Woman of South Africa 1935 Search : L
Surname Biography word/phrase View
LANGMrs. ANNIE ELFRIDA, wife of James Lang, Rector of Grey High School, Port Elizabeth. Daughter of the ...View
LANGEMrs. CONSTANCE ELAINE, wife of Albert Victor Lange, Manager of the Crown Mines, Johannesburg. Daught ...View
LANGEMrs. RUTH, wife of Neville Lange, who is a descendant of one of the oldest families in the Eastern P ...View
LANGLEYMrs. DORA AGNES, wife of Aubrey Samuel Langley, B.A., son of the late Rev. and Mrs. James Langley, w ...View
LANSDELLMiss KATHLEEN ANNIE, daughter of the late J. P. Lansdell. Born and educated at Durban, holder of Fir ...View
LAPINMiss LILY, Daughter of Mrs. C. Lapin and the late Bernard Lapin. Born at Pretoria and educated there ...View
LARSENMrs. BERTHA, wife of Oluf Larsen, Director of Companies. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christiansen. Born ...View
LARSENMrs. MAGDA ERIKKA, wife of A. E. Larsen, Managing Director of the Union Whaling Co., and Consul for ...View
LATEGANMrs. ANGELINA, wife of Stephanus Petrus Lategan, a prominent farmer of Constantia, C.P. Daughter of ...View
LATEGANMrs. ANTOINETTE JACOBA, CAROLINA, wife of Willem Hendrik Lategan, prominent wine farmer of Constanti ...View
LATEGANMrs. OLIVE MAY, widow of Stephanus Petrus Lategan, farmer. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chapman of N.S.W ...View
LAURENCEMrs. EMILY MARIA INEZ, wife of Henry Walter Laurence, wine farmer of Kuils River, C.P., daughter of ...View
LABIAIDA LOUISE, Countess, married the late Count Natale Labia, formerly Royal Minister Plenipotentiary f ...View
LAIDLERMrs. JOHANNA EWALDINA, wife of James Laidler, London. Daughter of Sarel Cilliers (Klein Sarel). Born ...View
LAMONTMrs.HELEN BEATRICE LOUISA, widow of the Rev. Archibald Lamont, M.A., B.D., Presbyterian Minister, la ...View
LAMPORTMrs. JACOBA STEPHINA, widow of Capt. Purdon Ferreira, who was responsible clerk in the Auditor-Gener ...View
LANCASTERMrs. FLORENCE, born Martin, wife of Arbuthnot Lancaster. Born at Woolastone, Gloucestershire England ...View
LANDAUMrs. FANNY ETHEL, born Barron, wife of Charles Landau, former Mayor of Standerton, Transvaal. Born a ...View
LAURIEMrs. WINNIFRED MARGARET, wife of Robert Douglas Laurie, O.B.E., M.B., Ch.B. Daughter of the late Phi ...View
LAVISMrs. CORA ELIZA, wife of the Rt. Rev. S. W. Lavis, Bishop co-adjutor of Cape Town. Daughter of Chade ...View
LAVOIPIERREMrs. MARISE, wife of Leopold Lavoipierre, sugar farmer in Kearsney District, Natal, only son of Mr. ...View
LAVOIPIERREMrs. MERCEDES, wife of Alphonse Lavoipierre, Manager of Melville Sugar Co., Stanger, Natal. Daughter ...View
LAWMrs. ALICE CONSTANCE, wife of Archibald Law, Shipping Agent of Durban. Elder daughter of W. A. and t ...View
LAWMrs. MATTIE, wife of Thomas Law, Bank Manager, Johannesburg. Daughter of the late Mr. Preller of Pre ...View
LAWRENCEMrs. JEAN MARGARET CHRISTIAN ST. LEGER, wife of Harry Gordon Lawrence, M.P., Salt River (U.P.), son ...View
LAZARUSBERTHA S.R.N.; S.A.R.N.,S.A.R.M. Youngest daughter of the late Benjamin Lazarus, late of Dundee, Nat ...View
LEAMrs. MARY, wife of Oliver Lea, M.B.E., Builder, retired from business in 1925 with the honour of lif ...View
LEATHERNMiss RUBY, daughter of William Leathern of Ladysmith, Natal and the late Mrs. Leathern. Born and edu ...View
LE BLANCMrs. MARIE LOUISE, wife of Jules le Blanc, Vice-Consul for Spain at Port Elizabeth, C.P. Born and ed ...View
LEDIKERMrs. PHYLLIS FRANCES, wife of Myer Lediker. Pharmacist of Standerton, Transvaal; daughter of the lat ...View
LEEMrs. SYLVIA, wife of R. G. Lee, accountant. Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Tyrrell of London. Bor ...View
LEGGMatron HELENA AUGUSTA, daughter of the late Henry William Legg of Surrey and his wife Miss Mary Wigh ...View
LEGGATMrs. AGNES, formerly Mrs. Milne, widow of D. R. Milne, past President of the National Party (Benoni) ...View
LEIGHMiss HELEN MARY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Leigh, Manager of the Standard Bank, Pietermaritzbur ...View
LEISKMrs. AMY PORTER, wife of James Rankin Leisk, C.M.G., Director of Barclay's Bank and Chairman South A ...View
LEMMERMrs. JACOMINE JACOBA, wife of Capt. H. J. Lemmer, Department of Agriculture, Captain and Adjutant du ...View
LENNOXMrs. GWEN, wife of James David Lennox, manager of the Rose Deep Gold Mine, Germiston. Daughter of th ...View
LESLIEMiss AMELIA MARGARET, daughter of Peter Raymond Leslie. Born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, educated at ...View
LESLIEMrs. EMILY, widow of Dr. George Leslie, D.S.O., of Robert's Horse. Daughter of the late Dr. Edward D ...View
LESLIEMrs. I., a well-known beauty specialist of Johannesburg. Trained under Miss Merrit of Berkeley Squar ...View
LETTYMiss CYTHNA LINDENBERG. Born at Standerton, Transvaal and educated at the Heidelberg Public School, ...View
LEUCHARSMARY, Lady, widow of Colonel Sir George Leuchars, K.C.M.G., J.P., farmer Daughter of the late Mr. an ...View
LEVICKAGNES BURWELL, Lady, widow of Sir Hugh Gwynne Levick, K.B.E. (1918), who was for some years attached ...View
LEVINEMrs. NETTA, Secretary of the S.A. National Council for Mental Hygiene, wife of Henry Levine, who is ...View
LEVISEURMrs. SOPHIE, widow of Moritz Leviseur. Well-known pioneer and resident of Bloemfontein, O.F.S., who ...View
LEVITANFLORENCE, B.A., M.B., Ch.B., wife of Dr. Jacob Cohen, Medical Practitioner. Daughter of Mr. and the ...View
LEVITANPAULINE, BA., M.B., Ch.B., wife of H A. Smith, Civil Engineer (Chartered). Daughter of A. Levitan, R ...View
LEVYMrs. EDITH L.R.A.M., wife of Monte Levy of Pretoria. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pearlman. Born at Hull ...View
LEWISMrs. EDNA ANNA, wife of Norman Walter Lewis, director of Belfast Warehouse, Johannesburg. Daughter o ...View
LEWISMrs. SELMA, wife of Jachad Lewis, business man, pioneer of the Transvaal, during the Boer War joined ...View
LIEBENBERGMiss CATHERINE CHRISTINA, born and educated at Victoria West, C.P. Adopted the nursing profession. T ...View
LIGHTENINGMrs. ELLEN ELIZA, wife of Ernest Dalton Lightening, pensioned. Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Raw ...View
LILLISMrs. ANNIE BEATRICE, wife of John Lillis. Daughter of the late George and Laura Clayton of Cape Town ...View
LINDBERGHMrs. GLADYS MARY YORK, wife of Albert Victor Lindbergh, well-known South African business man, publi ...View
LINDERMrs. KATIE, born Levy, widow of Harry Linder, merchant of Durban, late of 'Overdale', 491 Musgrave R ...View
LINDSAYMiss GLADYS EMSLIE, B.A., (Univ. of S.A.). M.A. (Columbia Univ.). Teacher's 1st Class Certificate (U ...View
LINDSAYMrs. MARY, wife of Henry Lill Lindsay, member of the Transvaal Parliament in 1907 and of the Nationa ...View
LINLEYMiss CONSTANCE SELINA, daughter of Thomas Linley, of Manor Farm, Wocton, Oxford, England. Born at Ox ...View
LINNMrs. CLARE, wife of Adam Linn, Secretary of the Johannesburg; Stock Exchange. Daughter of Mr. and Mr ...View
LIPSCHITZMrs. BETTY, wife of Aron Lipschitz, Jeweller and Diamond Merchant. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rosenber ...View
LIPSCHITZMrs. FREDA, wife of Morris Lipschitz, Stockbroker of Johannesburg. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Me ...View
LISSACKMrs. CECILIA, wife of Louis Lissack, merchant of Volksrust, Transvaal. Daughter of the late M. Brows ...View
LISTERMrs. GWENDOLINE MAY, wife of Alfred Walton Lister, M.C., M.A., B.C.L. (Oxon.) educated at Michaelhou ...View
LISTERMrs. WINIFRED MARGARET wife of James Martin Lister, Johannesburg. Born in Stirlingshire, Scotland an ...View
LITTLEMrs. EUNICE MARY, wife of Thomas Little, Sectional Manager, Crown Mines, Johannesburg. Daughter of A ...View
LOCKMrs. MARY, Born Richmond, wife of George Thomas Lock of Bulawayo, S. Rhodesia. Born at Birmingham, E ...View
LONDONMrs. MINNA, widow of Solomon London, merchant of Johannesburg. Daughter of S. Meikles of Libau, Kurl ...View
LOOTSMrs. HESTER, wife of Pieter Johannes Loots, retired stud farmer. Daughter of the late Marthinus Enge ...View
LORENTZMrs. DOROTHY, wife of Dirk Lorentz, formerly of Potchefstroom, Transvaal. Daughter of the late Geral ...View
L+TTERMrs. FRANCESCA DEBORAH HELENA, wife of W. D. S. Lotter, retired magistrate, formerly of Cape Town wh ...View
LOUNSBURYMrs. VERDI, wife of James A. Lounsbury, M.Sc., Head of Bureau of Adult and Visual Education, Pretori ...View
LOUWMrs. ETHEL AGNES, widow of Percy George Louw, formerly of Pietersburg and well-known business man in ...View
LOUWMrs. PETRONELLA FRANCINA, wife of J. A. J. Louw, retired civil servant, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. ...View
LOUWMrs. SUSANNA MARIA MAGDALENA, daughter of the late John A. Coetzee and Mrs. A. J. Coetzee formerly o ...View
LOVEDAYMrs. MARJORIE OLIVER, born Millward, wife of Dr. George Kelsey Loveday, M.D., of Pretoria, who quali ...View
LOVELYRUTH MUIR, C.S.M.M.G., M.E.P.T.C., only daughter of Mrs. and the late T. Lovely of Durban. Born at D ...View
LOWMrs. CHRISSIE McGREGOR, wife of James David Low, Chartered Accountant (S.A.), Ex-Mayor of Cape Town ...View
LOWENSTEINMrs. ELSE, wife of Leopold Lowenstein, merchant of Johannesburg; Founder and life president of the J ...View
LUCASMrs. FANNY AGNES, widow of William Lucas. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Greaves. Born at Leicester, Engla ...View
LUKINANNE MARIE, Lady, widow of Major-General Sir Henry Timson Lukin, K.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., son of R. H ...View
LUMSDENMrs. MARY H., M.A., born Thomson, wife of ames Lumsden of Edinburgh, Scotland, student of Heriot Wat ...View
LUNTZMrs. FANNIE, born Cohen, wife of Meyer Michael Luntz, prominent citizen and former town councillor o ...View
LUTHJEMiss ELLA, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Luthje. Born and educated at Johannesburg (Roed ...View
LYNEMiss LILIAN, A.T.C.L., L T C L., daughter of Mrs. M. H. T. and the late W. Lyne. Born in England and ...View
LYONMrs. ENGELA JOHANNA, wife of George Wood Lyon (Princeton '96), Consul for Mexico at Cape Town, son o ...View
LYONSMrs. ANCHORETTA ALICIA (CORA), wife of Charles J. Lyons, F.R.C.S., of Ledeston, Westmeath, Ireland. ...View
LACEYMrs. EMMELINE NETTA, wife of John Lacey, provincial manager. Daughter of Mr. Dold and Mrs. Dold (bor ...View
LATEGANMrs. ELIZABETH MARIA, wife of Christoffel Francois Lategan. Daughter of the late Andries van Niekerk ...View
LAUBSCHERMrs. LOUISE HELENE, wife of Dr. Adrian Laubscher, B.Sc., M.D. (Staatsex.), Germany. Daughter of Mr. ...View
LAW PALMERMrs. FLORENCE ANNIE, born Scrivener, widow of Alf Law Palmer, former well-known business man and ex- ...View
LENSVELTMrs. LINA, wife of Albert Lensvelt, son of Mr. and the late Mrs. M. Lensvelt of Johannesburg, Transv ...View
LE ROUXMiss MONICA. Born at Volksrust and educated in Natal. Is a trained nurse. Started her training at Ba ...View
LIESCHINGMrs. LILIAN ELIZABETH MAGDALENE, wife of Frederick W.M. Liesching. Born at Willowmore, C.P., and edu ...View
LLOYDBLODWEN, (professional name), artist, wife of E.R. Pollak of Johannesburg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max P ...View
LLOYDMrs. MARGARET, born Jones, wife of Leonard Lloyd, electrical engineer, well-known in commercial and ...View
LOGANMrs. NELLIE, wife of Bernard Reginald Logan. Daughter of the late C.G. Johnson and Mrs. Johnson. Bor ...View
LOUWMrs. CLASINA MARAIS, wife of Jacobus Francois Louw, Farmer. Daughter of the late Pieter J. Steyn, Fa ...View
LOVELLMiss AIDA, L.R.A.M. (professional name), wife of A. Osterman, of Duivelskloof, Northern Transvaal. D ...View
LUCASDr. KATHARINE ROBINA MARGARET, M.B., Ch B. Daughter of Dr. Lucas, deputy inspector general of hospit ...View
LINDHARDTMiss KUNIGUNDE, was born at Bayreuth. Bavaria, Germany, and was educated at the Girls' High School a ...View
LISSACKMrs. HANNAH, was married to the late E. Lissack and was the daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. S. Rapapor ...View
Woman of South Africa 1935 Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.

Unfortunately a few of the pages of biographies namely pages 90, 351 and 422 as well as the introduction to his book are missing. If you have a copy of this book and can supply me with the missing pages we will be very grateful.