Woman of South Africa 1935 Search : T
Surname Biography word/phrase View
TABACKMiss FLORENCE ANNIE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Taback. Born at Pretoria and educated at Pretoria H ...View
TAITMrs. ELIZABETH BELLA, wife of W. Tait, son of W. Tait-Maud of Aberdeen, Scotland. Daughter of J. Gor ...View
TAITMiss MARGARET, was born and educated at Durban (Girls' High School). Is a certificated teacher of da ...View
TALJAARDMrs. JOHANNA CHRISTINA, wife of Petrus Arnoldus Taljaard, B.A., L.L.B., Assistant Registrar of the U ...View
TANDYMrs. ANNIE FRANCIS LETITIA, widow of Tom Henry Tandy. Daughter of the late Richard Pullman Impey, fo ...View
TATHAMADA (Mrs. F.S.), a daughter of William Molyneux, F.G.S., Fellow, Royal Hist. Society of Burton-on-Tr ...View
TAYLERMrs. MARGERY MAIE, wife of Henry le Bert Tayler, son of Henry Tayler and Mrs. Tayler (Mena le Bert). ...View
TAYLORMrs. ADA CONSTANCE, wife of Charles Henry Taylor, retired. Daughter of the late Wm. Holmes, Mayor of ...View
TAYLORMrs. ANNIE, wife of Alexander James Taylor, engineer. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hann of Johan ...View
TAYLORMrs. EDITH ELEANOR, wife of H.G.T. Taylor. Born and educated at Bedford, England (High School); stud ...View
TAYLORMrs. JEANETTE CLARICE, wife of Albert John Taylor, who arrived in Natal in 1880 and took up farming ...View
TAYLORMrs. H. CLIFDEN, wife of H. Clifden Taylor, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor (P.H.) (N.R., O.B.E.), o ...View
TAYLORMrs. MAGDALENE, wife of Zachie Taylor, chartered accountant of Pretoria; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. ...View
TAYLORMiss NORAH, L.T.C.L., L.G.S.M., L.R.A.M. (Elocution), L.T.C.L. (Singing). Born at Port Elizabeth, C. ...View
TAYLORMrs. ROSE, widow of Edward Taylor, wholesale and retail chemist. Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. G ...View
TENGBERGENMrs. SONIA LOUISE, wife of Adrian Tengbergen, of Johannesburg. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Pakempene ...View
TEPERSONMrs. EDITH, wife of Abe Teperson. Born at Kelme, and educated at Oudtshoorn, C.P. Has two sons, Maur ...View
THAL-BIRSONMrs. JOHANNA, born Thal, journalist, author and pianiste. Born at Libau, Latvia and studied music in ...View
THEILERMiss MARGARET, daughter of the late Sir Arnold Theiler, K.C.M.G., Dr. Med. Vet., late famous scienti ...View
THERONMrs. AUDREY BAILLIE, wife of Colonel F.H. Theron, Quartermaster-General, Union Defence Force. Daught ...View
THERONDr. ELIZABETH MARIA, wife of Dr. T.J. Naude, Chief Entomologist, Department of Agriculture and Fores ...View
THERONMiss JOSEPHINE ELIZABETH (sister). Daughter of S.W. Theron, St.R.M. Born at Harrismith, O.F.S. Educa ...View
THOMMrs. AGNES CONSTANCE, wife of Archibald Thom. Daughter of the late W.A. McLaren. Born and educated a ...View
THOMASMrs. CONSTANCE, wife of Major K.R. Thomas (1909), magistrate of East London, formerly of Germiston, ...View
THOMASMrs. EDITH EMILY OAKLEY, wife of William Oakley Thomas, contractor. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward ...View
THOMPSONMrs. AUDREY MILLICENT, wife of Edward Clarence Stirk Thompson, district manager of the Remington Typ ...View
THOMPSONMiss DORIS VERA, daughter of F. Handel Thompson, M.P.C., ex-Inspector of Schools, Transvaal and Mrs. ...View
THOMPSONMrs. EDITH ELEANOR HOLDSWORTH FORSYTH, born Studdy, wife of Dr. H.Q. Forsyth Thompson. Born at Wadde ...View
THOMPSONMrs. HEDWIG ANNA CLARA, widow of Charles Henry Thompson of Johannesburg and daughter of Alwin and Nu ...View
THOMPSONMrs. JOYCE, born Nettlefold, wife of Cyril Newton Thompson, barrister of Cape Town. Born at London, ...View
THOMPSONMrs. LILIAN MAY, wife of Henry Thompson, director of the firm of Stewarts & Lloyds (S.A.), Ltd., pre ...View
THOMPSONMrs. MARIAN HANDEL-wife of Fred Handel-Thompson, M.P.C., Parktown, late Inspector of Government Scho ...View
THOMSONMrs. FLORENCE GARDNER, wife of John Alexander Thomson (1901), master mariner and managing director o ...View
THORNEMrs. ANNA ELIZABETH, C.B.E. (1921), born Samson, wife of William J. Thorne, ex-mayor of Cape Town. B ...View
THORNEMrs. FREDDY, born Osborn, widow of Frederick William Thorne, late manager of the Nestle's Milk Co., ...View
THORNELEYMrs. MARGARET HANNAH, wife of Walter C. Thornely, civil engineer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan. B ...View
THORNTONMrs. JANET EVELYN, wife of Herbert Eustace Thornton, merchant of Port Elizabeth. Daughter of the lat ...View
THRASHMrs. ENA REID, wife of Senator The Hon. Walter Ernest Thrash and daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. S ...View
TILNEYMatron MARY ELIZABETH, M.B.E., R.R.C., eldest daughter of the late John Deane and Mrs. Deane Tilney ...View
TOMORYMrs. CATHERINE MARY, widow of Lieut.-Col. D.M. Tomory, D.S.O. Born at Colesberg, C.P., and educated ...View
TOMORYLOUISE, M.D., M.B., Ch.B., wife of G.C.G. Werdmuller, agency manager and joint secretary of the Sout ...View
TOMSMrs. AGNES KILPATRICK, wife of Mr. John Broad Toms, merchant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Doug ...View
TONKINMrs. BEATRICE, born Stodart, wife of Arthur Douglas Tonkin, of Durban, son of the late Rev. C.D. Ton ...View
TOOTHMrs. LILIAN, wife of Ernest Clough Tooth (1904), town councillor and deputy mayor of Pietermaritzbur ...View
TOTTENHAMEVELYN ROSALIE, Lady, wife of Vice-Admiral Sir Francis L. Tottenham, C.B., C.B.E., Admiral Commandin ...View
TOWNSENDMrs. KATE WINIFRED, widow of Dr. Richard Mahoney Townsend, M.D. Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Th ...View
TREDGOLDEMILY RUTH, Lady, wife of Sir Clarkson Tredgold, who was Solicitor General (1900 ), Attorney-General ...View
TREFUSIS - PAYNTERMrs. ANNIE JOB, wife of her cousin, H.Trefusis-Paynter, of Tywardreath, Cornwall, England, and only ...View
TRENERYMrs. JULIA MAUD), wife of D. Norman Trenery and daughter of Robert Jewell Withers. Born at London an ...View
TROLLOPEEVELYN ELIZABETH, Lady, widow of Sir Henry Cracroft Trollope, 12th Bart, A.M.I.C.E., M.I.S.E.; succe ...View
TRULLMrs. ETHEL MARGARET, widow of Harry Curtis Trull. Daughter of the late George North and Mrs. North. ...View
TRUTERHENRIETT AMARIA MARTINA, Lady, wife of Col. Sir Theo Truter, K.B.E., C.M.G., daughter of the late Jo ...View
TRUTERMrs. ROSE MARY, widow of Peter John Frederick Truter (died 1922), daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. ...View
TURNBULLMrs. HANNAH CHRISTINA, wife of John Turnbull. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nielson. Born and educated at ...View
TURNERMrs. CATHERINE MAY, born Shand, wife of Fred Turner, son of the famous Captain Sydney Turner, the fo ...View
TURNERMrs. CONSTANCE ISABEL, wife of Claud Robert Turner. Eldest daughter of Mrs. and the late Douglas Gil ...View
TWYCROSSMrs. HELENA MARGARETHA MARY, wife of Henry William Stephen Twycross, ex-Postmaster-General of the Un ...View
TINKERMrs. ETHEL MARY, wife of Harold Tinker, M.P.S., L.R.C.P.S., pharmacist of Brakpan, East Rand. Daught ...View
TOMLINSONMrs. CECIL MAUD, born Burman, widow of J. Tomlinson. Granddaughter of a Natal pioneer family. Her fa ...View
TRIBELHORNMrs. MARIA MAGDALENA, wife of Johannes Ferdinand Tribelhorn, farmer, son of Jakob Tribelhorn of Zuri ...View
TROTTERMrs. ELIZABETH SUSAN. Born and educated at Oudtshoorn, C.P. (High School); trained as a nurse at the ...View
TIPPETTMrs. ELIZABETH ANN PATON, was the wife of A.M. Tippett, retired engineer-in-chief of the South Afric ...View
Woman of South Africa 1935 Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.

Unfortunately a few of the pages of biographies namely pages 90, 351 and 422 as well as the introduction to his book are missing. If you have a copy of this book and can supply me with the missing pages we will be very grateful.