Woman of South Africa 1935 Search : R
Surname Biography word/phrase View
ROGERS-JENKINSMrs. SARA KEAT, born Pierce, wife of Arthur Rogers-Jenkins, Engineer of Durban. Born at Forest, Onta ...View
RABIEMrs. NONNIE, born Joubert, wife of Pierre Rabie, chief Government inspector under Wine, Spirits and ...View
RABINOWITZMrs. VICKY, wife of Dr. Albert Rabinowitz, medical practitioner of Johannesburg and daughter of Mr. ...View
RANDMrs. LAETITIA, wife of Reginald Charles Rand, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. de Villiers of Gardens ...View
RAPHAELYMrs. JUDITH MONTEFIORE, wife of Leo Raphaely, third daughter of the Rev. Goldreich, for 37 years min ...View
RASMUSSENMrs. WALBORG MARGRETHE, wife of Otto Rasmussen, managing director, East Asiatic Co. (S.A.), Ltd. and ...View
RATHBONEMrs. IRIS, wife of Christopher Greg Rathbone, a prominent farmer and one of the earliest settlers in ...View
RATHFELDERMiss BRENDA EVELYN, daughter of Otto Rathfelder, of Belle Ombre, Constantia, C.P., and Mrs. Rathfeld ...View
RATHFELDERMrs. EVELINE BLANCHE, wife of Otto Emanuel Rathfelder, farmer of Constantia and son of the late John ...View
RATHOUSEMrs. MURIEL, wife of Oscar Rathouse, advocate of the Supreme Court of South Africa, Transvaal Divisi ...View
RAVIDMrs. BERTHA, wife- of Mr. Willie Ravid, daughter of Mr. Hillelsohn. Born in Russia and educated in R ...View
RAWBONEMrs. ANNIE CHRISTINE MURRAY, O.B.R., wife of T. Murray Rawbone. Born in Burma, India. Daughter of th ...View
READMrs. MARTHA MATHILDA, first married to Sir Christian Felling, who died in 1928, now wife of Herbert ...View
READERMrs. ANNE LOUISE, wife of Percy Edward James Reader, merchant; daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W.G ...View
REDHILLMrs. JANET, wife of S. Redhill, M.B.E., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kaplan and niece of Professor Dr. I ...View
REDRUPMrs. GERTRUDE FENELLA, R.R.C., M.B.E. (1935), councillor of Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, widow of Si ...View
REEKERSMrs. ALICE MARY, wife of Andries C. Reekers, former branch manager of the Southern Life Association, ...View
REICHEMrs. ELSE, widow of George Reiche, farmer. Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Von Alt-Stutterheim. Bo ...View
REIDMrs. GLADYS FISCHER ORMISTON wife of John Ormiston Reid. Daughter of H. W. Scholtz of Cape Town and ...View
REINECKEMrs. LILIAN MAY, widow of Dr. Leopold Reinecke, Ph.D., Geologist, formerly attached to the New Conso ...View
REISENERMrs. SYLVANA FLORENCE, wife of Otto Reisener, manager of the German Club, Pretoria, for fourteen yea ...View
REITZMrs. A., wife of Charles Reitz, solicitor, Bloemfontein, O.F.S., daughter of Thomas Barry. Born in H ...View
REITZMrs. ELZINE, wife of Dr. Hjalmar Reitz, L.L.B., ex-M.P. for Jeppe, son of the late President Reitz o ...View
REITZMrs. LEILA AGNES BUISSINNE, M.P. for Parktown, Johannesburg. Wife of Col. the Hon. Deneys Reitz, Min ...View
REIVEMiss JANET HERD LITTLE, born at Edinburgh, Scotland, and educated at George Watson Ladies' College. ...View
RENAUDMrs. CECILE, born La Tarche and widow of Leon Renaud, barrister-at-law, Middle Temple, England (1901 ...View
RENNIEMrs. ANNIE DAVIDSON, born Minty, wife of David Swart Rennie, managing director of George Stott & Co. ...View
RENNIEMrs. ELSSIE, wife of Charles Robert Rennie, N1.P., who arrived in this country in 1882 and learned f ...View
RESTSONIA, wife of Norman Seymour and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Rest, of Bloemfontein, O.F.S. Born at ...View
RETIEFMrs. ANNA HILDEGONA, wife of Pieter Rousseau Retief, attorney, town councillor, secretary to the U.S ...View
REUNERTMrs. CATHERINE WINIFRED, wife of Philip Jamieson Reunert, director of Messrs. Reunert & Lenz. Ltd., ...View
REYNOLDSMiss BERYL IRENE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.T. Reynolds, M.B.E. Born at Johannesburg and educated a ...View
REYNOLDSMrs. EILEEN MARY, wife of Lewis Frank Reynolds, B.A. (Oxon.), M.P., served with the Coldstream Guard ...View
RHODESMiss EVA MARY SAMUEL-, certificated trained nurse and matron. Born at Adelaide, South Australia, and ...View
RHODESMrs. NELLIE, wife of C.T. Rhodes, engineer, now fruit farming at the Cape. Daughter of the late Robe ...View
RHODES HARRISONMrs. MILDRED, wife of W. Rhodes Harrison, architect of Bloemfontein, O.F.S. Second daughter of Mr. W ...View
RICHARDSONPHOEBE, Lady, widow of Sir Lewis Richardson, Bart., C.B.E., one of the most respected and representa ...View
RICHTERDr. JACOMINA ADRIANA, B.Sc. (Rand), L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. (Edin.). Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Richt ...View
RICKETTSMrs. ETHEL MARGARET, wife of C.S. Ricketts (1931), O.B.E., who is on the staff of the Agent-General ...View
RIELLYMrs. IDA FLORENCE, wife of John Rielly, and daughter of the late William Kennedy, formerly of Edinbu ...View
RIGGMrs. JOAN HUNTER, wife of J. W. Rigg, of Durban. Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. Hunter, of Sco ...View
RIGGMrs. LILIAN I., wife of Christopher Rigg, J.P. Daughter of John Moon, chartered accountant and audit ...View
RILLSTONEMrs. GLADYS, wife of P.J. Rillstone, managing director of Rillstone Motors; mayor of Bloemfontein, O ...View
RISSIKMrs. MIMMIE, widow of Johan Rissik, first administrator of the Transvaal and chairman, Railway Board ...View
RITCHIEMiss MARY, born and educated in Edinburgh, Scotland. Studied biology and sociology at the Outlook To ...View
ROBERTSMrs. ANNE PENRY wife of Penry Roberts, well-known business man in Johannesburg Mayor of Johannesburg ...View
ROBERTSESTHER LINDSAY, B.A. (Hons.), M.A., African Studies, only child of Mr. and Mrs. A. Roberts, of Durba ...View
ROBERTSMrs. MARGHERITA, widow of F.G.A. Roberts, D.Sc. (died, 1938), and daughter of William Stephens, late ...View
ROBERTSMrs. MINNIE ELIZABETH, widow of Frank John Roberts, former City councillor of Johannesburg and M.P. ...View
ROBERTSMrs. WINIFRED FRANCIS, widow of Walter Benjamin Roberts, C.A. (S.A.), who was president of the Natal ...View
ROBERTSONMrs. ADELAIDE MARY McCULLOCH, widow of James McCulloch Robertson, R.B.C., landscape painter, exhibit ...View
ROBERTSONMrs. HESTER CHRISTINA ELIZABETH, wife of Senator Francis William Reitz Robertson, daughter of Cornel ...View
ROBERTSONMrs. JANET KENNEDY, teacher of modern languages, wife of Dr. J.P. Robertson, M.A., Ph.D., F.I.C. Eld ...View
ROBERTSONDr. JANET McLEOD (medical practitioner). Daughter of the late Rev. J.T. Robertson, of Rurki, India, ...View
ROBINSONALICE JOSEPHINE, Lady, wife of Sir Joseph Benjamin Robinson, Bart., ex-M.P. for Wynberg, C.P., son o ...View
ROBINSONMrs. BERGIT, wife of Dr. Eric Maxwell Robinson, sub-director of Veterinary Services, Onderstepoort, ...View
ROBINSONMiss FLORENCE MILDDRED, daughter of the late Sir Joseph Benjamin Robinson, Bart., one of the pioneer ...View
ROBINSONMrs. MARGARET ANNIE, born Midgley, wife of Frank Edwin Robinson, M.P.S., mayor of Port Shepstone (19 ...View
ROCHEMrs. VIOLET KATHLEEN, wife of Patrick John Roche. Born at Uitenhage, C.P. Has three daughters, Moya, ...View
ROGERSMiss CAROLINE, missionary. Born and educated in London, England. Before coming to South Africa, at t ...View
ROGERSMrs. MAUD, born at Dublin, Ireland, educated in England and came to South Africa in 1892. During the ...View
ROGERSMrs. VERA MARGUERITE, wife of Percy Holden Rogers, a pioneer of Johannesburg. Daughter of C.A.O. Bai ...View
ROLFEMrs. AGNES HARRIET, wife of Alfred Rolfe, retired engineer of Cape Town. Born and educated at Cape T ...View
ROODMrs. GERTRUDA ANNA, wife of K. Rood, late member of Miners' Phthisis Board, Johannesburg. Daughter o ...View
ROOKEMrs. EILEEN NATALIE, wife of Franklin Rooke, city librarian, Durban Municipality. Daughter of the la ...View
ROOSMrs. DIRKIE ELIZABETH, widow of Tielman Roos, L.L.P., M.P. for Lichtenburg for fifteen years, Bethal ...View
ROPERMrs. CHARLOTTE LYDIA, wife of Charles, Thomas Roper, of Durban. Born at Sedgefield, Durham, England. ...View
ROSE INNESJESSIE DODS, C.B.E., wife of the Rt. Hon. Sir James Rose Innes, P.C., K.C.M.G., K.C., former Chief J ...View
ROSEMadame M.C., born Bloch. Born in Russia and educated at Warsaw, Russia and Berlin, Germany; studied ...View
ROSENBERGMrs. JENNY, widow of J. Rosenberg. Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Lehr. Born at Mitau, Latvia, an ...View
ROSHOLTMrs. ELLA, wife of Konrad Martin Rosholt, merchant, of Durban, and of Grimstad, Norway. Daughter of ...View
ROSSSister C. L., daughter of William George Robinson. Born at Tredegar, Monmouthshire. Educated at Lond ...View
ROSSMrs. EDITH, wife of Norman C. Ross. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Armer. Born and educated at Barrow ...View
ROSSMrs. FRANCES ANNAN, widow of Hugh Anton Ross. Daughter of D.A. Kain, an old and respected resident o ...View
ROSSMiss ROBINA MARION (matron). Daughter of the late Archibald Ross, farmer of Zeerust, Transvaal. Born ...View
ROUGHMiss MARY LOUISA, trained as a kindergarten teacher at Cradock Training College (1930); took up nurs ...View
ROUSSEAUMrs. HENDRINA HELENA, widow of Willem Petrus Rousseau, D. Ref. Minister at the time of the Boer War ...View
ROUTHMrs. ETHEL, widow of Gerald Routh, of the W.R.C. Mines. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cumming of Kingwill ...View
ROUXMARGARET (Mrs. SUSANNE MARGARET ATKINSON), the well-known South African dramatic soprano. Wife of C. ...View
ROUXMrs. MARIA JOHANNA (born Kloppers), wife of Willem Petrus Roux, prominent wine merchant (manager of ...View
ROUXMrs. OTTILIE HENRIETTA, wife of Lieut.-Col. D.J. Roux, Commandant of the Military College at Robert' ...View
ROUXMrs. SUSANNAH JUSTINA, widow of Andrew S. Roux, who in his lifetime was senior partner of Roux & Jac ...View
ROUX-NELMrs. HENDREEN, wife of Theunis Roux-Nel, prominent resident of Greytown, Natal. Daughter of Mr. and ...View
ROUX-NELHETTY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Roux-Nel, of Greytown. Born at Vrede, Free State, and educated in ...View
RUBENSOHNMrs. ANNIE, wife of R. Rubensohn and a niece of Benjamin Newman, of Birmingham, England. Born at Bir ...View
RUDDLEMrs. HELEN MARION, widow of Henry John Ruddle, a well-known merchant of Port Elizabeth, former head ...View
RUSSELLAGNES, treasurer, Guild of Loyal Women; member of Women's Civic Society; National Council of Women; ...View
RUSSELLALICE (Mrs. ALICE MAUD BASSETT), wife of W.J. Bassett, retired Johannesburg Municipal Service. Daugh ...View
RUTHERFORDMiss ANNIE FLORENCE, daughter of the late George Rutherford, C.M.G. and Marianne Fraser, who came ou ...View
RUTOWITZMrs. LEAH ZELDA, wife of Councillor Saul Rutowitz, Pretoria City Council. Daughter of Mr. Kitay. Bor ...View
RUXTONMrs. LAURA, widow of Captain Charles Ruston, Ardee, Ireland. Daughter of Rev. Ralph. Daly-Cocking of ...View
RYANMrs. EFFIE FRANCES, widow of John Hall Ryan, of Johannesburg. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lewis. ...View
RYLEYMrs. ELEANOR MURIEL STEEL, wife of Percy Ryley, M.P.C. for Newcastle, Natal. Born in Utrecht, Natal ...View
RAATHMevr. ANNA CATHARINA, eggenote van Charles Stenens Raath, lid van Myntering raad. Dogter van M.P. Lo ...View
REIDMrs. MARY, widow of Andrew Bernard Reid, who died during the Great War. Born and educated at Aberdee ...View
REINECKEMrs. IRIS KATHLEEN, wife of Professor Otto Samuel Herbert Reinecke, D.Sc. (Agric., Ontario), B.Sc., ...View
ROBERTSMrs. PHYLLIS ELAINE, wife of Lawrence Roberts, engineer of Johannesburg. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. ...View
ROUXMrs. ANNA FRANSINA, wife of Pietrus Johannes Roux, farmer, formerly married to the late Abraham Mara ...View
RADEMEYERMrs. HESTER CATHERINE DU BRUYNE, was the wife of the late J.M. Rademeyer, M.L.A. for Humansdorp Dist ...View
RETIEFMrs. ANNE MARIA, was the wife of Senator the Hon. Dan Retief of Wellington, C.P., eldest daughter of ...View
RICHARDSONMrs. FANNY GRABINSKA, was the wife of the late Kaufman Richardson, was born in Golinie, County of Ko ...View
RUSSELLMrs. FLORENCE ONO CHEYNE, was the wife of the late Dr. W.F. Russell, formerly of Boksburg, Transvaal ...View
Woman of South Africa 1935 Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.

Unfortunately a few of the pages of biographies namely pages 90, 351 and 422 as well as the introduction to his book are missing. If you have a copy of this book and can supply me with the missing pages we will be very grateful.