SA War Medal Recipients 1853 Search : N
Surname Names Title Source View
NaggsJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NairneJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NapierEdward E.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NapierGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NapierJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NapierThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NashPatrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NashRichardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NashSamuelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NashWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NasonJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NathanielArchibaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NathanielRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NaughtonJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NavinJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NaylorDanielSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NaylorFrancisSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NaylorGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NaylorJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NeagleJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NealDanielSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NealJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NealJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NealJobSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NealJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NealRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NealeSamuelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NealeSimonSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NearyJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NeedhamEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NeedhamJosephSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NeedsThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NeidhamSamuelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NeilsonJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NeilsonRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NeilsonSamuelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NeishJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NelliganJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NellorFrederickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NelsonAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NelsonDavidSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NelsonGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NelsonGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NelsonJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NelsonJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NelsonJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NelsonJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NelsonJosephSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NelsonThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NesbittAlexanderSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NessPhilipSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NethercottCharlesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NevardAmosSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NevergeldtRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NewCharlesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NewallJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NewallThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NewbanksJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NewboldGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NewcombeJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NewdigateGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NewellDavidSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NewettJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NewhamWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NewingJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NewkirkHendrickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NewmanDanielSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NewmanEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NewmanEdwardSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NewmanEmmanuelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NewmanJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NewmanJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NewmanThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NewmanThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NewmanWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NewmanWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NewnhamJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NewtonGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NewtonJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NewtonJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NewtonJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NibbsHenrySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NiblockThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NicholJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NicholasWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NichollJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NichollsGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NichollsOliverSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NichollsThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NicholsonAndrewSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NicholsonBrinsleySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NicholsonDonaldSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NicholsonGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NicholsonJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NicholsonJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NicholsonJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NicksCharlesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NicolJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NicolWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NicollsJosephSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NiddireJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NielsonMatthewSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NightingaleHenrySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NightingaleJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NivenJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NixonJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NixonWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NixonWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NobleThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NoblettWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NodwellThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NolanFrancisSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NolanThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NomilieWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NoonMatthewSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NoonanWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NordenStephenSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NorgateGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NormanAnthonySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NormanJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NormanJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NormanSamuelSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NorrieJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NorrieJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NorrieJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NorrisFrederickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NorrisIsaacSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NorrisJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NorrisWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NorthGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NorthHenrySA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NorthWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NortonJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NortonJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NortonRobertSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NortonWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NorvinWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NoselyGeorge R.SA War Medal Recipients 1853View
Not GivenNot GivenSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
Not GivenNot GivenSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
Not GivenNot GivenSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
Not GivenNot GivenSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
Not GivenNot GivenSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
Not GivenNot GivenSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
Not GivenNot GivenSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
Not GivenNot GivenSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NottinghamReubenSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NovellWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NovemberDavidSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NowlanJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NowlanJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NowlanJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NowlanJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NowlanJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NowlanJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NugentThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NugentWilliamSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NultyNicholasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NunanJeremiahSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NunanJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NunnGeorgeSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NunnJamesSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NurseFrederickSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NuthallThomasSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
NyeJohnSA War Medal Recipients 1853View
SA War Medal Recipients 1853 Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.