Woman of South Africa 1935 Search : E
Surname Biography word/phrase View
ELLIS-BROWNCLARE AGNES, wife of R. Ellis-Brown, Coffee Merchant, and daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A ...View
ELIEMiss LILIANE DUDRESIL, born in Mauritius and educated at the Girls' High School, Durban, Natal. By p ...View
EALESMrs. MARY, wife of Alfred Eales; daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Fenwick Clark and granddau ...View
EARLSMrs. RUBINA MAY, wife of T. Earls, Battery Manager, Eastern Transvaal Mine. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ...View
EBBOTTMrs. ELIZABETH ELLEN, born Gundry, widow of Frederick Francis Elbbott, Australia. Born at Victoria, ...View
EBDENMrs. ANNA JACOBA, widow of Alfred Ebden, who was a son of the late Hon. Alfred Ebden, who had the di ...View
EBDENMrs. HESTER ANNA, widow of Harry Russell Ebden; youngest daughter of Marthinus Melck, great-grandson ...View
ECKARDMrs. CLARA, born Wolters, wife of Gus Eckard, of Bulawayo, Born at Fauresmith, O.F. State, South Afr ...View
EDMESTONMrs. ETHEL LOUISE PLUMMER, wife of Francis Arthur Douglas Edmeston, J.P., youngest son of John Dougl ...View
EDMONDSMrs. HILDA RORKE, married to Edward Jubal Edmonds, Solicitor, and daughter of the late A. A. Stanton ...View
EDMUNDMrs MARGARET wife of Maldwyn Edmund, J.P., ex-M.P., Yeoville, Johannesburg; daughter of the late Mr. ...View
EDWARDSMiss ERNESTINE MABEL, daughter of the late Ernest George Edwards, of Melbourne, Australia. Born in V ...View
EDWARDSMrs. MARIE VINCENTE, wife of Dr. Frederic George Henry Edwards, Medical Practitioner, and daughter o ...View
EFROIKENMrs. LEAH, born Ahrenson, wife of Samuel Efroiken. Born at Sydney, Australia, coming to S.A. in 1894 ...View
EGGELINGMrs. CATHERINE ELIZABETH, wife of N. Gustaf Eggeling (retired) in business for thirty-four years, Eg ...View
ELLENBOGENMrs. MARGARET, wife of Councillor Henry Burns Ellenbogen, J.P., Bulawayo, and daughter of Ellia Mark ...View
ELLIOTTMrs. MABEL AMY SHAPLAND, wife of William Shapland Elliott; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Boustred, ...View
ELLISMrs. MARGARET ELIZABETH POPE-, L.L.A. (St. Andrews), widow of John Allen Pope-Ellis, of Ashburton, M ...View
ELLISMrs. MARY, widow of John Ellis, of England, and daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Sparks, of E ...View
ELLISMrs. SUSANNA ELIZABETH ADRIANA, wife of John Lawrence Ellis, only son of the late John Ellis, Pionee ...View
ELSDON-DEWMrs. JEAN, wife of W. Elsdon-Dew, Consulting Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, Central Mining and ...View
ENGLANDMrs. JANET, born Kinghorn-Sneddon, wife of Harry Walter England, manager of the Durban race-course f ...View
ENGLISHMiss ELIZABETH FRANCES, daughter of C. H. English, of 'Ivanhoe', Escombe, Natal. Born in Ilford, Eng ...View
ERASMUSMrs. ANNA CORNELIA GEORGINA, M.O., wife of the Rev. Daniel Francois Erasmus; daughter of J. J. C. Kr ...View
ERASMUSMrs. C. P., wife of Major P. E. Erasmus (deceased) of the Staats Artillerie, Transvaal. Was born in ...View
ESSONMrs. LILIAN, wife of Robert Lygertwood Esson, of Aberdeen, Scotland, and daughter of Chas. James Sma ...View
EUVRARDMrs. ANNA, widow of Johannes Albertus Erasmus Euvrard, formerly Chairman of the Central Road Transpo ...View
EVANSMiss ELWEN, daughter of Dr. Samuel Evans. Born at Johannesburg and educated at Wycombe Abbey, Englan ...View
EVANSMrs. ISABEL, wife of Mansell Evans, Co-Director of Herbert Evans & Co., Johannesburg. Daughter of Dr ...View
EVANSMrs. KATHERINE, widow of Dr. Samuel Evans, of Johannesburg, and daughter of R. R. Mabson, Editor of ...View
EVENNETTMrs. ALICE FRANCES, born Norman, widow of Albert George Frederick Evennett, late of the Royal Hotel, ...View
EWELSETHEL, daughter of Mrs. Ewels, of King Williams Town, and the late E. A. Ewels, of Transkei Territor ...View
EYBERSMrs. TISSA, wife of Dr. G. W. Eybers, B.A. (Cape), B.A., M.A. (Honours), D. Lit. (King's College, Lo ...View
EYLESMrs. WINIFRED MABEL, wife of Allan Gilbert Eyles, Deputy-Mayor of Port Shepstone (1936) and chairman ...View
ECOSSEMme. GOTTFRIEDA HEITZ-ROTH, wife of John Scott, builder of Johannesburg. Daughter of the late Mr. an ...View
EDELINGMevr. CATHERINA M., eggenote van Adv. H.J. Edeling. Gebore te Cradock, K.P., en opgelei aan die Open ...View
ELLISMrs. RUTH LLOYS, born White, wife of Thomas Lloys Ellis, pioneer of South Africa, proprietor of the ...View
ETELLINMme. CAROLINE (born Andagua), widow of Pierre Antoine Etellin, who managed the following hotels: Gra ...View
EVANSMrs. LYDIA ANNIE, wife of Harry Evans, conductor of the Durban Male Voice Party Choir, which he star ...View
ESCOMBEMrs. HARRY, born Taylor, was married to the late Rt. Hon. Harry Escombe, privy councillor, Q.C., LL. ...View
EUSTACEMrs. ALICE ELIZABETH, was married to the late Captain William Moss Eustace, magistrate at Uniondale, ...View
EVANSMrs. VIOLET CATHERINE, born Leach, late wife of George Henry Evans, founder and proprietor of G.H. E ...View
Woman of South Africa 1935 Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.

Unfortunately a few of the pages of biographies namely pages 90, 351 and 422 as well as the introduction to his book are missing. If you have a copy of this book and can supply me with the missing pages we will be very grateful.