Woman of South Africa 1935 Search : F
Surname Biography word/phrase View
FAIRBRASSMrs. ADA LOUISA, wife of Frederick Vernon Fairbrass, Transvaal Manager of the Sun Life Assurance Com ...View
FAIRBRASSMrs. WINIFRED, born Perren. Born and educated at Bath, Somerset, England. By profession a Civil Serv ...View
FANNERMrs. ANNIE MARIE, widow of Henry Walter Fanner, well-known wine and brandy expert and director of th ...View
FANNINMrs. NELLY, wife of John Gower Fannin, late Mr. Justice J. E. Fannin and Retired Major in the Union ...View
FARRERMrs. ALICE ROBERTA, wife of Frederick Arthur Farrer, ex-Judge in the Native High Court. Daughter of ...View
FARRERMrs. LUCY, wife of J. B. K. Farrer, J.P., retired magistrate, and eldest daughter of the late Peter ...View
FAUREMiss HERMIONE STEPHANIE LOMBARD, Speech Therapist; daughter of the late Jacobus C. Faure, Assistant ...View
FEATHERSTONEMrs. HELENA W. C., wife of David R. H. Featherstone, and daughter of the late William Hume, M.P., an ...View
FEITELBERGMrs. AUGUSTA, wife of Solomon Feitelberg; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Levy, Born at Mossel Bay, C ...View
FEITELBERGMiss HETTY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Feitelberg, of Johannesburg. Born at Johannesburg and educat ...View
FELDMANMrs. BESSY LEA, widow of Abraham Feldman, merchant, of Johannesburg. Daughter of the late Mr. and Mr ...View
FELLOWESFLORENCE LUNDI, wife of the late Peregrine Paul Fellowes, who died in 1935, and daughter of the late ...View
FENWICKMrs. ELIZABETH, wife of A. C. Fenwick, and daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Miller, of Perthshire. ...View
FERNIEMiss ELLEN ORD, daughter of the late Rev. John Fernie, Congregational Minister in Durban and Maritzb ...View
FERNIEMiss RHODA RUBIDGE, L.I.S.D.T., Principal of the Fernie Dancing Academy of Port Elizabeth; second da ...View
FICKMrs. ANNIE wife of the Rev. M. L. Fick, M.P., who was in charge of the United Dutch Reformed Congreg ...View
FIELDMrs. NATALIE, daughter of Mrs. Florence Secker, and the late Frank Secker of Johannesburg. Born at L ...View
FINDLAYMrs. MADGE, wife of K. B. Findlay, Senior Control Engineer, V.F.P., Germiston, daughter of Mr. and M ...View
FINNEMOREMrs. ELLEN JANE, born Higgins, wife of John Hadley Finnemore, late of Staffordshire, England. Born a ...View
FIRSTMrs. RACHAEL, wife of Louis First, Manager and Secretary of Lewis & Marks. Born in Russia, daughter ...View
FISHMiss CHARLOTTE, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDonald Fish. Born and educated in Cape Tow ...View
FISHERALICE MARY, widow of Herbert Alfred Fisher, Manager of Barclays Bank for many years, and second daug ...View
FISHERMrs. MABEL FANNY, wife of Leonard Noel Fisher, D.D., Bishop of Natal (1928); eldest daughter of the ...View
FITZ-GERALDFLORENCE MARY, belongs to that Ancient Leinster family of Fitz-Geralds, being the eldest daughter of ...View
FlTZSIMONS (F.Z.S.London), Mrs. HENRIETTA, wife of F. W. Fitzsimons, Director of the Port Elizabeth Museum and Snake P ...View
FLETCHERMrs. MAUREEN CLARKSON, born Mulock Bentley, wife of John Clarkson Fletcher, Mining Engineer of the f ...View
FLETCHER-WHITEMrs. ETHEL MINNIE ADAIR, wife of Henry Ernest Fletcher White, Magistrate of Umtata and A.C.M. of the ...View
FLOYDMrs. AGNES SUSAN, widow of Walter Floyd, L.D.S. (Eng.); elder daughter of John Chamberlain and the l ...View
FLOYDMrs. FRIEDA, wife of Thomas Floyd, of Whitcutt & Floyd, Durban. Daughter of the late R. Lauth, Schoo ...View
FOORDMrs. PETRONELLA, wife of R. G. Foord, Solicitor, of Vryheid, Natal. Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs ...View
FORBESMrs. OLIVE GERALDINE, wife of Dr. Alastair Gordon Forbes, M.C., V.D., late Colonel of the S.A. Medic ...View
FORBESMrs. PENELOPE JANE, M.B.E. (1934), wife of Lachlan Rose Forbes, Rhodesian Manager for African Explos ...View
FORSYTHMiss BARBARA ROBERTA, daughter of John George Forsyth. Born at Cape Town and educated at Cork Conven ...View
FOTHERINGHAMMrs. ELIZABETH LIVINGSTONE, wife of John Sibbald Fotheringham, Master Baker and Confectioner, Mayor ...View
FOURIEMrs. MABEL MADOLINE , Wife of Mr. Louis Fourie, M.B.E., M.B., D.P.H., F.Z.S.; daughter of the late A ...View
FOWKESMrs. ELIZABETH, wife of Walter Fowkes. Born at London and educated at Gravesend High School. Has two ...View
FOWKESMiss PRISCILLA MARY, daughter of Councillor and Mrs. Walter Fowkes. Born in Kent, England, and educa ...View
FOWLIEMARGARET ELSIE. LL.A. (Hon.), wife of Patrick Fowlie, Agriculturalist S. African Sugar Association E ...View
FOXONMrs. EDITH ELEANOR, wife of Col. F. E. Foxon, ex-Chief Magistrate of Pietermaritzburg, Natal. Daught ...View
FOXONMiss MARGUERITE E., daughter of the late George Foxon. Born at London. Trained for the nursing profe ...View
FRAMEMrs. MURIEL BUCHANAN, wife of Ian Kay Frame. Daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. R. B. Brown. Born at ...View
FRAMESMrs. HENRIETTA, born Harmer, widow of Charles Frames, who was born in Port Elizabeth, where his whol ...View
FRAMESMrs.LINDA ROSS, wife of Percival Ross Frames, late chairman of De Beers Co., Kimberley, one of the p ...View
FRANCISMrs. LOUIS ALICE MAUDE, wife of Mr. Clavis Francis, Engineer, and daughter of the late Mr. Francis J ...View
FRANKMrs. ANNA SUSANNA, wife of William Frank, born at Lorraine, District Worcester, Cape Province, and e ...View
FRANKMrs. HOPE ASKEW, born Becker, wife of William Hughes Bowker Frank, of Johannesburg; granddaughter of ...View
FRASERMiss GRACE EUNICE, daughter of the late Sir John Fraser, who was secretary to the late Sir John Bran ...View
FREAKESMrs. BLANCHE ELIZA Wife of Benjamin Freakes, F.I:S.A., and daughter of the late Arthur Dainton and M ...View
FREEMAN(born Marks), ADA, 37 Tyrone Avenue,Parkview, Johannesburg; born at London, England. Married to Maur ...View
FRIEDMANMrs. EDITH FANNY, widow of P. Friedman, business man, whom she married in 1881 and who died in Septe ...View
FRIEDMANMrs. MADELEINE, wife of Louis Friedman, J.P., Town Councillor of Krugersdorp, Transvaal, daughter of ...View
FRIENDMrs. JOHANNA., widow of W. M. Friend, farmer. Daughter of the late W. H. Uys, farmer. Born at Wakker ...View
FRONEMANMiss ELIZABETH MAUDE, daughter of Mrs. and the late P. J. Froneman, of Cathcart, C.P. Born at Cathca ...View
FROSTMrs. AMY ADELAIDE, wife of Jesse Frost; daughter of the late Edwin Aukett, printer and publisher of ...View
FROSTMiss BETTY EILEEN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Frost. Born at Port Elizabeth, C.P., and educated ...View
FROSTMrs. SUSAN, wife of Daniel George William Frost (Prospector); daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Symingt ...View
FRUDDMrs. ELLEN, wife of Henry William Duncan Frudd, manager of the Union-Castle at Durban. of the late M ...View
FULFORDMrs. DORA MARGARET LOVEBAND, wife of Col. John M. Loveband-Fultord, retired Deputy-Commissioner of P ...View
FULLERMrs. NATALIE JANET, wife of Ernest Robert Fuller, son of Robert Fuller, an old resident of Maritzbur ...View
FLEMING-ORRMrs. JANE BAIRD wife of John Fleming-Orr, CA., Glasgow, Scotland, and daughter of the late Mrs. and ...View
FINEMrs. BERTA, widow of Marc Fine, merchant, founder of the Jewish Benevolent Society in Johannesburg, ...View
FITZGERALDMrs. ALYS T. (born Cuntin), wife of Reginald Patrick Fitzgerald. Born in Natal and educated then and ...View
FOSTERMrs. MARGARET LETITIA, born McCaldin, wife of William Charles Foster, director of Foster, Stevenson ...View
FOURIEMrs. ZETA GRACE, wife of Col. M.E. Fourie of the Central Flying School, Roberts' Heights, Transvaal. ...View
FRAMESMiss POPPY, well-known dancer and teacher of dancing in Johannesburg. Born at Johannesburg and educa ...View
FRANKELMrs. ETHEL, wife of Ludwig Frankel, president of the Chamber of Commerce; president of W.E.A. and vi ...View
FRANKLINMrs. SUSAN, born Siebert, wife of Harald Victor Franklin, accountant, Natal Estates, Mt. Edgecombe. ...View
FRASERMrs. OLIVE C., wife of John George Fraser, eldest surviving son of the late Sir John Fraser of Bloem ...View
FROSTMrs. FLORENCE MARGARET, born Eriksen, wife of Alfred Frost (geologist). Born at Cape Town. Educated ...View
FAGGEMrs. ELIZABETH MARGARET, born Harris, deceased. Was married to Edward David Fagge. Was born in Kingw ...View
FITZPATRICKMrs. BESSIE, was married to the late Gerald Coleman Fitzpatrick, formerly a lawyer of Johannesburg, ...View
Woman of South Africa 1935 Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.

Unfortunately a few of the pages of biographies namely pages 90, 351 and 422 as well as the introduction to his book are missing. If you have a copy of this book and can supply me with the missing pages we will be very grateful.