier; requests to manumit his slave, named Mari ...View
1788EijbergenBartheldof Gothland; arrived in 1773 as sailor, and made S ...View
1788EenhuijsOtto HendrickChief Surgeon on the Ceylon return ship 'De Paarl' ...View
1788EliaertMarthiniusof Ninoven; late soldier in the Meuron Regiment; i ...View
1788EnfertBezave DesLieutenant in the Luxemburg Legion; submits that w ...View
1788EijekMijndert vanSuperintendent of the Ships' Carpenters; submits t ...View
1788Evafree black woman; wishes to manumit, on the usual ...View
1789EngelbregtHermanusburgher; wishes to manumit, on the usual condition ...View
1789EhlersHendrikasks permission to enclose a small plot of ground ...View
1790EckhardtJohan Carel Ludovicusmerchant; arrived in the 'Schelde' with his adopte ...View
1790EksteenJohannes Paulusliquor lessee at Ronde bosch and False Bay; had di ...View
1790EbCoenraadburgher; wishes to return to Europe with his son, ...View
1790EbCoenraadburgher; wishes to proceed to Europe with his son, ...View
1790English shipsW. Raven and A. Muirhead, commanding the English s ...View
1790ErdropRoelof JurgenNaval lieutenant; was obliged to take the command ...View
1790ErdropR.J.see above. Has to administer the estate of the lat ...View
1790ErdropR.J.see above. Submits a list of materials required by ...View
1790EksteenJoh. Paulusburgher lieutenant and lessee of the Cape wine and ...View
1790EssenbachHieronijmus ChristophCaptain-Engineer; arrived here in the 'Bletterswij ...View
1790ElsnerFranssee Joseph (George). (No. 94.)Pg no.:439; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1790Elizabeth of the Capewishes to manumit her sister, Rosina of the Cape, ...View
1802EksteenHendrick OostwaldBookkeeper and ordinary Commissioner; entered the ...View
1802EksteenPetrus MichielNative of the Cape; submits that, through a conflu ...View
1802ErhardHendrikSergeant in the Company of Captain Schreijber, 5th ...View
1715-1716ErlankGustafa native of Sweden; entered the Naval service of t ...View
Precis of the archives 1715-1806 Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.