Woman of South Africa 1935 Search : G
Surname Biography word/phrase View
GAISFORDMrs. HARRIET HELEN. M.B.E., widow of John William Gaisford; daughter of the late Albert Radclyffe. B ...View
GARABEDIENMiss STAR, B.A. (Cape), F.L.A. (Lond.), Senior Botanist at the South African Museum. Educated in Eng ...View
GARDNERMiss DOROTHY MAITLAND, Fellow Trinity College, London (Elocution), L.T.C.L. (Singing), R.A.D.A., wel ...View
GARLICKMiss ELSIE MARY, daughter of the late John Garlick, founder of Garlick's, Ltd., Cape Town. Born at T ...View
GARLICKMrs. JOYCE, wife of Donald McKay Garlick, Director of Garlick, Ltd., Cape Town, and daughter of H. C ...View
GARLICKMrs. SELINA MARGARET, wife of John McDiarmid Garlick, farmer; daughter of the late Major (known as C ...View
GASSONMrs. SHEILA MEREDYTH CHICHELE, wife of Gordon Albert Gasson. Daughter of Sir Henry Meredyth Plowden, ...View
GAUFMrs. MARIA HELENE, wife of Johann Ludwig Gauf, who came to S. Africa in 1879 and to the Witwatersran ...View
GAWITHMrs. EDYTHE EILEEN, wife of Philip Valentine Gawith, General Manager of the firm of T. W. Beckett & ...View
GAYDONMrs. SOPHIA ALBERTINA, widow of A. H. Gaydon, Motor Accessories, Johannesburg. Daughter of the late ...View
GAYNORMrs. MAGGIE USHER, wife of Thomas Ernest Gaynor, Electrical Engineer, of Johannesburg. Daughter of t ...View
GEFFENMrs. IRENE, M.A., LL.B., Advocate of the Supreme Court of South Africa, wife of Max Geffen, B.A., LL ...View
GELDENHUYSMrs. LUCIA MARIE, wife of Coenraad Hermanus Geldenhuys, M.P. for Prieska, Mayor of Sutherland for a ...View
GELLENDERMrs. MAUDE BENNETT, State Registered Nurse, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Nicholson, of Fo ...View
GELLINGMrs. MARGARET, born Macleod, wife of John Thomas Gelling. Born and educated in Rosshire, Scotland, c ...View
GEMMELLMrs. ELSIE MARION, widow of Hugh Bernard Gemmell (died 1937). Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. J ...View
GEORGEMiss KATHLEEN GERTRUDE, daughter of Edward Francis George, of Grahamstown and Port Elizabeth, C.P. B ...View
GERAGHTYMrs. WINONA MARY, wife of Eric A. Geraghty; daughter of William Sprowson, late Consulting Engineer t ...View
GERBERMrs. ROSEY, born Tyfield, wife of Simon Gerber, merchant, of Cape Town. Born at Gympie, Queensland, ...View
GERSONMrs. RECCA, wife of Hyman Gerson. Born at London and educated at Cape Town and Johannesbtrrg. Has tw ...View
GIBAUDMrs. AGNES MARY, M.B.E., married Ernest Henry Everitt (1866, died 1903). married Frank Gibaud (1904) ...View
GIBSONMrs. OLIVIA AGNES CHAPMAN, wife of Frederick Chapman-Gibson, Engineer, of Johannesburg, son of the l ...View
GILBERTMrs. KATHERINE MATILDA, wife of Walter Gilbert, J.P., Mayor of Durban 1922-23 and 1924. Daughter of ...View
GILDENHUYSMrs. SARIE, wife of Col. Ben P. A. Gildenhuys, D.T.D., Inspector of Native Affairs. Daughter of the ...View
GILFILLANMrs. ELLEN MARJORIE, B.A., wife of Noel Hamish Gilfillan, Solicitor, of Johannesburg, whose family a ...View
GINGELLMrs. LOUISE, wife of Broughton Ayliff Gingell, a son of the late Mr. C. Gingell, of Gingell, Ayliff ...View
GIRDMrs. ELIZABETH MARIA, widow of William Richard Plumby Gird, very well known farmer of Klipheuvel, C. ...View
GLANVILLEMrs. GWYNNETH CLIFTON, wife of Thomas Burt Glanville, son of Ernest Glanville, South African writer ...View
GOCHMrs. IRIS KATHLEEN CHARLESON, born Malschinger, wife of Quinton Charleson-Goch, a well-known Charter ...View
GODBOLDMrs. EMILY AUGUSTA, born Peddle, wife of A. B. Godbold. Daughter of Mrs. E. A. Tennant, of Kimberley ...View
GODFREYMrs. NELLIE, wife of Henry Frederick John Godfrey, Solicitor. Daughter of Mr. Michaelis, who was a p ...View
GODLEYMrs. RETA LAURETTA, wife of Herbert Daniel Godley, of the firm of Halker, Lewis & Godley, of Cape To ...View
GODWINMrs. ADA MIRELLE, born Sinclair, wife of Thomas Edgar Godwin, member of the Town Council, Port Sheps ...View
GOLDMANMrs. HORTENSE PALMYRA FELICITE, widow of Alfred Chomel Goldman, who was a well-known business man in ...View
GOLDSWAINMrs. WINIFRED HARRIET, born Noyce, wife of Clement Tyson Goldswain, Magistrate of Kimberley, C.P. Bo ...View
GOODMrs. EMMA LOUISE, widow of Harry Good, C.E.M.I.C., also Assistant Town Engineer at Boksburg (1904-19 ...View
GOODACREFLORENCE ANNIE, wife of John Perry, Architect. Born in Lincolnshire, England. and educated in Englan ...View
GOODCHILDMrs.ELILABETH MARY, widow of Stuart Thomas Goodchild, Engineer, Johannesburg. Daughter of J. N. Thac ...View
GORDON-HOGGMiss ALEX. MARY QUARRIER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Gordon-Hogg, of Cape Town. Born at Bloe ...View
GORDONMiss ANN SHANKS, Matron Victoria Nurses' Institute, Cape Town. Born in County Elgin, Morayshire, Sco ...View
GORDONMrs. FRANCES MASON, wife of John Mason-Gordon, member of the Stock Exchange, Johannesburg. Daughter ...View
GORDON-PARKESMrs. JESSIE COTTAM, born at Manchester, England, educated at Durban Girls' College, Natal. Came to S ...View
GORDONMrs. R., wife of Bernard Gordon, merchant, of Johannesburg. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Heyman. Born ...View
GORDON-HOGGMrs. THOMINA ELEANOR, wife of Alexander Gordon-Hogg, of Fife, Scotland. Daughter of the late Mr. and ...View
GOUDVISMrs. BERTHA, well-known S. African authoress, widow of Lucas Gloudvis. Eldest daughter of the late J ...View
GOUDVISMrs. EILEEN. wife of Samuel Goudvis, Solicitor, of Johannesburg. Daughter of Lt.-Col. B. C. D'Arcy M ...View
GOULDINGMrs. MARIAN E. M., wife of Col. R. L. Goulding, senior partner in the firm of C. P. Robinson and Gou ...View
GOWERMiss ETHEL MAUDE, daughter of Joseph Albert and Frances Gower. Born and educated at Somerset East, C ...View
GOWER-JACKSONMrs. DOROTHY KNIPE, wife of Alexarder William Gower-Jackson, Secretary of the Automobile Association ...View
GRAAFFSUSANNAH ELSABIE MARIA, Lady, widow of Sir Jacobus Graaff, K.C.M.G., daughter of J. W. H. Theunissen ...View
GRADNERMrs. RAE, wife of Louis Gradner, who was Mayor of Cape Town for the period 1933-4-5. Daughter of Woo ...View
GRAHAMMrs ALFRA MARY, wife of James Mckay Graham, Chief Magistrate of Cape Town. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ...View
GRAHAMMrs. ELEONORA, wife of Mr. George Salisbury Graham, retired Public Prosecutor, daughter of the late ...View
GRAHAMRITA (professional name), wife of Arthur Parkes, Hotel Manager, of Durban, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ...View
GRAHAMSYBILLE wife of Frank Payne. Born and educated at Pietermaritzburg (Girls High School); partner in t ...View
GRAHAMMiss VERA IRENE, F.V.C.A., A.T.C.L., L V. C. A., A. Mus. V.C.M., etc. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rober ...View
GRANTSMITH, Mrs. ALICE, widow of E. I. Grant Smith, of Hong Kong, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry ...View
GRANT-WHYTEMrs. DENOON, born Whyte, wife of Dr. Harry Grant-Whyte. Born at Aberdeen, Scotland, and after matric ...View
GRANTMrs. DORIS, M.B.E., wife of G. MacKay Grant, Ironmonger, Durban, who came from Scotland in 1913. Dau ...View
GRANTMrs. HELEN FRANCES, wife of Gilbert Grant, farmer, of Constantia, son of the late Patrick Grant, Cha ...View
GRANTMrs. MARGARET ANN, widow of John Grant, who passed away in 1904, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W ...View
GRANTMARGARET CAMERON, Miss, C.S.M.M.G., daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. C. Grant, of Durban. Born at B ...View
GRANTMrs. MURIEL IRENE, born Doveton, wife of William Hood Grant, prominent architect of Cape Town. Born ...View
GRAYMrs. MARY WILLIAMS TYLER, widow of the Rev. James Gray, LL.D., and eldest daughter of the late Rev. ...View
GRAYMrs. SOPHIA ALBERTA, widow of Adam Gray, the son of James Gray, of Aberdeen, Scotland. Born at Princ ...View
GRAYMrs. SUSAN MARGARET, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ockert Oosthuizen, of Prince Albert, Cape, an ...View
GRAYMrs. QUEENIE CHARLOTTE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crump, of London, England. Born at London and ...View
GREENMrs. AGNES SARAH, widow of Alfred Eustace Green, J.P., for many years partner in the firm of Rob. Ac ...View
GREENMrs. GERDA GERTRUDE, born Glynn, wife of Pat Green, of Sea Point, Cape Town. Granddaughter of the la ...View
GREENMrs. MARIAN, wife of Noel Michael Joseph Green, wine merchant, of Paarl, C.P., son of the late M. J. ...View
GREENBERGMrs. BERTHA, wife of Samuel J. Greenberg, merchant, of Johannesburg. Daughter of the late Mr. and Mr ...View
GREENBERGHANNAH, Attorney, Notary and Conveyancer, wife of Emmanuel Bloch, Attorney. Daughter of the late Mr. ...View
GREENEMrs. JANE MAUD, wife of Colonel Edward McKenzie, Greene, K.C., C.M.G. M.P., old Natal Parliament, se ...View
GREENHALGHMadame SYLVIA, formerly known on the stage as Miss Sylvia May, widow of Percy Greenhalgh, of Marches ...View
GREENLEESMrs. HELOISE, widow of M. R. Greenlees, of Pretoria. Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Meintje ...View
GREENSTONEMrs. SARAH, wife of Harry Greenstone. Came to South Africa in 1890. Has two daughters, Min Lady Fole ...View
GRIEVEMrs. BARBARA M., wife of Dr. J. Muir Grieve, son of Dr. J. M. Grieve and Mrs. Grieve, of Pietermarit ...View
GRIFFINMrs. ISABELLA, wife of William H. Griffin, member for Maritzburg of the first Union Parliament. Daug ...View
GRIFFITHMrs. BEATRICE DUTHIE, wife of Captain John Thorne Griffith late South African Constabulary and Inspe ...View
GRIFFITHSMrs. SUSIE ADELA, wife of Alfred Edward Griffiths, A.C.I.S. Born at London and educated in Port Eliz ...View
GRINDRODMrs. MABEL AGNES, born Bibby, widow of Capt. John Edward Grindrod, who was well-known in business ci ...View
GROBLERMiss ANNA MARIA CECILIA. born in 1911 at Rouxville O.F.S. Daughter of J. J. Grobler and Mrs. Grobler ...View
GROOMMrs. ETHEL, formerly Arthur. wife of H. L. Groom, Electrical Engineer, of Roodepoort-Maraisburg Muni ...View
GUMPERTMrs. LILIAN ETHEL, widow of Maximilian Gumpert, Solicitor, onetime Mayor of Port Elizabeth during th ...View
GUNNMiss MARY DAVIDSON, F.L.A. S.A., daughter of Alexander Gunn. Born in Kerriemuir, Forfarshire, Scotla ...View
GWELO-GOODMANMrs. MARGARET MARY, wife of Robert Gwelo-Goodman, the renowned South African artist who has been a r ...View
GALLAGHERMrs. KATE, born Caine, wife of Henry Joseph Gallagher, who arrived in South Africa when a boy of 15 ...View
GEDDESMrs. JOSEPHINE MAUD, wife of Dr. A. Geddes, M.D., children's specialist. Daughter of the late A.B. W ...View
GEORGENMrs. MINNIE, born Gibbon, wife of Elias Georgen, director of the Waldorf, Cape Town, C.P. Born at Ma ...View
GERBERMiss GERTRUDE, Almoner Somerset Hospital, Cape Town, C.P., since 1929. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Simo ...View
GERDENERMrs. MARTHA MARIA, born de Villiers, wife of the Rev. Gustav Bernhard August Gertlener, Ph.D., princ ...View
GIBSONMrs. PHYLLIS ANDRE W, born Bice, wife of John Stephen Gibson, farmer of Glencairn, Mooi River Distri ...View
GLASSMrs. GUSSIE, born Kawltnan, wife of George Glass. Born and educated in Courland, Russia. Interested ...View
GRANTMrs. JUANITA HELIGONDA, wife of Alexander Primrose Grant, C.A. (Gr. B.) of Glasgow, Scotland, daught ...View
GREIGMrs. JANE, born Mitchell, wife of Charles Greig, founder of the firm of Greig & Son, jewellers of Jo ...View
GREYMrs. DOROTHY ELSIE, widow of Captain R.C. Grey of the Indian Army, A.D.C. to Sir Drummond Chaplin, R ...View
GROBLERMrs. ELSIE, wife of Jan Grobler, M.P. for Brits., son of the Hon. P.G.N. Grobler, late Minister of N ...View
GROBLERMiss SUSSANA SOPHIA MINNAAR, organising secretary for the past 8 years of the Isipingo Home of Recov ...View
GALEMrs. BEATRICE GWENDOLYN, was married to Captain Denis Gale of the Indian Army. Was a daughter of Mr. ...View
GILMOURMrs. CHRISTINE MARIE (nom-de-plume, 'Portia'), was married to the late Ernest Henry Gilmour, son of ...View
GORDONDr. JEAN PATON, M.B., Ch.B. (Edin.), D.T.M. Born at Montrose, Scotland, in 1884, was educated at the ...View
GREATHEADMrs. JULIA, was the wife of the late the Hon. I.H. Greathead, M.L.C., successful merchant in the Eas ...View
Woman of South Africa 1935 Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.

Unfortunately a few of the pages of biographies namely pages 90, 351 and 422 as well as the introduction to his book are missing. If you have a copy of this book and can supply me with the missing pages we will be very grateful.