Woman of South Africa 1935 Search : M
Surname Biography word/phrase View
MISSING IMAGEmissing image and article page 90, oldest families - and was born at 'Groenberg', Wellington, and is ...View
MORTIMERMrs. MABEL ELLEN, wife of Sidney Robert Mortimer, Transvaal Education Department, daughter of W.C. R ...View
MORTONMiss MAGGIE, daughter of William Morton, and Margaret Ann Morton who came to South Africa in the ear ...View
MOUNTFORDMrs. JANE, born Watt, wife of Herbert Harold Mountford, Builder and Contractor of Pretoria for over ...View
MOVSHONROSALINE (in private life Mrs. Edward Kirsner). Born at Robertson, Cape Colony (now C.P.) received h ...View
MUFF-FORDMrs. ELIZABETH JOHANNA MARGARET wife of John Muff-Ford, head of the School of Arts and Crafts at Por ...View
MUHLMrs. DOROTHEA JULIANA ERNESTINE, widow of Ernst August Muhl, Government Land Surveyor. Daughter of M ...View
MULLERMrs. ELEANORE, wife of Helgard Muller, B.A., on the staff of the Boys High School, Sea Point, C.P. G ...View
MULDERMrs. FLORENCE ALICE, wife of Martin Mulder. Born at Chelsea, London, England 1867. 3 sons, Jacob, Ge ...View
MULLERMrs. FRANCES, wife of John Vernon Muller, Assistant Consulting Engineer to the New Consolidated Gold ...View
MULLINSMrs. JOYCELYN GENVILLE SELMA, born Jackson, wife of Dr. H.R. Mullins, O.B.E., member of a well-known ...View
MULOCK-BENTLEYMrs. IRISESA, wife of D. Mulock-Bentley, B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer of Jo ...View
MUNDELLMrs. ISOBEL MARY, born Thomson, wife of Herbert Mundell, Chairman of the Village Management Board of ...View
MUNDELLMrs. VALERIE GERTRUDE, wife of Oliver Arthur Mundell. Daughter of the late Rev. M.J. Letcher of Osbo ...View
MACAULAYMrs. LEOCADIE, widow of John Macaulay, of Belfast, Ireland. Daughter of the late Gommez-Gil d'Olivar ...View
MACBETHMrs. AILEEN, AUDREY, wife of Fred Bruce Macbeth, Chief Engineer, The Natal Estates, Ltd., Mount Edge ...View
MACFARLANEMiss BARBARA MACINTYRE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archibald MacFarlane, of Glasgow, Scotland. Born at ...View
MACFARLANEMrs. KATE, wife of Lt.-Col. Thomas John Malcolm MacFarlane, retired Mining Engineer, son of John Mac ...View
MACGILLIVRAYMrs. ELEANOR MARY, wife of DonaId MacGillivray, A.R.I.B.A., ex M.P., and ex Councillor of Bulawayo, ...View
MACGILLIVRAYMrs. RUBY, wife of Charles Robert MacGillivray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aikman. Born at Glasgow, Sc ...View
MACINTOSHMrs. ALICE ISABELLA, widow of Jame, Macintosh (1888), Solicitor of the Firm of Macintosh and Cross, ...View
MACINTYREMrs. GERTRUDE, wife of Councillor Donald Macintyre, M.P., Mayor of Bulawayo (1936-37, 1937-38), Depu ...View
MACIVORMONICA, (Professional name) artist, wife of Frank Freyburg, daughter of Major Ivar Maclvor. Born in ...View
MACKAYMrs. AGNES, HARRIET widow of Percy Clarence Dickson Mackay, Merchant of Port Elizabeth, grandson of ...View
MACKENZIEMrs. AGNES DOROTHY GRANT, wife of William Grant Mackenzie, married in New York, 1930. Daughter of th ...View
MACKENZIEAGNES HOPE (Medd Smith), wife of Stuart Mansfield Mackenzie, farmer, well-known Polo Player in Natal ...View
MACKENZIEMrs. AMY, wife of Hector Mackenzie, Mine Official The Sub Nigel, Limited. Daughter of Henry West. Bo ...View
MACKENZIEMrs. CHRISTINA FRASER GRANT, wife of Hector Donald Grant Mackenzie, Merchant, President of Pretoria ...View
MACKENZIEMrs. DORA ELIZABETH, wife of Thomas Mackenzie, Farmer, youngest son of the late William Mackenzie, a ...View
MACKENZIEMrs. DOROTHY, wife of Kenneth R. Mackenzie, Architect B.Arch. A.R.I.B.A., son of the late Dr. R. P. ...View
MACKENZIEMrs. J. wife of John N. Mackenzie, Director of Companies. Daughter of the late J. M. Scott of Arbroa ...View
MACKENZIEMrs. JEAN, wife of William Alexander MacKenzie, General Manager of the New Consolidated Goldfields, ...View
MACKENZIEMrs. MARIE, born Provan, widow of Hector Mackenzie, late General Manager of the Standard Bank of Sou ...View
MACKENZIEMrs. VERA, wife of George Mackenzie, Chartered Accountant of Johannesburg. Daughter of the late Wall ...View
MACKEURTANMrs. PATRICIA WILLIS, wife of Harold Graham Mackeurtan, K.C., L.L.B. (Cant.) Daughter of the late Ca ...View
MACKINTOSHthe Reverend EUPHEMIA, M.A. (Glas.), wife of Rev. Rocliffe Mackintosh; daughter of the late J. Suthe ...View
MACKINTOSHMrs. MARY WILSON, widow of Captain A. Mackintosh, Scottish Horse, a Rand Pioneer, who founded the Ab ...View
MACMILLANMrs. EVERILD DELSCEY WIER, wife of Revd. Ebenezer Macmillan, D.D., Minister of St. Andrew's Pretoria ...View
MACNEILLIELIZZIE, widow of James Campbell MacNeillie and daughter of late James Searle. Born at Port Elizabeth ...View
MACKNESSMrs. ANNE ELIZABETH, wife of James Peddie Mackness, daughter of the late James Saunders of the Innis ...View
MACPHEEMiss KATHARINE S., daughter of the late Revd. A. S. and Mrs. MacPhee. Born at Singapore, E. India, a ...View
MCADAMMrs. MARGARET BLACKADDER, wife of Kenneth John McAdam, Diamond Dealer, Johannesburg. Daughter of Mr. ...View
MCALPINEMrs. FLORENCE AGNES, wife of Duncan McLaren McAlpine, Builder and Contractor of Durban and of Crieff ...View
MCDOUGALLMrs. ROBINA, widow of Mungo McDougall, Mechanical Engineer, pioneer of Johannesburg, 1886, who built ...View
MCEWENMrs. DOROTHY, wife of Edward McEwen, Mining student, Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Drew-Ashford, we ...View
MCGEEMrs. AGNES, wife of Aidan McGee of Johannesburg. Daughter of F. P. Kidson. Born and educated in Nata ...View
MCGREGORMrs. CONSTANCE, wife of Hugh McGregor. Daughter of the late James Brodie, M.A., Rector and Mathemati ...View
McGREGORMrs. ELEANOR, wife of Frank McGregor of Rainhill Farm, Rustenburg, Transvaal. Daughter of H. A. Roec ...View
McGREGORMrs. FLORENCE LEE, wife of Dr. Alexander Lee McGregor, Consulting Surgeon. Born at London and educat ...View
McILWRAITHMrs. E. A., descendant of the 1820 Settlers, formerly resident at Port Elizabeth and now permanently ...View
McINTYREMrs. FLORENCE, wife of Archibald McIntyre, Mill Manager, Natal Estate, Mt. Edgecombe, Natal. Eldest ...View
McKAYMrs. HILDA IRENE, born Buchanan, wife of Kenneth Donald Hayes McKay, farmer in Griqualand East. A gr ...View
McKENZIEMrs. BARBARA, wife of Col. Gordon McKenzie, M.C., V.D., retired from command of 1st Royal Natal Carb ...View
McKEURTANMrs. MARY, M.B.E., widow of John McKeurtan of Bulawayo, S. Rhodesia, and daughter of the late Willia ...View
McLARENMrs. NANCE, born Powrie, wife of David Air McLaren. Born at Cape Town and educated at Mossel Bay and ...View
McLEANMrs. OLIVE AILEEN, wife of Calvin Stowe McLean, Mine Manager, West Rand Consolidated Mines, 1923-193 ...View
McLENNANMrs. DORIS ELVIE EMELIN, wife of Lieut. Donald McLennan, S.A.P., and daughter of James Edward head, ...View
McMILLANSIBELLA MARY, widow of W. H . Douglas McMillan, former Secretary of the Durban Club, Durban, Natal. ...View
McPHERSONDr. VERONICA CATHHERINE, JESSIE, M.B., Ch.B., wife of Garnet Wolseley McPherson, Printer and Publish ...View
McWILLIAMMiss JEAN F. Born in Wigtownshire. Educated privately at Blackheath High School for Girls (G.P.D.S.T ...View
MAASDORPAGNES CATHERINE, Lady, widow of Sir Andries Ferdinand Stockenstrom Maasdorp, son of Dr. G. H. Maasdo ...View
MAGGSVIOLET, widow of Joseph Maggs, well-known business director of Pretoria and London, formerly member ...View
MAIMADAME YVONNE, wife of Martin Mai and a daughter of Col. F. Nadaud. Born at Poitiers, France, in whi ...View
MALANMrs. GLADYS SPENCE, wife of Professor D. E. Malan, of Pretoria University; daughter of Richard Bowma ...View
MALANMrs. JOHANNA ALIDA, wife of John Malan, wine farmer of Constantia Valley, C.P., and daughter of Mr. ...View
MALANMrs. SIBYL JOSEPHINE, wife of Cornelis Pieter de Leeuw Malan, Inspector of Schools, Union Education ...View
MALCOLMMrs. ANNA MARIA COLLEGE, born Dill, widow of J. G. Malcolm. Born at London and educated in England a ...View
MALHERBEMrs. ALETTA MABEL wife of I. de V. Malherbe, Mayor of Robertson, C.P., for three consecutive years. ...View
MALHERBEMevr. GERTINA JOHANNA, weduwee van Johannes Andries Smuts Malherbe. Dogter van Generaal Kohn, die ee ...View
MALHERBEMrs. MABEL, ex-M.P., wife of Kenne Malherbe. Born at Pretoria in 1878. Daughter of F. Rex. Educated ...View
MALLESONMrs. BEATRICE MARY, wife of Percy Rodbard Malleson, the pioneer of fruit-farming and export industry ...View
MANDUELLMrs. THEODORA., wife of M. D. Manduell, M.A. (Cantab.), M.C., Croix de Guerre, late Headmaster of Je ...View
MANNINGMrs. ELIZABETH MARY MADGE, widow of Charles Septimus Manning (1908) son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hen ...View
MANSERGHMrs. IRENE, wife of Terence Walter Mansergh, M.A., Headmaster of Hilton College, Hilton Road, Natal, ...View
MANSFIELDMrs. WINIFRED FANNY, wife of Ernest Mansfield, Share Broker. Daughter of the late William Sutton, wh ...View
MAPLE-POLMEARMrs. MARY REES wife of Charles Maple-Polmear, daughter of Revd. William Hill. Born at Beeralston, De ...View
MARAISMrs. BLANCA, wife of Belfield Marais, Mining Engineer. Daughter of Carl Borckenhagen, late proprieto ...View
MARAISMrs. DAVE, born Mentz, wife of Dr. Ivan Marais, Eye Specialist of Johannesburg. Born at Somerset Eas ...View
MARAISMatron ELIZABETH MARTHA, daughter of P.J.B. Marais (deceased) and Mrs. Marais. Born at Hanover, Cape ...View
MARAISJOHANNA GERTRUIDA, wife of Willem Daniel Marais, Principal of the Tokai Reformatories, and daughter ...View
MARAISMrs. JUCINA ESTINA, wife of Captain J.P. Marais of the South Western Districts Regiment, a prominent ...View
MARAISMrs. MARGARET ELIZABETH, born Fraser, was married three times. First to the late Pieter Gerhard Mara ...View
MARAISMrs. MARIA MAGDALENA, wife of Christian Ludorf Marais, pioneer of the diamond mining industry, Direc ...View
MARAISMrs. MAY, born Emmett, widow of Charles Marais, Financier and prominent citizen of Pretoria. Born an ...View
MARAISMrs. SUSANNA CAROLINA, wife of Charles Pieter Marais, Stock Broker, and daughter of the late W.S. Sm ...View
MARGOLISSUZANNE, widow of Joseph Palte Margolis of Bulawayo, S. Rhodesia. Her parents came to South Africa f ...View
MARGOLIUSMrs. ANNE, wife of Morris Margolius, Manufacturer, Germiston. Daughter of M. and the late Mrs. Kalma ...View
MARKOTTERMrs. WILHELMINA JOHANNA, wife of August Frederick Markotter, Attorney of Stellenbosch, C.P. Daughter ...View
MARKSMrs. FAY, wife of Isaac Marks, Town Clerk of Johannesburg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Avidor of New Yo ...View
MARKSMiss GERTRUDE MIRIAM, daughter of the late Senator Sam and Mrs. Marks. Born at Pretoria, Transvaal. ...View
MARKSMrs. MILDRED, wife of Stanley H. Marks of the firm of A.E. Marks & Co., of Port Elizabeth; daughter ...View
MARKSMrs. WINIFRED, wife of Jack Marks. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fernandes. Born at Sydney, Australia, ed ...View
MARLOTHMrs. MARION MURIEL, widow of Professor Dr. Rudolf Marloth, Ph.D., who for close on half a century wa ...View
MARRIOTTMiss CONSTANCE MARY, daughter of Rev. John Marriott. Was educated in England and specialised in Chil ...View
MARRIOTTMrs. M.H. WINIFRED, widow of the well-known artist F. Pickford Marriott, A.R.C.A. (London), who for ...View
MARSHALLMrs. NELLIE, wife of John F. Marshall (retired). Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walsh of Australia. Born a ...View
MARTHINUSENMrs. MARGRETHE MARIE, widow of Lauritz Hans Marthinusen, late of the Engineering firm of that name i ...View
MARTINMrs. DOREEN, wife of Wilfred John Martin. Daughter of the late Mrs. H. Lissack, born Rappaport of Po ...View
MARTINMrs. MARTHA, widow of Lt.-Col. A.V.P. Martin, D.S.O., late Wiltshire Regiment. Daughter of Margaret ...View
MARWICKMiss SYBIL MARGARET, daughter of the late J. W. Marwick of Donnybrook, Natal and his wife, formerly ...View
MARXMrs. FANNY daughter of Mrs. M. and the late H. Wertheim, who arrived in South Africa in a sailing ve ...View
MASONMrs. BEATRICE MAUDE, wife of H.A. Mason, Accountant, African Explosives and Industries of Durban. Da ...View
MASONMrs. LOUISE DOROTHEA, wife of C.G. Mason, Estate Agent, late Rand Mines, Corner House, Johannesburg. ...View
MATHEWMrs. MARGARET JEAN MARTIN, B.A., U.L.M., L.U.C.T. (born Finnie), wife of Adv G. D. Porter-Mathew of ...View
MATHEWSMrs. EMMA AUGUSTA, born Adank, widow of Major E.R.G. Mathews of Pretoria. Born at Ermelo, was educat ...View
MATHIASMRS. JANET, wife of William Henry Mathias, eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. Mathias who came t ...View
MAUDSLEYMrs. MARGARET, wife of Duncan A. Maudsley, Builder and Contractor of Johannesburg, daughter of Thoma ...View
MAVERMrs. MARY WHYTE, widow of William Mayer, late of Bulawayo; daughter of Thomas Mitchell and the late ...View
MAYMrs. IVY, wife of W.R. May of Randfontein, Transvaal. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dingle. Born at Londo ...View
MAYERMrs. MARGARETHA JOHANNA, wife of Erich Mayer, South African artist. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Gutt ...View
MAYERSMadame MYFANWY, wife of Frederick George Mayers, late Branch Manager of Messrs. Stuttafords Ltd., Du ...View
MAYNEMrs. SUSANNAH LOUISA, widow of Wallace Miles Mayne, late of the firm of Messrs. Leon Robert, Ltd., E ...View
MEAKERMrs. JOYCE BEAUFORT, L.T.C.L., N.A.T.C., wife of H. Cawood Meaker, B.Sc., a member of the staff of t ...View
MEAKERMrs. MAY MELITA, wife of William Meaker, ex Mayor of Umtata, Transkei, 1934-1936 Provincial Councill ...View
MEDD-SMITHMrs. MARY JANE, widow of Herbert William Smith, farmer of Mooi River, Natal. Third daughter of the l ...View
MEESERCHRISTINE, 30, Third Avenue, Parktown North, Johannesburg, Ex-Member of the Provincial Council for J ...View
MEESERMrs. EDITH LAWRENTIA, wife of Wilhelm Johannes Meeser, a pioneer of Johannesburg having arrived in 1 ...View
MEIRINGMrs. JOHANNA HELENA, wife of Dr. J. de Vos Meiring, M.B., Ch.B. (Edin.). Daughter of the late Dr. L. ...View
MELCKMrs. ELISE WINIFRED, born Duckitt, wife of Martin Melck, farmer, a member and steward of the Milnert ...View
MELLISHMrs. MARIE ELIZABETH, wife of Victor Alexander Mellish of BarclayView
MELLORMiss DORIS EVELYN B.A. (Lond.) History Hons. Daughter of Mrs. E.M. and the late Albert Mellor, Senio ...View
MELVILLMrs. MILRED STELLA, wife of George Melvill, son of Samuel Melvill who was Surveyor-General of the Tr ...View
MENDELSOHNMrs. CAROLINE VICTORIA, wife of Meyer Mendelsohn. Daughter of the late Henry J. Henochsberg and Mrs. ...View
MENNIEMrs. BRUNETTE JOAN, wife of Robert Sangster Mennie, Stock and Sharebroker, Johannesburg. Daughter of ...View
MESDr. MARCARETHA GERARDA, B.Sc., Ph.D., daughter of Dr. G. Mes of Bronkhorstspruit, Tvl., and Mrs. M. ...View
METCALFMrs. MARIE JOHANNA, wife of Councillor Lambert Henry Metcalf, ex-Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Caledon, ...View
MEYERMej. JOHANNA JACOBA is gebore te Pretoria. Sy het haar opleiding ontvang aan die La Rochelle Hodrsko ...View
MEYERMrs. JOHN SAMUEL, wife of Frederick Jacobus Meyer. Daughter of John Samuel Laffnie, a descendant of ...View
MEYERMrs. JOSEPHINE FREDRICA D'HIEL, wife of Dr. F. Meyer, Works_ Manager at Iscor Steel Works, Pretoria, ...View
MEYERMrs. LYNNIE, wife of Colonel J.G. Meyer, farmer, son of Jan Meyer (of the Meyer & Charlton Gold Mine ...View
MEYERMrs. MARIE DOROTHEA, wife of Carsten Meyer, Contractor, who came to South Africa in 1882 from Hannov ...View
MEYERMrs. MILLICENT, wife of Jacobus Daniel Meyer, Mayor of George. Daughter of the late H.O. Meyer and h ...View
MEYEROVITZMrs. JANIE, born Meyerovitz, wife of Barney Meyerovitz. Born and educated at Johannesburg. Has two s ...View
MEYERSMrs. ELISE, born Loewi, wife of Maurits Meyers, merchant of Johannesburg. Born at Regensburg, German ...View
MEYERSMrs. MATILDA, born Heymans, wife of Edward Meyers, well-known merchant of Johannesburg. Born at Kref ...View
MEYERSONMrs. FANNY, wife of Mike Meyerson. Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. M. Odes. Born in South Africa a ...View
MICHAUMrs. ANNA DOROTHEA, widow of D.J. Michau, solicitor of Cradock, and Cape Town, C.P. Daughter of J.G. ...View
MICHAUMrs. MARIA. MAGDALENE, wife of Pieter J. Michau, attorney and farmer, son of the late the Hon. Paul ...View
MICHELMrs. MINNIE, wife of Isaac Michel. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Broido. Born at Ladismith, Cape, and ...View
MICHELLMARIE AGNES, Lady, born Philpott, wife of Sir Lewis Lloyd Michell, Kt., cr. 1902; C.V.O. 1910, ex M. ...View
MIDDLERMiss MARY, Matron of the Transvaal Provincial Home. Born at Ellon, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, educated ...View
MIDDLETONMrs. CONSTANCE LILLY ANNETTE, widow of Frank A. Middleton, who surveyed and opened up the South Coas ...View
MIDDLETONMrs. LILIAN, wife of Harry Herbert Middleton, retired Engineer from the Mines Department and vice-pr ...View
MILESMiss GERTRUDE, daughter of the late Charles Miles, M.I.E., M.I.E.E., and Mrs. M.H. Miles, who came t ...View
MILLARMrs. CATHERINE WIHELMINA JANE, wife of William Millar, retired merchant, ex-Town Councillor of Preto ...View
MILLARDMrs. ELIZABETH JENNET, wife of John Henry Millard, ex-Mayor of Port Elizabeth, managing director of ...View
MILLERMrs. ELEANOR WAUGH, wife of William Miller, formerly of Westbrook, Miller Station, who was one of th ...View
MILLERMrs. JANE, is wife of Michael Miller, Managing Director of O.K. Bazaars, daughter of Mrs. Osrin. Bor ...View
MINNAARMrs. SUSAN MARY ELIZABETH, wife of Jan Daniel Minnaar. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Faul of Johanne ...View
MITCHELLMiss ALEXANDRA MCDONALD, born at Milton Otago, New Zealand, daughter of William Mitchell, of the Ban ...View
MITCHELLMrs. CHRISTINA, wife of William Anderson Mitchell, managing director of Alex Pirie Sons (Africa), Lt ...View
MITCHELL-HUNTERMrs. JESSIE CRAWFORD, Wife of B. Mitchell-Hunter of Johannesburg, formerly of Edinburgh. Daughter of ...View
MOERDYKMrs. SYLVA HENRIETTE wife of Gerard Moerdyk, A.R.I.B.A., architect. Daughter of Dr. F. Pirow who cam ...View
MOHRMrs. PHILIPPINA SALOMINA, widow of Robert Wilhelm Mohr, late Editor of 'Die Nuwetyd.' Daughter of th ...View
M+LLERMrs. CHRISTINA JOHANNA, wife of Dr. C.T. Moller, F.R.C.C. (Edin.), Chairman of the Miners' Phthisis ...View
MOLTENOMrs. LUCY LINDLEY, widow of John Charles Molteno, eldest son of Sir John Molteno, first. Prime Minis ...View
MONKMrs. DOROTHY NATALIE, wife of C.J. Monk, Engineer. Past-President S.A.I.E.E. Daughter of Henry James ...View
MONKHOUSEMURIEL JOSEPHINE, wife of Charles Cosmo Monkhouse, M.C., B.A., F.I.A., General Manager of the South ...View
MONTFORTMiss DAISY ELISE, younger daughter of the late Louis Montfort and Elise Maud Montfort, born Newcombe ...View
MOODIEMYRA CAMPBELL, daughter of the late Rev. W.R. Moodie of Bulwer, Natal and Assistant Matron of King E ...View
MOORMrs. KATHERINE BEATRICE, wife of Cosmos Landor Moor, son of the late Sir Frederick Moor, last Premie ...View
MOOREMrs. AGNES LOUISA, wife of T. Moore. Born at Oxford, England. She has two sons and one daughter. Pas ...View
MOOREMrs. AMY KATHLEEN, wife of F.A.C. Moore, M.I., Mg.E., formerly of the Congo. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs ...View
MOOREMrs. ANNIE MARIA ELIZABETH, wife of Charles George James Moore of the Rand Mines, formerly of Ferrei ...View
MOOREMrs. ELSIE CHRISTINA, born Bruyns, wife of John Smyth Moore, Chemist and Druggist of Durban. Born at ...View
MOOREENID STELLA, Ph. D. (Lond.). Daughter of G. Moore and I.P. Moore. Born in the Argentine (Bahia Blanc ...View
MOOREMrs. MARY, wife of Richard Moore, Merchant, ex-President of the Chamber of Commerce and the Sons of ...View
MORGANKATHLEEN ELIZABETH daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hamilton Morgan of Thurles, Co. Tipperary and now ...View
MORKELMrs. CATHERINE ELIZABETH, wife of Dan Morkel, farmer of Strand, C.P., member of Divisional Council o ...View
MORKELMrs. ELSABE, U.L.M., wife of Henry J. Morkel, son of Alec Morkel of Mt. Morkel, Fouriesburg, O.F.S. ...View
MORKELMrs. JACOBA ELIZABETH DE LA REY, wife of Adrian de la Rey Morkel who served with the rank of Captain ...View
MORLEYMrs. MARCELLE, wife of William Morley, daughter of Professor Anatole Piltan of the Conservatoire of ...View
MORRISONMrs. MARY (MOLLIE) NORRIS, wife of William Royden Morrison. Daughter of Captain and Mrs. A Paterson. ...View
MORRISONMrs. MICHAELLA, born Brasofsky, wife of Moses Morrison of Escombe, Natal (1915). Born at Jerusalem, ...View
MORTMrs. GLADYS MAUDE PRINCE, wife of Trevor Mort, manager of South Roodepoort Mines. Daughter of Mr. an ...View
MORTIMERMrs. ELIZABETH SUSANNA, widow of Arthur Mortimer, Solicitor; daughter of the late Fred Jeppe of Pret ...View
MUNDYOLIVE, born Stevens, widow of Dr. H. Mundy, F.R.C.S., of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London, and of ...View
MURDOCHMiss BERYL EUGENE WEBSTER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Murdoch of Durban. Born at Benoni, Transvaa ...View
MURRAYMrs. IZO, wife of Justice J.M. Murray, Pretoria. Daughter of the late I. Booysen of Klipdrift, Graaf ...View
MURRAYDr. JEANNETTE FANNY LAUTRE, daughter of Rev. A.C. Murray (nephew of Dr. Andrew Murray) founder of th ...View
MURRAYMiss MARGARET NINA, daughter of John Ivor Murray, M.D., F.R.S.E., formerly Colonial Surgeon and Insp ...View
MURRAYMrs. PHOEBE HENRIETTA, O.B.E., wife of Wilfrid George Ruthven Murray, a son of Sir James Murray who ...View
MURRAYMrs. SUSAN ANN, M.B.E., wife. of Lt.-Col. D.D.C. Murray, J.P., D.S.O., of Bloemfontein, O.F.S. Daugh ...View
MYERMrs. EMILIE, Councillor, wife of Dr. Bernard Myer, son of the late J. Myer. Daughter of the late J.I ...View
MYERSMrs. MINNIE, wife of Sol Myers of the Central Hotel, Paarl. Well-known member of the Paarl business ...View
MYERSMiss STELLA LORRAINE, music teacher and composer. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Myers. Born at Port El ...View
MYERSONMrs. ANITA, wife of Abraham Myerson, merchant of Cape Town; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Came. B ...View
MACNABMrs. MARITA, wife of Ian Macnab, manager, Prudential Insurance Co., Johannesburg. Daughter of Martin ...View
McCALGANMrs. QUEENIE LOIS, widow of Col. Marcel McCalgan, Brigadier, 5th Brigade, Witwatersrand; daughter of ...View
McCARTANMrs. MARY ALICE, widow of Patrick McCartan. Born at Hamilton, near Glasgow, Scotland, and educated a ...View
McDONALDMrs. CATHERINE (KATE) ELIZABETH, wife of Alexander Buttel McDonald, director of the firm of Ewing Mc ...View
McLARENMrs. CATHERINE GRANDISON, wife of John William McLaren, B.Sc., M.I.C.E. Daughter of the late James A ...View
McMASTERMrs. AMY JOHANNA, widow of David Henry McMaster of Queenstown, C.P. Daughter of the lace Mr. Millar ...View
McNAMARAMrs. HELEN, widow of Alec McNamara, who was a well-known business man in South Africa; daughter of t ...View
MARAISMrs. AGNES FAY, wife of Peter Ivo Marais, farmer of Constantia, C.P., son of the late Piet Marais, f ...View
MARAISMrs. LINDA PETRONELLE, wife of Dr. Chris Marais of Cape Town, musical critic and author of numerous ...View
MASONMrs. GWENETH IRENE, wife of H.A. Mason, merchant. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Roberts of Cape Town ...View
MELLISHMrs. WINIFRED ETHEL, wife of Cecil Mellish. Born at London, England and educated at the Irving Acade ...View
MEREDITHMrs. HONORIA DRUCE, wife of Major C.W. Meredith, A.F.C. General Staff Officer of the Cape Command, C ...View
MEYJESMrs. GRACE ELIZABETH, born McVea, wife of Douwe Folbert Meyjes, farmer of Rustenburg District. Born ...View
MONIMrs. ITALIA, wife of Giacomo Moni. Born and educated in Italy. Has three children, Ines, Tosca and B ...View
MACINTOSHthe late Lady MARY EMMA, wife of the late Sir William Macintosh, who was director of the one-time we ...View
MILLERMrs. JEMIMA, born Noble, was married to the late Mark Miller, who died 18 years ago. Born at Barnsle ...View
Woman of South Africa 1935 Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.

Unfortunately a few of the pages of biographies namely pages 90, 351 and 422 as well as the introduction to his book are missing. If you have a copy of this book and can supply me with the missing pages we will be very grateful.