Woman of South Africa 1935 Search : W
Surname Biography word/phrase View
WEBBMrs. ALYSON AGNES, wife of Capt. James Robert Webb, formerly of the R.A.F. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ...View
WEBBMrs. ELIZABETH ADELAIDE, wife of Arthur Clement Llewellyn Webb, attorney-at-law of Bulawayo, Souther ...View
WEBBMrs. GEORGINA ELIZABETH, director of the South African Mining Journal Syndicate, Ltd., and the South ...View
WEBB-JOHNSONETHEL, M.A. (Cantab.), daughter of Dr. Samuel Johnson of Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England. Bor ...View
WEBBERMiss BARBARA. Born at Johannesburg and educated at St. Ann's College, Hilton Road, Natal. Teacher of ...View
WEBBERMrs. MARGARET ISABEL, wife of Walter Solomon Webber. Daughter of Robert Ross of Cape Town and Mrs. R ...View
WEBSTERMrs. JANET HERD, wife of David Webster, solicitor. Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Herd of ...View
WEBSTERMARY MORISON, eldest daughter of Robert Smith Webster and Eliza Ronald Webster at Edinburgh. Born an ...View
WEINERMrs. LEAH, wife of Meyer Weiner, of Selborne, C.P. Daughter of the late Mr. Moses Kaplan and his wif ...View
WELCHMrs. EMILY MILLWOOD, widow of James Welch of Durban, and daughter of Henry Birchall of 'Grangbeg', K ...View
WELSHMrs. MAUDE MARIANNE wife of the Hon. Allan Ross Welsh, Speaker of the Rhodesian House of Assembly. D ...View
WENTZELMrs. ROSE ELLA, Q.A.M. (London), widow of Charles Augustus Wentzel. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rens. B ...View
WERDMULLERMrs. EVELYN PRINGLE, wife of Otto Felix Werdmuller, attorney, etc., of Malmesbury, C.P., secretary o ...View
WADLEYMrs. FLORENCE MAUD, wife of Thomas Mansfield Wadley, chartered accountant, M.P. since 1933, Mayor of ...View
WAGSTAFFMrs. CONSTANCE, wife of Stanley William Wagstaff. Born at Johannesburg, educated at Wycombe Abbey, B ...View
WAKEFORDMrs. HARRIETT MURIEL, wife of Alfred Thomas Wakeford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Banks of Bloemf ...View
WALGATEMrs. MARION, A.R.C.A., wife of C.P. Walgate, A.R.C.A., A.R.I.B.A., daughter of Archibald Mason, F.E. ...View
WALKER-POLEMrs. ETHEL ELIZABETH, widow of Miles Walker-Pole, F.C.S. Daughter of the late John Leisk, J.P., of L ...View
WALLERMrs. ELMA AMRITSA, wife of Ernest Howard Waller, managing director of Messrs. Verrinder, Ltd., Johan ...View
WALLISREINET, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., wife of Jack Stubbs, wholesale merchant of Cape Town; daughter of Mrs. C ...View
WALL-MESHAMDr. NELLIE, born Wall, M.Sc., M.D., M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (London), D.P.H., D.T.M. (Liv.), wife ...View
WALSHMrs. FLORENCE MARGARET, wife of H.T. Walsh, retired. Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Andrews ...View
WALSHMrs. MIRIAM SUTHERLAND, journalist, widow of R.M. Walsh, daughter of William Fairhurst, a well-known ...View
WALTERSMrs. FRIEDA, B.A. (born Vogel), wife of Ian Walters, branch manager of Rhodesian Oxygen and Acetylen ...View
WALTONMARGUERITE ISABEL, Lady, the wife of the Hon. Sir Edgar Harris Walton, K.C.M.G., proprietor of the ' ...View
WALTONMrs. ROMA SMEETON, wife of John Lawson Walton, elder son of the Hon. Sir Edgar Walton, and managing ...View
WARDMrs. AMY ELIZABETH, widow of Leonard Ward, merchant of Germiston, daughter of the late Louis Sims Si ...View
WARDMiss CATHERINE, daughter of the late W. Ward and Mrs. Connie Ward of Harrismith, O.F.S. Born and edu ...View
WARDMiss EDITH, daughter of the late Sir John and Lady Ward of Leeds, England. Born at Leeds and educate ...View
WARDMrs. FLORENCE GRACE EDWARDS, born Allen, wife of Alfred Daniel Ward, solicitor of Cape Town, son of ...View
WARNERMrs. AUDRY SELWYN, born Webb, wife of Joseph Selwyn Warner, whose grandparents came to South Africa ...View
WASSUNGMrs. BLANCHE, wife of Peter John Wassung, very well-known and prominent member of the Mossel Bay com ...View
WATERMEYERMrs. ALICE ELLEN, wife of Professor Gottfried A. Watermeyer, Professor of Survey, Witwatersrand Univ ...View
WATERMEYERMrs. JESSIE KERR, wife of Theodore Henry Watermeyer, General Manager of the South African Railways. ...View
WATERMEYERMrs. MARGARET ELIZABETH, born Hobson, wife of Charles Watermeyer, and a direct descendant of the ori ...View
WATERMEYERMrs. PETRONELLA HESTER, born Wege, wife of the Hon. Ernest Frederick Watermeyer, Judge of the Suprem ...View
WATERSONMrs. ELIZA ANN, widow of David Waterson, who was a Rand pioneer coming to Boksburg, Transvaal, in 18 ...View
WATSONMrs. AMY FENTON, wife of Colin Watson, stockbroker and accountant of Johannesburg. Daughter of the l ...View
WATSONMrs. CATHERINE WEIR, wife of David Watson, secretary to Tender Board, South African Railways and Har ...View
WATSONMiss MARJORIE TENNANT, granddaughter of the late Thomas Watson, M.P., 'The Grove', Claremont, C.P. B ...View
WATTSLEDLIE MARGARET, wife of Cecil Watts, who has been associated with the Argus Printing and Publishing ...View
WAUGHMrs. JANE, widow of James Waugh, who came from Bradford, England and was a transport rider in the ea ...View
WAWNMrs. ELEANOR, widow of Capt. Charles Ernest Wawn, and daughter of Francis Stephen and Mrs. E. Andrew ...View
WEAVERMrs. KATHLEEN, born Langlands, wife of James Ethelbert Weaver, of the firm of William Dunn & Co., sh ...View
WERDMULLERMrs. FLORENCE EDITH, wife of Frederick F. Werdmuller, solicitor of Malmesbury, C.P. Daughter of Mr. ...View
WERTHEIMMrs. MATHILDE, born Japhet, widow of Herman Wertheim, who died at the age of 88 and who came to Sout ...View
WESSELSLady AGNES ETHEL, widow of Sir Johannes Wessels, Privy Councillor, Chief Justice of the Union of Sou ...View
WESSELSMadam CECILIA, well-known South African dramatic soprano, wife of Ernest Edwin Beecroft, of Cape Tow ...View
WESSELSMrs. CLARA EMMA, widow of Marthinus Laurentius Wessels, F.R.G.S., son of the well-known attorney the ...View
WESSELSMrs. MARGARITA ELIZABETH widow of Dr. C.A. Wessels, who studied at London University and Guy's Hospi ...View
WESSELSMrs. MARIA MAGDELENA, wife of Dr. D. Herman Wessels. M.B., F.R.C.S., F.C.O.G., Cape Town. Daughter o ...View
WESSELSMrs. SARAH, B.A., wife of Dr. J.J. Wessels, medical practitioner of Greytown, Natal; daughter of Mr. ...View
WESSELSMrs. SUSAN ELIZABETH, wife of Jurie Cornelius Wessels, son of the late Herman Wessels, M.P., who was ...View
WESTEDITH WINIFRED, wife of John West, daughter of Charles Hughes. Born at Cape Town and educated at the ...View
WESTMrs. ROSE MARY, wife of Henry Walter West, born and educated at Canterbury, England. Has for a numbe ...View
WESTAWAYMrs. CHRISSIE, wife of Major R.J. Westaway, late Commandant Albany Commando, who drove the first mot ...View
WESTONMrs. ELINOR MARY, wife of Herbert Weston, manager of Corunbia Estates, Mt. Edgecombe, Natal, with th ...View
WETZLARMrs. MARGARET, wife of Herman Wetzlar, oldest bookmaker member of Natal Tattersalls, South Africa. D ...View
WEYHAUSENMrs. HILDA, widow of E.G. Weyhausen, who was managing director of Siemens, S.A., Ltd. Daughter of Mr ...View
WHEELERMrs. MARGARET BUCHANAN, wife of Herbert Edwin Wheeler, son of Napoleon Wheeler and Mrs. Wheeler. Dau ...View
WHITEMrs. GWENDOLINE, wife of John Dunbar White, system manager, South African Railways and Harbours, Dur ...View
WHITEMrs. MINIE, wife of Peter White. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Neave. Born at London and educated at ...View
WHITELEYMrs. MARY, wife of Leslie Alexander Whiteley, of the firm of Whiteley Bros., incorporated accountant ...View
WHITSEDMiss JULIET DE KEY, dietician-in-chief. Lecturer on dietetics since 1929. Received dietetic training ...View
WHOWELLMrs. KATHLEEN JACOBA wife of Cyril Anthony Whowell, director of Firestone S.A. (Pty.), Ltd. Daughter ...View
WHYTEMrs. JANET ISABELLA, wife of Rev. Robert Whyte of Cape Town. Daughter of the late W.J. Cuthbertson, ...View
WHYTOCKMrs. MARY JEAN, wife of Senator Charles Whytock. Daughter of the late John Nicol, C.M.G., and the la ...View
WICHTMrs. JOHANNA CORNELIA, wife of Lt.-Col. Johan Hendrik Wicht (retired), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. ...View
WIDMERMrs. MARY LOUISA, widow of Emile Widmer, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hildebrandt of Germany. B ...View
WIENERNORLINE MATHILDE, born Enrico, wife of F.K. Wiener, director of the Colonial Mutual Insurance Societ ...View
WIESEMiss HELENA HENDRINA, R.R.C., daughter of the late P.B. Wiese, formerly of Tulbagh, C.P. Born and ed ...View
WIJERSMiss EVERDINA EGBERTHA, B.A. (S.A.), daughter of J.B. Wijers, architect, who has been in Pretoria si ...View
WILCOCKSBEATRICE, wife of Dr. R.W. Wilcocks, B.A., Ph.D., Rector of the University of Stellenbosch, C.P., th ...View
WILSONMrs. AUGUSTA CAROLINE, widow of James Anderson Wilson, well-known businessman, at one time manufactu ...View
WILSONMrs. DOROTHY, wife of Hector Wilson, sales manager. Daughter of Mrs. Howell and the late Mr. Howell ...View
WILSONMiss ELIZABETH, M.B.E., daughter of George Wilson. Born at Aberdeen, Scotland. Educated in Scotland ...View
WILTERMrs. DINA, wife of Fred Wilter, Assisting-Catering Manager of the South African Railways. Daughter o ...View
WIMBLEMrs. WILHELMINA ELIZABETH, widow of Percy Skelton Wimble, Stockbroker of Johannesburg (1893). Daught ...View
WINGATE-WHITEMrs. MURIEL MAUDE, wife of J. Wingate-White, at present stationed in the Transvaal; has been magistr ...View
WINGFIELDMiss MAUD (professional name), actress and elocutionist, was born at Invercargill, New Zealand; rece ...View
WINSERMrs. FLORENCE, wife of Charles Winser, O.B.E., who, upon retirement from the Civil Service became ho ...View
WITHERSMABEL H.M., F.R.G.S. Daughter of the late Robert Jewell Withers, F.R.I.B.A. of London, who designed ...View
WITHYCOMBEMrs. BERTHA MAY, wife of John Herman Surrage Withycomhe, stockbroker, Johannesburg, who combines bui ...View
WITHYCOMBEMrs. HARRIET AGNES, widow of William Withycombe of Ashburton, Devon, England, and daughter of the la ...View
WOLFMrs. ETHEL MARGARET, widow of Arthur Wolf, pioneer of the Rand, who arrived in Johannesburg in 1886. ...View
WOLSTENHOLMELUCY, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Wolstenholme of Manchester, England. Born at Manchester ...View
WOODMrs. BLANCHE MAY, wife of Harold William Wood. Daughter of the late Charles Weston and his first wif ...View
WOODINA ALICE DOREEN, born Holliday, wife of Norman Wood. Born at Nottingham Road, Natal, and trained at ...View
WOODMiss JOSIE E., daughter of George Wood, M.L.A., first mayor of Grahamstown, C.P. Born and educated a ...View
WOODMrs. KATHLEEN MARY, wife of George Wood, manager in Port Elizabeth of the well-known South African f ...View
WOODBURNMrs. MARY, wife of J. Allan Woodburn, mining engineer. Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Andres Hutt ...View
WOOD-GUSHMrs. ETHEL BESSIE, widow of Colonel Henry Wood Gush, D.S.O., M.C., V.D., C. de G. Descendant of the ...View
WOODSMrs. ANNIE, wife of Charles Woods. Daughter of Patrick O'Byrne. Born at Grahamstown, C.P., and educa ...View
WOOFMiss LUCY ELIZABETH TALBOT A.R., San. I. Eldest daughter of the late James Woof, who was one of the ...View
WOOLLEYMrs. AMY EDITH, C.M.B., London, trained maternity nurse, wife of A.W. Woolley of Durban, Natal. Daug ...View
WOOLNOUGHKATHLEEN EVELYN, born Pickles, wife of Harry Robert Woolnough, headmaster of Berea Road School, Durb ...View
WORDINGHAMMrs. SARAH ELLEN, city councillor, widow of J.W. Wordingham, of Johannesburg. Daughter of Mr. and Mr ...View
WRIGHTMrs. ALICE GARLAND, wife of Richard Garland-Wright (1912), son of Mrs. and the late Howard Wright of ...View
WRIGHTMrs. FAN, wife of Dr. H. Hamilton Wright. Daughter of Walter Spencer, Sheffield, England. Born at Pi ...View
WRIGHTMiss MARY EVELYN, daughter of the Rev. John Wright, well-known Wesleyan minister. Born at Melbourne, ...View
WRIGHTONMrs. MARGARET SARAH, wife of Sidney Frank Wrighton, secretary of J.R. Riven & Co. Daughter of Mr. an ...View
WULFSOHNMrs. NORINA, widow of Herman Wulfsohn, one of the founders of Rustenburg Hospital and the synagogue. ...View
WYLDEMrs. GERTRUDE ROSE MYRTLE, wife of Edward Truro Wylde, manager and secretary of Messrs. Schweppes' T ...View
WYLIEMrs. ELIZABETH, widow of John Condie Wylie, civil and mining engineer, Scotland and South Africa. Da ...View
WYLIEMrs. MARIA ELIZABETH, M.B.E., born Strapp, widow of Brig.-Gen. James Scott Wylie. Born at Richmond, ...View
WYNNEMrs. MARGOT ISABELLA, wife of Norman Wynne, who is a son of the late John Wynne, who was the founder ...View
WYNNEMrs. SYBIL, wife of Bernard Wynne only son of Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Wynne, one of the directors of John ...View
WALLEMMrs. ALIEDA, wife of Frithjof Wallem, managing director of Paarl Roller Mills, and a well-known pers ...View
WARDMiss MARJORIE. Born at Germiston, Transvaal and educated at the Parktown Convent, Johannesburg, late ...View
WATSON-MORRISMiss NANCY HELEN, F.T.C.L. Born at Bloemfontein, O.F.S. Studied dramatic art and stage craft. Is a t ...View
WESTMrs. NOEL ELIZABETH, wife of W.F. West of Durban. Younger daughter of H.R. Barnes of Grahamstown, wh ...View
WILLIAMSMrs. BERTHA MARY ELIZABETH, born Miller, wife of James Lowry Williams, late engineer and accountant ...View
WRIGHTMrs. CATHERINE, widow of James Arthur Wright, accountant of Johannesburg. Born and educated at Cape ...View
WHITEMANMiss ADA MARIA MOTUM WYNN, daughter of Francis William John Wyn Whiteman and Ada Maria Motum Hill. B ...View
Woman of South Africa 1935 Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.

Unfortunately a few of the pages of biographies namely pages 90, 351 and 422 as well as the introduction to his book are missing. If you have a copy of this book and can supply me with the missing pages we will be very grateful.