Woman of South Africa 1935 Search : K
Surname Biography word/phrase View
KEMPEMrs. BERTHA EMMA MARIA, wife of Alwin Kempe. Born at Koschmin, Posen, Germany, and educated at Dresd ...View
KEMSLEYMrs. ROSINA, wife of Clifford Basil Kemsley, son of the late J. C. Kemsley, M.B.E., J.P., Mayor of P ...View
KENNARDMrs. MARGARET, wife of R. W. Kennard, Contractor. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis. Born at Stroud, En ...View
KENTMrs. ETHEL, wife of Victor Kent, Merchant of Johannesburg. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Close. Bor ...View
KERRMiss YVONNE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Kerr, of Johannesburg, was born at Johannesburg and educ ...View
KERSHAWMrs. KATHLEEN WINIFRED, wife of Henry David Kershaw, of Burton-on-Trent, International Rugby player, ...View
KETCHENELIZABETH, widow of Dr. Arthur Dickson Ketchen. Born in Ireland and educated at Chester, England. Th ...View
KIDWELLMrs. KATE, wife of the Rev. A. A. Kidwell, of Germiston, Transvaal. Daughter of Henry Hollidge, Corn ...View
KILROEMiss FRANCES CATHERINE, B.Sc. (Lond.), Professor of Chemistry and Acting Principal of the Huguenot U ...View
KIMBELLMiss OLIVE MARGARET, L.R.A.M., daughter of N. P. Kimbell, of Walgrave, Northampton, England, and Mrs ...View
KING-HALLMrs AGNES HELENA GRAHAM, widow of Colonel Charles Augustus King-Hall, R. Munster Fusiliers. Daughter ...View
KINGMrs. ESTELLA ANNE, daughter off. B. Rankine, Architect and Consulting Engineer, and at one tinge Gov ...View
KINGHENRIETTA ANNIE, born Pyle, wife of Francis Richard King, farmer, second son of the late Dick King, ...View
KALMANSONMrs. EMILY, wife of W. L. Kalmanson. Daughter of Mrs. S. Gordon and the late S. Gordon. Born at Ladi ...View
KALMANSONMrs. JANE, wife of I. D. Kalmanson. Daughter of Mrs. Osrin and the late Abel Osrin, of Russia. Born ...View
KANNEMEYERMrs. JANE ELIZABETH. wife of D. Victor Kannemeyer, daughter of the late Donald Strachan. M.C.C. for ...View
KAPLANSOPHIE HANNAH, M.B., Ch.B., eldest daughter of A. Kaplan, a pioneer of the Rand, having arrived ther ...View
KASTRUPMrs. FRANCES EDITH, born Gee, wife of Odin Kastrup, Consul for Denmark. Born at Pendlebury, Lancashi ...View
KAYSERMrs. VIOLET MAUD, born Webber, widow of C. F. Kayser, formerly a partner in the firm of Phillip Bros ...View
KEATINGMrs. KATE, widow of Frank Keating. Daughter of the late E. L. Lazarus and Mrs. R. Lazarus, of Johann ...View
KEATINGMrs. WINIFRED STANGER, born Hayler, wife of W. T. Keating, M.P.S., of Johannesburg. Her grandparents ...View
KELFKENSMrs. CLAUDIA ADELAIDE, wife of Willem Constantyn Kelfkens, well-known builder and contractor of Joha ...View
KEMPMrs. BEATRICE MAUDE, widow of Andrew Kemp, of Rosemarkie, Inverness, Scotland. Daughter of the late ...View
KEMPMiss RUTH, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kemp, of Johannesburg. Born at Johannesburg, was educated in ...View
KINGMrs. REBECCA CLIFT, A.R.A.M. (Honoris causa), L.R.A.M., wife of L .A. T. King. Daughter of the late ...View
KIRCHOFFMrs. EMMA AUGUSTA, born Raatz, wife of C. Kirchhoff, merchant, of Johannesburg. Born at Zippnow, Wes ...View
KIRKPATRICKMrs. MARGARET, wife of A. C. Kirkpatrick, M.R.C.V.S., Assistant Director of Municipal Abattoirs, Joh ...View
KIRSHONMrs. GERTRUDE, wife of Jacob Kirshon, merchant. Daughter of the late P. Z. Schulmann and Mrs. M. Sch ...View
KISCHMiss KATHARINE FLORENCE MAUDE, Civil Servant, daughter of the late D. M. Kisch, who came to this cou ...View
KLENERMANPAULINE, M.D., born at Kimberley, C.P., and educated at the Kimberley Girls' High School; studied me ...View
KLERCKMrs. ANNA TOBIA, wife of George William Klerck. Born at Koeberg, Cape, and educated at the Bloemhof ...View
KLEUMrs. GABRIELLE IRIS, wife of Edwin Basil Kleu. Daughter of the late Sir Theodore and Lady Fry, of Be ...View
KLIPPERTMrs. HELEN, wife of Louis Klippert, of Johannesburg. Daughter of Herman and Sophie David, old pionee ...View
KNIGHTMrs. DORA ANNIE, wife of T. C. Knight, co-general manager of Messrs. T. W. Becket & Co., Pretoria. B ...View
KNIGHTMrs. M. E., wife of Cecil Knight, Mayor of Krugersdorp, Transvaal, 1934-5. Daughter of J. J. Tremeer ...View
KNIPHOUSEMrs. CONSTANCE HELEN, Principa of 'Abington Kindergarten' Mayfair, Johannesburg. Wife of William Cha ...View
KOCHMERCY EVELYN, the wife of August Christoffel Koch and daughter of George Fraser. Born and educated a ...View
KOHLERMrs. ETHEL, daughter of Archibald Beadle. Her grandfather came out to South Africa in 1817 with Col. ...View
KOHLERMrs. RUBY PEARL, wife of C. W. Kohler, J.P., Chairman of K.W.V., Director of S.A. Mutual Assurance C ...View
KOHNMrs. HANNAH, wife of Dr. Salo Kohn, resident at Lichtenburg, Transvaal, for over forty years, was Di ...View
KOLBEMrs. MARTHA SOPHIA, wife of C. A. Kolbe, farmer, whose grandparents came to South Africa from London ...View
KOSSUTHMrs. BELLA, born Aschman, widow of Joseph Kossuth, son of Henry Kossuth, pioneer of Kimberley, C.P. ...View
KOSTERMrs. MAY MARGARET ELIZABETH, born Scherneckau, wife of John Peter Koster, one of the few remaining e ...View
KOTZEMARGARETHA JELDINA, Lady, wife of the Hon. Sir John Gilbert Kotze, former chief justice of the Trans ...View
KOTZEMARIA BEATRICE, Lady, wife of Sir Robert Kotze, M.P. for Springs and Vice-Chancellor of the Universi ...View
KRAUSEDr. EMILIA, wife of Dr. Raymond Theron, of Bloemfontein, O.F.S. Daughter of Dr. Otto Krause, the wel ...View
KRAUSEMrs. MARGARET, widow of Ferdinand George Krause, Mining Engineer. Daughter of the late R. Hamilton, ...View
KRIGEMrs. ALIDA, born Gie, wife of Johannes Edmund Joubert Krige, Member of Parliament for Worcester, C.P ...View
KRIGEMrs. SUZAN, wife of William Adolph Krige. Daughter of the late A. C. Koch, well-known merchant and f ...View
KROGHDr. GRACE, Medical Practitioner, of Johannesburg. Daughter of the late John C. and J. M. Krogh. Born ...View
KROHNMrs. ALICE, O.B.E., wife of Herman Alexander Krohn, son of Nicholas Peter Krohn, of Grahamstown, C.P ...View
KRONEMrs. FRANCES ELIZABETH KOLBE, wife of Nicholas Charles Krone, Manager of the Luipaardsvlei Estate,Tr ...View
KRYNAUWMrs. BERTHA, wife of Anthony H. Krynauw, B.Sc., General Manager of the East Rand Proprietary Mines, ...View
KUFALMrs. BEE GERTRUDE ANNE, widow of Albert Kufal, well-known solicitor of Maritzburg, Natal. Daughter o ...View
KUSCHKEMrs. MARTHA MARGARETHA MARIA, wife of George A. C. Kuschke, formerly Director of Education in the Tr ...View
KUSSELMiss SALLIE, daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. M. Kussel, of Oudtshoorn, C.P. Was born at Oudtshoorn ...View
KUYSMiss ENID BLANCHE, daughter of H. R. van Lier Kuys, late of Surveyor-General's Department of the Uni ...View
KEYTERMrs. KITTY, wife of P.I. Keyter, farmer, Mayor of Aberdeen, C.P., since 1932. Daughter of Mr. C.J. V ...View
KINCAID-SMITHMrs. MARGARET CRAMOND, wife of Aurel Kincaid-Smith, (1921), son of the late Thomas Hector Smith and ...View
KLOPPERSMiss MARIA, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. B.J. Kloppers of Robertson, Cape. Born at Ladismith, C ...View
KNAUPPMiss HILDA KATHERINE, daughter of Leonard Knaupp and Mrs. Knaupp, who came to South Africa in about ...View
KNIGHTMrs. JOYCE GWENDOLINE, wife of James Joseph Knight, merchant of Cape Town, C.P. Daughter of Percival ...View
KOCHMrs. DEBORAH MAGDELENA, born Smuts, widow of A.C. Koch of Malmesbury, C.P., one of the best-known bu ...View
KOLBEMrs. FRIEDA, wife of John Gerson Kolbe (farmer). Born at Cape Town, C.P., and educated privately and ...View
KORTEMrs. GRACE, wife of Johannes Korte, builder of Cape Town. C.P., who was responsible for the building ...View
KELLYMrs. MARY ANN, was the wife of James Kelly, master builder, pioneer who came to South Africa in 1893 ...View
KLERCKMrs. ANNA M., was married to John Rheynold Klerck, retired manager of the Standard Bank of South Afr ...View
KUHNMiss DINA MAREE, musician and historian, L.C.N.M., L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., M.R.S.T., A.R.C.M. (Eloc.). B ...View
Woman of South Africa 1935 Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.

Unfortunately a few of the pages of biographies namely pages 90, 351 and 422 as well as the introduction to his book are missing. If you have a copy of this book and can supply me with the missing pages we will be very grateful.