Woman of South Africa 1935 Search : B
Surname Biography word/phrase View
BADENHORSTMrs. C. C. E., M.P. for Vrededorp, Johannesburg (1938), wife of C. H. Badenhorst, daughter of I. M. ...View
BADOCKMrs. MARY FLORENCE, daughter of the late Mr. J. J. Chapman, a former Mayor of Maritzburg, and Mrs. C ...View
BAERMiss ERNESTINE FRIEDA ANNA, N.D., M.B.A.N. daughter of Th. Baer and the late Mrs. Baer, who came to ...View
BAERMiss MARTA DOROTHEA MARIE, N.D., M.B.A.N., the daughter of the late Mrs. Marie Baer. Born at Bloemfo ...View
BAILIEMiss MONA, L.R.A.M., U.L.M., L.T.C.L., daughter of Mr. William Bailie, pioneer. Born in Johannesburg ...View
BAINMrs. OLIVE, born Silby, wife of Frederick William Bain, Accounts Assistant General Manager, Rhodesia ...View
BAIN-MARAISMrs. ANNE, wife of Colin Bain-Marais, M.P. for Boksburg North, daughter of the late Sir Thomas Culli ...View
BALMadame HENRIETTA MlMETTE CORNELIA, formerly Mrs. Gerrit Ribbink, now widow of Johannes Bal. Born in ...View
BAMMrs. ELIZABETH IRMA, born de Beer, wife of Dr. J. J. Bam, dentist, in Volksrust. Born in 1908 at Vol ...View
BANKSMrs. CECILE CONSTANCE, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Jones, of Newnham, England; married ...View
BARBOUREMrs. DORIS JESSIE, married to Bruce Barboure, M.I.A., architect, of Durban, daughter of the late Mr. ...View
BARCLAYMrs. ISABELLA, born Brown, married to James Barclay, former Mayor of Kokstad, E. Griqualand. Born in ...View
BARKERMrs. ANN, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Foden, of Whittingham, near Preston, Lancashire, ...View
BARKERMrs. DOROTHY WARD, wife of Malcolm Barker, Managing Director of the Falkirk Iron Company of Durban. ...View
BARLOWMadame MAUDE, the well-known South African dramatic soprano, is the wife of Roland Brereton Barlow, ...View
BARNARDMrs. KATHERINE, wife of William Barrett Barnard, M.E.C., eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Francis, ...View
BARNSMrs. ALICE KATE, born Edmonds, married to Ernest William Barns, Assistant Master, Durban High School ...View
BARRASMrs. LUCY ANN, daughter of Capt. F. Thompson, M.B.E., and the late Mrs. Thompson, of South Shields, ...View
BARRETTMrs. KATHLEEN, wife of Cyrus Rhodes Barrett, Manager of the B-S-B. Wool Brokers (Durban Branch), and ...View
BARRYMrs. CONSTANCE WALKER, widow of Altred Walker-Barry, who died in October, 1937. The daughter of Thom ...View
BARRYMrs. KATHLEEN CALDWELL, widow of Hamilton Barry. Born at Port Elizabeth, and educated at the Girls' ...View
BARTHOLOMEWMrs. REBECCA CAROLINE, daughter of William Fleming, Esq., married to Joseph Bartholomew. She was bor ...View
BASDENMrs. FROY PAXTON, wife of Albert Edward Basden, a leading citizen of Pretoria and one of the best-kn ...View
BASSONMrs. BINA TORRANCE, widow of Dr. W. F. Basson. She is the daughter of Mr. W. and the late Mrs. Suthe ...View
BATTISCOMBEMrs. LOUISE, wife of Victor Battiscombe, Department of Posts and Telegraphs, daughter of the late Mr ...View
BATTLEMrs. KATHLEEN, wife of F. J. Battle, Royal Army Ordinance Corps, and daughter of James Duff, Esq., L ...View
BAUMANNMrs. ESTHER, born Howshall, married to Hermann Baumann, engineer, who came to Durban in 1898, and ha ...View
BAUMGARTENMiss IRMA MARGUERITHA, Teacher of Dancing, daughter of Mrs. M. Baumgarten and the late Mr. H. W. Bau ...View
BAXTERMrs. ETHEL OLYMPE, wife of William Duncan Baxter, ex-Mayor of Cape Town; elder daughter of the late ...View
BAXTERMrs. WINIFRED BATH, daughter of the late Mr. George Morris, J.P., and Mrs. Morris, of Durban and Zul ...View
BEAUMONTMrs. PHYLLIS GWENDOLINE, daughter of Mr. Alfred Platt, J.P., of lsipingo, and the late Mrs. Platt; m ...View
BECKMrs. ELIZABETH FINDLEY, the wife of Dr. Frederick Elliot Lockhard Beck, M.B.,Ch.B., medical practiti ...View
BECKERMrs. HILDA MAY, widow of Clarence Vivian Becker Johannesburg, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Silcock, ...View
BECKERMrs. LINTIE MAGDALENA, born Theron. wife of Dr. J. G. Becker, of the South African Institute of Medi ...View
BECKETTMrs. JOHANNA CORNELIA, wife of Tom Beckett, son of the late T. W. Beckett. Born in Holland, daughter ...View
BEHRMANNMrs. FLORA, wife of Abraham Behrmann, of the firm of L. H. & A. Behrmann, Estate Agents, of Johannes ...View
BEITHMrs. FLORENCE, wife of George Russel Beith, Engineer, of Johannesburg. Born in Johannesburg and educ ...View
BEKKERMrs. CHARLOTTE, widow of S. P. Bekker, late Administrator of the Transvaal Province; daughter of the ...View
BELLMrs. AGNES MARGUERITE SOMERSET, wife of W. H. Somerset-Bell, Solicitor, of Johannesburg; daughter of ...View
BELLMiss DAISY, A.R.P.S., only daughter of Mrs. E. A. Bell. Born near Sunderland, England, and educated ...View
BELLMrs. GERTRUDE LETTIA, widow of Francis Bell, Engineer, who came to South Africa in 1880 and died in ...View
BELLMiss LILIAN JOYCE, daughter of the late Mr. R. Bell and Mrs. Bell, Pioneers of Johannesburg, grandda ...View
BELLMrs. MABEL, wife of Taylor Bell, Railway Inspector, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell, ...View
BELLMrs. MAI EBDEN, widow of Harry Ebden Bell; daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George O'Brien. Born at ...View
BELLASMrs. AMY, born Etheridge, wife of T. S. Bellas, and great-granddaughter of Thomas Taylor, the celebr ...View
BENHAMMrs. HELEN (NELLY), wife of Cecil E. G. Benham, son of Sir William Gurney Benham, of Colchester, Eng ...View
BENNEEMrs. ANNIE GEDDES, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Lawson, and the wife of A. J. Bennee, M.B., Ch.B. ...View
BENNETMrs. ANNE, wife of W. Hudson Bennet, retired, sixth son of the late Meyrick Bennet, who, from pionee ...View
BENNETTMrs. STELLA MARIE, born Barnes, wife of Frank Randles Bennett. Born at Standerton, Transvaal, and ed ...View
BENNIEMrs. LOUISE LORNE, wife of William Govan Bennie, late Chief Inspector for Native Education, Cape Pro ...View
BENSONCouncillor Mrs. EDITH, wife of George Benson, and daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Brown, ol ...View
BENSONMrs. ELIZABETH JAY, wife of T. Benson, engineer, and daughter of Mr. McAdam, was born at Kimberley a ...View
BERGERMrs. GINNIE, born Krausey, wife of Dr. Bernard Berger, of Johannesburg. Born at Durban, Natal, and e ...View
BERMANMrs. ESTHER KANE, Chief Commandant of the South African Red Cross, wife of Myer Berman Born at Dunde ...View
BERTRAMMrs. ELIZABETH MAUDE, the wife of Robertson Fuller Bertram who has estates at Constantia, Johannesbu ...View
BERTRAMMiss NELLIE, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Bertram, of Queenstown, Cape Province. Born in ...View
BERTWISTLEMiss JOAN, photographer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bertwistle, of Johannesburg; her father was a w ...View
BEVERLEY-CLARENCEMrs. EVA CATHERINE, widow of Beverley Clarence, of Pietermaritzburg, Natal; eldest daughter of the l ...View
BEYERSMrs. ENGIE, wife of Alfred Theodore Beyers, Licensing Department, Johannesburg Municipality; daughte ...View
BEYERSMrs. FREYA MARIA, wife of Dr. Jan Marthinus Beyers, and daughter of the late Rev. G. W. Wagener, Min ...View
BEYERSMrs. INEZ MAUD, born BorgstrView
BINIMme. ALBINA, wife of Alberto Bergamasco. Born at Florence, Italy, and educated at Rondebosch Convent ...View
BIRDMiss MURIEL HARTLEY, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bird, of the Cape Province. Born in Do ...View
BIRRELLMrs. NATALIE WARD, wife of Harry Birrell, Civil Engineer, B.Sc., S.A.R. Born at Durban, daughter of ...View
BIRTMrs. ALICE SOPHIE, wife of the Rev. R. H. Birt, Principal of the Diocesan College, Rondebosch, CP.; ...View
BISSETLady GLADYS VIOLET, born Difford, wife of Sir Murray Bisset. Born at East London, South Africa, and ...View
BLACKMrs. MARION, wife of James Black, master builder, Rustenburg. Is a member of several local bodies, a ...View
BLELOCHMrs. JEAN MARGARET, born Denny, wife of William Bleloch. Ph.D. (Lond.), M.Sc., F.G.S., A.I.C., Chemi ...View
BLINCKMiss MAUD LILIAN. Matron of the Military Hospital. Roberts Heights. Transvaal. Born at Port Elizabet ...View
BLUMBERGMrs. EDITH, wife of David Abraham Blumberg; daughter of Ellia Marks, of Messrs. Lewis & Marks, Johan ...View
BLUMBERGMrs. SYLVIA, B.A., B.Ed. the wife of Dr. Louis Blumberg. B.A., M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H., was born at Cape ...View
BODENMrs. LOOLOO, widow of Ernest Oscar Boden, well-known export grape and wine farmer, of Constantia; da ...View
BOEHMKEMrs. HELEN GOSS, the wife of Matthias Boehmke, M.A., Ph.D. who is the principal of the Teachers' Tra ...View
BOGUEMrs. LILLIAN MAY, wife of MajorJames Yule Bogue, Veterinary Surgeon, and daughter of the late Mr. an ...View
BOLTONMrs.ALIDA NAUDE, wife of Johannes Frederick Martinus Woulton Bolton; daughter of Andries Naude, who ...View
BOLTONMiss ANNIE, daughter of Benjamin and Ann Bolton, of Cape Town. Born at Harrismith, O.F.S., and recei ...View
BOLTONMrs. VIVIENNE FLORENCE, wife of Edgar John Stanley Bolton, (London, 1905), and daughter of Mr. and M ...View
BONDMadame HELEN (Fife, Jean Drummond Millar A.R.San.I.). Daughter of Alfred Millar and Andrina Linklate ...View
BORLASEMrs. EMILY ANNE, widow of Henry Herbert Borlase, Bank Manager, and daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. ...View
BOSMANMevr. ELZABE WILHELMINA CHRISTINA, is die eggenote van Jacobus Johannes Bosman, en dogter van die oo ...View
BOSMANMrs. EMMERENTIA PETRONELLA MARX, born in Waterberg District, Transvaal; educated in Pretoria; daught ...View
BOSMANMevr. FROUWEIN REINA, die eggenote van Prof. D. Brink Bosman van die Universiteit van Kaapstad, en d ...View
BOSMANMrs. GWEN MYFANWY, John Roos Bosman, who has practised for many years in Stellenbosch; daughter of A ...View
BOSMANMrs. JUANITA, wife of Professor A. M. Bosman, of Pretoria, and daughter of the late General Daniel J ...View
BOSMANMrs. MAZOE LEONORA, wife of Dr. Jacobus Malan Bosman, M.B., Ch.B., O.P.H., daughter of the late Lieu ...View
BOTCHERMrs. CLARE ELIZABETH, widow of T. R. C. Botcher and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Brooke, was born ...View
BOTHAMrs. ELIZABETH, wife of Louis Botha, farmer, son of the late General C. Botha, a brother of the late ...View
BOTHAMrs. GRACE MILDRED, born Everitt, wife of L. J. Botha, Secretary of the Colonial Orphan Chamber and ...View
BOTHAMrs. JOHANNA, wife of J. J. Botha, Principal of the Burgershoop School, was born at Bloemfontein, O. ...View
BOTTOMLEYMiss AVERIL MAUD, daughter of George Alfred and Isabella Bottomley, granddaughter of George Bottomle ...View
BOTTOMLEYMrs. EMMA HELENA, widow of Col. H. Bottomley, C.M.G. Born at Southsea, Portsmouth, England, and educ ...View
BOUSTREDMrs. ELIZABETH JEAN, wife of William Frank Boustred, Managing Director of W. R. Boustred, Ltd., Joha ...View
BOUWERMrs. MARIANNE EVELINA, wife of General B. D. Bouwer, D.T.D., D.S.O., and the daughter of Mr. Evert R ...View
BOWENMrs. ELEANOR LILLIE, wife of Advocate R. W. Bowen, M.P., of Cape Town, and the daughter of Robert Gi ...View
BOWEN-DAVIESMiss SYBIL, daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. T. Bowen-Davies, of Maritzburg, Natal. Born at Bergvil ...View
BOWESMrs. ETHEL E., wife of W. A. J. Bowes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Simmen, of London, Born and ed ...View
BOWLESMrs. FLORENCE ELIZABETH BEARCROFT, wife of Captain Ernest James Bowles, O.B.E., retired Magistrate. ...View
BoyesMrs. Getrude Elizabeth, wife of George Birrell Boyes, and the youngest daughter of the late Mr. F. J ...View
BRADLOWMrs. ANNIE REBECCA, wife of David Adolph Bradlow. Born at Glasgow, Scotland, the daughter of Mr. and ...View
BRADSTREETMrs. MABEL, born Stone, married in 1907 to R. W. Bradstreet, A.Sc., M.I.C.E., son of the late Capt. ...View
BRAMMERMrs. MARY ALICE, wife of W. W. Brammer, pioneer of 1889, and daughter of the late James Saunders. Bo ...View
BRANDMrs. DORIS GERTRUDE, L.T.C.L., wife of Harold Frank Brand, M.C., Tuneller, Royal Engineers, at prese ...View
BRANDTMrs. JOHANNA, born Van Warmelo, wife of the Rev. L. E. Brandt, for twenty years Moderator of the Dut ...View
BRAYSHAWMrs. NANCY GRAEME CURRIE, wife of Dr. Harold Currie Brayshaw, M.D., F.R.C.S., London and Edinburgh, ...View
BREHMThe Misses IDA LAURA and EDITH MARY, are great-granddaughters of the late Joachim Brehm. They were b ...View
BREMRIDGEMrs. FLORENCE MAY, born Freeman, wife of Alwyn Francis Bremridge, of the firm of J. T. Hutton & Co., ...View
BRESLERMrs. KATHLEEN RAY, Advocate of the Supreme Court of South Africa, wife of C. P. Bresler, also Advoca ...View
BREYTENBACHMrs. EVELYN FRANCES, born Tiffin, wife of P. P. B. Breytenbach, Principal of the Technical College, ...View
BRIGDENMrs. KATHLEEN, wife of John William Brigden, His Majesty's Trade Commissioner. Born in London, the d ...View
BRIGHTMrs. ELFRIEDA PENELOPE, widow of Captain W. F. L. Bright, and daughter of the late Gustav Baumann, l ...View
BRINKMrs. ALETTA CECILIA, born de Villiers, wife of George Brink, a member of one of the oldest Montagu f ...View
BRINKMrs. BABS wife of H. C. Brink, Department of Union Education, Pretoria. Born in Pretoria, only daugh ...View
BRINKMrs. IRENE MAY, born Skinner, wife of P. A. M. Brink, who is Principal of Dagbreek School, Springs, ...View
BRINKMrs. LILIAN ALICE, wife of Col. George Edwin Brink, D.S.O., Director of Army Training for South Afri ...View
BRINKMrs. MAGDALENA CATHERINE, widow of Johannes Cornelius Brink, who after the 1880-1881 war was appoint ...View
BRISKERMrs. EVA LILLIAN, born Brokensha, married to Senator the Honourable S. S. Brisker, born in Durban, M ...View
BRITSMrs. ALETTA, widow of General Conraad Jacobus Brits, who died in July, 1932, and was founder of the ...View
BRODIEMrs. IRENE, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Michaelson, of Edinburgh, Scotland; married to D ...View
BROKENSHAMrs. JUDITH, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Turner, formerly of England, now of Maritzburg. M ...View
BROOKSTONEMrs. STELLA, wife of David Brookstone, Stockbroker, ofJohannesburg, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dav ...View
BROOMEDr. E. MARY, Medical Officer in charge of Maternity and Child Welfare, City Health Department, Cape ...View
BROWDEMrs. IDA, wife of Isaac Browde, Produce Merchant, of Johannesburg, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. L ...View
BROWNMiss ELEANOR MALLOCH, B.A., M.A., Rhodes University College. Daughter of Advocate J.H.M. and Mrs. Br ...View
BROWNHARRIETE. E. (IDA), born Johnson, widow of Frederick Brown. Born and educated in Macclesfield, Chesh ...View
BROWNMrs. H., daughter of the late H. Meyer, of 'Black Hill', Adelaide, C.P., and of Miss S. Niland, of ' ...View
BROWNMrs. MADGE FRANCES, born McNeill, wife of Ernest William Brown, director of the Vacuum Oil Company, ...View
BROWNMrs. REBECCA, born Lurie, wife of Maurice Brown. Born at Wynberg, C.P., and educated at the Girls' H ...View
BROWNMrs. VIOLET DAISY GERTRUDE DEHANE, wife of Herbert David Ivan Dehane Brown, Director in the United T ...View
BROZINMrs. ROSY, wife of Nahum Brozin merchant. Born at Durban and educated in Johannesburg. She is a daug ...View
BRUWERMevr. JOHANNA ELIZABETH, vrou van H. J. Bruwer, Ch. M., F.R.C.S. (Edin.), wie benewens sy praktyk te ...View
BUCHANANMrs. HILDA, wife of Professor William Buchanan, B.Sc., Whit. Sch., M.I.E.E., A.R.C.S., and daughter ...View
BUCKLEMiss AUDREY, daughter of F. A. Buckle, Headmaster of Boys' School at Stoke, England, and Mrs. Buckle ...View
BULLMrs. MARGARET PETRIE, M.A. (born McGregor), the wife of Arthur Barclay Bull, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., L.R ...View
BURCHMrs. EILEEN, widow of W. R. Burch, who represented Uitenhage in Parliament; youngest daughter of the ...View
BURCHARTHMlle. GEE, daughter of the late A. D. Burcharth, manufacturer, of Kolding, Denmark, was born at Kold ...View
BURGERMevr.MARIA MAGDALENA, dogter van 'n welbekende boer, Mnr. J. S. Bruwer van Ladismith, K.P. en getrou ...View
BURGERMrs. MARJORIE BURCHELL, Artiste Impersonator, wife of B. J. J. Burger, great-nephew of the late Pres ...View
BURNEMrs. MABEL GOLLAN, married to F. W. Burne, F.I.S.S.A., and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Scott, of ...View
BURNETTMrs. AURELIA IRENE, wife of Alexander Burnett, Accountant; daughter of the late Rev. J. P. Jooste, o ...View
BUSHMrs. EVELYN ROOKSBY, wife of H. H. Bush, Assistant Mechanical Consulting Engineer of the Johannesbur ...View
BUSHMrs. MILDRED HARDWICKE, B.A., daughter of Mr. H. H. Holderness, B.A., and Mrs. Holderness, of Durban ...View
BUTLER SMITHMrs. LOUISE CATHERINE, the wife of Thos. Butler Smith, Cape Town, and daughter of P. W. M. Botha, wa ...View
BYRONMrs. MARJORIE, married to Capt. Lewis Byron, M.P.C. (1918), Solicitor, the daughter of the late Mr. ...View
BROWNLEE-WALKERMrs. ELIZA, wife of James Brownlee-Walker, Business Manager; daughter of Mr. Rabbie. Born at Clova, ...View
BAYNEMrs. EDITH MAY, wife of Alexander Allan Sinclair Bayne. Daughter of Jack Lalor, South Africa's popul ...View
BLANEYMrs. LILIAN MAY, wife of Senator the Hon. Col. John Halbert Blaney, D.S.O. and D.C.M., Natal, 1912. ...View
BORLANDMrs. ELAINE BLANCHE, wife of Charles Borland (Mr.). Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Batchelor. Born an ...View
BOSHOFFMrs. WILHELMINA MYRA, wife of Petrus Phillipus Boshoff. Born at Cape Town and educated at the Girls' ...View
BRASCHMrs. DOROTHY, widow of Emanuel Brasch. Born at the Cape and educated in London. Descended from early ...View
BRIERSMrs. JACOMINA ALLETTA GERTRUDE born Van Niekerk, wife of Phillip Albertus Briers, farmer and promine ...View
BRINKMANMrs. GERTRUIDA HENDRIKA (born Siemerdink), Batchelor of Architecture, wife of J.F. Brinkman. Born at ...View
BRINKMrs. OLIVE BESTER, wife of Leslie Adrian Brink, a well-known farmer of Constantia, a son of the late ...View
BROWNINGMrs. CHRISTINA, born Aitkenhead, wife of J. Browning (1919) underground manager, Langlaagte Estate, ...View
BRUWERMrs. AGNES S. BARBARA, wife of J.P. Bruwer. Born on the farm 'Stettyn', Worcester, Cape, and educate ...View
BURNSIDEMrs. VERA (born Joubert), city councillor of Durban, Natal, wife of Duncan Campbell Burnside, M.P. f ...View
BAIKIEMrs. MAGGIE BLAIR HOUSTON (died 30th January, 1933), wife of R. Baikie, auditor of Pretoria and of K ...View
BOTHAMrs. Annie Francis Bland born Emmet, widow of the Rt. Hon. Louis Botha, P.C., L.L.D. (Edin, Oxon.). ...View
BREDELLMrs. STEFANETTA JOHANNA PAULINA, wife of Lt.-Col. H.C. Bredell, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. F. ...View
BROWNMrs. PAULINE CAROLINE, wife of John Frank Brown, daughter of Philip Cooke, of the Paddock, Glouceste ...View
Woman of South Africa 1935 Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.

Unfortunately a few of the pages of biographies namely pages 90, 351 and 422 as well as the introduction to his book are missing. If you have a copy of this book and can supply me with the missing pages we will be very grateful.