Rob Davies, a researcher who spent five years in the Karoo studying the habits of black eagles, is back. This time he intends writing a book on the natural history of the Great Karoo. “At the end of 1989 and in 1990, I studied these magnificent raptors in the Beaufort West area and lived at the old airport. It was a wonderful time during which I was able to complete some beautiful eagle studies. I am now taking a more in- depth look at the Karoo, starting way back in the days when it was a swamp and recording all aspects of its natural history, including its geology and palaeontology. I have completed the artwork. The text has to be finished within the next two months and the book will be available next year.” On this visit to the Karoo, Rob was accompanied by Bill Clark of the United States and Nic Mooney of Tasmania. Both were in the country to attend the 10th World Ornithological Congress in Durban. Bill is a recognised world authority on eagles, and is currently writing a field guide to African raptors.
Elemente van die Karoo is opgeneem in die nuwe wapenskild van Wes-Kaap Provinsie wat onlangs deur die Parlement goedgekeur is. ‘n Kwagga en ‘n bontebok, albei eie aan die provinsie, is die skildhouers. Die bontebok is net betyds van uitwissing gered en die uitgesterfte kwagga is weer deur ‘n gespesialiscerde teelprogram meegebring. Onlangs is 16 van hierdie diere in die Karoo Nasionale Park naby Beaufort-Wes vrygelaat. Die skild bevat ‘n anker, tros druiwe en kleipot as elemente. Die anker simbolliseer hoop, stabilliteit, en geloof, die druiwe beklemtoon die belangrikheid van landbou, en die Khoipot, ‘n artefak van die eerste inwoners, stel vervaardiging voor. Die skildhouers staan op ‘n blou basis wat ‘n gestileerde voorstelling van Tafelberg, die Kaap se mees bekende kenmerk, is. ‘n Kroon rus op die boonste rand van die skild. Dit behels ‘n kopband van krale, eens ‘n versiering van die San, met afwisselende proteakoppe en ringe heelbo. Die proteas stel die provinsie se eie fynbos voor en die ringe is ‘n simbool van volmaaktheid. Die leuse is “Spes Bona”, Goeie Hoop. Dit is op ‘n lint met terugvoue in die vorm van volstruisvere.
Members of the Sanlam Hiking Club have thoroughly enjoyed the views and challenges of the Springbok Hiking Trail at the Karoo National Park. They were amazed at the beauty of the Karoo veld in the vicinity of the Nuweveld Mountains. “Views from the peaks are quite breathtaking,” said an avid hiker. “The weather was wonderful, the little streams were running after good rains and bracing breezes kept us going. Bird life was richer than we expected and we were delighted to find ourselves being monitored from on high by a pair of black eagles.” The group also paid tribute to the service, friendliness and efficiency of the Karoo National Park staff. “The accommodation facilities along this trail are also excellent,” they said.
Reelings vir Laingsburg se gewilde Karoo Ultramaraton vorder goed. “Dit blyk of daar weereens groot belangstelling is vanjaar,” sê stadsklerk Fanie Visser .”Ons kry elke jaar meer as 200 inskrywings vir die gewilde wedloop, en ons nooi graag die wat nog nie die wonderlike roete getakel het nie om op 26 September die uitdaging te aanvaar. Ons is seker hulle sal die ervaring geniet, asook die sosialegeleentheid daarna.”
Poort Pouri, the tiny arts, crafts and refreshment centre at Klaarstroom near the entrance to Meiringspoort, will soon become the Karoo’s smallest tourist information centre. Behind the venture is new owner Marie Gerber, who has many fresh and novel ideas for promoting this beautiful spot at the foot of the Swartberg Mountains. “This is the ideal place for jaded business and city people to get away from it all, rest, relax and recharge themselves,” she said. “We have several guest farms, hikes, walks, mountain rambles, cycle and mountain bike routes. There are also interesting farms to visit. Here tourists can see a working witblitz still, a national monument, and visit a cheese-making operation. We offer restful rides on donkey carts and cater for tour groups on request. If they wish, we’ll arrange a tour of the area to suit their needs.”
Gert Lubbe, ‘n venoot in Matoppa Country Inn, in Beaufort-Wes, en lid van die Minister se Spesiale Toerisme Taakspan, is getaak om probleme rakende padtekens te ondersoek. Na ‘n vergadering van streekstoerisme ko-ordineerders in Montagu het hy heelwat voorstelle en versoeke saamgestel wat aan die minister voorgelê is . In samewerking met die werk wat Piet Ackerman oor die afgelope jaar verrig het namens die Staande Kommitee vir Ontwikkelling, sal padtekens in Wes-Kaap Provinsie nie net toeriste meer effektief na hulle bestemmings lei nie, maar Toerismeburos sal ook daardeur fondle kan insamel en standarde en dienste monitor om te verseker dat hulle van die hoogste gehalte bly.
Western Cape Tourism Board has requested all regions to support Nicro Whistle Week from September 20 to 27. The public will be invited to purchase whistles at R3 each in support of Nicro, a prisoner’s friend and victim support organisation. “The public will be asked to blow the whistle against crime and make South Africa a safer place,” says organiser Norman Jantjies. This nation-wide project will be supported by a major press, radio and television publicity campaign. Mr Ronnie Taljaard, co-ordinator of the Minister’s Special Task Team, has also called for a firm stand against crime in the Western Cape. He will discuss strategies with RTO chairmen.
Alle toerismeburos moet nou so spoedig moontlik aansoek doen vir akkreditering deur die Wes-Kaap Toerismeraad. Vorms en besonderhede is by stireekstoerisme organisasies beskikbaar. “Alle buros wat aan die voorgestelde kriteria voldoen sal tot Junie, 1999, geakkrediteer word,” sê WKTB bestuurder spesiale programme, Theuns Vivian.
A special benchmark evaluation system for accommodation facilities has been developed by Mr Colin van Zyl of Tourism Spectrum. Based on a United Kingdom model and covering six basic points of vital importance to tourists and tourism in general, it is also in line with the expectations of international visitors. “A standard questionnaire is completed during a visit to each facility,” explained Mr Van Zyl. “It covers important common sectors such as service, standards, business experience, marketing expertise, quality of staff, ambience and atmosphere. It also ensures a common base for evaluation. It is not a grading system, but it does give the bureau and the guesthouse owner valuable information on which to base decisions on their position in the market. The system, tested in Stellenbosch in co-operation with the local tourist bureau, achieved encouraging results. It would be of considerable value as a confidence builder in the Karoo.”
Daar is nou `n nuwe gastehuis in Murraysburg en die eienaar is Kaptein Eric Spamer, ‘n liefhebber van die Groot Karoo. Eric is ‘n man wat vir jare toeriste in Klaarstroom vermaak het met stories van die ou polisiestasie en hofgebou. Hy het nou Safari Gastehuis in een van die dorp se historiese huise geopen. Daar is drie slaapkamers, ‘n ruim badkamer en ‘n stort, asook ‘n en-suite woonstel op dieselfde perseel. Toeriste kan op `n selfversorgende basis bly of ‘n heerlike Karoo-styl aandete en ontbyt bestel. Daar is televisie, ‘n heerlike braaiplek en veilige parkering. “Murraysburg is ‘n rustig plek, ” se Eric. “Kom geniet dit saam met ons.”
Many international hunters visit AfriKaroo Safaris in Murraysburg, but not many could be persuaded to try Karoo biltong. But then owner Stephan Kirsten came up with a bright idea. He prepared slender strips of dried meat in the same manner as American jerky, something more familiar to the international market “Visitors from the US in particular instantly identified with this and the idea took off. Then they and the European hunters were persuaded to try some of our other products, such as biltong flakes, as well as sliced beef and game biltong, and our chili-bites. Reaction to these products has been so good that we are now packaging these products and extending our marketing drive to tourist bureaus,” he said.
“Verfraai u dorp, hou dit skoon en skep ‘n oasis in u deel van die Kazoo. Dit sal toeriste na u omgewing lok. Die belangrike bydrae wat hulle tot die ekonomie maak sal ‘n beter lewe vir alma! verseker” Dit is gesê deur die Wes-Kaapse Minister van Behuising, mnr C Herandien, by die inwyding van ‘n nuwe woonhuurt in Leen Gamka. Die buurt bevat 170 subsidieskema woonhuise wat opgerig is met behulp van die Sentrale Karoo Distrikraad en is in fraai geel en blou kleure geverf. “Die mooi kleure van die nuwe aanleg trek klaar aandag,” het die minister gesê. “Plattelandse gemeenskappe moet nie hul dorpies wegsteek nie. Span saam, hou die omgewing skoon. Tel papiere, plastiesesakke, bottles en blikke op. Bou tuintjies, plant bome. Maak bakstene en nie plakkerskampe nie. Skep ‘n oasis sodat julle uit toerisme kan baat.”
Seeing wild geese fly in a V-formation is not unusual. But many wonder why they always seem to fly in this particular formation. This question puzzled a group of aerodynamic engineers to such an extent that they conducted a series of studies and came up with some very interesting answers. According to the William Quinton Wild Bird Society Newsletter, the scientists discovered that the V-formation greatly assists the birds and saves energy. “Exactly like the lyrics of the popular song ‘You are the wind beneath my wings’ the down-ward flap or thrust of each bird’s wings provides upward pressure for the bird immediately ahead and behind it. Each bird benefits from the lift created by the wingstrokes of their companions and, in total, this upward pressure ensures 70 per cent more forward power. So by flying in formation the birds not only use less energy, they’re able to fly faster,” explained one of the scientists.
Een van Beaufort-Wes se ou historiese herehuise is nou in ‘n topgehalte gastehuis omskep. Beaufort Manor, ‘n ruim gebou in die hartjie van die dorp se historiese kern in Birdstraat, is totaal gerestoureer. Dit bled nou eksklusiewe verblyf in rustige omstandighede, met veilige parkering, aan. Die huis, oorspronklik as elegante spogwoning, was deel van die dorp se sosiale kern en op pad na die tennisbane en die leidam, destyds ‘n gewilde piekniekplek. Oor die jare het die gebou deur heelwat gedaanteverwissellings gegaan. Onderandere was dit woonstelle en dokter se spreekamers. Eienaars, Dr Olaff en Trudie van der Westhuizen, het besluit die ou huis is te mooi vir kantore en dit toe herstel tot ‘n plek van elegansie en eer.
It would seem that royal train is back on the white track. A researcher, David Hudson-Lamb, disagrees with Jo Davis ( A Right Royal Blunder, Round-up, July) that the White Train was only built in the 1940s. According to an article David discovered in Seteme, the Post Office philatelic journal, the train in which the Prince of Wales travelled in 1925 was white. The young prince, who within a year became Edward VIII and then abdicated, was the first member of the British royal family to visit South Africa after the formation of Union. ‘He travelled in a special royal train called the White Train because its coaches were white instead of brown,” says author Derrick Olmesdahl. The article includes a photograph of officials outside a white railway coach. ‘It was preceded by a pilot or post office train which provided essential communications facilities. A complete post office on track, it had a counter, pigeon holes, lockers, and post box. Stamps, now greatly sought after, could be purchased and were cancelled by special descriptive stamps and seals, cut for the occasion by the Royal Mint. The train also had a bank of telephones fitted on to backboards for use on and off the train and a wireless set, valuable aids to the press contingent.”
One of the world’s most useful inventions, Morse Code, is the tenuous thread that ties two Western Cape towns, Beaufort West in the Great Karoo and Wellington in the Winelands. The link is Joyce Hoogenhout-Morse, whose collection of fascinating Victoriana and Anglo-Boer War memorabilia is housed in a tiny cottage museum in Wellington. Joyce is the eldest daughter of Benjamin Krummeck-Morse, who was born in Beaufort West. “My father always joked about being the 55th cousin of Samuel Morse, inventor of Morse Code. His family came from Essex in England, and could trace its ancestry to the Crusades. Tragedy struck when father’s entire family was wiped out in an epidemic that swept the Karoo in 1896. He then went to live with his uncle, Archie Krummeck, whom he called ‘the uncrowned King of Beaufort West. In 1939, Joyce married Imker, grandson of C P Hoogenhout, the early Afrikaans writer known as Oom Jan Versies. In 1943 they moved to Optenhorst, the family farm outside Wellington, where they indulged their love for antiques as well as the unique and unusual by converting a historic house on the farm into a museum. This collection is now on display in Ouma-Granny’s House in Wellington. A visit there is an adventure into yesteryear. Anyone lucky enough be given a personal tour by Joyce, a journalist and world-renowned authority on aloes, will not fail to be impressed. Ouma-Granny’s House is a wondrous world of dolls, china, utensils, old furniture, photographs, pictures, press cuttings, books and bibles, some of which are over 200 years old. There is a special Anglo-Boer War room where muzzle-loaders, an ancient tin hat and discharge papers lie beneath photographs of Paul Kruger, Louis Botha and Piet Joubert. And the ghost? Well, he is one of a series specially drawn for Joyce’s children by South African artist Gregoire Boonzaier. These grace one wall in the house. One of these apparitions is a ghost with one leg, an ectoplasmic uniped so to speak.
Vroeg in hierdie eeu het Archie Krummeck, ‘n Beaufort-Wes raadslid, ‘n blink idee gehad om wasdag te vergemaklik en sodoende ook ‘n oulap of twee vir die raad in te win. In pioniersdae toe die dorp nog yl bevolk was het inwoners die weeklikse wasgoed sommer oral in die riviere gedoen. Maar toe, op 5 November 1874, besluit die Dorpsraad dat water in die Karoo te kosbaar is om besoedel te word. Van daardie dag af kon wasgoed net by die drif deur die Kuilsrivier (vandag in Kerkstraat) gedoen word. Twee rye beton wasbakke is toe in 1907 op die oewer gebou en Raadslid Krummeck se plan om kostes te herwin het onmiddellik in werking getree.. Die bakke is van 1 tot 51 genommer en kaartjies vir hul gebruik is te koop aangebied. lnwoners kon toe net by ‘n spesifieke bak op ‘n spesifieke dag wasgoed doen. In 1918 is ‘n paar huise in Nuwestraat gesloop en die ou boumaterial is gebruik om afdakke oor die wasbakke te bou. Mettertyd het die dakke egter verdwyn. In 1937 met die ontruiming van die ou kragsentrale is die gebou in ‘n openbare wassery omskep. Dit het misluk omdat rook en roet van die spoorweg die wasgoed besmeer het. Vroeg in 1952 sluit die wassery en sedertdien is wasgoed by almal se tuistes gedoen.
Water has always been a precious commodity in the Karoo. And so it was that a scarcity of drinking water caused strife between Boer and Brit in Beaufort West during the Anglo-Boer War. In November of 1899, the Karoo was in the grips of a severe drought. Beaufort Westers were greatly inconvenienced when the British set up a camp near North End. Obviously this required vast amounts of water. Town councillors decided to supply half a gallon per man per day free of charge on condition they were given a weekly tally of troops. There were many harsh words about water, particularly when the residents feared the soldiers were polluting the supply through carelessness. In the end it was all resolved amicably when Lieutenant Gordon was given permission to dig a special well for the army at the fountain in the Gamka River.
Gedurende die Anglo-Boere- oorlog is Britse troepe aanvanklik vriendelik behandel in Beaufort-Wes. Maar, op ‘n dag in Januarie, 1900, was daar groot ontevredenheid toe ‘n gesondheidsinspekteur ontdek het dat die soldate hul nagvuil teen die koppie bokant die dam begrawe. In swaar reën sou dit die dam besoedel. Die kamp is verskuif en opgerig waar Hesperos Ouetehuis vandag is. Ongeveer dieselfde tyd is kamers in die stadshuis afgestaan vir kantore vir die perdekampbevelvoerder (0 C Remounts). Die munisipaliteit het aangebied om hom te voorsien van persoonlike vervoer na die kamp. Die Raad het ook ‘n klein waterkarretjie beskikbaar gestel!