Woman of South Africa 1935 Search : V
Surname Biography word/phrase View
VENNINGMrs. LILAH ADELINE, wife of J. Warren Venning of Johannesburg Municipality, formerly Mrs. Vivian Ott ...View
VENTERMrs. CATHERINE, wife of Lt.-Col. C.J. Venter. D.F.C. British ace of the air. Daughter of Mr. Joseph ...View
VERDOORNMiss INEZ CLARE, botanist in the Division of Plant Industry, Department of Agriculture and Forestry, ...View
VERSFELDETHEL BERKELEY, wife of Dr. Willem Versfeld, D.Sc., B.A., B.Sc., F.I.C., official analyist to the Un ...View
VERSFELDMrs. MARGARETTA, wife of John Versfeld of Cape Town. Daughter of the late Sir John Woodhead, former ...View
VERSTERMrs. MARY JANE, wife of Ryno Johannes Verster, director of Imperial Cold Storage, Mayor of Cape Town ...View
VERSTERMrs. NEVA, wife of Dr. John Michael Verster, son of R.H. Verster, Mayor of Cape Town during the Prin ...View
VICEMrs. ELLEN CATHERINE CLYDE-wife of Douglas Clyde-Vice, a prominent farmer in Fort Beaufort district, ...View
VIGNEMrs. NOEL, wife of J.C.L. Vigne, B.A. (Oxon.), the son of Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Vigne. who are very old ...View
VILJOENMrs. KATHERINE HERMINE, wife of Mr. Piet Retief Viljoen, attorney, etc., of Heidelberg, Transvaal, a ...View
VINEYMrs. DOROTHY AUDREE, wife of Major Hope Brankston Viney, sales manager of the Cape Times, Ltd., son ...View
VINEYMrs. LUCY MARGERY, wife of Arthur Donald Viney. Eldest daughter of the late Mr. Alex. Baines, J.P. a ...View
VISSERMrs. ANNA MAGDELENA, wife of D.H. Visser, well-known in South Africa for many years as Clerk to the ...View
VAN BREDAMrs. MARY, wife of W. van Breda, of East Geduld Mine, Springs, Transvaal, and daughter of the late S ...View
VAN CASTRICUMDr. MARIE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Castricum, of Magaliesberg, Transvaal. Born in Holland an ...View
VAN DAMMrs. WINIFRED ALISON, wife of Lt.-Col. G.C.A. van Dam, D.T.D., eldest son of Commandant G.M.J. van D ...View
VAN DEN HEEVERMevr. MARTIE, vrou van Professor Dr. C.M. van den Heever, Universiteit van die Witwatersrand, dogter ...View
VAN DEN HEUVELMrs. MARIA, widow of Petrus van den Heuvel. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. van der Velde, both pioneers of ...View
VAN DER BYLMrs. JOY CLARE, wife of Major Pieter Voltelyn Graham van der Byl, farmer; director of South African ...View
VAN DER BYLMrs. KATE AMY, M.B.E., widow of Charles le Febre van der Byl, son of the late Hon. Laurance van der ...View
VAN DER GOESMiss FREDERIKA JACOBS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Van der Goes. Born at Pretoria. Is senior clerk in t ...View
VAN DER LINDEMrs. CAROLINE, wife of A.B. Van der Linde, mine overseer and Mayor of Roodepoort-Maraisburg in 1935. ...View
VAN DER LINDEMej. SOPHIA MARTHA, is in Boshof, O.V.S. gebore en het haar opleiding, eers aan die Oranje Meisiesko ...View
VAN DER MERWEMiss CLAUDIA, daughter of the late F.J. van der Merwe, who was always returned unopposed as member f ...View
VAN DER MERWEMrs. JEAN IRVINE, wife of Dr. Wouter Jacobus Van der Merwe, medical practitioner, Pretoria, Calvinia ...View
VAN DER MERWEMrs. JOHANNA JACOBA, born Kellerman, wife of J. le R. van der Merwe, well-known building contractor ...View
VAN DER MERWEMrs. REGINA CATHERINE GREGORY, wife of G.S. van der Merwe, Medical Doctor, Arts (State University, H ...View
VAN DER RIETMrs. ELLA, wife of Basil Hayton Van der Riet, Government surveyor. Daughter of the late Captain Paul ...View
VAN DER SPUYMrs. HESTER, wife of S.J. Van der Spuy, superintendent operating commissioner, South African Railway ...View
VAN DER SPUYMrs. JOHANNA JACOBA MARIA, B.A., L.S.O.D. (1930), wife of Herman Hubert van der Spuy, merchant; Mayo ...View
VAN DER WALTMej. CLASIMA CECILIA GRABE, M.A., principale van Bloemhof Hodr Meisieskool te Stellenbosch, K.P. Sy ...View
VAN DER WESTHUIZENMrs. HILDA HOME, wife of Colonel Van der Westhuizen (retired), who was formerly a partner in the wel ...View
VANE-WALLACEMrs. M., N.D., B.P.A., N.Z.R.M., granddaughter of late Professor Severn Vane. Born in Canada. Educat ...View
VAN EYSSENMrs. ANNA MARGUERITA, wife of Jacobus Lodewicus Van Eyssen, and daughter of General I.S. Ferreira, M ...View
VAN HEERDENMrs. ALETTA MARIA, wife of Johannes Samuel Van Heerlen, principal of the Pretoria Normal College, fo ...View
VAN HEERDENMrs. MARGARETHA LOUISE (born Joubert), wife of G.W.F. Van Heerden, who holds the position of science ...View
VAN HEESMrs. BEATRIX DOREY, wife of Herman Peter Van Hees. Daughter of late Mr. E.P.A. Meintjes of Pretoria, ...View
VAN HEESMrs. SARAH ADRIANA, widow of George Young van Hees, son of Herman Peter van Flees of Holland. One of ...View
VAN HUYSSTEENMrs. ELIZABETH, wife of H.D. van Huyssteen, for the last 20 years M.P.C. for George, C.P. Daughter o ...View
VAN LINGENMrs. WILHELMINA PETRONELLA, wife of Sidney Allelyne Van Lingen, chairman of the Rand Water Board, Jo ...View
VAN NIEKERKRYKIE CATHERINE, wife of J.A. Van Niekerk, who is the eldest son of Jasper Albertus Van Niekerk, of ...View
VAN OUDTSHOORNMrs. ALLETTE VAN REEDE, wife of Goert Van Reede Van Oudtshoorn, son of Baron William Van Reede Van O ...View
VAN OUDTSHOORNMrs. FLORENCE HELENA VAN REEDE, wife of Albert van Reede van Oudtshoorn, president of the Cape Town ...View
VAN OVERSTEEGMiss CORNELIA, principal, Rhodes' Avenue School, Mowbray, C.P. for nervous children. Born and educat ...View
VAN REENENMrs. ELIZABETH LILIAN, widow of Reenen Jacob van Reenen. civil engineer, eminent irrigation expert a ...View
VAN REENENMrs. RACHEL MARIA, widow of Frank Van Reenen, farmer. Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W.A.C. Beste ...View
VAN RENENMrs. MARIA CATHERINE wife of Guysbert Frank Van Renen, son of Jacob Willem Van Renen of 'Ganze Kraal ...View
VAN RENENMrs. RACHAEL MARIA CONSTANCE, born Smuts, wife of J.G.M. van Renen. Born at Malmesbury and educated ...View
VAN RENSBURGMrs. MARTHA, widow of Jacobus Van Rensburg, daughter of the late Mr. W.J. Michau, M.P. for Cradock, ...View
VAN RYNEVELDBETTY, Lady, wife of Brigadier-General Sir Pierre Van Ryneveld, K.B.E., D.S.O., M.C. Daughter of the ...View
VAN H. TULLEKENMrs. S., wife of P. Van H. Tulleken, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J.I. Bosman. Born at Stellenb ...View
VAN VELDENMrs. FIDES, wife of Willem Adolph Joubert Van Velden, solicitor, Rustenburg, Transvaal. Daughter of ...View
VAN VUUREN-DALBOCKMrs. MARIE HENRIETTA, wife of Francois David van Vuuren, Allerton Laboratory. Eldest daughter of Mr. ...View
VAN WIJKMrs. MARTHA MAGDALENE, wife of George Van Wijk. Born at Colesberg, C.P., and educated at the Wynberg ...View
VAN WYKMrs. MIRIAM GRACE, wife of Dr. H.P.D. Van Wyk, M.B., Ch.B., and daughter of P.J.P. Vos, Mouille Poin ...View
VAN ZYL(FRIKKIE VAN PLETSEN), wife of Nicholas Van Zyl, who comes of a very old family, well-known in the C ...View
VAN ZYLMiss JOHANNA, matron of the Robinson Hospital, Randfontein, Transvaal. Born at Swellendam, C.P., and ...View
VAN ZYLMrs. MARIE ELIZABETH, born Fraser, daughter of the late Sir John George Fraser, wife of Major G.B. v ...View
VAUN-HALLMiss WILGEFORDE, A.R.C.A. Born at Leicester, England, and educated at 'Seafield House', Great Crosby ...View
VEALEMrs. JESSIE, wife of Herbert Prior Veale, B.A. (Cape), B.A. (Sci. Trip. Cant.), Ch.B., M.B. (Carob.) ...View
VISSERMrs. OLGA SCHOONRAAD, born at Kimberley, C.P., and educated at Ellerslie Girls' High School, Sea Poi ...View
VOELKERLINGMiss ELSA, daughter of Professor Dr. E. Voelkerling. Born at Breslau, Germany, educated at Berlin. C ...View
VOGLMrs. ELIZABETH born JACK, wife of William Morris Vogl. Born at Keith, Scotland, educated at Glasgow, ...View
VOGTSMrs. JANE McMILLIAN MACALLEN, wife of William Bernard Maria Vogts, J.P., one of the oldest pioneers ...View
VOIGTMrs. MAVIS NELLIE, wife of A.J. Voigt, a well-known fruit farmer of Constantia, Cape. Daughter of th ...View
VON BACKSTROMMevr. SUSANNA, gebore Lotter, eggenote van Mnr. Andries Johannes von Backstrom, Stadsklerk, Standert ...View
VORSTERMOLLY EVELYN, M.B., Ch.B. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Vorster of Lady Grey, Cape. She is a descend ...View
VAN DER MERWEMrs. FRANCINA EDUARTINA GELDENHUYS, widow of Chris v. d. Merwe, farmer of Eikenhof. Transvaal. Born ...View
VLOKMrs. ELIZABETH (LILY), wife of Dr. A.M. Vlok, M.B., Ch.B. (Edin.), D.M.R. (Lond.). Daughter of the l ...View
VAN DER WALTMrs. SUSSANAH, wife of Mr. H.J. van der Walt, Assistant Magistrate at Potchefstroom; daughter of Mr. ...View
VAN NIEKERKProfessor Dr. LYDIA, daughter of the late C.J. van Niekerk and his wife, Miss Zondagh of Uniondale, ...View
Woman of South Africa 1935 Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.

Unfortunately a few of the pages of biographies namely pages 90, 351 and 422 as well as the introduction to his book are missing. If you have a copy of this book and can supply me with the missing pages we will be very grateful.