Precis of the archives 1715-1806 Search : F
Year Surname Names Summary View
1715-1716FirabertJan DavidEnsign at the Cape. See Vyrabend. (No. 15; date, 1 ...View
1715-1716FritsJoost Hendrikretires as Heemraad of Drakenstein. See also No. 5 ...View
1715-1716FaberStevenhad arrived here as Adelborst in 1708 in the 'Gans ...View
1715-1716FaasenSimonburgher; resident in Table Valley; asks for a piec ...View
1715-1716FrensChristiaanof Sleswic; arrived in 1712 in the 'Bentvelt,' as ...View
1715-1716FroomhofDirkarrived as soldier in 1708 in the 'Generale Vrede' ...View
1717FritzJoost HendrikEx-Heemraad and Ex-lieutenant of the Drakenstein b ...View
1718FrappHendrikBookkeeper in the Company's service. (No. 28; date ...View
1718FransChristiaanChief Surgeon here; asks for a plot adjoining the ...View
1718FaureAnthonyof Oranjen; arrived in 1714 in the 'Kockinge' as s ...View
1719FrankenPieterof Rotterdam; gunner on the 'Uno'; asks for an app ...View
1719FriederichsJohan Heinricha Company's servant. (No. 2; date, 24th January.)Pg no.:441; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1719FustlerJacoba Company's servant. (No. 2; date, 24th January.)Pg no.:441; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1719FrieszJohannesa Company's servant. (No. 2; date, 24th January.)Pg no.:441; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1719FriesJoosta burgher in Table Valley. No. 11.)Pg no.:441; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1719FourieLouisburgher-infantryman (Drakenstein). (No. 112; date, ...View
1719FouchetStevenburgher-infantryman (Drakenstein). (No. 112; date, ...View
1719FranseBartholomeusProvost of the Fiscal. Real name Bartholomeus Vos ...View
1719FrappHendrikMember of the Civil and Marriage Board. (Deacon at ...View
1720FionDirkmade burgher in 1700; been so prosperous that he t ...View
1720FierabentJan Davidof Straatsburgh; arrived in 1709 as Sergeant in th ...View
1720FourdrinierAnnaWife of Surgeon Bartho de St. Jean. (No. 20; date, ...View
1720FenskeJacobnot described. (No. 86a; date, 31st January.)Pg no.:442; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1720FietCoenraadburgher; had bought at public auction a place belo ...View
1720FrappHendrikproposed Elder of the Cape Church. (No. 117; date, ...View
1721FaureAnthony'Voorlezer,' and Schoolmaster at Stellenbosch; get ...View
1721FaureAnthonysubmits the above, and asks for the ordinary emolu ...View
1721FrappHendrikproposed at Member of the Marriage Board. (No. 99; ...View
1722FrappHendrikproposed Deacon of the Cape Church. (No. 1723, No. ...View
1722FiersGerritSkipper on the 'Rotterdam'. (See also No. 54.) (No ...View
1722FaucheeranL.junior Merchant, belonging to one of the wrecks. ( ...View
1722FaureAnthonyof Oranjen; arrived in 1714 as soldier, in the 'Co ...View
1722FaureAnthonyproposed Deacon for Stellenbosch. (No. 84; date, 1 ...View
1723Fishermen who own fishing boats, and ask that they may again ...View
1724French CongregationSee Drakenstein. (No. 7; date, 10th February.)Pg no.:443; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1724FeijrabentJan DavidLieutenant of the Castle. (No. 20.)Pg no.:443; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1724FrechenRudolphof Lohen; arrived as soldier in 1717 in the 'Wasse ...View
1724-1725FaureAnthonijDeacon of Stellenbosch. (No. 101; date, 9th Decemb ...View
1724-1725FauriLouijssignature of. (No. 48.)Pg no.:443; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1726FeijtCoenraadLessee of the Cape Beer licence; asks permission f ...View
1726FeijtCoenraadLessee of the Cape Beer licence; asks permission f ...View
1726FransenWillemof Mastrigt; arrived as 'adelborst' in 1723 in the ...View
1726FrisnetWillemsee van Leeuwen (Frans); also, Frisnier (Margareth ...View
1727-1728FrappHendrikarrived in 1706 as 'adelborst,' and made Bookkeepe ...View
1727-1728FerfJ.H.W.a baker. (No. 4.)Pg no.:444; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1727-1728FeijlDanielproposed as burgher Councillor. (No. 36.)Pg no.:444; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1729-1732FrappHendrikBookkeeper; wishes the Council not to hold him res ...View
1729-1732FrappH.Bookkeeper and Superintendent Clerk of the timber ...View
1729-1732FrikszJan Melchiorof Stekborn, Switzerland, arrived in 1721 as soldi ...View
1729-1732FaasenJoh. Josuaa ward of the Orphan Chamber; asks 'veniam aetatis ...View
1735-1736FrappHendrikBookkeeper and Superintendent of the timber stores ...View
1737-1738FocksJoseph Lodewijkof Sweinfort, in Frankenland; arrived in 1734 in t ...View
1737-1738FrikJan Melchior'Koster' of the Drakenstein Church; asks for half ...View
1737-1738FlekJohan Christoff elLance-Corporal herePg no.:444; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1739-1740FaureAbrahamproposed as Deacon for Stellenbosch. (No. 105.)Pg no.:445; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1741FoucheeStevencan get no money to pay his lease rent. (No. 480.) ...View
1741Floradaughterof Petronella Lammertsz of the Cape; has still two ...View
1742FricqJan Melchior'Koster' at Drakenstein; decease ofPg no.:445; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1743Floradaughterof Petronella Lammertsz of the Cape; has a little ...View
1744FaureJacobushas acted at Stellenbosch as 'Koster' since the de ...View
1744FaureJacobusdeath of, on the 16th January; is succeeded as 'Ko ...View
1744FickCoenraadsucceeds Jac. Faure as 'Koster' at Stellenbosch. ( ...View
1744Farmers' troubles and trials.(See Wheat.) (No. 30.)Pg no.:445; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1744FrappHendrikarrived here as free burgher in 1743, (from Europe ...View
1746FaureAbrahamproposed as deacon for Stellenbosch. (Signature, N ...View
1746Flek Johan Christoffelof Hanauw arrived in 1735 as lance-corporal in the ...View
1748Far distant Country Districtsnow SwellendamPg no.:446; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1749FerraireIgnatiusagriculturist; asks for the freehold of a cattle f ...View
1750FouxJoh. Hippolijtusof Marpag; arrived in 1739 as soldier in the 'Lage ...View
1750FelgenhouwerHarrier Protteeallowed to remain over here last year, when passen ...View
1750FickAnthonijsee Vik (Anthonij). (No. 59.)Pg no.:446; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1750FaureAnthonijsee Villiers (Rachel de). (No. 61.)Pg no.:446; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1750FrankeDirk Gijsbertburgher; see Beer Licence. (No. 70.)Pg no.:446; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1751FelgenhauerHarrier Protteehaving wound up his affairs here, asks for a passa ...View
1751FrissefeldGeorge Diderikof Sneubuijck in Saxony; arrived here in 1747, as ...View
1751FuchsNicolaiof Rensburg; wrecked last year at Mossel Bay in th ...View
1752FrankeDirk Gijsbertbecame a lessee of the Fatherland Beer and Wine li ...View
1752Free blackwishes to manumit his slave, Susanna of the Coast, ...View
1752FretsHendrikof Hanover; arrived in 1739 as sailor in the 'St. ...View
1752FranckDirk Gijsberthaving become lessee of the European beer and wine ...View
1754FranckeDirk GijsbertHiebnaer (Joseph Daniel), and Van Wielig (Hermanus ...View
1756FuchsNicolaijasks for a plot of ground near the church in the L ...View
1756FikkerChristiaan Godliebsoldier; wishes to remit. (No. 75.)Pg no.:447; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1756FlijsmanFredeick Ferdinandof Dramme; arrived in 1749 as sailor in the 'Akere ...View
1756FinjeeGijsbertusAssistant; of Utrecht. Passenger on the return shi ...View
1756FriksJan Georgeof Hessen Cassel. Arrived in 1752 as soldier in th ...View
1757FloriFrancis Urbanisof West in Portugal; arrived here in the French sh ...View
1758FlekJan Christoffelburgher; asks a passage home for his two sons, Jan ...View
1758FranckeGerritof Amsterdam; arrived in 1749 in the 'Overnes' as ...View
1758FeithGijsbert Janjunior Merchant, and Chief Storemaster at Cochin, ...View
1759FeithGijsbert Janreceives permission to leave with his family in th ...View
1759FaberLucas SigmundusBookkeeper and Sworn Clerk at the Judiciary; wishe ...View
1760FaureBoudewijn Verselewelleft here with suspended pay in 1756 in the 'Rhoon ...View
1761FlekJan ChristoffelBurgher-Ensign; and Pirman (Hieronijmus)Pg no.:448; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1762FursteJohan Christiaansoldier; wishes to remit. (No. 87.)Pg no.:448; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1762FaureAbrahamBookkeeper and Secretary at Stellenbosch; wishes t ...View
1763Fortuijn and Cupidoboth of Bengal; baptised as Gabriel and Andries, f ...View
1763FlaatMatthijssaddler; wishes to remit. (No. 29.)Pg no.:449; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1764FischerJohannesLieutenant-extraordinary of Artillery; wishes to r ...View
1764FrederickBartholdsoldier; wishes to remit. (No. 53.)Pg no.:449; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1764FelixEngelbertusof Middelburg; left Europe as Ship's boy in 1758 i ...View
1765FothergillAnnawidow of the late Chief Merchant and Secunde, Serg ...View
1765FlekJan Christoffelburgher Ensign; asks for a passage home for his tw ...View
1766FischerRoeloffof Copenhagen; was left here by the Danish ship 'P ...View
1766FothergillMrs. Annawidow of the late Sergius Swellengrebel (see above ...View
1766FestraatsJacobusChief Surgeon on. the 'Popkensburg'; wishes to del ...View
1767-1768FothergillMrs. Annawidow of the late Secunde, Sergius Swellengrebel. ...View
1767-1768FaasenJoh. Jozuaex-burgher-Orphan Master; at present the husband o ...View
1767-1768Februarij of Bengalfree black; wishes to emancipate his slave, Silvia ...View
1768-1770FaijPieterof Overendorp; arrived in 1765 as soldier in the ' ...View
1771FaberLucas SigismundusCape Church-Council write, that, as he had been ap ...View
1771Florisof the Cape; wishes to manumit his slave, Flora of ...View
1771FichtenerLodewijkburgher; asks for 2 adjoining house erven in Table ...View
1772FocadeJohannes lawishes to manumit his slave Eva, and her child Car ...View
1772FoeijtFlorisSecretary of the Return Fleet; wishes to take home ...View
1772FreereHendrikof Bern; arrived as soldier in 1749 in the 'Arnest ...View
1772FaureAbrahamBookkeeper and Secretary of Stellenbosch and Drake ...View
1772FebreCatharina Louisa lawidow of the late skipper, Anton Leertouwer; wishe ...View
1774FlekJohan ChristoffelLieutenant of the 3rd Company of burgher infantry ...View
1774FickLambertburgher; begs that his slave, Jeptha, of Bougies, ...View
1774FunckJan Hendrikex-titular junior merchant, etc., at Batavia; pass ...View
1774FischerJohannesLieutenant-Extraordinary of Artillery; asks for th ...View
1774FischerJohan Georgborn in Weltsheim in Wurtemberg; has for 14 years, ...View
1775FronemanJonasof Hanover; arrived in 1771 as soldier in the 'Bli ...View
1775FritseDaniel Godliebof Vroustad; arrived in 1770 as soldier in 'De Pri ...View
1775FredriksHarmanof Millouw; left for India in 1758 as soldier in t ...View
1775FebreCatharina Louisa lawidow of the late skipper Anthon Leertouwer; wishe ...View
1775FichtenerLodewijkFiremaster; asks for a house-erf in Block 17 (No. ...View
1776FranckeJoh. Gijsbertus and Jac. Arnoldusburghers; submit that the repatriated master-ships ...View
1776FenemanJan Hendrikof Delft; arrived in India in 1774 as chief cooper ...View
1776FleckJan Hendrikof the Cape of Good Hope; entered the service as s ...View
1776FoustmanGeorge Ernestof Berlin; arrived as soldier in 1770, in the 'Lan ...View
1778FronemanJohan Coenraadburgher; asks for a house and garden plot in the w ...View
1780Fortuijn of Bengalex-slave of the burgher Pieter Hanssen. The latter ...View
1780FonsFrans de laleft Mauritius last year in the private French shi ...View
1780FreislichCarolus Augustusof Dantzig; arrived in 1759 as sailor, in the 'Sch ...View
1782FaureAbrahamBookkeeper and Secretary at Stellenbosch; asks for ...View
1783FickAnthonijCoenraad's son; asks for a plot of ground in the v ...View
1783FleckJan Hendrikburgher; wishes to open a bakery. (No. 11.)Pg no.:455; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1783FourieLouisCornet in the third Company of burgher-Dragoons at ...View
1783FreislichCarolus Augustusburgher; holds a power of attorney from the 3rd of ...View
1783FreislichCarolus Augustusand Middelkoop (Goris); holding a power of attorne ...View
1784FabriciusJohan Paul Godfriedof Magdeburg; arrived as soldier in 1766, in 'De V ...View
1784FranckJohannes Hendrikasks for a plot of ground in Table Valley, 59 sq. ...View
1784FrechJosephsoldier; about to leave in the Return ship, 'Wille ...View
1784FrCarel Ludwichsurgeon; formerly serving at Battena, in Bengal; t ...View
1784FurstenbergJ.P.see Berg (J.P. van den), No. 68. (No. 68.)Pg no.:456; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1784FischerJohannes Henricuslate assistant at Hougly in Bengal, where he was t ...View
1784FrederikJohan Samuelmaster gardener; wishes to manumit his slave, Sara ...View
1784FaureAbrahamSecretary of Stellenbosch and Drakenstein; entered ...View
1784FleckAbrahamof the Cape of Good Hope; entered the service as s ...View
1785FlandGodfried Rudolph Christiaan vanof Haarburg; soldier in the bodyguard of the Gover ...View
1785FuchsNicolaashad received a most unpleasant order from Governor ...View
1785False Baysee Auret (Jeremias), 1785, No. 29. (No. 29.)Pg no.:458; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1785French HospitalJoh. Augustus Bresler and Joh. Henricus Redelinghu ...View
1785FelixEngelbertuswishes to send to Europe his son, Abraham Jacobus. ...View
1785FuchsNicolaasleft Holland in 1781 as Chief Surgeon in the ship ...View
1786FabriciusJohan Godfriedwishes to manumit his slave, Rosina of the Cape, o ...View
1786Fiscal Amenitiesthe Governor (Van der Graaff) mentioned that last ...View
1786FrederikJohan Samuelsee above; asks for a passage home for himself and ...View
1786False BayPg no.:460; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1786FrielinkAbrahamsick comforter at the Hospital allowed passages ou ...View
1786Forestssee timber. (p. 912.)Pg no.:460; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1786FischerJohannes Henricusarrived this year from Patria in the 'Stralen,' an ...View
1786Fortification Works.Pg no.:461; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1787FleuriotPierre Nicolas decaptain of the ship 'Le Consolateur'Pg no.:461; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1787FickAnthonijburgher; asks for a plot of ground adjoining his e ...View
1787FrederiksWillemskipper of the 'Vlissinger,' chartered by the Comp ...View
1787FoksCoenraadgardener; of Neurenburg; arrived in 1764, as soldi ...View
1788FranceIsle deletter from the Government there asking, in conseq ...View
1789FehrsenHendrik Johannesborn here of burgher parents, and entered the Serv ...View
1789FolkersHermanuscaptain of the 'Standvastigheid'; mentions the dea ...View
1789FranckJohannes Hendrikburgher firemaster; asks for a plot of ground in T ...View
1789FrogerLe Chevalier deLieutenant in the Swiss Regiment of Meuron; passen ...View
1789FaureA.A.Landdrost of Swellendam; mentions the distance of ...View
1789FurstenbergJan Pieterburgher; holding power of attorney of the burgher, ...View
1789FaureAnthonij Alexandersee above; entered the Service in 1777 as soldier ...View
1790Frans of Bengalfree black; wishes to manumit on the usual conditi ...View
1790Fire EnginesPg no.:463; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1791FrankelAndreaspassenger in the English ship 'Scarborough,' in Fa ...View
1791FehrsenHendrik Johannesburgher-commissioner here; mentions the large numb ...View
1803Famloekia Chinaman; wishes to manumit, on the usual condit ...View
1803FleckA.appointed burgher councillor and member of the Cou ...View
1715-1716FischerJohannes Henricusleft the Cape in 1779 as young sailor for Bengal, ...View
Precis of the archives 1715-1806 Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.