Woman of South Africa 1935 Search : D
Surname Biography word/phrase View
D'ALMAINEMrs. LUCY (known as'Aunt Lucy' of the Children's Corner, S.A.W.W., Natal Mercury), wife of Major D'A ...View
DALRYMPLELady ISABEL, wife of Sir William Dalrymple, K.B.E., V.D., LL.D., and was born in London, being educa ...View
DANEELMrs. ELSIE MURIEL, wife of Dr. Pieter Michael Dancel, B.A., M.D. (Staatsexamen Germany) at one. time ...View
D'ARCYMiss EVA, daughter of the late Col. Oliver D'Arcy, of the 18th Royal Irish, and Mrs. D'Arcy, of Devo ...View
DARTERMrs. LILIAN KATE, born Morris, wife of George Blackford Silver Darter, M.R.C.S. (London), M.B., B.S. ...View
DAVIDSONMrs. ELIZABETH ANNE, wife of Alexander Robert Davidson, Mayor of Roodepoort, 1925-26, P.M. Freemason ...View
DAVIDSONMrs. JEANNIE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Dunbar, and wife of James Davidson. Born at Craigellechie, ...View
DAVIDTSZProf. MARIA JESTINA, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.P. J. Davidtsz, Potchefstroom District. Born near Johan ...View
DAVIESMrs. MARIA, widow of Rev. J. E. Davies, B.A., LL.B., J.P., of Bristol, England, and who was for many ...View
DAVIESWINIFRED MARY ELLEN, born Williams, and married to Hugh Pryce Davies, Sales Manager, Dunlop Rubber C ...View
DAVISMrs.BLANCHE CECILIA, wife of Adolf Davis, K.C., a barrister of the Middle Temple, London, and from 1 ...View
DAVISMrs. JOAN LILIAN, wife of Philip Ingram Davis, eldest son of P. Davis, and Managing Director of the ...View
DAVISMrs. MARTHA C., wife of Henry Edgar Davis, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Friend. Born at Port Eliz ...View
DAVISMrs. MINNIE, wife of Lionel Davis, Vice-President of the United Hebrew Congregation and of the Jewis ...View
DAVISMrs. NORA LAVINIA, wife of John Richard Davis, of Johannesburg, and daughter of J. W. Coventry. Born ...View
DAVISMrs. ROSE, widow of Herman Davis, of Aliwal North, C.P., and Transvaal, and daughter of the late H. ...View
DAWESMiss ALICE H., born at Surbiton, Surrey, England, and educated at the London University and on the C ...View
DAWSONMrs. FAITH BOWYER, wife of Andrew Dawson, daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. Slade Kind, and great-gr ...View
DAWSONMrs. FRIEDA, wife of Freddie Dawson, Director of G. North & Son, and grandson of the late G. North; ...View
DAYSHMADELAINE ELISE, wife of Walter Eric Daysh, import and export agent, of Durban. Born in Essex, Engla ...View
DEALEMrs. AMY, widow of Arthur Deale; daughter of Robert and Mary Twiney. Born at Worcester. C.P., and ed ...View
DEANMrs. IDA LILLIAN, wife of Vernon Leslie Dean, Managing Director of the firm of Rowe Jewell & Co., En ...View
DEASMrs. EMILIE WYNNE, wife of R. F. Deas and daughter of the late D. J. Aspeling, a Transvaal Pioneer w ...View
DE CHASTELAINMiss AMIEE WINNIFRED, daughter of the late Alfred George de Chastelain, of Surrey, England, and his ...View
DE JONGHJOHANNA MARIA, wife of Tinus de Jongh, one of South Africa's foremost artists. Daughter of Mr. and M ...View
DE KLERKMrs. JOHANNA TRYFENA, wife of the Rev. Pieter W. A. de Klerk, who has occupied the position of minis ...View
DELLMrs. MARY, wife of Herbert Kennelly Dell, Solicitor; daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Donald Strach ...View
DELPORTMrs. WILHELMINA JACOBA , Deputy Mayoress, 1935-36-37, wife of W. G. Delport, of Krugersdorp, son of ...View
DELYMrs. MIMMIE MAGDALENA, wife of Horatio William Dely, a past Mayor of Pretoria, and daughter of Mr. P ...View
DE MAINEMrs. AILEEN MALETTA BEATRICE PAULINE, wife of A. M. de Maine, timber merchant and farmer, son of the ...View
DENHAMMrs. JEANETTE EUGENE CHRISTINE, widow of John Denham. M.I.E.E., M.I.M.E. Man. I.E.E., daughter of Mr ...View
DENOONMrs. KATE, formerly Mrs. A. J. W. Fairweather, now wife of William McConachie Denoon, late Manager B ...View
DENOON-DUNCANMrs. SOPHIE ELIZABETH, widow of Senator the Hon. James Denoon-Duncan, and daughter of the late Mr. a ...View
DENTMrs. AGNES widow of Captain Dent, former Port Captain of Port Elizabeth for the years 1931-34. Born ...View
DE 'OLIVIERAMrs. JOHANNA, wife of Louis de Oliviera, Town Engineering Department, daughter of Ignatius van Rooye ...View
DE SMIDTKATHERINE MARIA BUIJSKES, wife of John H. R. de Smidt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. P. du Toit, Ma ...View
DE SMIDTMrs. ROBINA ALISON STUART, wife of Henry Eric de Smith; daughter of Capt. John Goodwin. Born in Glas ...View
DE SMIDTSARA BRAND, wife of Rupert de Smidt, of Syfret's Trust, and. at one time member of the Western Provi ...View
DE VILLIERSLady ADELHEID SELMA HELENE, widow of Charles Percy de Villiers, second Baron de Villiers, of Wynberg ...View
DE VILLIERSMrs. CLARA HUSSEY LOCHNER, widow of Abraham Lochner de Villiers; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Curtis ...View
DEWARMrs CLARA ELEANOR, wife of Thomas Nimmo Dewar, and daughter of the late Alexander Beith, Departmenta ...View
DE WETMrs. ANNA M., wife of W. J. de Wet, and daughter of J. G. and M. M. Kriel. Born at Fransch Hoek, C.P ...View
DE WETMrs. MATTY, wife of Christian H. de Wet, Attorney, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. van Rooyen. Bo ...View
DE WETMrs. SUSARA MARGRETHA , born Sierrie de Kock, married to Daniel de Wet, a well-known and progressive ...View
DICHMONTMrs. KATHERINE, O.B.E., founder and for twenty-three years President of the Fairhaven Work Party, Wo ...View
DICKENSANNE, wife of Arthur William Dickens, Director of C. G. Smith & Co., Ltd., and daughter of Mr. and M ...View
DICKINSONMrs. MARY ABERNETHY, born Kelman, wife of Kenneth B. Dickinson, printer and bookbinder of Johannesbu ...View
DIEMONTMrs. AVERINA ROSE SANDES, wife of Marius Anne Diemont. M.D., a well-known medical practitioner of St ...View
DIETRICHMrs. THELMA HELEN, wife of Dr. Gilbert Dietrich, M.R.C.S., L. R. C. P., London; daughter of the late ...View
DILLMANMrs. CATHERINE F., born Carter, wife of George William Dillman, Director of Board of Executors, Cape ...View
DOBSONMrs. KATHLEEN FLORENCE, wife of Dr. Joseph Henry Dobson, D. S. O., Engineer. Daughter of Major W. W. ...View
DODDSMrs. EDITH ALGOR, wife of Herbert Henry Dodds, M.Sc., F.I.C., J.P., Director of the Sugar Experiment ...View
DOHERTYMrs. MAURA FLORENCE, L.R.C.P. and S.I., D.P.H. (University of Dublin), wife of Michael Ennan Doherty ...View
DOIDGEMiss EHTEL MARY, M.A., D.Sc., daughter of the late Henry Doidge. Born in Nottingham, England, and ca ...View
DOIGMrs. SUSAN MAGDALENA, born Raath, wife of Alexander Henry Doig, Mayor of Estcourt, third year in suc ...View
DOLLEYMrs. DAPHNE born Rumsey, wife of John Frederick (Jack) Dolley, Lawyer, of Uitenhage, grandson of the ...View
DOLLEYMiss ETHEL MARY, eldest daughter of the late Hon. and Mrs. John Dolley, of Uitenhage. C.P., and sist ...View
DOLLEYMiss GLADYS, second daughter of the late Hon. John and Mrs. Dolley, and sister of Gordon Dolley, M.P ...View
DONDr. JEAN DOROTHY, M.B. Ch.B. (1918); M.D. (1920, Edin.); D.P.H. (1921, Edin.); I.M. Dublin (1925); H ...View
DONALDSONMrs. FRANCES GWENDOLINE CHICHESTER, wife of Thomas Herbert Donaldson (formerly married to Leslie Mur ...View
DORNANMrs. MARGARET MacINTYRE, wife of Rev. S. Shaw. Dornan; daughter of Mrs. Moffat and the late D. A. Mo ...View
DOUGALLMrs. AILEEN MARY, wife of George Johnstone Dougall, well known Contractor, of Durham (New Groot Schu ...View
DOUGHERTYKATIE, fourth daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brookfield Meredith, of Southampton, and marri ...View
DOUGLASMrs. CATHERINE ELEANOR, widow of Thomas Douglas, Chartered Accountant. Born on Madagascar; daughter ...View
DOUGLAS-JONESMrs. EHTEL CONSTANCE, born Pilcher, wife of Alfred Thomas Douglas-Jones, merchant. Born at Norwood, ...View
DOUGLASMrs. JEAN, widow of John Douglas; daughter of late Mr. and Mrs. Grieve. of Scotland. Born and educat ...View
DOVEYMrs. EDITH MARY, Wife of John M. Dovey and the youngest daughter of the late H. R. Ruddle and Mrs. R ...View
DOWELLMiss HELENA C., daughter of the late N. J. G. Dowell and his wife, formerly Miss Price Adams, who ca ...View
DOWLEYMrs. AILEEN, wife of Dr. T. P. Dowley, D.S. and R.M.O., of Maclear, and daughter of Judge John Roche ...View
DOWLINGMrs. FLORENCE MARY, widow of Watford Robert Dowling, and a daughter of the late George Henry Goch, w ...View
DRENNANMrs. SUSANNA ELIZABETH MARYNA, born de Wet, wife of Professor Matthew Robertson Drennan, Professor o ...View
DREWETTMrs. DOREEN GRACE, wife of George Drewett, Engineer, Johannesburg; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. von Broe ...View
DREYERMevr. JOHANNA, getroud met Ds. T. F. J. Dreyer, B.A., B.D., predikant van die Ned. Herv. Gemeente va ...View
DUDLEYMiss SARAH ELIZABETH, daughter of the late William and Mary Dudley, of Avontuur, where she was born. ...View
DUDLEYMrs. SOPHIE, M.B.E., born Scherneckau, wife of Ernest Lionel Dudley. Born in Somerset East, C.P., So ...View
DUMINYMrs. FLORENCE MARY, wife of Charles William Thalman Duminy, retired Civil Servant, now interested in ...View
DUNCANMrs. CATHERINE, wife of A.A. Duncan, well known sportsman; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Bain of Sc ...View
DUNSTONMrs. REINTETTE, widow of Dr. J. T. Dunston M.D., London; only daughter of the late Carl Jeppe, Judge ...View
DUNTONFRANCES HELENA, born Dill, widow of Albert Dunton, J.P. Born in Surrey, England, and educated in Nat ...View
DU PLESSISMrs. AUGUSTA HENDRIETTA, formerly widow of J. F. Luyt, Municipal Clerk, Krugersdorp, who was a comma ...View
DU PLOOYMrs. MARIA CATHERINA, born Botes, wife of Mr. Paul Michael du Plooy. Born and educated at Bloemfonte ...View
DU PREEZMrs. JUDITH MAGDALENE, wife of Michael Johannes Du Preez, Mining, Consultant and Director of Compani ...View
DURIEMatron JESSIE, daughter of Alexander Durie. Born and educated at Somerset, England. Received general ...View
DU TOITMiss ANNA DOROTHEA, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. D. F. du Toit. Born at Paarl and educated at t ...View
DU TOITMrs. DOROTHY, wife of Dr. P. J. Du Toit, Director of Veterinary Services, Onderstepoort, and daughte ...View
DU TOITHETTIE, vrou van Prof. Dr. Daniel Francois du Toit; gebore te Graaff-Reinett, maar het as 'n kind va ...View
DU TOITMrs. MARIA ROUX, wife of Philip Rudolph du Toit, farmer, son of late J. B. du Toit, of Aan de Doorns ...View
DUURINGMrs. ELIZABETH, widow of W. H. E. Duuring (married 1885 in Hanover, C.P.), eldest daughter of the la ...View
DYASONMrs. CIBELLE, wife of Dr. G. E. Dyason, Dental Surgeon, of Port Elizabeth, and daughter of Mr. and M ...View
DYERMrs. BLANCHE TERTIA, wife of Pat Dyer, Deputy Sheriff, Pretoria, and daughter of H. L. M. Leibbrandt ...View
DYERMrs. MILDRED FRANCES, wife of H. Dyer, Schoolmaster, and daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hodgson, ...View
DAVIESMrs. NAOMI LOUISA, wife of Ebenezer Dyer Davies (1909) for many years secretary of the Education Dep ...View
DAYMrs. ALICE EMILY, wife of Percy Day, secretary of the Kenilworth Turf Club, and a well-known persona ...View
DE WAALMrs. HELENA LETITIA, widow of Daniel De Waal, late Judge President of the Transvaal. Daughter of the ...View
DE WETMrs. SOPHIA JACOBA, born Fouche, wife of Paul Jacobus de Wet, farmer of Hex River Valley, C.P. Born ...View
DICHMONTMrs. CAROLINE, born Kerr, wife of Edward Victor Dichmont, partner in the firm of Dichmont & Dichmont ...View
DREWMrs. MARY (born Beaton), wife of Ernest Drew. Born and educated at Johannesburg (Roedean School). Ha ...View
DROTSKEMrs. GERTRUDE (born Van der Merwe), wife of Dr. Allan Erasmus Drotske. Born at Heidelberg and educat ...View
DU PLESSISMrs. MARGERY JOHANNA, born Botha, wife of Jacobus Edmund Garfield du Plessis, district manager, Afri ...View
DURRMrs. ESTHER JOHANNA, wife of Henricus Storm Durr, well-known farmer. Daughter of the late Hendrick W ...View
DYERMrs. MARIA GEORGINA, widow of Joseph Rubidge Dyer, son of Dr. Dyer, the well-known medical practitio ...View
D'ASSONVILLEMrs. ALETTA FREDRIEKA, was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Terblanche (Miss Margaretha Veldtman ...View
Woman of South Africa 1935 Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.

Unfortunately a few of the pages of biographies namely pages 90, 351 and 422 as well as the introduction to his book are missing. If you have a copy of this book and can supply me with the missing pages we will be very grateful.