SA War Medal Recipients 1853 Search : M
Surname Names Title Source View
MaartJacobSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MacdonnellAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaceWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MacfeatWalterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MackJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MackayThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MackenzieDanielSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MackenzieRoderickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MackieWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MacKinnonGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MacklinGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MacklinJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MacleanCharles M.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MacleanJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MacleodJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MacliseWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MacNabRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MacnamaraJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MacnamaraMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaconattGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MacPhersonJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaddaganJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaddenJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaddiganPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MadgeSamuelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MagaheyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MagaheyPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MagarityJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MageePatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MageeRichardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MagermanCarelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaggsThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MagherJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MagillHenrySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaguireBernardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaguireEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaguireHughSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaguireJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaguireMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaguireThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MagulStephanusSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MahaganWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaherMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaherPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MahonFrancisSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MahoneyDanielSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MahoneyDanielSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MahoneyJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MahoneyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MahoneyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MainAlfred A.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MainAndrewSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MainEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MainJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MainJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MainPeterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MainThomas PeterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MainsEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MainwaringEdward G.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaiseyGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaitlandCharlesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MajorJohn R.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MajorThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MakepieceThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MakinDanielSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MakinRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaldenJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaldenJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaleadyMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MallanPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MallenHughSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MallenStephenSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MallenderJudeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MallettThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MallettWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MalleyMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MallisNelsonSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MallonThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaloneJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaloneJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaloneJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MalonePeterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaloneyDanielSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaloneyJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaloneyJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaloneyMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaloneyPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MalonieJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaltonGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MalvayJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
ManclarkeWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MandersJosephSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MandersonDanielSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MandevilleEdward T.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
ManewellThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MangnallJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
ManhamWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
ManicomJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
ManleyWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
ManleyWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
ManlyJohn S.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MannAlfredSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MannHenrySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MannJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MannJohn B.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MannThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MannersThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
ManningDanielSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
ManningEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
ManningGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
ManningGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
ManningJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
ManningJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
ManningRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
ManningWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MannionWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MannsRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MansellThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
ManserghJohn C.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MansfieldJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MansfieldRichardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MansonHughSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MansonRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MansonThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
ManuelDavidSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MapletoftJosephSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaraJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarchantEssauSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarcusPeterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MardlingJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarescauxAlfred F.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MargettsWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarkWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarkhamJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarkhamJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarklandJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarksJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaroneyJeremiahSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaroneyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaroneyPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaroyHughSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarquisCharlesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarrCharlesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarriottHenrySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarsdenAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarsdenThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarsdenWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarseyHenrySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarshGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarshJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarshJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarshRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarshWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarshWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarshalCharles B.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarshallAndrewSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarshallJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarshallJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarshallJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarshallJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarshallJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarshallJosephSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarshallSamuelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarshallThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarshallThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarshallWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarshallWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarskellPhilipSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MarstonGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartialGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinArchibaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinArthur B.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinCharlesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinFrancisSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinG. T.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinHenrySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinJohn F.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinJonasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinJosephSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinPeterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinPeterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinPhilipSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinWilliam W.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MartinusArnoldusSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MascallGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MasfieldJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MashGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaslinJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MasonDanielSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MasonGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MasonGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MasonGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MasonJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MasonJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MasonJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MasonJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MasonJames L.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MasonJobSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MasonJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MasonNormanSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MasonNormanSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MasterhouseJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MastersJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MastertonJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MatherHarrySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MathersThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MathewsJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MathewsJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MathiasFrederickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MathieJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MathiesonAdamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MathiesonAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MathiesonAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MathiesonWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MatleyJosephSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MatthewsAnthonySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MatthewsFrederickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MatthewsJacobSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MatthewsJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MatthewsJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MatthewsThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MatthewsThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MatthewsWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MattrossHendrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MattrossStoffleSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MawWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaxwellAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaxwellJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaxwellJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaxwellWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaxwellWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MayAnthonySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MayGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MayPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MayThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaycockJosephSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaydwellHenry L.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MayesJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaynardSimonSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MayneGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MayneWilliam J.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaynerJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MayoWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MayseWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MaytheJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McAdamWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McAdamsJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McAlaryJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McAleeseJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McAlindenHughSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McAlisterAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McAlligateEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McAllisterWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McAlpineRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McAndrewAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McAndrewsJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McArthurDuncanSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McArthurJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McArthurJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McArthurJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McAuleyCharlesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McAuslandJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McBainJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McBainJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McBarronJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McBeanDonaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McBeanGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McBrideJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McBrideJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McBrideWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McBrienEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McBryanJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCabeBernardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCabeJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCabeJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCabeJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCabeJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCabeWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCabeWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCafferyWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCaffreyEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCaffreyOwenSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCaffreyPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCainWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCaldenJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCallumArchibaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCallumMalcolmSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCamleyJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCannAndrewSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCannEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCannJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCannJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCannJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCannJosephSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCannMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCannPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCannRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCannaJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCannaJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCarthyCharlesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCarthyDanielSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCarthyDanielSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCarthyDarbySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCarthyDennisSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCarthyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCarthyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCarthyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCarthyJustinSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCarthyPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCarthyPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCarthyPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCarthyPeterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCarthyRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCarthyStephenSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCauleySamuelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCauslandDavidSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCawleyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCawleySamuelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCleanCharlesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCleanEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCleeveAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McClellanJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McClellandFrancis W. H.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McClellandJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McClellandJames F.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McClellandJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McClenaghThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCloskeyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCluneJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McClurkinJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCluskeyHenrySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCollThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCombeThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCombieAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCombsGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McConkeyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McConnellAndrewSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McConnellJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McConnellJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCooeyEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCormackJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCormackPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCormickJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCormickMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCormickMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCormickPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCoskieDavidSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCoughMilesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCrackenJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCraithAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCranneyPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCratePatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCreaJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCreaRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCrearyPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCredieJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCreeryJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCrisikanJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCrossanRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCullenFrancisSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCullenThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCullochJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCullockWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCullumJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCuskerJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McCuskerJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDaidPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDanaldJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDanielJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDavidDuncanSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDermottAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDermottJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDermottMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDermottPhilipSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDermottThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDermottThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDoleDavidSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaghEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaghJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldAllenSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldAndrewSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldAngusSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldArchibaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldDanielSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldDanielSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldDavidSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldDonaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldDonaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldDonaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldDonaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldDuncanSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldDuncanSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldKennethSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldPeterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldPeterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonaldWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonellAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonnellJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonnellJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonnellKernanSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonoughCharlesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDonoughJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDougaldDugaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDougallAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDougallDuncanSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDougallMalcolmSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDowallJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDowellAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McDuffJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McElhoneyThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McElvougeBernardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McEteerPeterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McEvoyAndrewSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McEvoyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McEwanIsaacSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McFaddenJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McFarlaneAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McFarlaneDavidSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McFarlaneDonaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McFarlaneJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McFarlaneJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McFarlanePatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McFarlanePeterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McFarlaneWalterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McFedriesSamuelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McFeeArchibaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McFeeHectorSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McFeeRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGalliganHamiltonSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGannMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGarrAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGavanFrederickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGavinJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGeeBernardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGeeJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGeeJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGeeJosephSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGeePatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGeeWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGerrittyJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGheeAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGheeJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGhieGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGhieJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGhieRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGibbonJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGibbonWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGillDavidSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGillJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGillJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGillThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGivneyPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGladderyWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGlashenJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGlashenPeterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGolrickWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGonagallTurbettSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGonnegalCharlesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGonnellPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGonnellWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGorlickJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGoughJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGoughPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGovernFrancisSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGovernMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGowanJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGowanJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGowanPeterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGowanRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGrailDominicSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGrathArthurSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGrathJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGrathJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGrathJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGrathJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGrathLawrenceSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGrathMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGrathMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGrathMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGrathPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGrathWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGrathWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGrawThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGreadyFelixSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGrealPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGregorAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGregorDavidSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGregorGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGregorGregorSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGregorJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGregorJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGregorJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGregorJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGregorJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGregorJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGregorPeterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGregorWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGrigorJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGrigorThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGrigorWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGrottyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGuinessAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGuinessEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGuinessJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGuinessPhilipSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGuintyBenjaminSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGuireEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGuireFrancisSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McguireJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGuireJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGuireJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGuireJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGuireJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGuireJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGuireJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGuireJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGuireLukeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGuireMarcusSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGuireMatthewSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGuireMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGuirePatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGuirePatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGuirePhilipSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGuireThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McGuirkEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McHaleWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McHardieHughSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McHargeJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McHughAndrewSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McHughJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McHughJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McHughJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McHughJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McHughPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McHughPeterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McInnesLachlanSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McInnisDonaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McInnisJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McIntoshAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McIntoshDonaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McIntoshDuncanSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McIntoshDuncanSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McIntoshJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McIntoshJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McIntoshRichardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McIntyreAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McIntyreAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McIntyreDanielSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McIntyreDavidSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McIntyreDougaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McIntyreDuncanSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McIntyreFindleySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McIntyreHughSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McIntyreJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McIntyreWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKayAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKayAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKayArchibaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKayColin C.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKayDonaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKayDonaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKayHughSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKayJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKayJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKayJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKayJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKayJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKayJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MckayJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKaySolomonSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKayWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKayWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKayWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKeanHenry R.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKeanJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKearneyPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKechnieJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKeeAndrewSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKeeJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKeenJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKeevorWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKeggWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKennaAndrewSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKennaEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKennaJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKennaJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKennaWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKennyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKenzieAlexander W.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKenzieDonaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKenzieDonaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKenzieDonaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKenzieHughSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKenzieJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKenzieJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKenzieJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKenzieJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKenzieKennethSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKenzieRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKenzieRoderickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKeonFelixSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKeonJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKeonPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKeoneThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKeownMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKeownPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKeownPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKeownWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKerrollJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKerryBernardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKeverMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKeyEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKeyHenrySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKeyRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKieJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKilduffJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKinlayJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKinlayRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKinleyWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKinnonArchibaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKinnonCharlesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKinnonJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKittrickJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKittrickJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKnightJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKnightWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McKurrellJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLaganCharlesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLaughlanDanielSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLaughlanJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLaughlinJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLaughlinStephenSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLaughlinStephenSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLaughlinWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLeaThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLeanAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLeanAllenSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLeanFrederickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLeanJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLeanJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLeanJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLeanJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLeanWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLearPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLeayJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLennonAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLennonAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLeodAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLeodDonaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLeodHughSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLeodJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLeodNeilSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLeodRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLeodTorquilSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLevieJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLeyThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLintockWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLintockWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLoughlanEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLoughlinFrancisSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLoughlinHughSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLoughlinJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLoughlinJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLoughlinJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLoughlinMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLoughlinPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLuckieGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McLynchyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMahonBernardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMahonJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMahonJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMahonJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMahonJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMahonJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMahonJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMahonLucisSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMahonRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMahonWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMannersFrancisSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McManusAndrewSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McManusJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McManusLukeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McManusMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMastersJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMearaMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMenominPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMillanDanielSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMillanThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMinnJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMorlandHughSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMorrayHughSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMullenDanielSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMullenHughSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMullenJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMullenJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMullenJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMullenSamuelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMullinHenrySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMunagleSamuelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMunagleWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McMurphyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McNabDuncanSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McNabbPeterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McNabneyJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McNairJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McNallyBernardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McNallyJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McNallyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McNallyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McNaltyAnthonySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McNaltyCharlesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McNaltyPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McNamaraAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McNamaraDennisSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McNamaraJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McNamaraMartinSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McNamaraPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McNamaraThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McNameeJosephSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McNeaJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McNealJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McNeilAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McNeilJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McNeilWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McNerneyJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McNevinArchibaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McNicolJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McNultyJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McParlinJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McPhersonDuncanSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McPhersonJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McQuadeFrancisSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McQuadeGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McQuadePeterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McQuadeTerenceSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McQuarryAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McQueenArthurSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McQueenWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McQuettersHughSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McQuiggenFrancisSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McQuilkinJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McQuilkinJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McQuillenAndrewSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McQuireWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McRaeColinSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McRaeHerbert T.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McRaeJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McSheaJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McTaggartHughSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McTigueMartinSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McVeaghThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McVeyGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McVicarArchibaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McVicarJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McVicarRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McVittyWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McWhirterDavidSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McWhirterGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McWilliamArthurSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McWilliamsCharlesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McWilliamsFrancisSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McWilliamsHenrySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McWilliamsJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
McWilliamsJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MeadThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MeaddowsIsaacSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MeadeMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MeadeMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MeadesFrancisSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MealeyHughSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MealeyJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MealeyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MeanyWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MedhurstThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MedleyAldredSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MeeJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MeeWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MeechMatthewSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MeehanJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MeehanPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MeehanPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MeekCharlesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MeekRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MeerJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MeiklamRogerSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MeldrumJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MeldrumJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MeldrumWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MelhuishGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MellinJosephSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MellorJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MellorThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MellorsWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MelluishRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MelroseAndrewSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MelroseRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MelroyJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MeltonEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MelvilleWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MelvinAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MelvinWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MenloufGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MenloveJosiahSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MentorLodwickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MenziesJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MenziesRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MercerRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MerchantGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MerchantGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MeredithThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MerrettGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MerrettHenrySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MerrettPeterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MerrettPeterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MerrittJosephSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MerrittWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MerrymanRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MetcalfJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MetcalfWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MetcalfeHenry C.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MetcalfeJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MettersJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MewJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MeyersClassSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MeyersIsaacSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MeyersSteermanSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MichaelJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MichaelRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MichaelsCorneliusSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MichelJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MichieCharlesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MiddleditchWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MiddlemoreRobert F.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MiddletonAbrahamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MiddletonRichardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MiddletonWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MidgleyBenjaminSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MidgleyJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MidgleyWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MihanDennisSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MilbarrowBenjaminSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MilesJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MilesStephenSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MilfordJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MilgatePhilipSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillWilliam M.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillarJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillardRichardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillenRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillerAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillerDavidSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillerGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillerJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillerJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillerJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillerJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillerJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillerJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillerJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillerJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillerJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillerJosephSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillerJosephSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillerJosephSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillerJosephSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillerLewisSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillerPeterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillerRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillerRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillerThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillerThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillerThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillerWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillerWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillerWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillesLewes W.HonourableSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MilliardWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MilliganJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillinEdward R.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillingtonHenrySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillionRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillsAlfredSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillsAugustusSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillsHenrySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillsJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillsJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillsJosephSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillsReubenSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillsThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillsWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillsWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillsWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillsWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MillsWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MilneAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MilneAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MilneAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MilneDavidSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MilneJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MilnerGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MilnesWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MilsomeIsaacSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MimmackHenrySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MinalGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MinehamJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MinesWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MinterJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MintoJames C.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MintoJames C.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MiresJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MiskinWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MitchellAbrahamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MitchellAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MitchellBenjaminSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MitchellCharlesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MitchellEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MitchellGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MitchellGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MitchellJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MitchellJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MitchellJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MitchellJosephSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MitchellRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MitchellSamuelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MitchellThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MitchellThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MitchellWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MitchellWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MitchellWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MitchellWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MitchellWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MitchellWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MitchellWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MitchnorThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MittonRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoaneJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoeldSamuelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoffattJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoffattJohn E.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoffattSamuelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoffattWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MohanJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoiseLewisSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoleHenrySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MolesThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MolesworthEdward N.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MollisonAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MolloyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MolloyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MolloyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MolloyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MolloyThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoloneyPeterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MonaghanFelixSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MonaghanFrancisSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MonaghanHughSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MonaghanHughSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MonaghanJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MonahanCharlesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MonckRichardHonourableSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MonckWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoncurJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoneyWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MongavonJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MongerTimothySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MonkStephenSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MonklandGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MonoghanWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MonroDavid A.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MonteithRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MontgomeryHugh P.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MontgomeryWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoodyHampdenSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoodyRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoonFrederickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoonHenrySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoonJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoonJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoonanHenrySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooneyPhilipSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooneyThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooneyWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoorJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreBenjaminSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreDanielSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreDavidSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreDavidSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreElijahSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreFrancisSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreHenrySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreIsaacSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreJohn S.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreJosephSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoorePeterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooreWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MooresWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoorwoodJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoranAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoranBryanSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoranJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoranJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoranJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoranMatthewSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoranMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoranPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoranPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoranThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoranThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoranWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorantCharlesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorcombeChristopherSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MordanFrederickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoreAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoreJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoreheadJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoretonJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoreyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoreyJonathanSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorganAlexander B.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorganArchibaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorganJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorganJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorganJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorganJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorganJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorganJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorganJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorganRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorganSamuelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorganThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorganThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorganWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorganWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorganWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorganWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoriartyEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoriartyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoriartyMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorleyWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorleyWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorrellPhilip H.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorriceCharlesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorriceThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorrisEdwinSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorrisFrederickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorrisGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorrisHenrySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorrisJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorrisJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorrisJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorrisOwenSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorrisSamuelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorrisThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorrisWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorrisWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorrisWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorrisonFrancisSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorrisonGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorrisonGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorrisonHenrySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorrisonJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorrisonJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorrisonJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorrisonWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorronWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorrowJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorrowJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MortimerJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MortimerRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MortimoreWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MortinusAppollusSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MortlockSimonSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MortonAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MortonJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MortonWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MorwoodWilliam J.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoscropGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoseleyGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoseleyGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoseleyGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoseleyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MosleyAshtonSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MossCarleSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MossGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MossIsaacSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MossWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MosteynThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MottersheadSamuelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MouattJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoulderWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MounserJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MountThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MountcastleGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoxeyWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MoynaghJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MuchmoreJosephSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MugfordSamuelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MuirAndrewSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MuirJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MuiresWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MuirheadMalcolmSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MulcahyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MulcahyPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MulcareMauriceSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MulcockJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MuldoonPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MuldoonPhelimSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MulgrewPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MulhallMartinSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MulhallRichardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MulhernJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MulhollandAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MulhollandDanielSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MulhollandJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MulhollandJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MulhollandThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MullallyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MullanThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MullenThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MulliceWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MulliganArchibaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MulliganBartleySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MulliganCharlesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MullinOwenSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MullinsJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MullinsJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MullinsPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MulloyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MulloyMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MulloyMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MulrooneyWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MulroyJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MulveyJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MulvogueJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MulvogueThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MundinPeterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MundyGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MungeanCharlesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MungerDavidSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MunroDonaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MunroJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MunroJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MunroThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MunroWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MunroWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MunroWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MunroWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MunroeDonaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MunsonMarkSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurdenSamuelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurdinGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurdochDavidSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurdochJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurdochThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurdochWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MureCharles R.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MureWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurnaneDanielSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyAllenSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyCharlesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyChristopherSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyDanielSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyDavidSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyDennisSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyFrancisSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyHansSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyJames T.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyJosephSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyMatthewSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyTimothySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyTimothySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurphyWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrantEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayArchibaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayDanielSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayFrancisSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayJames B.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayJames M.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayJohn A.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayJosephSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayMichaelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayPeterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayPeterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayRobert A.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurrayWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurtaghJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurtaughJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurtherOwenSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurthiPeterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MurtonIsaacSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MusgraveThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MusgraveWalterSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MusgroveGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MusgroveJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MuskWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MusprattGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MustardRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MutchWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MutlowAlfredSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MuttonJoshuaSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MyhamDennisSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MyhillJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
MynottJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
SA War Medal Recipients 1853 Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.