Precis of the archives 1715-1806 Search : M
Year Surname Names Summary View
1715-1716MeijerPieterburgher in Cape Town; surety of the deceased P. v. ...View
1715-1716MostertJacoban agriculturist in the Land of Waveren. Bushmen h ...View
1715-1716MahieuJanservant of the Company, elected as Deacon at the C ...View
1715-1716MeijerPieterretires as burgher Deacon at the Cape. Retires as ...View
1715-1716MulderJohannesretires as Stellenbosch Elder. See also 171g, No. ...View
1715-1716MaraisClaudeproposed as Heemraad for Drakenstein. His signatur ...View
1715-1716MikkerJuditWife of Chief Surgeon, Adriaan van den Oever. See ...View
1715-1716MeijerJohannesof Batavia; arrived a year ago in 'Het Huis te Boe ...View
1715-1716MarrIgnatiusagriculturist; asks for the Title-deeds of the pla ...View
1715-1716MeijerFrederickburgher; regarding a water dispute with the burghe ...View
1715-1716MulderJan Jurgensburgher here; occupier of a plot in the gardens; a ...View
1715-1716MahieuJanlate Secretary at Stellenbosch. (No. 110; date, ?. ...View
1715-1716Ministers of Stellenbosch and Drakenstein(Beck and van Aaken); acknowledge receipt of a cop ...View
1715-1716MChristoffelwas placed in the 'Negotie Kantoor' in 1714, worki ...View
1715-1716Minister and Kerkeraad of Drakensteinreport that the heavy rains and winds of the 12th ...View
1716Mahieu Jan)proposed as Deacon at the Cape; (for the Company). ...View
1716MalanJacquesproposed as Deacon for Stellenbosch. See also 1718 ...View
1716MaraisCharlproposed as Deacon for Drakenstein. (No. 152; date ...View
1716Minister and Kerkeraad of Drakensteinsubmit that there is nothing more shameful before ...View
1716MHendrikretires as burgher Councillor. (No. 154; date, 13t ...View
1717MeijerPieterMember of the Marriage hoard. (No. 155; date, 12th ...View
1717MarikJacobof Prets, in the Grisons; arrived in 1713 in the ' ...View
1717MaraisClaudeSignature of, as Heemraad. (No. 7.)Pg no.:734; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1716MeijboomClaasone of the lessees of the brandy license. (No. 14. ...View
1716MeijerJohannesarrived in 1715 in 'Het Huis te Boede'; was promot ...View
1716MeijerJurriaenof Batavia; arrived in 1715, in the 'Vrijburg,' as ...View
1716MulderJacobawidow of the Master-Cooper, Anthonij Gunther (whic ...View
1716MulderJohannesex-Landdrost of Stellenbosch; requests permission ...View
1716Meeusz:Claasboatswain on the 'Hoogermeer,' deceased. (No. 99.) ...View
1716MulderJanboatswain's mate on the 'Charlois'; deceased. (No. ...View
1716Ministers & Kerkeraad of Drakensteinhad, according to Council's Resolution of the 2nd ...View
1716MeijerJochemof Amptraden; arrived in. 1706, as soldier, in the ...View
1718MarikJacobburgher. (No. 129.)Pg no.:735; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1718MensinghMargaretha Marianiece of Maria Lindenhovius, widow of H. Huijsingh ...View
1718MangonZachariasagriculturist; very poor; asks for a free passage ...View
1718MeijerEvertof Deventer; arrived, as adelborst, in 1710, in th ...View
1718MeijburghJan Lambertz:wine lessee, and burgher. (See wine lessees.) (No. ...View
1718MunnikJan Hendrikowns a house in the Oliphant's Straat. (No. 87; da ...View
1719MahieuJanSick Visitor here; asks that his son Hercules may ...View
1719MorikJana Company's Servant. (No. 2; date, 24th January.)Pg no.:736; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1719MeulemanJana Company's Servant. (No. 2; date, 24th January.)Pg no.:736; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1719MatthijsPhilipa Company's Servant. (No. 2; date, 24th January.)Pg no.:736; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1719MartensAnthonija burgher in Table Valley. (No. ,9; date, 21st Feb ...View
1719MunnikThomasmade burgher in 1815; not successful as such; asks ...View
1719MigaultFranof Emden; arrived, as soldier, in 1713 in the 'Str ...View
1719MadagascarPg no.:736; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1719MarokChristiaanof Clooster. Skipper on the 'Zeelandia'; asks for ...View
1719MeijburghAlbert Lambertz:burgher-Dragoon (Stellenbosch). (No. 112; date, ? ...View
1719MulderJanburgher Infantryman (Drakenstein). (No. 112; date, ...View
1719MennekeJan Hendrikburgher infantryman (Drakenstein). (No. 112; date, ...View
1719MeliusJan Hendrikburgher infantryman (Drakenstein). (No. 112; date, ...View
1719MaraisIgnatiusburgher infantryman (Drakenstein). (No. 112; date, ...View
1719MigauteLouisof Embden; some time ago discharged as a Company's ...View
1719MulderJan Jurgenof Luneburgh; arrived as soldier, in 1716 in the ' ...View
1720MeijerWillema youth; had for some years been supported by the ...View
1720MikkerJudithwidow of the late Chief Surgeon, Adriaan van den O ...View
1720MaasElizabethwife of Surgeon Jan van Schoor (No. 21.)Pg no.:737; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1720MoutonJacobagriculturist at Drakenstein; had, 20 years ago, r ...View
1720MorkelPhilipagriculturist; asks to have in freehold a certain ...View
1720MunkThomasnot described. (No. 86a; date, 31st January.)Pg no.:737; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1720Michielsz:Janof Leijden. Soldier on the 'Middelwoud'. (No. 98; ...View
1721MaijboomClaasburgher; asks for the freehold of a piece of groun ...View
1721MostertJohannesa farmer in the 'Tigerbergen'. (No. 4b; date, 29th ...View
1721MulderJohannesof the Cape; asks to proceed to Delagoa, as soldie ...View
1721MollerHendrikmarried Margeretha Marquart. (No. 28; date, ?.)Pg no.:738; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1721MarquartMargarethawishes to send a box to Europe. (No. 28; date, ?.) ...View
1721MulderLodewijkarrived in 1720, as soldier, in the 'Standvarstigh ...View
1721MensinkWillemsee Tas (Adam). (No. 88; date, ?.)Pg no.:738; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1721MaraisDanieldeacon elect for Drakenstein. (No. 97; date, 7th D ...View
1721MallanJacquesproposed as deacon for Stellenbosch. Retires, 1723 ...View
1721MostertHesterwife of Benjamin Wiese. (No. 102; date, ?.)Pg no.:738; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1721MorkelPhilipproposed as Heemraad for Stellenbosch. See 1723, N ...View
1721MallanJacobproposed as Heemraad for Stellenbosch. (No. 106; d ...View
1722MaijboomClaaswife's name is Geertruij Speeking. (No. 110; date? ...View
1722MessionZachariasagriculturist at Drakenstein; arrived, as freeman, ...View
1722MacraeJamesCaptain of one of the English ships wrecked here; ...View
1722MeijerHendrikmaster-mason; complains that two months' salary ha ...View
1722MullinsRobertof Chatham; sailor on the English ship 'Lathulier. ...View
1721MeijerHendrikof the Cape; entered the service, as soldier, in 1 ...View
1721MorkelPhilipOwner of a Farm in Hottentot's Holland, named 'Onv ...View
1721MaraisClaudeElder of Drakenstein. (No. 85 date, 13th December. ...View
1721MaraisCharldeacon of Drakenstein. (No. 85; date, 13th Decembe ...View
1721MulderJohannesfisherman. (No. 86; date, 22nd December.)Pg no.:739; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1723MaraisClaudeproposed as Heemraad for Drakenstein. (No. 92; dat ...View
1723MeijerWillemshoemaker's apprentice. (See ChurchPg no.:739; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1723MackettWilliam), and Gilbert (ThomasCaptains of the 'Nightingale' and 'Chandos,' East ...View
1723MeijerEsaias Engelbertward of the Orphan Chamber; asks for 'veniam aetat ...View
1723MeijerFransof Bustingfelt; soldier on the 'Margaretha' (No. 8 ...View
1723MiermanJonasskipper on the 'Borselen'. (No: 1 10; date, ?.)Pg no.:739; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1723MasthornJacobusof Haarlem; arrived in 1718, in the 'Geertruijd,' ...View
1723MaraisCharlproposed as Deacon at Drakenstein. (No. 121.)Pg no.:739; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1723MorkelWillemproposed as Heemraad for Stellenbosch. (His signat ...View
1723MorkelPhilipproposed as deacon for Stellenbosch. (No. 131; dat ...View
1724Mattheijsz:Pieterof Hamburg; arrived, as soldier, in 1717, in the ' ...View
1724MolleJohan Christoffelof Kenner; soldier on the 'Fortuijn'. (No. 7; date ...View
1724MeijburghJan Lammertsz:burgher; asks for an erf in Table Valley. Diagram ...View
1723-1724MoelHendrikagriculturist; has been to the place where the 'Me ...View
1723-1724MonijleJanof St. Malo; sailor on the 'Nudloo'. (No. 40.)Pg no.:740; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1723-1724MouritzJacobarrived as Quartermaster, in 1718, in the 'Elizabe ...View
1723-1724MostertErnestnot described. Uncle or Cousin of Pieter Lourensz: ...View
1723-1724MostertJohannesnot described. Uncle or Cousin of Pieter Lourensz: ...View
1723-1724MaasdorpChristiaanburgher; married Cornelia. Viljoen, widow of Hercu ...View
1723-1724MichelJeanlate Commander at Rio de la Goa.; had been dischar ...View
1723-1724MichelJeanfurther submits that when the Captain of the Engli ...View
1723-1724MeijboomAlbertadaughter of Claas Meijboom (deceased); and Geertru ...View
1723-1724MairisJan Mouritzof Larentrop; in the county Lip; arrived in 1718, ...View
1723-1724MalanJacquesElder of Stellenbosch. (No. 100.)Pg no.:742; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1723-1724MaraisStevenproposed as deacon for Drakenstein. (No. 100.)Pg no.:742; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1723-1724MaraisCharlproposed as deacon for Drakenstein. (No. 100.)Pg no.:742; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1723-1724MeijburghAlbertproposed as Heemraad for Drakenstein. (No. 102; da ...View
1723-1724MorkelPhilipproposed as Heemraad for Drakenstein. (No. 102; da ...View
1724-1725MaijboomElizabethhas in her service her cousin Willem Hartkamp of D ...View
1724-1725MollerJacobusof the Cape; chief mate on the provision ship 'Voo ...View
1724-1725MorkelWillemHeemraad of Stellenbosch. (Signature.) (No. 19.)Pg no.:742; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1724-1725MulderJan Lodewijkmiller and freeman. (No. 29.)Pg no.:742; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1724-1725MalerbePietersignature of. (No. 48.)Pg no.:742; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1724-1725MarChareljunior; signature of. (No. 48.)Pg no.:742; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1724-1725MeerdenCurstenmate on the brigantine Victoria. See Lookermans (A ...View
1724-1725MaasdorpChristiaanlessee of the Cape wines and brandies at Rondebosc ...View
1724-1725MoederzoonClaasarrived in 1721, as soldier, in the 'Margaretha'; ...View
1724-1725MaraisCharljunior; proposed as Deacon for Drakenstein. And He ...View
1724-1725MorkelWillemretires as Heemraad for Stellenbosch. (No. 71.)Pg no.:743; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1724-1725MorkelPhilipproposed as Heemraad for Stellenbosch; and 1729-32 ...View
1724-1725MeijburgAlbertproposed as Heemraad for Stellenbosch. (No. 71.)Pg no.:743; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1726MukerNicolaashusband of Maria Nauta. (See Nauta.) (No. 76.)Pg no.:743; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1726MijburgAlbertproposed as deacon for Stellenbosch. (No. 9.)Pg no.:743; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1726MollerJan Coertof the county Lip; arrived in 1722, in the 'Barnev ...View
1726MulderHendrikof Mecklenburg; arrived in 1711, as soldier, in th ...View
1727-1728MarxFrans Hendrikof 'Minden aan de roer'; arrived, as sailor, in th ...View
1727-1728MigaultsFrancois Louiscertain persons complain of his dissipated life; i ...View
1727-1728MullerNicolaas Jansz:messenger of the Orphan Chamber. (No. 27.)Pg no.:743; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1727-1728MahieuJansick-visitor. (No. 30.)Pg no.:743; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1727-1728MeeningsMaria Elizabetharrived here in 1726 with her husband, a junior ma ...View
1727-1728MickerJudithwife of Barend v.d. Lip (q.v.), and relict of the ...View
1727-1728MulderJanof Lupka; a freeman here. (No. 62.)Pg no.:744; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1727-1728MorkelPhilipproposed as Heemraad for Stellenbosch. (No. 76.)Pg no.:744; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1729-1732MalanDanielproposed as deacon for Stellenbosch. Signature, 17 ...View
1729-1732MichaultJoh. Fred. Carolusarrived, as free burgher, from Batavia in 1727; ca ...View
1729-1732MullerJacobusof the C. of G. Hope; became a sailor in 1709, and ...View
1729-1732MeijnJanof Ter Veer; arrived in 1723 in the hooker 'Zeepos ...View
1729-1732MeijerWillemof Bremen; arrived in 1717 in the 'Ouwerkerk' as s ...View
1729-1732MeijburgLammertproposed as deacon for Stellenbosch. Do., 1733-4 N ...View
1729-1732MaraisCharlesjunior; proposed as deacon for Drakenstein. And He ...View
1729-1732MaraisStevenproposed as deacon for Drakenstein. And 1733-4, No ...View
1729-1732MaijboomGeertruijspinster; daughter of the late Claas Maijboom; is ...View
1729-1732ManselPauluschief mate on the Hooker 'Snuffelaar'. (No. 83.)Pg no.:745; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1729-1732MaasdorpArnoldusof the Cape; asks for 'veniam aetatis'. His signat ...View
1729-1732MaasdorpChristiaanfather of the above; his signature. (No. 97.)Pg no.:745; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1729-1732MallanghDanielproposed as deacon for Drakenstein. Elected Elder ...View
1729-1732MaraisCharlsenior; elected Elder for Drakenstein. Signature 1 ...View
1729-1732MalanDanielproposed as deacon for Stellenbosch. Signature, 17 ...View
1733-1734MulderJohannesex-Landdrost of Stellenbosch; deceased. See under ...View
1733-1734MeijnJanarrived in 1723, in the Hooker 'Zeepost,' as sailo ...View
1733-1734MahieuHerculesof the C. of G. Hope; entered the service in 1718 ...View
1733-1734MarkHendrikburgher. See van Marlo (Harmen). (No. 67.)Pg no.:745; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1733-1736MonkPietersecond officer on the 'Hillegom'. (No. 110.)Pg no.:745; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1733-1736MagistkiJan Lodewijkthe Governor's steward; asks for a passage out for ...View
1733-1736MoesbergenAlidawife of Willem Willemsz:. (q.v.). (No. 10.)Pg no.:745; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1733-1736MolvangerMichiela soldier. See Kina (A.N.), and below. (No. 32.)Pg no.:745; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1733-1736MartensIsaacCape brandy lessee. (No. 33.)Pg no.:745; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1733-1736MolvangerMichielof Lausen; arrived, in 1728, as soldier, in the 'H ...View
1735-1736MulderJohan Fred:of Lunenburg; arrived in 1732, as soldier, in 't H ...View
1735-1736Medea of Bataviafree black; wishes to emancipate her slave, Mary o ...View
1735-1736Martensz:Jasperward of the Orphan Chamber; asks for 'veniam aetat ...View
1735-1736MeercampRev. Adam Willemsee Joon (Christina). (No. 87.)Pg no.:746; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1735-1736MulderJan Hendrikof Soerborn; arrived in 1720 in the 'Cockinge'; ap ...View
1737-1738MaasdorpArnoldusproposed as deacon for Stellenbosch. (No. 113.)Pg no.:746; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1737-1738MeijerElsebesignature of. (No. 30a.)Pg no.:746; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1737-1738MarshoornJacobusburgher; asks for a passage home for self, wife, a ...View
1737-1738MaartensIsacklessee of part of the brandy and distilled waters' ...View
1737-1738MeijerJacobusburgher; again accepted as Member of the Reformed ...View
1737-1738MaraisCharlproposed as Heemraad for Drakenstein. Signature, N ...View
1737-1738MeijerPieterproposed as Member of the Marriage Board. (No. 40. ...View
1737-1738MalangDanielelected as Elder for Stellenbosch. (No. 42.)Pg no.:746; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1737-1738MorkelWillemproposed as deacon for Stellenbosch. Signature, No ...View
1737-1738MunnikJohannesasks permission to start a bakery. (No. 47.)Pg no.:746; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1737-1738MollerJacobusskipper and harbour master here. Also No. 118; 173 ...View
1737-1738Mozes of Paliacattenfree black; wishes to manumit his slave, Cecilia o ...View
1737-1738Money Standard.Pg no.:747; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1737-1738Mozes of Paliaeattefree black; wishes to manumit his slave, January o ...View
1737-1738MullerNicolaas Jansz:husband of Leonora Devij. (No. 89.)Pg no.:747; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1737-1738MarquartCatharinasee Orphan Chamber. (No. 95.)Pg no.:747; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1737-1738MalangDanielproposed as Heemraad for Stellenbosch. (No. 100.)Pg no.:747; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1737-1738MaraisCharlelected Elder at Drakenstein. Signature, 1739-40, ...View
1737-1738MaraisStevenproposed as deacon for Drakenstein and as Elder, 1 ...View
1739-1740MagetskieJan Lodewijkburgher. See van der Poel (Jonas). (No. 111.)Pg no.:747; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1739-1740MilleJohannesof Vrijburg; arrived, as soldier, in the 'Noord-Wa ...View
1739-1740Magermana Hottentot Captain. (No. 48c.)Pg no.:747; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1739-1740MinnaarPhilipan agriculturist near the Berg river. (No. 48c.)Pg no.:747; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1739-1740MorkelWidowcannot pay her lease rent on account of the illnes ...View
1739-1740MinnaarPhiliphas no money, and therefore is unable to pay his l ...View
1739-1740Maartensz:Isaakand Holst (Jan); wine lessees;. complain that cert ...View
1739-1740MeijerMaria Isabellawife of Pieter Haksteen. (No. 82.)Pg no.:747; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1739-1740MHendrikproposed as deacon for the Cape. (No. 105.)Pg no.:747; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1739-1740MalaanDanielmade Elder for Stellenbosch. Proposed as Heemraad ...View
1739-1740MaasdorpArnoldusproposed as deacon for Stellenbosch. (No. 107.)Pg no.:747; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1739-1740MaraisStevensignature. (No. 107.)Pg no.:748; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1739-1740MuijsWijnand Willemproposed as Marriage Commissioner. (No. 110.)Pg no.:748; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1739-1740MaraisCharlproposed as Heemraad for Drakenstein. Signature, 1 ...View
1741Marritje van de Caaba slave in the Company's Lodge; states that her da ...View
1741MijdenaarDirksurgeon; wishes to remit some money. (No. 24.)Pg no.:748; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1741MorkelWillemproposed as deacon for Stellenbosch. (No. 51.)Pg no.:748; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1741MeijburgLambertproposed as deacon for Stellenbosch; (1742, No. 53 ...View
1742MartinGeorgecaptain of the English ship, 'Princess Mary'; asks ...View
1742MHendrikbookkeeper. (No. 8.)Pg no.:748; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1742MeijerJacobusburgher; and his wife, Sophia Tosske, formerly wif ...View
1743MalanDanielproposed as Heemraad for Stellenbosch. (No. 58.)Pg no.:748; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1743MulderJan Frederickburgher here; wishes to leave for Batavia, with hi ...View
1743MaraisStephenCharl's son; asks for the grant of a farm at the ' ...View
1743MalherbeMariawidow of Jurgen Radijn; asks for the grant of her ...View
1743Mitoe Abdulla,Abdul Ragman, and the female Moor, Ambori Abdulla, ...View
1743Maloar of Batavia,and Manghoeij of Bali, had, for soiree crime, been ...View
1743MHendrikbookkeeper; wishes to remit money to Holland (1746 ...View
1743MJacobusand La Febre (Gijsbert); wish a certain public all ...View
1743MoutonJacobwife's name Francina Bevernagie. (q.v.) (No. 89.)Pg no.:749; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1743MaijnierCoenraadof Leipzig; arrived in 1741, as soldier, in the 'W ...View
1743Meiringh (Arnoldus HenricusPg no.:749; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1743MeijerEsaiassee Swellendam. (No. 102.)Pg no.:749; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1743MHendrikproposed as deacon for the Cape. (No. 109.)Pg no.:749; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1743MeijburghJohan Albertusproposed as deacon for Stellenbosch. (No. 110.)Pg no.:749; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1743MaraisStevenelected Elder for Drakenstein. (No. 111.)Pg no.:749; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1743MuijsWijnand Willemproposed as burgher Councillor. See also 1745, No. ...View
1743MalaanDanielproposed as Heemraad for Stellenbosch. (No. 115.)Pg no.:749; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1744MaraisChartproposed as Heemraad for Drakenstein. (No. 115.)Pg no.:749; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1744MulderNicolaassee Vij (Lenora de). (No. 6.)Pg no.:749; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1744MeurCarel Matthijsmaster smith; wishes to remit his salary to Europe ...View
1744MHendrikbookkeeper; wishes to remit his salary to Europe. ...View
1744MuijsWijnand Willemensign here; wishes to remit his salary to Europe. ...View
1744MulderSamuelof the C. of G. Hope; asks 'veniam aetatis'. (No. ...View
1744MullerFrans Diederiek'adelborst'; wishes to remit. (No. 29.)Pg no.:750; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1744MollerJohannesasks for the freehold of his loan place, 'Diemer's ...View
1744MaraisJacobproposed as Deacon for Stellenbosch. (No. 67.)Pg no.:750; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1744MaasdorpArnoldusproposed as Heemraad for Stellenbosch. (No. 71.)Pg no.:750; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1744MerweHend: van derproposed as Heemraad for Drakenstein. (No. 71.)Pg no.:750; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1745MeijerEsaias Engelbregtproposed as Heemraad for 'Overberg' Districts. (No ...View
1745MeijersJanof Roosendaal; arrived in 1742, in the 'Adrichem,' ...View
1745MeiringArnoldus MauritiusPg no.:750; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1745MoelPhilipof Endshoven; arrived in 1739 in 'Het Huijs te Mar ...View
1745Malmesburij church established.Pg no.:750; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1745MulderFrans Diederickof Worms; arrived in 1740 as 'adelborst,' in the ' ...View
1745MulderMichielof Mitskidde; arrived in 1735 in the 'Oostrust,' a ...View
1746Marriage boardPg no.:750; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1746MuijsWijnand WillemLieutenant of the Castle; wishes to. remit to Euro ...View
1746MeiringArnoldus MauritiusRev:; wishes to remit. (1748, No. 34.) (No. 20.)Pg no.:751; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1746MulderNicolaasburgher; is inclined to open a school for teaching ...View
1746MoesmanJohannesof 'Haabersleben'; arrived in 1738, as 'adelborst, ...View
1746Martensz:Anthonijburgher; wishes to open a butchery. (No. 80.)Pg no.:751; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1746Meiringsee Seal on back of this letter. (No. 87.)Pg no.:751; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1747Marriage Boardnomination of New Members. From the servants of th ...View
1747MaurerJoh: Salomonof Veurt; arrived in 1744 in the 'Akerendam'; asks ...View
1747MollerHendriksee above, and 1748, No. 19. (No. 13.) Muijs (Wijn ...View
1747MaletPieterof Amsterdam; junior mate on the Ceijlon return sh ...View
1747MeulemausPieterof Bierebut; arrived in 1743, as soldier; asks for ...View
1747MinneDirkof Paterborne; arrived in 1741, as soldier, in the ...View
1748Marriage BoardPg no.:751; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1748MuijsWijnand WillemLieutenant at the Castle; wishes to remit; and 175 ...View
1748MJoh: Simonassistant, wishes to remit. (No. 35.)Pg no.:751; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1748MJacob-Lisharbour master; wife's name is Debora de Koning. S ...View
1748Mangis and Elizabethboth of the Cape; late slaves of the deceased Anna ...View
1748MoorHans Diederickof Elmshoorn; arr: in 1742 in the 'Papenburg,' as ...View
1749Marriage BoardPg no.:752; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1749MHendrikbookkeeper; wishes to remit; and 1750, No. 30. (No ...View
1749MeijsenerJohan Fred.of Soest; arrived in 1740, as soldier, in the 'Kas ...View
1749Margriet(daughter) of Sophia; (daughter) of Angie; of the ...View
1749MeurCarel Matthijsof Straalsond; arrived in 1738, as soldier, in the ...View
1749MarickJohannesburgher; wishes to establish a bakery. (No. 98.)Pg no.:752; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1750Marriage BoardPg no.:752; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1750MelkMartinof Memmel; arrived in 1746, as soldier, in 'Het Sl ...View
1750MatthijAbrahamof Trameland; arrived in 1743, as soldier, in the ...View
1750MollerJacobawife of Harris Prottee Felgenhauer. (q.v.) (No. 77 ...View
1751Marriage Commissioners.Pg no.:753; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1751MeijAnthonij van dership's-carpenter; having served his time, and obta ...View
1751MaijeniusNicolaasjunior merchant, and Fiscal on the return ship 'Ad ...View
1751Mariadaughter of Margriet, daughter of Maria Been; a sl ...View
1751MeijersJan Adamof Hoedensburgh; arrived in 1732, as soldier, in t ...View
1751MaritJacobburgher; asks for a building plot in the newly sur ...View
1751MostertCornelisburgher; asks as above. (No. 84.)Pg no.:753; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1752Marriage Board.Pg no.:753; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1752MuijsWijnand Willemwishes to remit. (No. 24.)Pg no.:753; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1752MHendrikwishes to remit. (No. 34.)Pg no.:753; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1753Marriage Board.Pg no.:753; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1753MuijsWijnand Willemwishes to remit. (Capt. Lieutenant here.) See also ...View
1753MHendrikwishes to remit. (No. 30.)Pg no.:754; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1753MullerEngelbartCaptain of Artillery; arrived in 1750, having been ...View
1753MHendrikof the Cape of G. Hope; entered the service in 172 ...View
1753MeijburgAlbertsee Eijckelenburg (Zacharias). (No. 50.)Pg no.:754; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1753MullerHendrik Josuaof Lopenstijn; arrived in 1743, as sailor, in the ...View
1753MartensIsaqburgher; is very poor; asks for a free passage hom ...View
1753MerweHendrik van derLieutenant of the Burgher cavalry at Stellenbosch. ...View
1753ManselCarel Johan Albregtof Bronswijk; arrived in 1750 in the 'Langewijk,' ...View
1753Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, Christoffel Lo ...View
1754MouritzJacobusburgher; asks permission to teach the youth here r ...View
1754MHendrikbookkeeper and business accountant; wishes to remi ...View
1754MHendrik Pieterassistant; wishes to remit. (1755, No. 10; 1756, N ...View
1754MullerHendrik Josuaburgher; wishes to remit. (No. 33.)Pg no.:755; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1754MoletHendrikupper sailmaker; wishes to remit. (No. 65.)Pg no.:755; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1754MatthiasJohannessoldier; wishes to remit. (No. 66.)Pg no.:755; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1754MerweHendrik van derex-heemraad; asks to have in freehold his loan pla ...View
1754MeiringRev: Arnoldus Mauritiusin the Land of Waveren; asks for a plot of ground ...View
1754MeesterWillem Hendrikof Wurtemberg; arrived in 1752, as soldier, in the ...View
1755Marriage Boardnominate, as new members, on behalf of the Company ...View
1755MuijsWijnand WillemCaptain Lieutenant of the Castle. Wife's name Sara ...View
1755MookChristiaanDrummer; wishes to remit. (No. 57.)Pg no.:755; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1755MeijburghPieterwagon-maker; wishes to remit. (No. 72.)Pg no.:755; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1755MeuringCarel Matthijsburgher; asks for a passage home. (No. 83.)Pg no.:756; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1755MeijerAndreasof Dantzig; arrived in 1748, as soldier, in 'Het s ...View
1755MoorHans Diederick) and Hendricksz: (Jacobusexecutors of the Will of the burgher Christiaan Bo ...View
1755Marriage Boardnominate, as new members, vice Lodewijk Christof W ...View
1755MeijerHendrikof Bremen; arrived in 1746, as soldier, in 'Het Hu ...View
1755MulderRudolf Dittmerof Soest; arrived, as soldier, in 1752, in the 'Go ...View
1755MeijerCatharinawidow and executrix of her late husband, Jan Coenr ...View
1755MandaalJohannes Michiel vanarrived in 1749, as soldier, in the 'Liefde'; asks ...View
1755MeiringRev: Arnoldus Mauritiusof 'Het Land van Waveren'; asks for a piece of gro ...View
1755MullerRudolf Ditmerburgher; asks for passage out for his wife Geertru ...View
1756MartensJochemof Brandenburg; arrived in 1747, as soldier, in th ...View
1756MMariawidow of the late junior merchant, Martinus Heems; ...View
1756MillerJan Frederickof Creutznach. Arrived in 1752, as soldier, in the ...View
1757Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, Carel Maximili ...View
1757MeijerJan Hendriksoldier; wishes to remit. (No. 33.)Pg no.:757; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1757MensFrederickassistant; wishes to remit. (No. 57.)Pg no.:757; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1757MollerMariawidow of the late junior merchant, and superintend ...View
1757MiddelkoopGoris Jansz: vanof Vianen; arrived, as sailor, in 1750, in the 'Ad ...View
1758Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, Hieronijmus He ...View
1758MombergJacobof Hessen Cassel; arrived in 1752, as soldier, in ...View
1758MunnikJan Hendrikburgher; wishes to start a baker's business. (No. ...View
1758MullerHendrik Oostwaltburgher-Lieutenant; and Haszingh (Jan); burgher-Co ...View
1758MeijburgBarbarawidow of the late Cornelis van Rooijen; wishes to ...View
1758MulderMaximiliaan Hendrikof Salopine; arrived, as soldier, in 1755 in 'De H ...View
1758MannewiekJohan Coenraadof Grimberg; arrived in 1752, as soldier, in the ' ...View
1759Marriage Boardnominate, as new members, on behalf of the Company ...View
1759MartinW.and Palk (Robert); being deprived of the English C ...View
1759MartinWilliamNaval Captain in the service of the King of Great ...View
1759MiddelkoopGoris Jansz: vansee Christoffel Daniels; 1759, No. 87. (No. 86.)Pg no.:758; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1759MolemanFrederik Sigmundof Barenburg; arrived in 1749, as soldier, in the ...View
1759MeijerEsaias EngelbertCaptain of the burgher-dragoons at Swellendam. In ...View
1759MHendrik Abrahamex-burgher-ensign; wishes to obtain a passage to B ...View
1759MatthijsChristiaan Frederickof Potsdam; arrived in 1754, as soldier, in the 'E ...View
1759MeijerHendrik Godliebof Hanover; arrived, as soldier, in 1753 in 'de Vr ...View
1759Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, Lucas Sigismun ...View
1760MichelJohan Adamof Eijsnach; arrived, as soldier, in 1752 in the ' ...View
1760MontduMember of the Supreme Council of Pondicherry; Mons ...View
1760MagonRenDirector of the (French) East India Company; Comma ...View
1760Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, Jan Benj: D'Ai ...View
1760MaasJan Godliebof Dresden; arrived in 1750, as soldier, in the 'S ...View
1760MeijburghLambertowner of the lower portion of the farm 'Constantia ...View
1760MulderJohan Andrieswagon maker; wishes to remit. (No. 114.)Pg no.:760; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1760MullerHendrik Oostwaltburgher; and Hassing (Jan); burgher-Councillor; ex ...View
1760MagetskijIjda Corneliawidow of the late chief-mate, Jacob Schouten; asks ...View
1760MelkMartenburgher; submits that he had lately bought from th ...View
1761MullardtBarnardusof Doesburg; arrived in 1751, as soldier, in the ' ...View
1761MensFrederickbookkeeper, and Secretary of Swellendam; wishes to ...View
1761McGurreLomsijgenerously obtained a free passage home, at her ow ...View
1761MollerJacobusasks for a passage home for himself and his wife, ...View
1761MostertHendrikagriculturist; asks for the freehold of a cattle f ...View
1761MiddelmeerThomasCaptain-Lieutenant of the Return ship 'Jerusalem,' ...View
1761MostertJanof Wieringen; arrived in 1756, as junior carpenter ...View
1762Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, Jac: Joh: le S ...View
1762MeeserNicolaasSergeant; wishes to remit. (1763, No. 81.) (No. 37 ...View
1762MinnJohannessoldier; wishes to remit. (No. 55.)Pg no.:761; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1762MHendrikjunior merchant and ledger keeper; wishes to remit ...View
1762MHendrik Pieterassistant; wishes to remit. (No. 78.)Pg no.:761; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1762MeijerMagdalenawidow of the late junior merchant and post holder ...View
1762MaasdorpArnoldusCaptain of the Stellenbosch dragoons; intends to s ...View
1762MinnJohannesof Waarburg; arrived, as soldier, in 1759, in the ...View
1762MelckMaartenlessee of the foreign Beer and Wine Licence; wishe ...View
1763Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, Coenraad Nelso ...View
1763MeijerChristoffelor Wanfried; arrived, as soldier, in 1754 in the ' ...View
1763MulderMichielLieutenant of the Swellendam Dragoons; asks for hi ...View
1763Merwethe widow Hendrik van der, juniorasks for the freehold of a cattle farm in the Stel ...View
1763MerklijnJohan Hendrikof Sols; arrived, as soldier, in 1755, in the 'Lap ...View
1763Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, S.V. Scheller ...View
1764MaijnierJoh: Jacobusyoung surgeon; wishes to remit. (No. 2.)Pg no.:762; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1764MuiselAnthonijsergeant; wishes to remit. (No. 24.)Pg no.:762; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1764MackPhilip Jacobcooper; wishes to remit. (No. 26.)Pg no.:762; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1764MeijerJan Hendrikdairyman, wishes to remit. (No. 54.)Pg no.:762; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1764MilhausHendrikassistant dairyman; wishes to remit. (No. 111.)Pg no.:763; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1764MeijnhardJohan Thobiasof Prijstad; arrived in 1756, as soldier, in 'De V ...View
1764MulderPauwel Hendrikof Lauwenberg; arrived, as soldier, in 1757, in th ...View
1764MelkMartenburgher; submits that for some years in succession ...View
1764MeijerPetrus Johannesis prepared to teach the youth of this place readi ...View
1765Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, J.C. v.d. Spui ...View
1765MulderCoenraadof Klijlisse; arrived, as soldier, in 1743, in the ...View
1765MaritzJohannes Stephanusburgher; wishes to teach the young reading, writin ...View
1765MeetChristiaanof Griegen; arrived in 1753, as soldier, in 'De Vr ...View
1765MosDirckburgher; wishes to manumit his slave Februarij of ...View
1765MaritzJoh: Steph:Pg no.:764; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1766Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, G.H. Cruijwage ...View
1766MeijburghAlbert Jansz:burgher-lieutenant of Infantry; wishes to resign o ...View
1766MolensteenJurriaenskipper of the Bengal Return ship 'Cattendijke'; w ...View
1766MaraisJacobLieutenant of the Stellenbosch Dragoons; wishes to ...View
1767-1768Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, Martinus Adria ...View
1767-1768MentzJoachim Frederikof Stendel; arrived in 1749, as sailor, in the 'Ho ...View
1767-1768Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, C. Brand and J ...View
1767-1768MagetskijCatharinawidow of the late Master-gardener Bernardus Millar ...View
1767-1768MatthijsJohan Hendrikof Koningsbergen; arrived in 1765, as junior carpe ...View
1767-1768MohrHans Diderikburgher; asks for a house plot in Table Valley, in ...View
1767-1768MohrMarcus Nicolaasmakes the same requestPg no.:765; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1767-1768MorgendaalJohan Casperof Rijgensake; arrived, as soldier, in 1762, in th ...View
1767-1768Maria Christina of Bataviafree black; wishes to manumit her slave, Africa of ...View
1767-1768MeijerJohan Georgof Batavia; arrived in 1762, as sailor, in 'Het Hu ...View
1767-1768MoosJochem Frederikof Brandenburgh; arrived in 1748, as soldier, in t ...View
1767-1768MetricMaria Magdalenawidow of the late agriculturist, Isaac Marais; on ...View
1767-1768MeijerBarendburgher; asks for the freehold of a piece of garde ...View
1767-1768MulderCasparof Brakel in Paderborn; arrived in 1763, in 'De Vr ...View
1768-1770Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, Oloff Godlieb ...View
1768-1770MertensPhilippusex-Japara burgher; passenger on the return ship 'D ...View
1768-1770MeinertzhagenIsaacLieutenant-Colonel, and head of the Military here. ...View
1768-1770MeijerGerrit Hendrikfirst Lieut: of the 3rd Burgher Dragoon Company at ...View
1768-1770MelletDavid Hendrikburgher; wishes to teach the young reading, writin ...View
1768-1770MulderJohan Teunisof Alnithausen; arrived in 1761, as young sailor, ...View
1768-1770MelletD.H.see above, No. 44Pg no.:768; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1768-1770MalanDavidagriculturist; wishes to manumit his slave, Aric o ...View
1768-1770Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, Jan Arnold Ble ...View
1768-1770ManoppoEugeniusarrived last year at Ternaten, as king of Boelang ...View
1768-1770MairesseAmand Josephof Momgenen; arrived in 1760, as young sailor, in ...View
1768-1770MagetskiCatharina Marialast widow of the master-gardener, Bernardus Mulla ...View
1768-1770Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, H.P. MPg no.:769; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1771MockeGodfriedof Thans; arrived in 1763, as soldier, in 'De drie ...View
1771MullerJohan Juliusof Bockenheim; arrived, as soldier, in 1756, in th ...View
1771MerweSchalk Willemse v.d.Isaac's son; cornet in the 1st Company of burgher ...View
1771MuiselAnthonijsergeant; with pay written off; wishes to manumit ...View
1772Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, Pieter Domus a ...View
1772MeijerNicolaasof Bonn; arrived in 1756, as soldier, in the 'Catt ...View
1772MauleCharleshad, in February, 1771, left Madras with his wife, ...View
1772MandtMagister Fred: Johansee Senff, 1772, No. 8. (No. 8.)Pg no.:769; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1772MeijerJohan Jacobof Lahr, in Preijschau; arrived in 1766, as soldie ...View
1772MeijerGerrit HendrikEsaias' son; Heemraad and Burgher-Captain of Swell ...View
1772MeijerSusanna Margarethawidow of the late burgher-Councillor, Sieur Johann ...View
1772MelckMaartenex-Heemraad; and his wife, Anna Margaretha Hop; al ...View
1773Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, Joh. Steijn an ...View
1773MemelingHendrikof the Hague; arrived in 1766, as sick visitor, in ...View
1773MulderCatharina Stempelwidow of the late burgher, Dirk Gijsbert Franke; w ...View
1773MuijselAnthonijsergeant; asks for a piece of land at the 'Wijnber ...View
1773MooleHansof Chur in Switzerland; left here last year, with ...View
1773MullerBarendof Amsterdam; arrived, as gunner, in 1772, in the ...View
1773MorgentaalJohannesof Rijgen-Saxen; arrived, as soldier, in 1764, in ...View
1773MontzingerMatthijsof Nijstad; arrived, as soldier, in 1758 in 'De dr ...View
1774Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, Philip v.d. Be ...View
1774MulderCarstenof Bremerlee; arrived in 1786, as sailor, in 'De J ...View
1774MeijerElsabwidow of the late burgher, Simon Hazewinkel; wishe ...View
1774MoscherUlricusof Copenhagen; arrived in 1769, as soldier, in the ...View
1774MariennieMatthijsof Corsica; arrived in 1771, as arquebusier, in th ...View
1775Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, Johan Andries ...View
1775MeijerJohan Jacobburgher; asks for 2 house-erven in Block 17Pg no.:773; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1776Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, Joh. Knockers ...View
1776MentzJoachim Frederickjunior merchant and Landdrost at Swellendam; has s ...View
1776MalanDavidasks for a plot of land in Hot. Holland, near his ...View
1776MullerJohan Andreasof Lauterbach; arrived, as soldier, in 1771 in the ...View
1776MalanHercules AdriaanFirst Lieut: of the 2nd Comp. of Dragoons at Stell ...View
1776MackPhilip Jacobof Wijnheijm; arrived in 1760, as soldier, in 'Het ...View
1776MillerJoachim Frederickof Dirats; arrived, as soldier, in the 'Nieuw Rhoo ...View
1776Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, Joh. Martinus ...View
1776MeijerElsabewidow of the late burgher, Simon Hazewinkel. Her e ...View
1778MontaubanAdrianusof Rotterdam; arrived, as soldier, in 1724, in the ...View
1778MunnikGerhardusburgher lessee of the Cape wine and brandy license ...View
1779Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, Casparus van E ...View
1779MorrisArthurCaptain of the Eng. E.I. Comp'.s ship 'Colebroke,' ...View
1779MartinJeanarrived in the French private vessel 'La Ceres,' i ...View
1779MeijerGerhardtcarpenter; employed at the New Hospital building; ...View
1779MollerGabriel vonlate captain in the English service at Madras; end ...View
1779MillBurgher Councillors submit that in 1717 the Lords- ...View
1779MohrHans DiederiekHoppa. (Willem); and Joubert (Jozua), Gideon's son ...View
1779Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, Hendrik Justin ...View
1780MeijerSusannadeceased; widow of the ex-burgher Councillor Jacob ...View
1780MohrHans Diderikburgher; executor in the Estate of the late free b ...View
1780MunkPieterof Velzen; arrived as passenger in 1776 in the 'Be ...View
1780MaraisIgnatiusburgher; asks for the grant of a piece of ground i ...View
1780MinnaarPieter Jacobburgher; asks for the grant of a piece of ground b ...View
1780MerweRoelof van derCarel's son; asks for the grant of a plot of groun ...View
1780MullerChristiaan Bernhardchief mate on the Return ship 'De Vrouwe Everhardi ...View
1780MeijringAlbert Homoof Lingen; left Europe for India as soldier, in 17 ...View
1781Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, Abraham Chiron ...View
1781MaasGerardusex-titular towndoctor at Batavia; wishes to return ...View
1781MaraisFranburgher; asks for a plot of land between the Daljo ...View
1781MalanDavidagriculturist; asks for a plot of cultivable land ...View
1781MeezerNicolaasof Hessen Cassel; arrived here in 1752 in 'De Admi ...View
1781MeiringPieterof the Cape of Good Hope; entered the service in 1 ...View
1782Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, Hendrik Lodewi ...View
1782MHendrik Pieterbookkeeper in the Equipment Stores; has served 30 ...View
1782MerweJacobus van derasks for a plot of land in the Wagonmaker's valley ...View
1782MatthijsseClemensof Hoesum; arrived in 1773, as soldier, in the 'Gr ...View
1782MAbraham Theodorusof the Cape of Good Hope; entered the service, as ...View
1782MGabriel vonarrived in 1781, as sailor, in 'Het Hoff ter Linde ...View
1782MMarthinus Johannesof the Cape of Good Hope; entered the service in 1 ...View
1782MaasdorpChristiaan Georgeex-burgher Councillor and Cavalry Captain; has ear ...View
1782MemelinghHendrikburgher, and butcher; complains of the dearness of ...View
1783Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, Jan Frederik K ...View
1783MunnikJan Hendrikex-burgher-Councillor, and Captain of Cavalry; sub ...View
1783MaderJan Godliebchief surgeon at False Bay, and lately in the same ...View
1783MaitreCornelis Gerhardus leof the Hague; assistant; arrived in 1744, as soldi ...View
1783MassonJoostlate third officer on the China Return ship 'Honco ...View
1783MeuronCount desubmits that the Dutch East India Company had char ...View
1783MalanDanielagriculturist; humbly sheweth that by permission o ...View
1783MJohan Godfriedof Lookwits; arrived in 1778, as soldier, in the ' ...View
1783MannJustinus Philippusof Smirna; junior mate on the Hooker 'Catwijk aan ...View
1783MannJustinus Philippusof Smirna; junior mate; described as having arrive ...View
1784Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, Johannes Gijsb ...View
1784MekouwJan Willemskipper on the Ceijlon Return ship 'Amsterdam'; de ...View
1784MetzlerJacob CasperMinister; repatriating with the return ship, 'Het ...View
1784MartinJohan Wilhelmof Carelsdorp; arrived in 1774, as soldier, in the ...View
1784MunnikJan Hendrikburgher-Councillor; asks for a plot of ground at S ...View
1784MillersPg no.:785; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1784MontaguJ.Captain of the English war frigate 'Juno'; asks pe ...View
1784Marriage Boardelect, on behalf of the Company, Petrus Joh: Trute ...View
1784MatthiesenClementledger keeper, codiciliary executor (gemagtigde) o ...View
1785MeuronRegiment ofThe lessee of the Cape Wines, J.J. v.d. Berg, comp ...View
1785MenardPierreCaptain of the French ship 'Le Jeune Stanislaus,' ...View
1785MarthezeHendrik Carelpassenger on the outward bound Ceylon ship 'Sparen ...View
1785MerweDavid van derhad bought, at public auction, the house and baker ...View
1785MeijmaLucretiawidow of the late master ship's carpenter on the w ...View
1785MeijerEsaiasCaptain of the 1st Company of Swellendam Dragoons; ...View
1785MarinieMatthijsburgher; wishes to repatriate with his wife and ch ...View
1785MeuronCount dememorial regarding some funds of his regimentPg no.:786; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1786Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, Fred: Gotthold ...View
1786MassonierJeansupercargo of the French ship 'La Flore,' which ar ...View
1786MasonMr.Botanist. (? Masson.) Governor mentions that he is ...View
1786MeuronColonel deGovernor draws attention to his proceedings in the ...View
1786MoneyPg no.:788; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1786MeuronColonel dereceives 18 months' leave of absence for a trip to ...View
1786MaascaretteRadeen = PrinceHigh Government at Batavia, having, on the 25th Oc ...View
1786MosterdPieterof Wieringen. Jan Adnaan v. Schoor, President of t ...View
1786MaasGijsbertusex-president of the Court of Justice in Batavia, i ...View
1786MerchantPg no.:789; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1786Military Matters.Pg no.:790; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1786Military Matters.For various reasons submitted by the Governor, it ...View
1786MillstonesPg no.:791; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1786MijsserCoenraadsailor; given burgher papers because he was accide ...View
1786MiddelburgPg no.:794; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1786Money requisition from Home.Pg no.:794; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1786MatthiessenClementpaymaster; made junior merchant. (p. 720; date, 14 ...View
1786MazonMassonBotanist. Admitted here on the recommendation of H ...View
1786MeatPg no.:794; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1786Malt beerPg no.:795; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1786Military PromotionsPg no.:795; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1786Mossel and Plettenberg BaysPg no.:796; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1786MerchandizePg no.:796; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1786MinistersPg no.:796; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1786Meuronsee De Meuron. (p. 1,066; date, 1st November.)Pg no.:796; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1786Master-workmenPg no.:797; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1786Meuron, Regiment dePg no.:798; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1786MatthiessenClementsoldier; placed on the retired list without pay, a ...View
1786Marriage BoardPg no.:798; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1786Mossel and Plettenberg BaysPg no.:798; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1787MunnikGerhardushad become the owner of a house and garden situate ...View
1787MunnikJoh: Albertuswishes to open a bakery. (No. 20.)Pg no.:799; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1787MunnikGerhardusburgher Captain; see above; submits his evidence. ...View
1787MatthieuJeantime expired sergeant in the Meuron Regiment; wish ...View
1787MaravalDe Ratis desurgeon-major of the Luxemburg Regiment; wishes to ...View
1787MaravalDe Ratis deannexures to the above (French). (No. 60.)Pg no.:799; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1787MarabalFranthe undersigned (no signatures) have tried in the ...View
1787MarlandSijbrandCaptain of the late vessel 'Het Huijs te Spijk,' s ...View
1787Marriage Boardreport that, for the vacancy caused by Carel Mappa ...View
1787MeijerJan Jacobbought last year by public auction 2 house erven, ...View
1787MartenJeanburgher; wishes to manumit his slave, FranPg no.:800; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1787MunnikJan Hendrikburgher-councillor and cavalry captain; had obtain ...View
1787MunnikJan Hendriksee above; submits that in the last war with Engla ...View
1787MaurratCaptain deof the Luxemburg Regiment; refers to the long voya ...View
1787MullerAdam Gabrielhas served 20 years as firemaster, and now wishes ...View
1787MichelJohan AdamFiremaster; having reached the age of 62 years, as ...View
1787Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, George Gerard ...View
1787MeuronRegiment dein answer to a memorial of 4 officers of that Regi ...View
1787MelkMartinusburgher; wishes to manumit, on the usual condition ...View
1788MeuronColonel desubmits a list of necessaries indispensable to his ...View
1788MeijerGerrit Hendrikburgher-Councillor; has, since 1775, served as cap ...View
1788MilfaartJochemskipper on the 'Mentor'; submits that during the v ...View
1788MaravalFransurgeon-major of the Luxemburg Regiment; asks for ...View
1788MunnikArendburgher; has a farm at False Bay, named 'Constanti ...View
1788MeuronColonel derefers to his letter of the 30th December last, pr ...View
1788MaletPieterjunior; Captain-lieutenant on the provision ship ' ...View
1788MaletPietersee above, No. 55; wishes to remain here for a tim ...View
1788MeijerJan Jurgenburgher; wishes to manumit his slave, Lea of the C ...View
1788MaraisWillemburgher; asks for a plot of ground adjoining his e ...View
1788MaasdorpChristiaan GeorgeCaptain in the first company of burgher Cavalry at ...View
1788Marriage BoardGeorge Gerard Diemel having died, the Board nomina ...View
1788Morkelthe Widowthe undersigned, P.A. Eksteen, at the request of t ...View
1788MullerGeorge Gabrielson of the late burgher-Councillor Hendrik Oostwal ...View
1788MunnikGerhardusdeacon and heemraad at Drakenstein; had, when the ...View
1788MaasJacobof Detelsheim, in the Paltz; the Company's lime bu ...View
1788Military School Regulations.Pg no.:806; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1788MagnusPietersoldier; wishes to manumit, on the usual condition ...View
1789MullerD.Captain of the ship 'Het Zeepaard,' now in the roa ...View
1789MD.see above. Extract from journal kept on board his ...View
1789MaletPieterhad been Captain-Lieutenant on the provision ship ...View bookkeeper; refers to some men loaned by the C ...View
1789MaletPieterjunior;Pg no.:810; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1789MaletPieterjunior;Pg no.:810; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1789MullerJohannesarrived here in 1780 in the 'Behemoth,' and left f ...View
1789MatthijssenJan HendrikChief Provost; submits that in 1776, in consequenc ...View
1789MareezJoh: Petrusburgher at Stellenbosch; mentions that by Resoluti ...View
1789MorelJanleft Europe in 1786 as chief surgeon in the servic ...View
1789MelkMartinusdeceased. Orphan Masters refer to their representa ...View
1789MartinJeanburgher; asks for a plot of ground in Table Valley ...View
1789MelanderHermanus Johannes deordinary clerk at the Political Secretariat; was t ...View
1789MarJacob Philippusasks for a plot of groundPg no.:813; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1789MElizabethwife of David MPg no.:813; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1789MDavidsee above. Memorial of his wife, father, mother, b ...View
1789MartinJeanasks for a plot of groundPg no.:814; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1789MerwePetrus Johannes van derburgher; wishes to manumit his female slave, Anna ...View
1790Marriage Boardsubmit that they have nominated, on the part of th ...View
1790MijliusFriedrich Heinrich Baron deLieutenant in the Wurtemberg Regiment, wishes to l ...View
1790MulderJan Theunisburgher; wishes to proceed to Europe with his wife ...View
1790MaletPieterJunior. Skipper on the 'Alblasserdam'; asks for a ...View
1790MaasAdriaanNaval lieutenant in the Company's service, on boar ...View
1790MartignyMons: dearrived in the French ship 'Le St. Pierre'; wishes ...View
1790MannJustinus PhilippusNaval captain; wishes to take with him in his ship ...View
1790MotierHenry David de Meuron deCaptain in the Swiss Regiment de Meuron, states th ...View
1790MarthezeHendrik Carelrequests permission for the youth, the son of the ...View
1790MarinussenMarinusP. son; of Brijdamme; arrived, as young sailor, in ...View
1790MulderJan Theunisburgher. The vessel 'Helena Louisa,' in which he i ...View
1790MosselMeinard Adriaanjunior merchant; arrived in the 'Macassar'; wishes ...View
1790MeuronHenry David deCaptain of the Swiss Regiment de Meuron in Ceylon; ...View
1790MontandonFranCaptain-Lieutenant in the same RegimentPg no.:816; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1790MorniMattijburgher; Permitted to repatriate, in 1785, in a Po ...View
1790MalanJacobburgher; submits that his father, David Malan, had ...View
1790MuntzPieriusCommander of the Packet 'Zeemeeuw,' in False Bay; ...View
1790MatfeltHendriksailor; arrived in 1786 in the 'Hoog Caspel'. Was ...View
1790MullerTheunisburgher. Had received permission to repatriate wit ...View
1790MullerCarstenasks for the grant of a piece of ground in the Cap ...View
1790MolenaarW.Captain of the ship 'Geregtigheid'; submits a list ...View
1790MeijerJan Jacobburgher; bought, in 1786, from the Company, 2 erve ...View
1790MeiringPieterex-commissioner of civil and marriage affairs; bou ...View
1790MeijerJan Jacobsee above. Wishes to pay into the TreasuryPg no.:818; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1790MosJacobushas for 36 years earned his living by riding fuel ...View
1790MullerChristoffel Lodewijkof Gutterslebe; arrived in 1767, as soldier, and p ...View
1790MomsenAndriesdairyman; asks for a plot of groundPg no.:818; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1791MulhuijsCatharinawidow of the late Paulus Hendrik Muller; wishes he ...View
1791MatfeldtHendriklessee of the third part of the Cape Brandy Licenc ...View
1791Meuron, de(Lieutenant Colonel of the Swiss Regiment); arrive ...View
1791MetschkeijJohan Christophassistant without pay, and passenger on the 'Schoo ...View
1791MauritiusPg no.:820; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1791MauritiusPg no.:820; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1791MauritiusPg no.:820; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1791MeijerJohan Hendriksailor; arrived here, as such, in 1768 in the 'Vli ...View
1791MartinJanSurgeon-major of the burghers here; asks for a plo ...View
1791MaurasAndrCaptain-Lieutenant in the Luxemburg Regiment; subm ...View
1791Marriage Boardnominate, on behalf of the Company, Jan Willem Wer ...View
1791MontignyMons:a memorial addressed to Governor C.J. v.d. Graaff, ...View
1803Money, Security ofPg no.:821; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1803MatthiessenClemenshas served the East India Company in various ways ...View
1803MarthezeHendrik Carelborn at Ceylon; married, in 1783, Jacoba Ulcea ten ...View
1803MalbrangJohnof Sedam (? Sedan); in the French Republic. Has se ...View
1803MarthezeHendrik CarelPg no.:821; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1803MeeserFlorisborn here; entered the service, in 1791, as ordina ...View
1803MaasdorpF.W.has for 5 years served the Company as assistant at ...View
1803MaasdorpGijsbert Henrijin 1791 joined the Company's Artillery in Garrison ...View
1803MeinemaMensohas served the Company in various capacities from ...View
1803MaasdorpArnoldusentered the service, as soldier at the pen, in 178 ...View
1803MHendrik Pieterhas, since 1798, served in the Office of the Notar ...View
1803MotteB. de laSworn translator. The only reason why he had writt ...View
1807MeiijcartJan Gerritassistant at the Stellenbosch Secretariat; arrived ...View
1806-1807MockeJ.G.submits that as several lots of ground in the neig ...View
1806-1807MalanStephanusField Cornet of the Koeberg District, and owner of ...View
1806-1807MalanStephanusthe Dutch original of the above with signature. (N ...View
1806-1807McDonaldAlexandera merchant; has been several years established her ...View
1806-1807MosterdJannetjewidow of the late Johan George Lochner; is the own ...View
1806-1807MostertJan Jacobfarmer of Blueberg; submits that, as some time ago ...View
1806-1807MostertJan JacobCertificate of Field Cornet Dirk Verweij (above re ...View
1806-1807MostertJannetjesee above, No. 124. The Acting Colonial Secretary, ...View
1806-1807MostertJannetjea similar letter addressed to the President and Me ...View
1806-1807MostertJannetjea similar letter addressed to G.F. Grand, Inspecto ...View
1806-1807MostertJannetjea similar letter addressed to the President and Me ...View
1806-1807MostertJannetjecopy of memorial No. 124, which is referred by the ...View
1806-1807MostertJannetjeanother copy of No. 124. (No. 144.)Pg no.:827; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1806-1807MostertJannetjeanother copy of No. 124. (No. 145.)Pg no.:827; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
1806-1807MostertJannetjeanother copy of No. 124, with Governor's reply; se ...View
1806-1807MalanDavidD'.s son; residing at the 'Karse Rivier,' Overberg ...View
1806-1807MalanDavidDutch original of the above. (Signature.) (No. 178 ...View
1806-1807MalanJacobrequests that at his own expense, 30 morgen of lan ...View
1716-1716MalanJacobEnglish translation of the above. (No. 183.)Pg no.:827; Precis Archives Book, Volume 1
Precis of the archives 1715-1806 Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.