Woman of South Africa 1935 Search : J
Surname Biography word/phrase View
JACKMrs. NANCY, wife of Lewis George Jack. Daughter of Peter Cameron, of Huntingtower, Perth, Scotland. ...View
JACKSONMrs. BLANCHE FLORENCE, wife of Henry Jackson, son of the late Capt. C. H. Jackson, late 86th Regimen ...View
JACKSONMrs. FAY ESTELLE, wife of J. J. Jackson, J.P., R.M., grandson of the late Rev. Thomas Jackson, one o ...View
JACKSONMrs. MARY BEATRICE, wife of John Jackson, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.A.S., His Majesty's Astronomer, Cape Town ...View
JACKSONMrs. OLGA MARTHA, daughter of Rev H. Muller, Superintendent General of Union for Lutheran Missions. ...View
JACKSONMrs. OLIVE JANE, wife of Percy Jackson, Principal of the Germiston Central School. Daughter of the l ...View
JACKSON-LIPKINMrs. SARA, wife of Matt Jackson-Lipkin, Director of Companies. Daughter of Mr. J. M. Patley, merchan ...View
JACOBSONMrs. BERTHA, wife of Abel Harris Jacobson, Managing Director of African Dairies and Ice Works, Ltd., ...View
JAECKELMrs. ANNIE CAROLINE wife of Franz Otto Jaeckel, A.M.I., Mech. E. of General Mining and Finance Corp. ...View
JAMESMrs. CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA GEORGINA, born Springorum, wife of Walter Humphreys James, son of the late Hu ...View
JAMESLYNETTE, A.R.C.M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. James, of Maritzburg. Born at Maritzburg and educated ...View
JAMESONMrs. FRIEDA, wife of Mr. E. Jameson; widow of A. C. Lurie, B.Sc., Mining Engineer. Daughter of Isaak ...View
JAMIESONMrs. BERTHA, widow of Edward Jamieson, late of the firm of Dobbin & Jaimieson, Durban. Second daught ...View
JAMISONMrs. MARGARET, City Councillor of Johannesburg (1938), widow of Samuel Jamison. Daughter of the late ...View
JANIONMrs. EILEEN MARY, wife of Claude Wilson Janion, D.S.O., Headmaster of Pridwin School, St. Andrew's S ...View
JARVISMrs. MARIE, wife of Cyril Chester Jarvis, K.C., formerly Attorney-General of Natal, now Senior Law A ...View
JECKSMrs. JEAN ISOBEL, wife of Marcel William Jecks. Daughter of Robert Howie, Bank Manager and famous go ...View
JEFFERYSMiss AMY MAY, whose ancestors originally came from England, soon after the arrival of the 1820 Briti ...View
JEFFERYSMiss LUCY ELLEN. Born at Grahamstown, C.P., and was educated at St. Peter's Private School and the G ...View
JEHUMrs. GERALDINE MARY, wife of Ralph Maurice Jehu, M.Sc. (Wales), F.R.G.S., F.G.S., Lecturer-in-Charge ...View
JENKINSMrs. KATHARINE WALDRON, born Warren, wife of the Venerable Archdeacon A. M. Jenkins, of Pretoria. Bo ...View
JENNINGSMrs. BERTHA MAY BERRY, wife of Daniel James Berry-Jennings, who came from New Zealand to South Afric ...View
JEPPEMrs. CICELY, wife of Harold Jeppe, Managing Director of South African Townships Mining and Finance C ...View
JEPPEMrs. GILDA BICCARD, wife of C. W. Biccard Jeppe, A.R.S.M., D.I.C., M.Sc., M.Inst. M.M., Professor of ...View
JEPPEMrs. LOUIE, wife of Albrecht Jeppe, youngest son of the late Julius Jeppe, of Johannesburg, and brot ...View
JERRARDMrs. OLIVE MAUDE, wife of Edmund Paul Jerrard, retired. Daughter of the late Rubin Herbert Healy, of ...View
JESSEMrs. KATIE HELENA, born Morris, wife of Henry Archibald Jesse. Born at Cape Town, educated at St. Cy ...View
JEWELLMrs. LOUISE ANNLYNN, widow of Edward Jewell, who was foreman carpenter under Cecil Rhodes and knew m ...View
JOELMrs. PEGGY, wife of Geoffrey J. Joel, Director of Companies, etc., of Johannesburg. Daughter of Davi ...View
JOHNSONMrs. DAISY, widow of Johnny Johnson, merchant. Eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Kerby. ...View
JOHNSONMiss ELEANOR ALICE, born at Chester, England, and educated at Dee Convent House, Chester. Adopted th ...View
JOHNSONMrs. MARGARET AMELIA, born Granger, wife of Percy Hugh Johnson. Born at London and educated at Miss ...View
JOHNSTONMrs. FLORA, wife of James Johnston. J.P., Vice-President of the Ratepayers' Association, Durban. Sec ...View
JOHNSTONMrs. JANET, wife of Reginald, Noel Johnston: M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Moodie. Bo ...View
JONESMrs. EDITH BEATRICE RHEINALLT, born Barton, wife of John David Rheinallt Jones, Senator, Advisor to ...View
JONESMiss ELAINE ATHILDA (BILLIE), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Jones, of Cape Town. Born at Sea Point ...View
JONESMrs. EVELYN ALICE, widow of Charles Arthur McDonough Jones; daughter of the late Frederick Nyce and ...View
JONESMrs. FRANCES VIVIAN MARY CARLETON, wife of Guy Carleton-Jones, Joint Manager and Consulting Engineer ...View
JONESMrs. GWYNYTH CONSTANCE DOROTHY, wife of the Hon. Justice Percy Sidney Twentyman Jones, K.C., B.A., L ...View
JOOSTEMrs. DOROTHY ADELINE, wife of Erasmus Jooste, Attorney and an ex-mayor of Klerksdorp, Transvaal. Dau ...View
JORDAANMrs. ELIZABETH JOHANNA, widow of G. J. Jordaan. Daughter of Pieter Daniel de Wet and Elsie Carolina ...View
JORDAANMrs. HELENA MARIA, wife of P. J. Jordaan, Director of K.W.V. Daughter of the late Mr. Brink, formerl ...View
JORDAANMrs. JOHANNA SUSSANA, wife of P. J. Jordaan, formerly M.P. for Ladismith, C.P., progressive farmer i ...View
JORDAANMrs. RACHEL WILHELMINA, wife of Abraham Jordaan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Burger, prominent fa ...View
JORISSENMrs. MARY ADELINE, wife of Judge S. G. Jorissen, son of the late Dr. E. P. Jorissen. Daughter of the ...View
JOUBERTMrs. ENID (FRANK), wife of Captain Frank A. Joubert, M.P. for Mowbray, C.P. Daughter of Mrs. H. P. a ...View
JOUBERTMrs. HESTER, widow of P. J. Joubert, a member of one of the oldest and best respected families in th ...View
JURGENSMiss SOPHIA ALETTA, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Cloete Jurgens, of the farm 'Weltevred ...View
JUSTICECONSTANCE DOLORES, wife of James Chappel Justice, B.S., daughter of H. P. Rudds, director De Beers C ...View
JANOVERMrs. LENA QUEENIE, estate agent, wife of Joseph Janover, attorney of Pretoria, Transvaal, and daught ...View
JENNINGSMrs. IRENE, wife of Hubert Jennings, B.A. (Aberystyh), Wales. Headmaster of the Stanger Intermediate ...View
JOHNSTONMrs. AMY, wife of D.G. Johnston, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson of Co. Angus, Scot ...View
JOUBERTMrs. ELIZABETH, widow of J.A.B. Joubert, Greytown, Natal (1909), a well-known solicitor of the firm ...View
JUDSONMrs. KATHLEEN, wife of Harry Judson, retired banker. Daughter of the late T. Sheffield, journalist a ...View
JUSTICEMrs. ALETTA JANE, born McCabe, widow of Bertram Henry Justice (1910), and a descendant of a well-kno ...View
JOELMrs. ESTHER, born Barnett, was married to the late David Mark Joel. Born at Warsaw, Poland, and educ ...View
JONESMrs. MARGARET JOSEPHINE, was the wife of Edgar Lawrence Twentyman Jones, solicitor, of Cape Town. Yo ...View
Woman of South Africa 1935 Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.

Unfortunately a few of the pages of biographies namely pages 90, 351 and 422 as well as the introduction to his book are missing. If you have a copy of this book and can supply me with the missing pages we will be very grateful.