Natal Whos Who 1933 Search : F
Surname Names Date of Birth View
FossRichard21 October 1866View
FraserG.H15 September 1904View
FyshCharles08 May 1867View
FranklinJesse Louisa18 March 1886View
FeakinG30 July 1897View
FaberStanley12 March 1904View
FlowersFrank17 April 1869View
FerneyhoughGeorge Taylor24 September 1881View
FearonEnid KathleenView
FosseElias Johnsen07 May 1870View
Finshen MC OBEVST30 May 1894View
FanninJF08 April 1879View
FarrThomas Alfred25 September 1897View
FawcettChris Arey10 January 1906View
FawcettRichard27 July 1887View
FayleJohn RobertView
FayleCecil HenryView
Fellows - SmithHerbertView
FergusonJohn08 September 1892View
FergusonGeorge30 September 1909View
FernandezHarry Edgcumbe27 January 1861View
FerrarJ.E01 February 1881View
FindlayArchibald06 April 1881View
FisherWilliam15 November 1895View
FleischerAdalbero M1874View
FlemingWilliam20 April 1857View
FlemingMarjorie ClaraDecember 1895View
FoordBen M1912View
ForbesD. L01 February 1903View
ForrestLouise MView
ForsdickG. W. (late)01 August 1882View
ForsythDavid Forbes (late)17 December 1892View
Fortescue - HarrisonAnnaView
FosterWilliam E11 January 1884View
FrancoisAuguste Leo04 January 1870View
FraserGeorge H1888View
FreemanMiriam Grace17 October 1907View
FreyerC.W.A10 December 1886View
FrickelHerbert William30 November 1897View
FristedtF.L18 January 1895View
FrostCaroline Elizabeth03 January 1870View
FinchG.G24 March 1898View
FlandersB J31 March 1873View
ForrestJohn16 July 1872View
FryJohn27 July 1894View
FaramEmily21 June 1864View
FosterCharles09 August 1887View
FairmanR. TView
FouracreW.H06 October 1866View
FlockhartR30 September 1899View
FitzroyLoraine Dorothy13 June 1893View
ForderJames11 September 1863View
FerreiraTheodora16 November 1894View
FunnellL12 May 1863View
FrostRutland11 April 1864View
FowlerEdith22 July 1905View
Featonby-SmithJ24 December 1865View
FletcherJohn09 July 1880View
FairweatherJ08 July 1879View
Natal Whos Who 1933 Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.

It is a social mirror of the time and readers will get a sound idea of what Natalians were doing and thinking up to 1933.