Woman of South Africa 1935 Search : P
Surname Biography word/phrase View
PEMBERTONMrs. E. MAUDE, widow of Gustavus Molesworth Pemberton. Daughter of John Arnold. Born at Durban, Nata ...View
PENTZMrs. LEONIE CLARE, wife of Herbert Frederik Pentz, M.C., M.M., Prov. Secretary, Transvaal. Daughter ...View
PERCIVALMrs. HENRIETTA, wife of H.D. Percival and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan, Ireland. Born at Cork, ...View
PEROLDMrs. RUBY ELIZABETH. B.A., wife of J. Enslin Perold, and daughter of the late Louis Hutton and Mrs. ...View
PERTZPAULINE, attorney, notary and conveyancer of Johannesburg, married to Jacob Pertz; and daughter of t ...View
PETTERSENMrs. AGNES MARIE, wife of Sofus M. Pettersen, marine engineer and City Councillor of Durban. Daughte ...View
PEVSNERLILY MINNIE, born Volks, wife of Harold Pevsner, managing director of the Yolks' Chemical Works (Pty ...View
PEVSNERMrs. PHOEBE MARY, wife of Victor Pevsner, director of the South African Tobacco Co., Ltd., of Cape T ...View
PHELIPSMABEL FLORENCE MARY, wife of Harry Vivian Majendie Phelips, late of the P. W.D., Bombay, author of ' ...View
PHELPSMrs. EDITH, born hunter, wife of Francis Robinson Phelps, former Archbishop of Cape Town Born and ed ...View
PHILIPMrs. MARY CRAIG, wife of John MacIntosh Philip, accountant of Pretoria, daughter of W.A. Russell, in ...View
PHILIPSMrs. GERTRUDE MARY, wife of Edward Hugh Philips (Miners' Phthisis Bureau, Johannesburg). Daughter of ...View
PHILLIPSMrs. ETHEL LOUISA, born Taylor, widow of Harold Phillips. Born at Crowborough, Sussex, England, and ...View
PATRICK-JONESMrs. DAISY MAY, wife of William Patrick-Jones, Director of Companies. Daughter of the late Mr. and M ...View
PADDONMrs. MURIEL, wife of Arthur James Paddon. Daughter of W.A. Jonnes of Australia. Born at Melbourne, A ...View
PAGEMrs. LILY SHEPHERD, wife of John Jauncey Page, Estate Agent and City Councillor, Deputy-Mayor, 1937/ ...View
PAINTERMrs. GLADYS J., wife of David Painter of Fifeshire, Scotland (1915). Daughter of the late Mr. and Mr ...View
PALMERMrs. AGNES ETHEL, widow of John Ernest Palmer and daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith of D ...View
PALMERMrs. ALICE GERTRUDE JARVIS, wife of William Jarvis Palmer, B. Sc., Agriculturist, Late Director of A ...View
PANNELLMrs. ANNA ELIZABETH (LILY), wife of Henry Pannell, Manager of the branch of the Standard Bank of S.A ...View
PARELUCY, wife of Henry A. Pare, late Royal Navy. Daughter of the late Archdeacon Brooke of Holy Trinity ...View
PARKMrs. VIOLET MURIEL, wife of Alexander Park, Mayor of Uitenhage since 1934. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ...View
PARKERMrs. CHARLOTTE FREDERIKA, wife of the Rt. Rev. Wilfred Parker, Bishop of Pretoria. Daughter of the D ...View
PARKERMrs. MARGUERITE GRACE, wife of George Macdonald Parker, second son of the late John Parker, O.B.E., ...View
PARKERMiss M. JEANNETTE, M.B.E., eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Parker, well known pioneers ...View
PARKERMrs. SUSAN MACDONALD, widow of John Parker, F.R.I.B.A., O.B.E., Mayor of Cape Town, who was instrume ...View
PARKERSONMiss AIMEE, Vocalist, Dramatic Contralto, Teacher of Singing, Specialist in Tone Placement, Voice Pr ...View
PARRISHMrs. MAJORIE, wife of Jacques Robert Parrish, Managing Director of Goodwear Shoes Ltd., and Children ...View
PAULJEAN, C.S.M.M.G., M.E.L.E.T., elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A W. Paul. By profession a medical mass ...View
PAYMrs. RUBY MAY, Wife of Captain F.G. Pay. Daughter of Edith born Rowlands, Chichester, England, and T ...View
PAYNEMrs. EMELIA ELIZABETH FRANCIS, wife of Frederick Joseph Payne, Builder and Mayor of Germiston, Trans ...View
PAYNEMrs. RHODA MARY, widow of George Payne, formerly a well-known merchant of Durban, Natal. Daughter of ...View
PEARCEMrs. ELVA LOUISA widow of Arthur Douglas Pearce. Daughter of Parmenas Grigg. Born and educated at Br ...View
PEARSONMrs. CYNTHIA ELSIE TARDEW, wife of Dr R.C.T. Pearson, Medical Officer to the Witwatersrand Native La ...View
PEDERSENMrs. WINIFRED, wife of Olaff A.T. Pedersen, well-known businessman of Port St. John's for over thirt ...View
PEELMrs. KATE, wife of Lennox Greenslade Peel, a descendant of Sir Robert Peel. Daughter of the late Mr. ...View
PELLETIERMrs. ROMOLA, portrait painter, wife of Dr. Rene Arthur Pelletier, Consulting Geologist to the New Co ...View
PHILPSADA MARY, member of the Queen's Central Hospital Board, Cradock, for over twenty years. Daughter of ...View
PIENAARMevr. BEATRIX JACOBA CHRISTINA, geb. Visser, eggenote van Ds. Hendrik Pienaar, predikant van N. Gerf ...View
PIENAARMrs. G., wife of Ben Pienaar, Minister Plenipotentiary in Rome for the South African Government, 192 ...View
PIENAARMrs. HENDRIENA (ENA) CECILIA, wife of Theodore Barend Pienaar, son of the Rev. P. Pienaar of Somerse ...View
PIENAARILEA ENID, wife of Francis Theodore Pienaar, of Barclays Bank, Wynberg, C.P., son of the late Rev. D ...View
PIENAARMrs. JOHANNA, wife of Wilhelm Pienaar, principal of the Training College, Graaff-Reinet, daughter of ...View
PIETERSENDr. JOHANNA VICTORIA (RAUCH), wife of Dr. J. Rauch, M.O.H. of Germiston, Transvaal. Daughter of S.G. ...View
PINARDMrs. CONSTANCE HELEN (born Wimble). Born at Port Elizabeth and is a descendant of Benjamin Moodie, w ...View
PIRIEMrs. ISABELLA JESSIE GWENDOLINE wife of Cecil John Pirie, M.P.S., Germiston, Transvaal. Daughter of ...View
PIRIEMrs. MABEL HARVEY, wife of James Hunter Harvey Pirie, M.D., F.R.C.P. (Edin.), B.Sc., South African I ...View
PIROWMrs. ELSE, wife of Hon. Oswald Pirow, K.C., M.L.A., Minister of Railways, Harbours and Defence, in t ...View
PISTORIUSMrs. RUBY ISABEI, wife of Adolph Leopold Pistorius, daughter of the late C.F. Wienand, of Johannesbu ...View
PITTMrs. MILLICENT MAUDE, wife of Charles K. Pitt, M.C., J.P., former general manager, Rhokana Corp., No ...View
PLANTMrs. ENID HOPE, wife of Alfred E. Plant, on the staff of the United Tobacco Companies of S.A., Ltd., ...View
PLATTMrs. HILDA ISABEL, wife of Cecil Platt, sugar planter and miller of Isipingo, South Coast, Natal, gr ...View
PLOTZMiss JANE, A.R.P.S., wife of Dr. N. Finn of Johannesburg, daughter of Mrs. and the late I. Plot; of ...View
PLUMBLYMrs. HELEN CONSTANCE, wife of Leslie Grahame Plumbly, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Plumbly of ...View
POCOCKMrs. MARY, wife of Vivian Pocock, M.P., accountant and director of Johnstones, Pretoria. Daughter of ...View
POGSONMrs. ROSETTA AMY, born Charles, widow of Samuel Pogson, founder of the firm of S. Pogson & Sons (Pty ...View
POLKINGHORNEMrs. ISABELLA, widow of Trevenen Polkinghorne, sugar planter of Verularn, Natal, and daughter of the ...View
POLKINGHORNEMrs. KATIE ALICE, wife of Ray Trevenen Polkinghorne, well-known in the sugar world, and holds office ...View
POOLEMrs. ELSIE IRENE EVERED, wife of Lt.-Col. William Henry Evered Poole, Officer Commanding the Special ...View
POOLEMrs. MARGARET HOPE, widow of Gerald Hope-Poole, pioneer of Kimberley and Johannesburg. Daughter of t ...View
PORTMrs. BERTHA, wife of Joseph Port, manufacturer. Born in Germany and was educated at Johannesburg. Ca ...View
PORTERMrs. BERYL, wife of Montague Porter, stockbroker of Johannesburg. Born and educated at Johannesburg. ...View
PORTERMrs. MILDRED BEATRICE, wife of Arthur Stanley Porter, dental surgeon of Pretoria, Transvaal. Daughte ...View
POSTMUSMrs. MACHTELD, wife of Johannes Postmus, Governor of the South African Reserve Bank. Daughter of Mr. ...View
POTGIETERMiss ELSIE, matron of the General de la Rey Hospital, Lichtenburg, Transvaal. Daughter of Christoffe ...View
POTTERMrs. URSULA DYKES, wife of Barnett Potter, youngest daughter of the late Rt. Hon. Sir Albert Spicer, ...View
POTTSMiss ANNE JOHNSTONE, daughter of James Potts, Pretoria. Born at Kokstad, East Griqualand, came to Jo ...View
POULTERMrs. ELIZA PETRONELLA, wife of Arthur Brownlow Poulter, son of Bar. Brownlow Poulter, London, Englan ...View
POULTNEYMrs. DORA ORTLEPP, author of 'From Dawn to Dusk', wife of W.H. Poultney, C.B.E. Born at Colesberg, C ...View
POULTONMrs. MAUDE ANNIE, born Green, wife of C.R. Poulton, incorporated accountant of Johannesburg. Born at ...View
POWELLMiss CHARLOTTE, daughter of the late William Powell and his wife, Elizabeth Trower, both of whom arr ...View
POWELLMiss GLADYS, daughter of Thomas Powell. Born at Barberton, Transvaal, and educated at Barnato Park H ...View
POWELLMrs. MARY CAROLINE, wife of Captain Charles Stephen Bernard Powell, C.A. (S.A.) (Gt. Br.), R.L.I. Da ...View
POWRIEMrs. MARY, wife of Ralph Powrie, health inspector (1924), New Modder. Daughter of Malcolm Ferguson, ...View
PRANKERDMrs. AUDREY EVELYN, wife of Ernest Frederick Prankerd. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Dane. Born at Sta ...View
PRATTMrs. MURIEL, widow of John Pratt (fire assessor), daughter of William Mitchell, pioneer of Johannesb ...View
PRETORIUSMevr. ALBERTA SUSAN, gebore Bester, eggenote van Mnr. Isak David Pretorius, 29 jaar lank worker in d ...View
PRICEMrs. CAROLINE MABEL, wife of Mark Stanley Price, manufacturers' agent. Daughter of the Rev. B.J. Sum ...View
PRICEMrs. NORA, born Hughes, wife of Basil Price, Criminal Investigation Department, British South Africa ...View
PRIMEMrs. MAUD ELLEN, widow of Samuel James Prime of Benoni, who was associated with the mines at Boksbur ...View
PRIORMrs. EDITH, born Grindal, wife of R.A. Prior, estate agent and chartered accountant (S.A.), a well k ...View
PRITCHARDMiss JANE, born at Bangor, North Wales. Educated privately and at the University College, of North W ...View
PRITCHARDMrs. JOSEPHINE, wife of Reginald Van Breda Pritchard, formerly of the Lands Department, Pretoria, no ...View
PROCTERMrs. ETHYL COLLACOTT, widow of Capt. Wilfred Procter and daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Be ...View
PROUDFOOTMrs. ADELINE MARY, wife of Alex. Proudfoot. Daughter of Mrs. Hayes and the late William Henry Hayes, ...View
PRYORMrs. MARY, B. W.S., wife of R. Pryor, daughter of the late Staff-Commander Jesse Dixon, R.N., and hi ...View
PULLENMrs. ISABELLE JOSEPHINE, widow of Walfred Pullen, railway cartage contractor, daughter of Martinus F ...View
PYOTTMrs. IDA HELEN, wife of Robert Pyott, who is managing director of the old established and well-known ...View
PYOTTMrs. SYLVA MARY, wife of Frank Pyott, who is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Pyott of Port Eli ...View
PAINTERMrs. UNA GRACE, born Burns, wife of Ernest George Painter, manager of the Shell Co. in Bulawayo, Sou ...View
PALMERMrs. JEAN, wife of Sydney Palmer, builder and contractor of Johannesburg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D ...View
PERRINMrs. CATHERINE BIANCA, wife of Jules Alfred Perrin, master of the Pretoria Mint, before and during t ...View
PERRYMrs. ANNIE JOSEPHINE, wife of Morris Perry, chairman of Local Town Board, Stanger, Natal, a son of M ...View
PETTITMadame KATE AGNES, grand opera soprano. A well-known South African singer, who has organised many co ...View
PITTMrs. ETHEL MARY, born Burgis, wife of Albert Ovenden Pitt of London. Born at Wimbledon Common, Londo ...View
PRICEMrs. DORA_ AGNEW, wife of Norman C.B. Price, advocate of the Supreme Court of South Africa. Daughter ...View
PEARCEMrs. JEAN ROBSON, born Paterson, was married to Mr. Robson Pearce of Durban. Was born and educated a ...View
Woman of South Africa 1935 Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.

Unfortunately a few of the pages of biographies namely pages 90, 351 and 422 as well as the introduction to his book are missing. If you have a copy of this book and can supply me with the missing pages we will be very grateful.