Woman of South Africa 1935 Search : A
Surname Biography word/phrase View
ABBOTTMiss CONSTANCE MARY. Born at Exmouth, South Devon, England, and educated in England, Miss Abbott is ...View
ABRAHAMMiss FLORENCE. Licentiate and Fellow of Trinity College of Music, London, for elocution and dramatic ...View
ACUTTMrs. NANCY COURTNEY (Annie Florence), wife of Renault, 1888 pioneer of Johannesburg, now farming, th ...View
ADAM-DALLMrs. JANE (formerly Mrs. Dawson), widow of Alfred Adam-Dall, and daughter of the late John Grant, of ...View
ADAMMrs. ELIZABETH JEAN, born Drunsfield, married Mr. James Adam, farmer, fifty-four years ago. Born in ...View
ADAMSMrs. J. A., wife of Rev. Henry Adams, of Pretoria, daughter of the late James Melville, of Perthshir ...View
ADAMSMrs. NORA, B.A., wife of Eustace Victor Adams, Solicitor and Patent Agent, of Pretoria, and the daug ...View
ADNAMSMrs. SOPHIE ELEANOR (Effie), the wife of Thomas Percival Adnams, for many years a member of the staf ...View
AHLBOMMrs. RYKIE KATHERINE, born Le Sueur, wife or Carl Erik Ahlbom, son of the late Erick Ahlbom, Collect ...View
ALBERTYNMrs. MARIA MARGARITA, born Petzch, widow of J. D. Albertyn, farmer. Was born and educated in Germany ...View
ALBERTYNMevr. NELLIE JOHANNA, geb. Hugo, weduwee van Ds. Albert Rowan Albertyn van Worcester, K.P. Gebore te ...View
ALBRECHTMrs. MARGARET MAY, wife of Charles William Albrecht, J.P., of Constantia, and daughter of William an ...View
ALBULady GERTRUDE FREDRICA, widow of Sir George Albu, Bart., Johannesburg; daughter of Max Rosendorff, o ...View
ALDUMMrs. EDELWEISS, wife of Julius Bastiaan Aldum, Chief Surveyor, Luipaards Vlei Estates. Born in the K ...View
ALEXANDERMiss BELLA GORDON, ex-matron of the Johannesburg General Hospital. Born at Brechin, Angus, Scotland, ...View
ALEXANDERMrs. ELLA LOUISE, wife of Leonard Cecil Rubidge Alexander, mining contractor, who served through the ...View
ALEXANDERMiss EMILIE JANE, B.A., born in Hampstead, England, and educated at Chelsea, London. Adopted the tea ...View
ALEXANDERMrs. MINNIE GERTRUDE RUBIDGE, wife of Frederick Augustine Alexander, connected with mining all his l ...View
ALINGMevr. KATERINA WILHELMINA JACOBA, dogter van oorlede Dirk de Vos, skaap-boer te Worcester, K.P. en v ...View
ALLAN-KINGMrs. ALICE SARA, widow of Captain Allan-King, Native Commissioner of Pretoria, and daughter of G. J. ...View
ALLAN-KINGMrs. JOHANNA ELIZABETH, wife of Lieut. Gilroy Allan-King, Roberts' Heights, and only daughter of Lie ...View
ALLENMrs. MARGARET, wife of Albert Victor Allen, organ builder; daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. C. C. M ...View
ALLISONMrs. ANNA ELIZABETH CHRISTINA, wife of John Schiller Allison, Under-Secretary for Native Affairs, bo ...View
ALLISONMrs. RUBY, wife of Albert T. Allison, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Carlsen, of Maritzburg. Bor ...View
ALTSONMrs. DORIS MARGUERITE, the wife of B. T. Altson, who is manager of the City Deep Gold Mine, and a so ...View
AMOSMiss VERA, M.R.C.V.S., daughter of Mr and the late Mrs. S. T. Amos. Mr. Amos, F.R.C.V.S., came to Du ...View
ANDERSENMrs. MABEL BERTIE, the wife of Ernest Theodore Andersen, and the daughter of the late Samuel James W ...View
ANDERSONMrs. ADRIENNE JOHANNA, daughter of the late P. J. M. von Maltitz, J.P., Member of the Divisional Cou ...View
ANDERSONMrs. ANNIE, wife of Stanley Anderson, Managing Director of National Motors and Colonial Motors. Born ...View
ANDERSONMrs. BARBARA ROSE, born Fawcett, wife of Maxwell Anderson, J.P., farmer. Born and educated in Maritz ...View
ANDERSONMiss CHERRY, daughter of S. W. Anderson, was born and educated at Brighton, England. Miss Anderson i ...View
ANDERSONMrs. JENNIE, born Hendry, wife of Charles Anderson, M.A., Principal of the Boys' High School, Sea Po ...View
ANDERSONMiss JOSE, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Pieter Anderson, of Dordrecht, Cape Province, and of Ch ...View
ANDERSONMrs. MARY JANE, born Kirk, wife of William King Anderson, farmer. Born in Rose Cottage, Pinetown, Na ...View
ANDERSSONMrs. DOROTHY ELEANOR, wife of Vivian Andersson, son of Sir Llewellyn Andersson. Born at Portsmount, ...View
ANDREASENMrs. MARIE ELIZABETH, wife of Arthur Hjalmar Elliott Andreasen, who is on the staff of the Chamber o ...View
ANDREWMevr. LABBERDINA HENDRIKA, vrou van J. L. Andrew, B.A., M.Sc., en dogter van Mnr. en Mev. J. J. van ...View
ANDREWSMiss AGNES MARY, wife of Captain Marcus Graham Young. Born at Capel, England, and educated privately ...View
ANKAFrau ANKA VON KNOBLAUCH, born von Mengersen, married to M. von Knoblauch, officer, in 1920. born at ...View
ANSTEYMrs. CAROLINE (BOBBY), wife of Ernest Norman Anstey, of Johannesburg. Born in Aberdeen, Scotland, da ...View
ANSTEYMrs. MARY, wife of William Anstey. Born at Tiverton, Devonshire. England, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P ...View
ANSTEYMrs. VIVIENNE INEZ, the wife of Hugh Manley Anstey, of Johannesburg. Born in Johannesburg, and educa ...View
APSEYMiss EVERLIE CONSTANCE, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Apsey, Kenilworth, Cape Town. Was born at ...View
ARBUTHNOTMrs. ADA JANE, widow of Philip Stuart-Mackenzie Arbuthnot, of Pretoria, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ...View
ARBUTHNOTMrs. MARIE EMILIE, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. Maby, of Lytes Carey, Somerset, England, and ...View
ARCHER-ISAACMiss EILEEN FRANCES, daughter of Dr. William Archer-Isaac, District Surgeon of Molteno, C.P. Born in ...View
ARCHIBALDMrs. LILIAN IRVING, wife of A. S. Archibald, Iate of Manchester, England, and proprietor of Messrs. ...View
ARGOMiss SYLVIA LAUGHTON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Argo, of Durban. Born in Durban and educated at ...View
ARMSTRONGMrs. Helen Jane Stewart, wife of Lt.-Colonel B. F. Armstrong, Coast Artillery Brigade, before her ma ...View
ARMSTRONGMrs. HENRIETTE, born Oberholzer, wife of J. A. Armstrong, banker. Born at Fauresmith, O.F.S., and ed ...View
ARMSTRONGMrs. HESTER ANNA MARY, wife of the Rev. C. B. Armstrong, M.A., B.D., Headmaster of St. Andrew's Coll ...View
ASCHMANMiss PEARLE, daughter of Mrs. K. Aschman and the late M. J. Aschman. Born at Oudtshoorn, C.P., and e ...View
ASHERMiss JESSIE ANNE, daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. William Asher, of Aberdeen, Scotland. Miss Asher ...View
ASHERMrs. MARY, professor of languages, wife of Bernard Asher, and second daughter of Mrs. and the late M ...View
ASHLEY COOPERMrs. HELENA CARRIE BAZETT, Wife of Austin Henry Ashley Cooper of Cooper Hill, Drogheda, Ireland, and ...View
ASSEMAINEMrs. MERCIA BERTHA, wife of Raymond Assemaine, woolbuyer, of Port Elizabeth, and the daughter of Mrs ...View
ATKINSONMrs. ELLEN SYLVESTER, the wife of William Atkinson, Managing director of the well-known motor house ...View
ATKINSONMrs. SUSANNE MARGARET ROUX, the well-known South African Dramatic Soprano known as MARGARET ROUX. (S ...View
ATTERIDGECouncillor Mrs. MYRTLE PATRICIA, born Wood, wife of William Henry Atteridge, M.A., Principal of Hami ...View
ATTWOODMrs. CATHERINE HAZEL, the wife ofMajor Arthur James Attwood. Union Defence Force (retired), and the ...View
AURETMrs. M. D., the wife of C. S. Auret, J.P. Born at Uitenhage, educated at Riebeck College, and subseq ...View
AUSTINMrs. MARIE KATHLEEN, wife of R. G. L. Austin, M.A., late of Cheltenham College and Oriel College, Ox ...View
AUSTRINMrs. SUSANNA ELIZABETH, wife of Ernest Austrin, daughter of the late Daniel Godfried Hartmann of Uit ...View
AYTONMrs. AGNES STUART, wife of Robert Ayton, Accountant, and daughter of Mr. Macleneghen, was born and e ...View
ACUTTMiss ALICE, daughter of the late Mr. John Acutt, of London. Born at London and came to South Africa ...View
ANDREW-COHENMrs. MIRIAM, born Prager, late wife of Jack Andrew-Cohen, Chairman of the Johannesburg Stock Exchang ...View
Woman of South Africa 1935 Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.

Unfortunately a few of the pages of biographies namely pages 90, 351 and 422 as well as the introduction to his book are missing. If you have a copy of this book and can supply me with the missing pages we will be very grateful.