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Ancestors South Africa

Researching your Ancestors

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1. . (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
2. . Arrived abt 1775 (1)
3. . E Cape (1)
4. .Lady Frere Find all individuals with events at this location
5. 02 1845 Find all individuals with events at this location
6. 05 Longmarket Street Find all individuals with events at this location
7. 10 1888 Find all individuals with events at this location
8. 14 3 1893 Find all individuals with events at this location
9. 15 12 1893 Find all individuals with events at this location
10. 16 5 1995 Find all individuals with events at this location
11. 1690 Find all individuals with events at this location
12. 18 8 1852 Find all individuals with events at this location
13. 1807 Find all individuals with events at this location
14. 1814 Find all individuals with events at this location
15. 1823 Find all individuals with events at this location
16. 1847 Find all individuals with events at this location
17. 19 1 1863 Find all individuals with events at this location
18. 1924 Find all individuals with events at this location
19. 1daughter (1)
20. 2 Sons Find all individuals with events at this location
21. 24 Riviere Find all individuals with events at this location
22. 3 Children Find all individuals with events at this location
23. 49 Waterkant Street Find all individuals with events at this location
24. 5 Longmarket Street Cape Town Find all individuals with events at this location
25. 8 12 1886 Find all individuals with events at this location
26. ? Find all individuals with events at this location
27. ?. Montagu Find all individuals with events at this location
28. ?? Find all individuals with events at this location
29. Aberdeen Find all individuals with events at this location
30. Aberdeen. Find all individuals with events at this location
31. Aberdeen. N Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
32. Abt 1867 Find all individuals with events at this location
33. Abt 1875 Find all individuals with events at this location
34. Abt 1907 Find all individuals with events at this location
35. Abyssinia Find all individuals with events at this location
36. Addo. Find all individuals with events at this location
37. Adelaide (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
38. Adelaide E Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
39. Adelaide. E Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
40. Adopted by MacLachlan Find all individuals with events at this location
41. Aft 1870 Find all individuals with events at this location
42. Aft 1953 Find all individuals with events at this location
43. Agter Paarl Find all individuals with events at this location
44. Agter Zuurberg Find all individuals with events at this location
45. Agter-Paarl Find all individuals with events at this location
46. Agulhas Find all individuals with events at this location
47. Albany (6) Find all individuals with events at this location
48. Albany. Find all individuals with events at this location
49. Albert Find all individuals with events at this location
50. Albertina Find all individuals with events at this location
51. Albertinia Find all individuals with events at this location
52. Albertinia. Find all individuals with events at this location
53. Aletta geertruyda Loubser Find all individuals with events at this location
54. Alexandria Find all individuals with events at this location
55. Alexandria C.P. Find all individuals with events at this location
56. Algoa Bay Find all individuals with events at this location
57. Alice Find all individuals with events at this location
58. Aliwal North (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
59. Alsace Find all individuals with events at this location
60. Also Elizabeth Sophia Wilhelmina Find all individuals with events at this location
61. America Find all individuals with events at this location
62. Amersfoort Find all individuals with events at this location
63. Amnanzimtoti 1989 Find all individuals with events at this location
64. Amsterdam Find all individuals with events at this location
65. Amsterdam Holland Find all individuals with events at this location
66. Angola (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
67. Angola. Find all individuals with events at this location
68. Anhalt Germany Find all individuals with events at this location
69. Antigua Caribbean Find all individuals with events at this location
70. Anysberg Find all individuals with events at this location
71. Apier Find all individuals with events at this location
72. Argentina Find all individuals with events at this location
73. Argentine Find all individuals with events at this location
74. Arniston Find all individuals with events at this location
75. Arniston. Find all individuals with events at this location
76. Arrived 1712 Find all individuals with events at this location
77. Arthur E J or Evered Harold (1)
78. Ashton Find all individuals with events at this location
79. Askraal Find all individuals with events at this location
80. Assume died in infancy Find all individuals with events at this location
81. At her own residence Find all individuals with events at this location
82. at his house in Kingwilliamstown Find all individuals with events at this location
83. at sea (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
84. At sea aboard the Chapman Find all individuals with events at this location
85. At sea aboard the John Find all individuals with events at this location
86. At sea during voyage Find all individuals with events at this location
87. At sea near St Helena Find all individuals with events at this location
88. At sea off Angola Find all individuals with events at this location
89. At sea off Natal Find all individuals with events at this location
90. At sea on board Adrichem Find all individuals with events at this location
91. At sea on board the Zoroaster Find all individuals with events at this location
92. At Sea. Find all individuals with events at this location
93. At sea. Bay of Biscay Find all individuals with events at this location
94. At sea? Find all individuals with events at this location
95. Athlone Find all individuals with events at this location
96. Auctioneer Find all individuals with events at this location
97. Australi (1)
98. Australia (15) Find all individuals with events at this location
99. Australia. (1)
100. Austria (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
101. Austria. (1)
102. Av Find all individuals with events at this location
103. Avontuur Find all individuals with events at this location
104. aw Find all individuals with events at this location
105. Baardskeerdersbos Find all individuals with events at this location
106. Baardskeerdersbos. Find all individuals with events at this location
107. Balfour Find all individuals with events at this location
108. Bangladesh Find all individuals with events at this location
109. Barberspan Find all individuals with events at this location
110. Barkley West Find all individuals with events at this location
111. Barkly Find all individuals with events at this location
112. Barkly West Find all individuals with events at this location
113. Barkly East Find all individuals with events at this location
114. Barkly West Find all individuals with events at this location
115. Barkly West. Find all individuals with events at this location
116. Barrack Street Find all individuals with events at this location
117. Barrydale Find all individuals with events at this location
118. Bashee River Find all individuals with events at this location
119. Batavia (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
120. Bathurst (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
121. Bathurst Church Find all individuals with events at this location
122. Baviaans River Easterrn Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
123. Baviaanskloof Find all individuals with events at this location
124. Baviaansrivier Find all individuals with events at this location
125. BBurgersdoep Find all individuals with events at this location
126. Beaconsfield Find all individuals with events at this location
127. Beaufirt West Find all individuals with events at this location
128. Beaufort West Find all individuals with events at this location
129. Beaufort West Find all individuals with events at this location
130. Beaufort West. Find all individuals with events at this location
131. Bechuanaland (1)
132. Bedford (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
133. Bedford. E Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
134. Bef 1861 Find all individuals with events at this location
135. BEF 1916 Find all individuals with events at this location
136. Bef 1944 Find all individuals with events at this location
137. Bef 1949 Find all individuals with events at this location
138. Bef1929 Find all individuals with events at this location
139. Bef: 13 May 1907 Find all individuals with events at this location
140. Belfast Find all individuals with events at this location
141. Belfast. Transvaal Find all individuals with events at this location
142. Belgium (15) Find all individuals with events at this location
143. Bellville Find all individuals with events at this location
144. Bellville 1988 Find all individuals with events at this location
145. Bellville South. Find all individuals with events at this location
146. Bellville. (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
147. Belvedere Knysna Find all individuals with events at this location
148. Belvedere Knysna Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
149. Bengal Find all individuals with events at this location
150. Bengall Find all individuals with events at this location
151. Benoni Find all individuals with events at this location
152. Berea Nursing Home Durban Find all individuals with events at this location
153. Berg River Find all individuals with events at this location
154. Bermuda Find all individuals with events at this location
155. Bermuda. Find all individuals with events at this location
156. Bethal Find all individuals with events at this location
157. Bethal Transvaal Find all individuals with events at this location
158. Bethelsdorp Find all individuals with events at this location
159. Bethlehem Find all individuals with events at this location
160. Bethlehem. Free State Find all individuals with events at this location
161. Bethlehem. Free State. Find all individuals with events at this location
162. Bethulie Find all individuals with events at this location
163. Bethulie Free State Find all individuals with events at this location
164. Beuafort West Find all individuals with events at this location
165. Beunos Aires Find all individuals with events at this location
166. Bietourivier Find all individuals with events at this location
167. Big Game Hunter Find all individuals with events at this location
168. Birmingham Find all individuals with events at this location
169. Bitterfontein Find all individuals with events at this location
170. Blaauwkrans Find all individuals with events at this location
171. Blaauwkrantz Find all individuals with events at this location
172. Blackpool Englland Find all individuals with events at this location
173. Blauwbergstrand Find all individuals with events at this location
174. Bloemfonein Find all individuals with events at this location
175. Bloemfontein (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
176. Bloemfontein Free State Find all individuals with events at this location
177. Bloemfontein. Find all individuals with events at this location
178. Bloemfontein. Free State Find all individuals with events at this location
179. Bloemfontein. Free State. Find all individuals with events at this location
180. Bloemfontien Find all individuals with events at this location
181. Blouberg Find all individuals with events at this location
182. Bloubergstrand Find all individuals with events at this location
183. Boesmansdrif Find all individuals with events at this location
184. Boesmanshoek Find all individuals with events at this location
185. Boesmansrivier Find all individuals with events at this location
186. Boetsap Find all individuals with events at this location
187. Bohemia Find all individuals with events at this location
188. Bokkeveld Find all individuals with events at this location
189. Bokrivier Find all individuals with events at this location
190. Boksburg Find all individuals with events at this location
191. Bommershoek Find all individuals with events at this location
192. Bonnievale Find all individuals with events at this location
193. Bordons Bay Find all individuals with events at this location
194. Born du Toit Find all individuals with events at this location
195. Boshof Find all individuals with events at this location
196. Boshof Free State Find all individuals with events at this location
197. Boshof. Free State Find all individuals with events at this location
198. Bot River Find all individuals with events at this location
199. Bot River. Find all individuals with events at this location
200. Botawana (1)
201. Botswana (7) Find all individuals with events at this location
202. Botswana? Find all individuals with events at this location
203. Bottelary Find all individuals with events at this location
204. Bowden Find all individuals with events at this location
205. Box Moore. Hertfordshire Find all individuals with events at this location
206. Braamfontein Cemetery Find all individuals with events at this location
207. Brackenfell Find all individuals with events at this location
208. Brakfontein Find all individuals with events at this location
209. Brakkefontein. Find all individuals with events at this location
210. Brakpan Find all individuals with events at this location
211. Brakrivier Find all individuals with events at this location
212. Brandfort Find all individuals with events at this location
213. Brandfort. Free State Find all individuals with events at this location
214. Brazil Find all individuals with events at this location
215. Bred Find all individuals with events at this location
216. Bredadorp Find all individuals with events at this location
217. Bredas Find all individuals with events at this location
218. Bredasadorp Find all individuals with events at this location
219. Bredasdoorp Find all individuals with events at this location
220. Bredasdoorp. Find all individuals with events at this location
221. Bredasdop Find all individuals with events at this location
222. Bredasdorp (5) Find all individuals with events at this location
223. Bredasdorp . Find all individuals with events at this location
224. Bredasdorp. Find all individuals with events at this location
225. Bredasdorp. BD2 A0807 Find all individuals with events at this location
226. Bredasdorp. BD3 A0801 Find all individuals with events at this location
227. Bredasdorp. BD3 C0111 Find all individuals with events at this location
228. Bredasdorp.. Find all individuals with events at this location
229. Breede River Find all individuals with events at this location
230. Breede Valley Find all individuals with events at this location
231. Bremen Germany Find all individuals with events at this location
232. Brerdasdorp Find all individuals with events at this location
233. Bristol Find all individuals with events at this location
234. Britstown Find all individuals with events at this location
235. Britstown. Find all individuals with events at this location
236. Britstown. N Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
237. Brixton Cemetery Find all individuals with events at this location
238. Bronberg Find all individuals with events at this location
239. Buccleugh Find all individuals with events at this location
240. Buffeljagtsrivier Find all individuals with events at this location
241. Buffelsfontein Find all individuals with events at this location
242. Buffelsrivier Find all individuals with events at this location
243. Builder (1)
244. Bulawayo Find all individuals with events at this location
245. Bulawayo. Zimbabwe Find all individuals with events at this location
246. Bultfontein Find all individuals with events at this location
247. Burgersdorp Find all individuals with events at this location
248. Burgersdorp . Find all individuals with events at this location
249. Burgersdorp. Find all individuals with events at this location
250. Burgersdorp. N Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
251. Burgersdorp. N Cape. Find all individuals with events at this location
252. Burgesdorp Find all individuals with events at this location
253. Burghersdorp Find all individuals with events at this location
254. Buried Cape Town Find all individuals with events at this location
255. Bus Driver Find all individuals with events at this location
256. Bushmans River Find all individuals with events at this location
257. Butha Buthe Basutoland Find all individuals with events at this location
258. Butterworth (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
259. C.T. Find all individuals with events at this location
260. Cabinet Maker Find all individuals with events at this location
261. Cakitzdorp Find all individuals with events at this location
262. Cal;edon Find all individuals with events at this location
263. Caldon Find all individuals with events at this location
264. Caledom Find all individuals with events at this location
265. Caledon (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
266. Caledon . Find all individuals with events at this location
267. Caledon District Find all individuals with events at this location
268. Caledon District. Find all individuals with events at this location
269. Caledon River. Free State Find all individuals with events at this location
270. Caledon. Find all individuals with events at this location
271. Caledons Find all individuals with events at this location
272. Caledont Find all individuals with events at this location
273. Calitsdorp Find all individuals with events at this location
274. Calitzdorp Find all individuals with events at this location
275. Calrdon Find all individuals with events at this location
276. Calvinia Find all individuals with events at this location
277. Calvinia. Find all individuals with events at this location
278. Camdebo Find all individuals with events at this location
279. Camdeboo Find all individuals with events at this location
280. Camps Bay. Find all individuals with events at this location
281. canada (10) Find all individuals with events at this location
282. Caoe Town. (1)
283. Cape (20) Find all individuals with events at this location
284. Cape Agulhas. Find all individuals with events at this location
285. Cape Colony (25) Find all individuals with events at this location
286. Cape District Find all individuals with events at this location
287. Cape of Good Hope (1)
288. Cape own Find all individuals with events at this location
289. Cape Povince (1)
290. Cape Prov Find all individuals with events at this location
291. Cape Province (14) Find all individuals with events at this location
292. Cape Towm Find all individuals with events at this location
293. Cape Town (45) Find all individuals with events at this location
294. Cape Town 2001 Find all individuals with events at this location
295. Cape Town South Africa (1)
296. Cape Town. (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
297. Cape. (2)
298. Carlisle Bridge Find all individuals with events at this location
299. Carnarvon Find all individuals with events at this location
300. Carnarvon. Find all individuals with events at this location
301. Carpenter Find all individuals with events at this location
302. Cartage Contractor in 1949 Find all individuals with events at this location
303. Ceadock Find all individuals with events at this location
304. Cedarberg Find all individuals with events at this location
305. Cemetery (3)
306. Central Africa Find all individuals with events at this location
307. Ceres Find all individuals with events at this location
308. Ceres. Find all individuals with events at this location
309. Ceres. W Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
310. Ceylon Find all individuals with events at this location
311. Channel Islands (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
312. Chemist de Aar Find all individuals with events at this location
313. Chingola Find all individuals with events at this location
314. Choma Northern Rhodesia Find all individuals with events at this location
315. Citrusdal Find all individuals with events at this location
316. Civil Servant Find all individuals with events at this location
317. Clan William Find all individuals with events at this location
318. Clanwilliam Find all individuals with events at this location
319. Claremont (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
320. Clerk (1973) Find all individuals with events at this location
321. Clerk (1979) Bellville Find all individuals with events at this location
322. Clerk (1979) Cape Town Find all individuals with events at this location
323. Co. Armargh (1)
324. Co. Galway (1)
325. Colesberg (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
326. Colesberg. Find all individuals with events at this location
327. Colesberg? Find all individuals with events at this location
328. Colesburg Find all individuals with events at this location
329. Coligny Find all individuals with events at this location
330. Colony (1)
331. Committeesdrift Find all individuals with events at this location
332. Common Law wife Find all individuals with events at this location
333. Constantia Find all individuals with events at this location
334. Copenhagen Denmark Find all individuals with events at this location
335. Cornwall (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
336. County Donegal (1)
337. Cove Find all individuals with events at this location
338. Cpe Town Find all individuals with events at this location
339. CPW Find all individuals with events at this location
340. Cradock Find all individuals with events at this location
341. Cradock. Find all individuals with events at this location
342. Cradock. E Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
343. Craig Rennie Find all individuals with events at this location
344. Cremated in Maitland Find all individuals with events at this location
345. Crete Find all individuals with events at this location
346. d Find all individuals with events at this location
347. Daggafontein Find all individuals with events at this location
348. Daljosafat Find all individuals with events at this location
349. Danielskuil Find all individuals with events at this location
350. Danielskuil. N Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
351. Dar Es Salaam. Find all individuals with events at this location
352. Dardenelles (1)
353. Darling Find all individuals with events at this location
354. Darling. Find all individuals with events at this location
355. Darwendale Zimbabwe Find all individuals with events at this location
356. De Aar Find all individuals with events at this location
357. De Aar. Find all individuals with events at this location
358. De Doorns Find all individuals with events at this location
359. De Rust Find all individuals with events at this location
360. Delaware USA Find all individuals with events at this location
361. Delmas Find all individuals with events at this location
362. Delportshoop Find all individuals with events at this location
363. Denmark (9) Find all individuals with events at this location
364. Denmark?? Find all individuals with events at this location
365. Derakenstein Find all individuals with events at this location
366. Derbyshire (1)
367. Derdekloof Find all individuals with events at this location
368. Devon (1)
369. Devon England (1)
370. Dewetsdorp Find all individuals with events at this location
371. Dewetsdorp. Free State Find all individuals with events at this location
372. Diepkloof Find all individuals with events at this location
373. Dipka Find all individuals with events at this location
374. Distiller when married Find all individuals with events at this location
375. District Albert Find all individuals with events at this location
376. District Graaff Reinett Find all individuals with events at this location
377. District Six (4) Find all individuals with events at this location
378. District Somerset (1)
379. District Stockenstrom (1)
380. Distriict Six Find all individuals with events at this location
381. Division Graaff Reinett Find all individuals with events at this location
382. Division of Paarl (1)
383. Divorce Find all individuals with events at this location
384. Divorced Find all individuals with events at this location
385. DOCTOR IN E.L. Find all individuals with events at this location
386. Doornberg Middelburg Find all individuals with events at this location
387. Doornrivier Find all individuals with events at this location
388. Dordrecht Find all individuals with events at this location
389. Douala Find all individuals with events at this location
390. Douglas Find all individuals with events at this location
391. Draakenstein Find all individuals with events at this location
392. Drakensberg Find all individuals with events at this location
393. Drakensrein Find all individuals with events at this location
394. Drakenstein Find all individuals with events at this location
395. Drakenstein. W Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
396. Drammen in Norway Find all individuals with events at this location
397. Drayton Find all individuals with events at this location
398. DRC Klerksdorp Find all individuals with events at this location
399. DRC Somerset East Find all individuals with events at this location
400. DRC Victoria West Find all individuals with events at this location
401. Driefontein Find all individuals with events at this location
402. Driver ((1989) Pietermaritzburg Find all individuals with events at this location
403. Drooge Vallei Find all individuals with events at this location
404. Du Toitspan Find all individuals with events at this location
405. Dublin (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
406. Dundee Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
407. Durban (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
408. Durban Natal Find all individuals with events at this location
409. Durban. Find all individuals with events at this location
410. Durbanville Find all individuals with events at this location
411. Durbanville. W Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
412. During journey to Angola Find all individuals with events at this location
413. During journey to Free State Find all individuals with events at this location
414. During journey to Grovenor wreck Find all individuals with events at this location
415. During voyage Find all individuals with events at this location
416. Dutoitskloof Find all individuals with events at this location
417. Dutoitspan Find all individuals with events at this location
418. Dysselsdorp. W Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
419. E C (1)
420. E Capa (1)
421. E Cape (127) Find all individuals with events at this location
422. E Cape. (2)
423. E Capet (1)
424. East Africa (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
425. East Africa. Find all individuals with events at this location
426. East Griqualand Find all individuals with events at this location
427. East Indies Find all individuals with events at this location
428. East Londion Find all individuals with events at this location
429. East London (8) Find all individuals with events at this location
430. East London. Find all individuals with events at this location
431. East London? Find all individuals with events at this location
432. Eastern Cape (21) Find all individuals with events at this location
433. Eastern Cape South Africa (1)
434. Edenburg Find all individuals with events at this location
435. Edenburg. Find all individuals with events at this location
436. Edenburg? Find all individuals with events at this location
437. Edenvale Find all individuals with events at this location
438. Edinburgh Find all individuals with events at this location
439. Eersterivier Find all individuals with events at this location
440. Eersterivier. Find all individuals with events at this location
441. Egypt (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
442. Eilands Rivier Find all individuals with events at this location
443. Eire (1)
444. Elandskloof Find all individuals with events at this location
445. Elberfeld Find all individuals with events at this location
446. Eldoret Kenya Find all individuals with events at this location
447. Electrician (1988) Felixton Find all individuals with events at this location
448. Elgin Find all individuals with events at this location
449. Elim Find all individuals with events at this location
450. Elim. Find all individuals with events at this location
451. Elliot Find all individuals with events at this location
452. Elliot. E Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
453. Elsburg Find all individuals with events at this location
454. Elsies Bay Find all individuals with events at this location
455. Elspark Find all individuals with events at this location
456. En Route to Batavia Find all individuals with events at this location
457. Eng;land (1)
458. England (149) Find all individuals with events at this location
459. England. (7) Find all individuals with events at this location
460. Englend Find all individuals with events at this location
461. Epping Find all individuals with events at this location
462. Eshowe Find all individuals with events at this location
463. Est London? Find all individuals with events at this location
464. Ethiopia Find all individuals with events at this location
465. Europe Find all individuals with events at this location
466. Excelsior Find all individuals with events at this location
467. Eyre Find all individuals with events at this location
468. f Find all individuals with events at this location
469. Fairfield District Hospital NSW Find all individuals with events at this location
470. Falkenberg Mental Hospital Find all individuals with events at this location
471. Fanschhoek Find all individuals with events at this location
472. Fauresmith Find all individuals with events at this location
473. Fauresmith. Free State Find all individuals with events at this location
474. Fauriesmith Find all individuals with events at this location
475. Feww State (1)
476. Ficksburg Find all individuals with events at this location
477. Ficksburg. Find all individuals with events at this location
478. Fiji Find all individuals with events at this location
479. Findhorn Find all individuals with events at this location
480. Fish Hoek Find all individuals with events at this location
481. Fish River Find all individuals with events at this location
482. Fisherman Find all individuals with events at this location
483. Fishhoek Find all individuals with events at this location
484. Fitter & Turner (1977) Felixton Find all individuals with events at this location
485. Flagstaff Find all individuals with events at this location
486. Flanders (7) Find all individuals with events at this location
487. Florida Find all individuals with events at this location
488. Florida. USA (1)
489. Fonteinskloof Find all individuals with events at this location
490. Fort Beaufort (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
491. Fort Beaufort. E Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
492. France (57) Find all individuals with events at this location
493. France. (4) Find all individuals with events at this location
494. France? Find all individuals with events at this location
495. Frankfort Find all individuals with events at this location
496. Franschhoek Find all individuals with events at this location
497. Franschhoek. Find all individuals with events at this location
498. Franschoek Find all individuals with events at this location
499. Fraserburg Find all individuals with events at this location
500. Fraserburg. Find all individuals with events at this location
501. Fre state (1)
502. Free State (1)
503. Free Sate (5) Find all individuals with events at this location
504. Free Srtate (1)
505. Free Stae (1)
506. Free State (101) Find all individuals with events at this location
507. Free State ? Find all individuals with events at this location
508. Free State ?? (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
509. Free State or N Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
510. Free State or Transvaal Find all individuals with events at this location
511. Free State. (13) Find all individuals with events at this location
512. Free State? Find all individuals with events at this location
513. Free State?? Find all individuals with events at this location
514. Freestate (1)
515. Fritzlar Find all individuals with events at this location
516. From Bap Reg but John Michael in Govt Reg Find all individuals with events at this location
517. Frontier war. Find all individuals with events at this location
518. Galway (1)
519. Gamka Find all individuals with events at this location
520. Gamka East Find all individuals with events at this location
521. Gamka. Find all individuals with events at this location
522. Gamtoos River Find all individuals with events at this location
523. Gansbaai Find all individuals with events at this location
524. Gansbaai. Find all individuals with events at this location
525. Ganubie vicinity Find all individuals with events at this location
526. Gemany (1)
527. Genadendal Find all individuals with events at this location
528. Genadendal? Find all individuals with events at this location
529. George (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
530. George. (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
531. George? Find all individuals with events at this location
532. Georgetown Find all individuals with events at this location
533. Germany (225) Find all individuals with events at this location
534. Germany. (1)
535. Germanyy (1)
536. Germiston Find all individuals with events at this location
537. Germiston. Transvaal Find all individuals with events at this location
538. Germiston? Find all individuals with events at this location
539. Germmany (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
540. Germny (1)
541. GGermany Find all individuals with events at this location
542. Gibraltar (1)
543. Gibralter Find all individuals with events at this location
544. Glen Garry Find all individuals with events at this location
545. Glen Grey Find all individuals with events at this location
546. Glen Linden Find all individuals with events at this location
547. Glen Lynden Find all individuals with events at this location
548. Glencairn Find all individuals with events at this location
549. Gloucestershire Find all individuals with events at this location
550. Glouscestershire Find all individuals with events at this location
551. Good Hope Find all individuals with events at this location
552. Goodwood Find all individuals with events at this location
553. Goodwood. Find all individuals with events at this location
554. Gordon's Bay Find all individuals with events at this location
555. Gordonia (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
556. Gordons Bay Find all individuals with events at this location
   557. Gordons Bay. Find all individuals with events at this location
558. Gotoborg Sweden Find all individuals with events at this location
559. Goudini Find all individuals with events at this location
560. Goudini Baths Find all individuals with events at this location
561. Goudini Springs Find all individuals with events at this location
562. Goudini. Find all individuals with events at this location
563. Gourits River Find all individuals with events at this location
564. Gouritz River Find all individuals with events at this location
565. Gouritzrivier Find all individuals with events at this location
566. Goyha Germany Find all individuals with events at this location
567. Graaff Reinet (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
568. Graaff Reinet. Find all individuals with events at this location
569. Graaff- Reinet Find all individuals with events at this location
570. Graaff- Reinet. Find all individuals with events at this location
571. Graaff-Reinet Find all individuals with events at this location
572. Graaff-Reinet. Find all individuals with events at this location
573. Graaff-Reinett Find all individuals with events at this location
574. Graaff-Reniet Find all individuals with events at this location
575. Graaffwater Find all individuals with events at this location
576. Grabouw Find all individuals with events at this location
577. Grabouw. Find all individuals with events at this location
578. Graff Reinet Find all individuals with events at this location
579. Graff-Reinet Find all individuals with events at this location
580. Grahamstown (6) Find all individuals with events at this location
581. Grahamstown. Find all individuals with events at this location
582. Graqualand Find all individuals with events at this location
583. Grashoek Find all individuals with events at this location
584. Great Brak River Find all individuals with events at this location
585. Greece Find all individuals with events at this location
586. Greenwich Find all individuals with events at this location
587. Greenwich England Find all individuals with events at this location
588. Greytom Find all individuals with events at this location
589. Greyton Find all individuals with events at this location
590. Greyton. Find all individuals with events at this location
591. Greytown Find all individuals with events at this location
592. Griqualand West Find all individuals with events at this location
593. Griqualand West. Find all individuals with events at this location
594. Griquastad Find all individuals with events at this location
595. Griquatown Find all individuals with events at this location
596. Griquatown. Find all individuals with events at this location
597. Groenberg Find all individuals with events at this location
598. Groepes Kloof Find all individuals with events at this location
599. Groot Drakenstein (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
600. Groot Rietvlei Find all individuals with events at this location
601. Grootvlei Find all individuals with events at this location
602. Guyana (1)
603. Haarlem Find all individuals with events at this location
604. Haarlem Holland Find all individuals with events at this location
605. Hairdresser when married Find all individuals with events at this location
606. Hamelin Germany Find all individuals with events at this location
607. Hampshire UK Find all individuals with events at this location
608. Hanover (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
609. Hanover. Find all individuals with events at this location
610. Hantam Find all individuals with events at this location
611. Harare Zimbabwe Find all individuals with events at this location
612. Harrismith Find all individuals with events at this location
613. Harrismith. Free State Find all individuals with events at this location
614. Hartebeestrivier Find all individuals with events at this location
615. Hartenbos Find all individuals with events at this location
616. Hartenbosch Find all individuals with events at this location
617. Hawston Find all individuals with events at this location
618. Hawston. Find all individuals with events at this location
619. Hay Find all individuals with events at this location
620. Hay. Find all individuals with events at this location
621. Hay. N Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
622. Hazeldene Find all individuals with events at this location
623. Health Inspector Find all individuals with events at this location
624. Heidelberg Find all individuals with events at this location
625. Heidelberg (Cape) Find all individuals with events at this location
626. Heidelberg Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
627. Heidelberg. Find all individuals with events at this location
628. Heidelberg. Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
629. Heidelberg. Cape. Find all individuals with events at this location
630. Heidelburg Find all individuals with events at this location
631. Heilbron Find all individuals with events at this location
632. Heilbron. Free State Find all individuals with events at this location
633. Helderberg Find all individuals with events at this location
634. Helderberg. Cape Province Find all individuals with events at this location
635. Helena Visagie Find all individuals with events at this location
636. Hemanus. Find all individuals with events at this location
637. Hemel en Aaarde Find all individuals with events at this location
638. Hemel en Aarde Find all individuals with events at this location
639. Hemel en Aarde. Find all individuals with events at this location
640. Her own residence Find all individuals with events at this location
641. Herbert Find all individuals with events at this location
642. Herbert? Find all individuals with events at this location
643. Herbertsdale Find all individuals with events at this location
644. Herm. Find all individuals with events at this location
645. Hermanus (4) Find all individuals with events at this location
646. Hermanus . Find all individuals with events at this location
647. Hermanus. (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
648. Hermanus. HER G1712 Find all individuals with events at this location
649. Hermanus.HER A2316 Find all individuals with events at this location
650. Hermnaus. Find all individuals with events at this location
651. Hermnus. Find all individuals with events at this location
652. Hermon Find all individuals with events at this location
653. Herschel Find all individuals with events at this location
654. Hesse Germany Find all individuals with events at this location
655. Hesse. Germany (1)
656. Hex River Find all individuals with events at this location
657. Hex River. Find all individuals with events at this location
658. Hgqwara Find all individuals with events at this location
659. Hill Tops Find all individuals with events at this location
660. Hiolland (1)
661. His own residence in Lovedale Find all individuals with events at this location
662. Hobhouse. Free State. Find all individuals with events at this location
663. Hoedspruit. Transvaal Find all individuals with events at this location
664. Hofmeyer Find all individuals with events at this location
665. Hofmeyer (Maraisburg) Find all individuals with events at this location
666. Hofmeyer. Find all individuals with events at this location
667. Hofmeyer. E Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
668. Hogsback Find all individuals with events at this location
669. Holland (110) Find all individuals with events at this location
670. Holy Trinity Wimbledon Surrey Uk Find all individuals with events at this location
671. Hoolland (1)
672. Hoopstad Find all individuals with events at this location
673. Hoopstad. Free State Find all individuals with events at this location
674. Hopefield Find all individuals with events at this location
675. Hopetown Find all individuals with events at this location
676. Hopetown. Find all individuals with events at this location
677. Hopetown. N Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
678. Hottentots Holland Find all individuals with events at this location
679. Hout Bay Find all individuals with events at this location
680. Houw Hoek Find all individuals with events at this location
681. Houw Hoek. Find all individuals with events at this location
682. Houwhoek Find all individuals with events at this location
683. Huddersfield England Find all individuals with events at this location
684. Huis Lettie Find all individuals with events at this location
685. Humansdorp Find all individuals with events at this location
686. Humansdorp. Find all individuals with events at this location
687. Humansdorp. E Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
688. Humpata Find all individuals with events at this location
689. Hungary (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
690. Hupetown Find all individuals with events at this location
691. Imvani Find all individuals with events at this location
692. In the Colony Find all individuals with events at this location
693. In UK Find all individuals with events at this location
694. In UK. 6 Children Find all individuals with events at this location
695. India (12) Find all individuals with events at this location
696. Indwe Find all individuals with events at this location
697. Inverness Find all individuals with events at this location
698. Ireland (151) Find all individuals with events at this location
699. Island of Jersey Find all individuals with events at this location
700. Isle if Guersney Find all individuals with events at this location
701. Isle of Wight (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
702. Italeni Find all individuals with events at this location
703. Italy (15) Find all individuals with events at this location
704. itenhage Find all individuals with events at this location
705. Ixopo. Natal Find all individuals with events at this location
706. Jacobsdal Find all individuals with events at this location
707. Jacobsfontein. Find all individuals with events at this location
708. Jagersfontein Find all individuals with events at this location
709. Jamestown Find all individuals with events at this location
710. Jamiaca Find all individuals with events at this location
711. Jan Kempdorp Find all individuals with events at this location
712. Jan Pienaarsrivier Find all individuals with events at this location
713. Jansenville Find all individuals with events at this location
714. Java Find all individuals with events at this location
715. Jeffreys Bay Find all individuals with events at this location
716. Jeffreys Bay. Find all individuals with events at this location
717. Jo'burg Find all individuals with events at this location
718. Johannesberg Find all individuals with events at this location
719. Johannesburg (4) Find all individuals with events at this location
720. Johannesburg Unmarried 1998 Find all individuals with events at this location
721. Johannesburg. Find all individuals with events at this location
722. Johannesburg. Transvaal Find all individuals with events at this location
723. Johannesubrg Find all individuals with events at this location
724. Jonannesburg Find all individuals with events at this location
725. Jonkersfontein Find all individuals with events at this location
726. Jonkershoek Find all individuals with events at this location
727. Joostenberg Find all individuals with events at this location
728. Joubertina Find all individuals with events at this location
729. Joubertina. Find all individuals with events at this location
730. Jutland Find all individuals with events at this location
731. Kaap de Goede Hoop Find all individuals with events at this location
732. Kadie Find all individuals with events at this location
733. Kafferstad Find all individuals with events at this location
734. Kakamas Find all individuals with events at this location
735. Kakamas SWA (Namibia) Find all individuals with events at this location
736. Kalk Bay Find all individuals with events at this location
737. Kamastone Mission Find all individuals with events at this location
738. Karasburg SWA (Namibia) Find all individuals with events at this location
739. Kareedouw Find all individuals with events at this location
740. Kareeput Find all individuals with events at this location
741. Karn Melks Rivier Find all individuals with events at this location
742. Karoo Find all individuals with events at this location
743. Kat River Settlement Find all individuals with events at this location
744. Keiskammahoek Find all individuals with events at this location
745. Kempton Park Find all individuals with events at this location
746. Kempton Park 1989 Find all individuals with events at this location
747. Kendrew Find all individuals with events at this location
748. Kenhardt Find all individuals with events at this location
749. Kenhardt Prison. Find all individuals with events at this location
750. Kenhardt. Find all individuals with events at this location
751. Kenhardt. N Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
752. Kent England Find all individuals with events at this location
753. Kent. England (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
754. Kentani Find all individuals with events at this location
755. Kenya (7) Find all individuals with events at this location
756. Khartoum Find all individuals with events at this location
757. Kilkenny (1)
758. Kimberely Find all individuals with events at this location
759. Kimberley (5) Find all individuals with events at this location
760. Kimberley South Africa (1)
761. Kimberley. Find all individuals with events at this location
762. Kimbreley Find all individuals with events at this location
763. Kinberley (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
764. King William's Town Find all individuals with events at this location
765. King William's Town. Find all individuals with events at this location
766. King Williams Town (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
767. Kingwilliamstown (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
768. Kirkwood nr P.E. Find all individuals with events at this location
769. Kitale Kenya Find all individuals with events at this location
770. Klapmuts Find all individuals with events at this location
771. Klein Boetsap Find all individuals with events at this location
772. Klein Brakrivier Find all individuals with events at this location
773. Klein Swartberg Find all individuals with events at this location
774. Kleinbrakrivier Find all individuals with events at this location
775. Kleinmond Find all individuals with events at this location
776. Kleinmond. Find all individuals with events at this location
777. Kleinseekoeirivier Find all individuals with events at this location
778. Kleinzoutrivier Find all individuals with events at this location
779. Klerksdorp Find all individuals with events at this location
780. Klerksdorp. Transvaal Find all individuals with events at this location
781. Klerksdorp. Transvaal. Find all individuals with events at this location
782. Klipfontein Find all individuals with events at this location
783. Klipheuvel Find all individuals with events at this location
784. Knofloks Kraal Find all individuals with events at this location
785. Knorhoek Find all individuals with events at this location
786. Knysna Find all individuals with events at this location
787. Knysna Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
788. Koeberg Find all individuals with events at this location
789. Koedina. Find all individuals with events at this location
790. Koenigsberg Find all individuals with events at this location
791. Koffiefontein Find all individuals with events at this location
792. Kogmans Kloof Find all individuals with events at this location
793. Kogmanskloof Find all individuals with events at this location
794. Kokstad Find all individuals with events at this location
795. Kokstad. Natal Find all individuals with events at this location
796. Komgha Find all individuals with events at this location
797. Koonap Hill Find all individuals with events at this location
798. Korannaland Find all individuals with events at this location
799. Koue Bokkeveld Find all individuals with events at this location
800. Kouebokkeveld Find all individuals with events at this location
801. Kouebokkeveld. Find all individuals with events at this location
802. Kouga River Find all individuals with events at this location
803. Kougha Find all individuals with events at this location
804. Koup Find all individuals with events at this location
805. Kraaiheuvel Find all individuals with events at this location
806. Kragga Find all individuals with events at this location
807. Krombekrivier Find all individuals with events at this location
808. Kromrivier Find all individuals with events at this location
809. Kroonstad Find all individuals with events at this location
810. Kroonstad. Free State Find all individuals with events at this location
811. Krugersdorp Find all individuals with events at this location
812. Krugersdorp. Transvaal Find all individuals with events at this location
813. Kruisrivier Find all individuals with events at this location
814. Kuila River Find all individuals with events at this location
815. Kuils River Find all individuals with events at this location
816. Kuilseivier Find all individuals with events at this location
817. Kuilsrivier Find all individuals with events at this location
818. Kuilsrivier. Find all individuals with events at this location
819. Kuruman Find all individuals with events at this location
820. Kuruman. Find all individuals with events at this location
821. La Provence Find all individuals with events at this location
822. Labourer Find all individuals with events at this location
823. Ladismith Find all individuals with events at this location
824. Ladismith (Cape) Find all individuals with events at this location
825. Ladismith . Find all individuals with events at this location
826. Ladismith. Find all individuals with events at this location
827. Ladismith. Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
828. Ladismith. Cape. Find all individuals with events at this location
829. Lady Frere Find all individuals with events at this location
830. Lady Grey (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
831. Lady Grey. Find all individuals with events at this location
832. Ladybrand Find all individuals with events at this location
833. Ladybrand. Find all individuals with events at this location
834. Ladybrand. F.S. Find all individuals with events at this location
835. Ladysmith Find all individuals with events at this location
836. Laikipia Kenya Find all individuals with events at this location
837. Laingsberg Find all individuals with events at this location
838. Laingsburg Find all individuals with events at this location
839. Lamberts Bay Find all individuals with events at this location
840. Lamotte Find all individuals with events at this location
841. Lancashire Find all individuals with events at this location
842. Langebaan Find all individuals with events at this location
843. Langeberg Find all individuals with events at this location
844. Langeberge Find all individuals with events at this location
845. Langegat Find all individuals with events at this location
846. Langhoogte Find all individuals with events at this location
847. Langkloof Find all individuals with events at this location
848. Langkloof. Find all individuals with events at this location
849. Langley Park Find all individuals with events at this location
850. Latvia (1)
851. Leeds. England. Find all individuals with events at this location
852. Leeuwarden Find all individuals with events at this location
853. Leeuwkraal Find all individuals with events at this location
854. Leeuwrivier. Find all individuals with events at this location
855. Leliendal Find all individuals with events at this location
856. Lesotho (4) Find all individuals with events at this location
857. Leuven Find all individuals with events at this location
858. lGermany (1)
859. Libya. Find all individuals with events at this location
860. Lincoln England Find all individuals with events at this location
861. Lindley Find all individuals with events at this location
862. Linkerhandsgat Find all individuals with events at this location
863. Litchfield Find all individuals with events at this location
864. Lithuania Find all individuals with events at this location
865. Liverpool Find all individuals with events at this location
866. Loeriesfontein Find all individuals with events at this location
867. London (15) Find all individuals with events at this location
868. London. Find all individuals with events at this location
869. London. England Find all individuals with events at this location
870. Lost at sea near Libya Find all individuals with events at this location
871. Louis Trichardt Find all individuals with events at this location
872. Lower Albany Find all individuals with events at this location
873. Lutheran Church Find all individuals with events at this location
874. Lybia (1)
875. Lydenburg Find all individuals with events at this location
876. Lynedoch Find all individuals with events at this location
877. Maagdeburg Find all individuals with events at this location
878. Macao Find all individuals with events at this location
879. Macassar Find all individuals with events at this location
880. Machadodorp Find all individuals with events at this location
881. Macleantown Find all individuals with events at this location
882. Maclear Find all individuals with events at this location
883. Maclear. Find all individuals with events at this location
884. Macoa Find all individuals with events at this location
885. Madagascar Find all individuals with events at this location
886. Mafeking Find all individuals with events at this location
887. Mafikeng Find all individuals with events at this location
888. Magaliesburg Find all individuals with events at this location
889. MaintzGermany Find all individuals with events at this location
890. Maitland (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
891. Maitland Cemetery (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
892. Makwassie Find all individuals with events at this location
893. Malawi (3)
894. Malgas Find all individuals with events at this location
895. Malmesbury Find all individuals with events at this location
896. Malmesbury family Find all individuals with events at this location
897. Malmsbury Find all individuals with events at this location
898. Malta Find all individuals with events at this location
899. Mamre Find all individuals with events at this location
900. Mancazana Find all individuals with events at this location
901. Manchester England Find all individuals with events at this location
902. Manufacturer when married Find all individuals with events at this location
903. Mapassas Nek Find all individuals with events at this location
904. Maraisburg Find all individuals with events at this location
905. Maraisburg now Hofmeyer Find all individuals with events at this location
906. Margate Find all individuals with events at this location
907. Marico Find all individuals with events at this location
908. Marico. Transvaal Find all individuals with events at this location
909. Marondera Zimbabwe Find all individuals with events at this location
910. Married + 2 Find all individuals with events at this location
911. Married + 2 sons Find all individuals with events at this location
912. Marydale Find all individuals with events at this location
913. Mason Find all individuals with events at this location
914. Matatiele East Griqualand Find all individuals with events at this location
915. Matjesdrift Find all individuals with events at this location
916. Matjesfontein Find all individuals with events at this location
917. Mauritius (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
918. Mautitius Find all individuals with events at this location
919. Mc Gregor Find all individuals with events at this location
920. McGregor Find all individuals with events at this location
921. McGregor. Find all individuals with events at this location
922. Mechanic 1972 Find all individuals with events at this location
923. Meerlust Find all individuals with events at this location
924. Melkbosstrand. Find all individuals with events at this location
925. Melkhoutkraal Find all individuals with events at this location
926. Memel en Aarde. Find all individuals with events at this location
927. Merweville Find all individuals with events at this location
928. Mesopotania (Now Iraq) Find all individuals with events at this location
929. Metz Find all individuals with events at this location
930. Mexico (1)
931. Middelburg (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
932. Middelburg (Cape) Find all individuals with events at this location
933. Middelburg (Cape). Find all individuals with events at this location
934. Middelburg Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
935. Middelburg Holland Find all individuals with events at this location
936. Middelburg. Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
937. Middelburg. Cape. Find all individuals with events at this location
938. Middelburg. Tansvaal Find all individuals with events at this location
939. Middelburg. Tvl Find all individuals with events at this location
940. Middelburg.Transvaal Find all individuals with events at this location
941. Middleburg Find all individuals with events at this location
942. Middleburg Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
943. Middlesex (1)
944. Middleton Find all individuals with events at this location
945. Middleton Farm Churchyard Find all individuals with events at this location
946. Middletown Co Armagh Find all individuals with events at this location
947. Milnerton. Find all individuals with events at this location
948. Minden Germany Find all individuals with events at this location
949. Misgund Find all individuals with events at this location
950. Moddergat Find all individuals with events at this location
951. Modderrivier Find all individuals with events at this location
952. Modderrivier. N Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
953. Molteno Find all individuals with events at this location
954. Molteno. Find all individuals with events at this location
955. Mombassa Kenya Find all individuals with events at this location
956. Monagu Find all individuals with events at this location
957. MONTAGU Find all individuals with events at this location
958. Montagu. Find all individuals with events at this location
959. Montagu? Find all individuals with events at this location
960. Montague Find all individuals with events at this location
961. Mooi River Find all individuals with events at this location
962. Moreesburg Find all individuals with events at this location
963. Mosesberg Find all individuals with events at this location
964. Mossel Bay (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
965. Mossel Bay. Find all individuals with events at this location
966. Mossel May Find all individuals with events at this location
967. Mosselbay Find all individuals with events at this location
968. Mossl Bay Find all individuals with events at this location
969. Motagu Find all individuals with events at this location
970. Motor Dealer Find all individuals with events at this location
971. Mount Coke Find all individuals with events at this location
972. Mount Currie Find all individuals with events at this location
973. Mowbray Find all individuals with events at this location
974. Mozambique (1)
975. Mrs. Shepstones house in Kingwilliamstown Find all individuals with events at this location
976. Muizenberg Find all individuals with events at this location
977. Muizenberg. Find all individuals with events at this location
978. Muldersvlei Find all individuals with events at this location
979. Murraysberg Find all individuals with events at this location
980. Murraysburg Find all individuals with events at this location
981. Murraysburg. Find all individuals with events at this location
982. Murraysburg?? Find all individuals with events at this location
983. Mutrraysburg Find all individuals with events at this location
984. Mynfontein Find all individuals with events at this location
985. N Cape (55) Find all individuals with events at this location
986. N Cape. (7)
987. N Transvaal (1)
988. N. Assume died in infancy Find all individuals with events at this location
989. N. Cape (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
990. Naaupoort Find all individuals with events at this location
991. Naauwpoort Find all individuals with events at this location
992. Nairobi Find all individuals with events at this location
993. Nairobi Kenya Find all individuals with events at this location
994. Namaqualand (8) Find all individuals with events at this location
995. Name re-used. Assume died in infancy Find all individuals with events at this location
996. Name reused. Assume died in infancy Find all individuals with events at this location
997. Name reused. Assume died in infancy. One of twins Find all individuals with events at this location
998. Names reused. Assume he died in infancy Find all individuals with events at this location
999. Namibia (12) Find all individuals with events at this location
1000. Namibia. (1)
1001. Napier Find all individuals with events at this location
1002. Napier. Find all individuals with events at this location
1003. Napier. NAP B0613 Find all individuals with events at this location
1004. Napier. NAP C1203 Find all individuals with events at this location
1005. Napier.d Find all individuals with events at this location
1006. Naples Italy Find all individuals with events at this location
1007. Natal (64) Find all individuals with events at this location
1008. Natal South Africa (1)
1009. Natal. (6) Find all individuals with events at this location
1010. Natal? Find all individuals with events at this location
1011. Near Cape Town Find all individuals with events at this location
1012. Nederland (1)
1013. Nels Rust Find all individuals with events at this location
1014. Nelspoort Find all individuals with events at this location
1015. Nelspoort. Find all individuals with events at this location
1016. Nelspruit Find all individuals with events at this location
1017. Netherlands (5)
1018. New Zealand (7) Find all individuals with events at this location
1019. New Zealand. Find all individuals with events at this location
1020. Newcastle Find all individuals with events at this location
1021. Newlands Cemetery Find all individuals with events at this location
1022. NGK Ceres Find all individuals with events at this location
1023. NGK Klerksdorp Find all individuals with events at this location
1024. NGK Victoria West Find all individuals with events at this location
1025. Niekerkshoop Find all individuals with events at this location
1026. Nieuwedam Find all individuals with events at this location
1027. Nieuwoudtville Find all individuals with events at this location
1028. Nieuwoudville Find all individuals with events at this location
1029. Niewoudtville. W Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
1030. Nigel. Find all individuals with events at this location
1031. Nigeria Find all individuals with events at this location
1032. Nijmegen Find all individuals with events at this location
1033. Nijmgen Find all individuals with events at this location
1034. NIVR Find all individuals with events at this location
1035. No children Find all individuals with events at this location
1036. No estate <1948 Find all individuals with events at this location
1037. No estate found Find all individuals with events at this location
1038. Noordhoek Find all individuals with events at this location
1039. Norfolk (1)
1040. Norfolk England Find all individuals with events at this location
1041. Norfolk. England Find all individuals with events at this location
1042. North .Africa Find all individuals with events at this location
1043. North Africa (5) Find all individuals with events at this location
1044. North Africa. Find all individuals with events at this location
1045. North America Find all individuals with events at this location
1046. North Hants. (1)
1047. North Wales (1)
1048. North-West (1)
1049. Northampton. England Find all individuals with events at this location
1050. Northern Cape (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
1051. Northern Ireland (7) Find all individuals with events at this location
1052. Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) (1)
1053. Northumberland (1)
1054. Norvalspont Find all individuals with events at this location
1055. Norway (6) Find all individuals with events at this location
1056. Not in father's DN. Assume died in infancy Find all individuals with events at this location
1057. Not in fathers DN Find all individuals with events at this location
1058. Nottingham Find all individuals with events at this location
1059. Nottingham u.K. Find all individuals with events at this location
1060. Nottinghamshire Find all individuals with events at this location
1061. NSW Australia Find all individuals with events at this location
1062. Nuwe Jaars Rivier Find all individuals with events at this location
1063. Nuwerus Find all individuals with events at this location
1064. Nuy Find all individuals with events at this location
1065. Nyasaland (1)
1066. Nylstroom Find all individuals with events at this location
1067. Observatory Find all individuals with events at this location
1068. Odendaalsrus Find all individuals with events at this location
1069. Old Grey's Chapel P.M.B. Find all individuals with events at this location
1070. On active service Find all individuals with events at this location
1071. On board ship Find all individuals with events at this location
1072. One of triplets Find all individuals with events at this location
1073. One of twins Find all individuals with events at this location
1074. Onrust Find all individuals with events at this location
1075. Onrust River Find all individuals with events at this location
1076. Onrust River. Find all individuals with events at this location
1077. Onrust River. Hermanus Find all individuals with events at this location
1078. Onrust Rver Find all individuals with events at this location
1079. Onrust. Find all individuals with events at this location
1080. Orange Free State (10) Find all individuals with events at this location
1081. Orange River Find all individuals with events at this location
1082. Oregon Find all individuals with events at this location
1083. Orkney (2)
1084. Orkney Islands (1)
1085. Orleanais. France (1)
1086. Ottosdal Find all individuals with events at this location
1087. Oudebosch Find all individuals with events at this location
1088. Oudepost Find all individuals with events at this location
1089. Oudsthoorn Find all individuals with events at this location
1090. Oudtshoorn Find all individuals with events at this location
1091. Oudtshoorn. Find all individuals with events at this location
1092. Outeniqua Find all individuals with events at this location
1093. Outjo SWA (Namibia) Find all individuals with events at this location
1094. Over Hex River. Find all individuals with events at this location
1095. Over Hex. Find all individuals with events at this location
1096. Over Hexrivier Find all individuals with events at this location
1097. Overberg Find all individuals with events at this location
1098. Oxfordshire Find all individuals with events at this location
1099. p Find all individuals with events at this location
1100. Paardeberg Find all individuals with events at this location
1101. Paardeberg. Find all individuals with events at this location
1102. Paardenberg Find all individuals with events at this location
1103. Paarl (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
1104. Paarl. Find all individuals with events at this location
1105. Paarl. W Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
1106. Pacaltsdorp Find all individuals with events at this location
1107. Pacific Islands (1)
1108. Painton Devon England Find all individuals with events at this location
1109. Palestine Find all individuals with events at this location
1110. Palmiet Find all individuals with events at this location
1111. Palmiet River Find all individuals with events at this location
1112. Pampoenvlei Find all individuals with events at this location
   1113. Parish Church Sutton-at-Hone Find all individuals with events at this location
1114. Parkwood. Johannesburg Find all individuals with events at this location
1115. Parl Find all individuals with events at this location
1116. Parow Find all individuals with events at this location
1117. Parow 1983 Find all individuals with events at this location
1118. Parow. Find all individuals with events at this location
1119. Parys Free State Find all individuals with events at this location
1120. Paulpietersburg Find all individuals with events at this location
1121. Pearston Find all individuals with events at this location
1122. Peddie Find all individuals with events at this location
1123. Peelton Find all individuals with events at this location
1124. Pensionerr (1949) Southfield Find all individuals with events at this location
1125. Perhaps Nys Find all individuals with events at this location
1126. Perhaps Oliver Find all individuals with events at this location
1127. Perhaps1962 Find all individuals with events at this location
1128. Personnel Consultant (1987) Johannesburg Find all individuals with events at this location
1129. Petrusville Find all individuals with events at this location
1130. Petusville Find all individuals with events at this location
1131. Phalaborwa Find all individuals with events at this location
1132. Philadelphia Find all individuals with events at this location
1133. Philidelphia Find all individuals with events at this location
1134. Philippines Find all individuals with events at this location
1135. Philippolis Find all individuals with events at this location
1136. Philippolis. Free State Find all individuals with events at this location
1137. Philipstowm Find all individuals with events at this location
1138. Philipstown Find all individuals with events at this location
1139. Phillipstowm Find all individuals with events at this location
1140. Piet Retief Find all individuals with events at this location
1141. Pietermaritzburg Find all individuals with events at this location
1142. Pietermaritzburg. Find all individuals with events at this location
1143. Pietersburg Find all individuals with events at this location
1144. Pietersfontein Find all individuals with events at this location
1145. Piketberg Find all individuals with events at this location
1146. Piketberg. Find all individuals with events at this location
1147. Pilgrims Rest Find all individuals with events at this location
1148. Pilot Find all individuals with events at this location
1149. Pinelands (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
1150. Pinelands. Find all individuals with events at this location
1151. Piquetberg Find all individuals with events at this location
1152. Plettenberg Bay Find all individuals with events at this location
1153. Plettenburg Bay Find all individuals with events at this location
1154. Pniel Find all individuals with events at this location
1155. Pofadder Find all individuals with events at this location
1156. Pokwani. Find all individuals with events at this location
1157. Poland Find all individuals with events at this location
1158. Police Find all individuals with events at this location
1159. Pommere Find all individuals with events at this location
1160. Pooles Bay Find all individuals with events at this location
1161. Pooles Bay. Find all individuals with events at this location
1162. Port Alfred Find all individuals with events at this location
1163. Port Beaufort Find all individuals with events at this location
1164. Port Beaufort (Witsand) Find all individuals with events at this location
1165. Port Beaufort (Witsand). Find all individuals with events at this location
1166. Port Elizabeth (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
1167. Port Elizabeth. Find all individuals with events at this location
1168. Port Elizabeth. E Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
1169. Port Elizabeth. South Africa Find all individuals with events at this location
1170. Port Nolloth Find all individuals with events at this location
1171. Port St Johns Find all individuals with events at this location
1172. Port St. Johns Find all individuals with events at this location
1173. Porterville Find all individuals with events at this location
1174. Porterville. Find all individuals with events at this location
1175. Portervillle Find all individuals with events at this location
1176. Portugal (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
1177. Post Retief Find all individuals with events at this location
1178. Postmasberg Find all individuals with events at this location
1179. Postmasburg Find all individuals with events at this location
1180. Potberg Find all individuals with events at this location
1181. Potchefstroom Find all individuals with events at this location
1182. Potchefstroom. Find all individuals with events at this location
1183. Potchefstroom. Transvaal Find all individuals with events at this location
1184. Potsdam. Germany Find all individuals with events at this location
1185. Pretoria (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
1186. Pretoria District Find all individuals with events at this location
1187. Pretoria South Africa Find all individuals with events at this location
1188. Pretoria Transvaal Find all individuals with events at this location
1189. Pretoria. Find all individuals with events at this location
1190. Pretoria. Transvaal Find all individuals with events at this location
1191. Prev Doyle Find all individuals with events at this location
1192. Prieska Find all individuals with events at this location
1193. Prieska. Find all individuals with events at this location
1194. Prince Abert Find all individuals with events at this location
1195. Prince Albert Find all individuals with events at this location
1196. Prince Albert Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
1197. Prince Albert. Find all individuals with events at this location
1198. Prince Alfred Hamlet Find all individuals with events at this location
1199. Protem Find all individuals with events at this location
1200. Prussia (6) Find all individuals with events at this location
1201. Putfontein Find all individuals with events at this location
1202. Quantity Suveyor Find all individuals with events at this location
1203. Queensburgh 1979 Find all individuals with events at this location
1204. Queenstown (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
1205. Queenstown. Find all individuals with events at this location
1206. Queenstown. E Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
1207. Queenstown.E Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
1208. Randburg 1998 Find all individuals with events at this location
1209. Ratelrivier Find all individuals with events at this location
1210. Rawsonville Find all individuals with events at this location
1211. Redasdorp Find all individuals with events at this location
1212. Reddersburg Find all individuals with events at this location
1213. Reddersburg. Free State Find all individuals with events at this location
1214. Redelinghuys Find all individuals with events at this location
1215. Reitz Find all individuals with events at this location
1216. Reivilo Find all individuals with events at this location
1217. Reivilo. Find all individuals with events at this location
1218. Retreat Find all individuals with events at this location
1219. Reunion (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
1220. Rhenosterfontein Find all individuals with events at this location
1221. Rhodesia (8) Find all individuals with events at this location
1222. Rhodesia. Find all individuals with events at this location
1223. Richmond Find all individuals with events at this location
1224. Richmond Natal Find all individuals with events at this location
1225. Richmond. Find all individuals with events at this location
1226. Riebeeck East Find all individuals with events at this location
1227. Riebeeck Kasteel Find all individuals with events at this location
1228. Riebeeck West Find all individuals with events at this location
1229. Riebeeck-Kasteel Find all individuals with events at this location
1230. Riebeek West Find all individuals with events at this location
1231. Riebeek-Kasteel Find all individuals with events at this location
1232. Riet Kuil Find all individuals with events at this location
1233. Rietfontein Find all individuals with events at this location
1234. Rietpoel Find all individuals with events at this location
1235. Rietpoort Find all individuals with events at this location
1236. Rietrivier Find all individuals with events at this location
1237. Rietvallei Find all individuals with events at this location
1238. Rieviersonderend Find all individuals with events at this location
1239. Rijndal Find all individuals with events at this location
1240. Rio de Janeiro Find all individuals with events at this location
1241. Riveirsondeend Find all individuals with events at this location
1242. Riveirsonderend Find all individuals with events at this location
1243. Riverddale Find all individuals with events at this location
1244. Riversdal Find all individuals with events at this location
1245. Riversdale Find all individuals with events at this location
1246. Riversdale. Find all individuals with events at this location
1247. Riversondend Find all individuals with events at this location
1248. Riversonderend Find all individuals with events at this location
1249. Rivieronderend Find all individuals with events at this location
1250. Riviersomderend Find all individuals with events at this location
1251. Riviersonderend Find all individuals with events at this location
1252. Riviersonderend . Find all individuals with events at this location
1253. Riviersonderend. Find all individuals with events at this location
1254. Riviersonderend. RSE A0820 Find all individuals with events at this location
1255. Riviersondrend Find all individuals with events at this location
1256. Robben Island (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
1257. Robben Island. (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
1258. Robertsion Find all individuals with events at this location
1259. Robertsom Find all individuals with events at this location
1260. Robertson Find all individuals with events at this location
1261. Robertson Dist Find all individuals with events at this location
1262. Robertson. Find all individuals with events at this location
1263. Robetson Find all individuals with events at this location
1264. Robrtson Find all individuals with events at this location
1265. Roggeveld Find all individuals with events at this location
1266. Roibertson Find all individuals with events at this location
1267. Romans River. Find all individuals with events at this location
1268. Rondeboosch Find all individuals with events at this location
1269. Rondeboosch. Find all individuals with events at this location
1270. Rondebosch Find all individuals with events at this location
1271. Rondebosch 1982 Find all individuals with events at this location
1272. Rondebosch Cottage Hospital Find all individuals with events at this location
1273. Rondebosch. Find all individuals with events at this location
1274. Rondebosch. Cape Town Find all individuals with events at this location
1275. Rondebosch.Cape Town Find all individuals with events at this location
1276. Rondeboscy Find all individuals with events at this location
1277. Roodepoort 1976 Find all individuals with events at this location
1278. Rooderand Find all individuals with events at this location
1279. Roodewal Find all individuals with events at this location
1280. Roodezand Find all individuals with events at this location
1281. Roosendaal. Holland Find all individuals with events at this location
1282. Rosebank Find all individuals with events at this location
1283. Rosendal Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
1284. Rosmead (1)
1285. Rotterdam (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
1286. Rotterdam Holland Find all individuals with events at this location
1287. Russia (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
1288. Rustenburg (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
1289. s Find all individuals with events at this location
1290. Sadie's first marriage Find all individuals with events at this location
1291. Saldanha Find all individuals with events at this location
1292. Saldanha Bay Find all individuals with events at this location
1293. Saldanha Bay. Find all individuals with events at this location
1294. Saldanna Find all individuals with events at this location
1295. Salem Find all individuals with events at this location
1296. Salem nr Grahamstown Find all individuals with events at this location
1297. Salesman (1981) Edenvale Find all individuals with events at this location
1298. Salesman 1989 Find all individuals with events at this location
1299. Salhanha Bay Find all individuals with events at this location
1300. Salisbury Find all individuals with events at this location
1301. Salisbury Rhodesia Find all individuals with events at this location
1302. Salisbury S.R. Find all individuals with events at this location
1303. Sandbaai. Find all individuals with events at this location
1304. Sandfontein Find all individuals with events at this location
1305. Sanford Find all individuals with events at this location
1306. Santa Barbara Find all individuals with events at this location
1307. Sasolburg Find all individuals with events at this location
1308. Saxony (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
1309. School supervisor Find all individuals with events at this location
1310. Schweitzer-Reneke Find all individuals with events at this location
1311. Schweizer Reneke Find all individuals with events at this location
1312. Schynsberg Find all individuals with events at this location
1313. Scotland (36) Find all individuals with events at this location
1314. Sea Point (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
1315. Sea Point. Find all individuals with events at this location
1316. Sedgefield Find all individuals with events at this location
1317. Sellendam (1)
1318. Selonsrivier. Transvaal Find all individuals with events at this location
1319. Senekal Find all individuals with events at this location
1320. Seymour Find all individuals with events at this location
1321. Shepherd Find all individuals with events at this location
1322. Sidbury Find all individuals with events at this location
1323. Silesia Find all individuals with events at this location
1324. Simom's Town Find all individuals with events at this location
1325. Simon's Town Find all individuals with events at this location
1326. Simon's Town. Find all individuals with events at this location
1327. Simondium Find all individuals with events at this location
1328. Simons Town Find all individuals with events at this location
1329. Simonsbay Find all individuals with events at this location
1330. Simonstown Find all individuals with events at this location
1331. Simonsvlei Find all individuals with events at this location
1332. Sir Lowry's Find all individuals with events at this location
1333. Sir Lowry's Pass Find all individuals with events at this location
1334. Sir Lowrys Find all individuals with events at this location
1335. Sir Lowrys Pass Find all individuals with events at this location
1336. Six children Find all individuals with events at this location
1337. Skatoonsa Find all individuals with events at this location
1338. Skuinsberg Find all individuals with events at this location
1339. Smithfield (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
1340. Smithfield. Free State Find all individuals with events at this location
1341. Soldier when married Find all individuals with events at this location
1342. Somerse West Find all individuals with events at this location
1343. Somerset East (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
1344. Somerset East Ngk Find all individuals with events at this location
1345. Somerset East. Find all individuals with events at this location
1346. Somerset East. E Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
1347. Somerset Wesr? Find all individuals with events at this location
1348. Somerset West Find all individuals with events at this location
1349. Somerset West. Find all individuals with events at this location
1350. Sometimes Daniel Swart Find all individuals with events at this location
1351. Somkerset West Find all individuals with events at this location
1352. Sondagskloof Find all individuals with events at this location
1353. Soutbos Find all individuals with events at this location
1354. South Adfrica (1)
1355. South Afri (1)
1356. South Africa (198) Find all individuals with events at this location
1357. South Africa. (1)
1358. South Africaritzburg (1)
1359. South Afriica (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
1360. South Afroca (1)
1361. South America (1)
1362. South Australia (1)
1363. South West Africa (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
1364. Souther Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) (1)
1365. Southern Rhodesia (3)
1366. Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) (4)
1367. Southwell Find all individuals with events at this location
1368. Special Licence Find all individuals with events at this location
1369. Spioenkop Find all individuals with events at this location
1370. Springbok Find all individuals with events at this location
1371. Springbokfontein Find all individuals with events at this location
1372. Springfontein Find all individuals with events at this location
1373. Springs Find all individuals with events at this location
1374. Springs Transvaal Find all individuals with events at this location
1375. Springs. Find all individuals with events at this location
1376. Sr Find all individuals with events at this location
1377. Sri Lanka Find all individuals with events at this location
1378. St Albans Abby Find all individuals with events at this location
1379. St Andrews Chapel Grahamstown Find all individuals with events at this location
1380. St Helena Bay Find all individuals with events at this location
1381. St John's Church Bathurst Find all individuals with events at this location
1382. St John's Westminster Find all individuals with events at this location
1383. St Peter's Ch. Hilton Find all individuals with events at this location
1384. St. Georges Cathedral Cape Town Find all individuals with events at this location
1385. St. Marks Find all individuals with events at this location
1386. St. Pauls Find all individuals with events at this location
1387. St. Philips Find all individuals with events at this location
1388. Staffordshire (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
1389. Standerton Find all individuals with events at this location
1390. Standerton Tvl Find all individuals with events at this location
1391. Stanford Find all individuals with events at this location
1392. Stanford . Find all individuals with events at this location
1393. Stanford Bay Find all individuals with events at this location
1394. Stanford. Find all individuals with events at this location
1395. Stanford. ST1 A0501 Find all individuals with events at this location
1396. Stanford. ST1 A1042 Find all individuals with events at this location
1397. Stanger Find all individuals with events at this location
1398. Ste Find all individuals with events at this location
1399. Steenberg Find all individuals with events at this location
1400. Steenbergsrivier Find all individuals with events at this location
1401. Steinkopf Find all individuals with events at this location
1402. Stellembosch Find all individuals with events at this location
1403. Stellenbosch Find all individuals with events at this location
1404. Stellenbosch Hospital Find all individuals with events at this location
1405. Stellenbosch. Find all individuals with events at this location
1406. Stellenbosvh. Find all individuals with events at this location
1407. Sterkspruit Find all individuals with events at this location
1408. Sterkstroom Find all individuals with events at this location
1409. Steynsburg Find all individuals with events at this location
1410. Steynsburg. Find all individuals with events at this location
1411. Steytlerville Find all individuals with events at this location
1412. Steytlerville. Find all individuals with events at this location
1413. Stikland Find all individuals with events at this location
1414. Stilbaai Find all individuals with events at this location
1415. Stockenstrom (3)
1416. Stockenstroom Find all individuals with events at this location
1417. Stormsvlei Find all individuals with events at this location
1418. Stormsvlei. Find all individuals with events at this location
1419. Strand Find all individuals with events at this location
1420. Strand. Find all individuals with events at this location
1421. Struisbaai Find all individuals with events at this location
1422. Struysbaai Find all individuals with events at this location
1423. Strydenburg Find all individuals with events at this location
1424. Strydenburg (near Hopetown) Find all individuals with events at this location
1425. Stutterheim Find all individuals with events at this location
1426. Sumatra Find all individuals with events at this location
1427. Sundays River Find all individuals with events at this location
1428. Sunlands Find all individuals with events at this location
1429. Supervisor (1979) Durbanville Find all individuals with events at this location
1430. Suriname Find all individuals with events at this location
1431. Surrey (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
1432. Sutherland Find all individuals with events at this location
1433. Sutherland. Find all individuals with events at this location
1434. Sutherland. N Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
1435. Suurbraak Find all individuals with events at this location
1436. SWA (Namibia) (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
1437. Swart Rivier Find all individuals with events at this location
1438. Swartberg Find all individuals with events at this location
1439. Swartland Find all individuals with events at this location
1440. Swartland. Find all individuals with events at this location
1441. Swartlasnd Find all individuals with events at this location
1442. Swaziland (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
1443. Sweden (7) Find all individuals with events at this location
1444. Swel Find all individuals with events at this location
1445. Swelendam Find all individuals with events at this location
1446. Swell Find all individuals with events at this location
1447. Swellenda m Find all individuals with events at this location
1448. Swellendam (6) Find all individuals with events at this location
1449. Swellendam . Find all individuals with events at this location
1450. Swellendam. Find all individuals with events at this location
1451. Swellendam. Assume died in infancy Find all individuals with events at this location
1452. Swellendam. Never married Find all individuals with events at this location
1453. Swellenfdam Find all individuals with events at this location
1454. Swellenheim Find all individuals with events at this location
1455. Switzerland (7) Find all individuals with events at this location
1456. Sy Find all individuals with events at this location
1457. Sydney Australia Find all individuals with events at this location
1458. t Find all individuals with events at this location
1459. Table Bay Find all individuals with events at this location
1460. Table Bay (Aboard Oosterland) Find all individuals with events at this location
1461. Table Farm Find all individuals with events at this location
1462. Tamboekiesvlei Find all individuals with events at this location
1463. Tanganyika Find all individuals with events at this location
1464. Tansvaal (1)
1465. Tanzania (1)
1466. Tarka Find all individuals with events at this location
1467. Tarkastad Find all individuals with events at this location
1468. Tarkastad. Find all individuals with events at this location
1469. Texas United States Find all individuals with events at this location
1470. Thaba Nchu Find all individuals with events at this location
1471. Theunissen. Free State Find all individuals with events at this location
1472. Thorn Kloof Find all individuals with events at this location
1473. Thorn Kloof - Albany Find all individuals with events at this location
1474. Three Sisters Find all individuals with events at this location
1475. Tiel Find all individuals with events at this location
1476. Tiger Valley Find all individuals with events at this location
1477. Touws River Find all individuals with events at this location
1478. Touws River. Find all individuals with events at this location
1479. Tradouw Find all individuals with events at this location
1480. Tradouws Pass. Find all individuals with events at this location
1481. Transkei (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
1482. Transkei (Eastern Cape) (1)
1483. Transvaa (1)
1484. Transvaaal (1)
1485. Transvaak (1)
1486. Transvaal (139) Find all individuals with events at this location
1487. Transvaal H6848/1976 Find all individuals with events at this location
1488. Transvaal. (8) Find all individuals with events at this location
1489. Transvaal. Never married (1)
1490. Transvaal? Find all individuals with events at this location
1491. Transvaalk Find all individuals with events at this location
1492. Transval (1)
1493. Transvall (1)
1494. Tranvaal (2)
1495. Trnsvaal (1)
1496. Trompsburg. Free State Find all individuals with events at this location
1497. Tsitsikama Find all individuals with events at this location
1498. Tsitsikamma Find all individuals with events at this location
1499. Tu;bagh Find all individuals with events at this location
1500. Tulbagh Find all individuals with events at this location
1501. Tulbagh. Find all individuals with events at this location
1502. Turner (1987) Find all individuals with events at this location
1503. Tvl (3)
1504. Twin Find all individuals with events at this location
1505. Two marriages Find all individuals with events at this location
1506. Tyger Valley Find all individuals with events at this location
1507. Tygerberg Find all individuals with events at this location
1508. Tygervallei Find all individuals with events at this location
1509. Tylden Find all individuals with events at this location
1510. Uffenheim Find all individuals with events at this location
1511. Ugie Find all individuals with events at this location
1512. Uiitenhage Find all individuals with events at this location
1513. Uilenkraal Find all individuals with events at this location
1514. Uitenhage Find all individuals with events at this location
1515. Uitenhage. Find all individuals with events at this location
1516. Uitvlucht Find all individuals with events at this location
1517. UK (8) Find all individuals with events at this location
1518. Umgana Find all individuals with events at this location
1519. Umnxesha River Find all individuals with events at this location
1520. Umtata (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
1521. Umtata. E Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
1522. Umtata. Eastern Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
1523. Uniondale Find all individuals with events at this location
1524. Uniondale. Find all individuals with events at this location
1525. United Kingdom (5) Find all individuals with events at this location
1526. United States (1)
1527. United States of America (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
1528. Upington Find all individuals with events at this location
1529. USA (33) Find all individuals with events at this location
1530. USA. Alive 1880 census (1)
1531. Utah. USA Find all individuals with events at this location
1532. Utenhage Find all individuals with events at this location
1533. Utrecht (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
1534. V Find all individuals with events at this location
1535. Van Rhynsdorp Find all individuals with events at this location
1536. Van Wyksdorp Find all individuals with events at this location
1537. Vanderbijlpark Find all individuals with events at this location
1538. Vanrhynsdorp Find all individuals with events at this location
1539. Vanrynsdorp Find all individuals with events at this location
1540. Vanwyksdorp Find all individuals with events at this location
1541. Vasco. Find all individuals with events at this location
1542. Velddrift. Find all individuals with events at this location
1543. Venice Italy Find all individuals with events at this location
1544. Ventersdorp Find all individuals with events at this location
1545. Venterstad Find all individuals with events at this location
1546. Vereeniging Find all individuals with events at this location
1547. Vereeniging?? (1)
1548. Victoria West Find all individuals with events at this location
1549. Victoria West Find all individuals with events at this location
1550. Victoria West. Find all individuals with events at this location
1551. Victoria West. N Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
1552. Viljoenshof Find all individuals with events at this location
1553. Villiersdoep Find all individuals with events at this location
1554. Villiersdorp Find all individuals with events at this location
1555. Villiersdorp. Find all individuals with events at this location
1556. Virginia USA Find all individuals with events at this location
1557. Visser Find all individuals with events at this location
1558. Vlaeberg Find all individuals with events at this location
1559. Vlaggeberg Find all individuals with events at this location
1560. Voorbrug Find all individuals with events at this location
1561. Vosberg Find all individuals with events at this location
1562. Vosburg Find all individuals with events at this location
1563. Vrede Find all individuals with events at this location
1564. Vrede F S Find all individuals with events at this location
1565. Vrede. Freev State Find all individuals with events at this location
1566. Vredenburg Find all individuals with events at this location
1567. Vredendal Find all individuals with events at this location
1568. Vryburg Find all individuals with events at this location
1569. Vryburg. Find all individuals with events at this location
1570. Vryburg. N Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
1571. Vryheid Find all individuals with events at this location
1572. Vryheid. Natal Find all individuals with events at this location
1573. Vvilliersdorp Find all individuals with events at this location
1574. W Ccape (1)
1575. W Cape (67) Find all individuals with events at this location
1576. W Cape. (2)
1577. W Transvaal (1)
1578. Wageboom Find all individuals with events at this location
1579. Wageboomsberg Find all individuals with events at this location
1580. Wageboomskloof Find all individuals with events at this location
1581. Wakkerstroom (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
1582. Wakkerstroom Transvaal Find all individuals with events at this location
1583. Wales (5) Find all individuals with events at this location
1584. Walvis Bay Find all individuals with events at this location
1585. Wamakersvallei Find all individuals with events at this location
1586. Warden Find all individuals with events at this location
1587. Warrenton Find all individuals with events at this location
1588. Wateresk Garden Salisbury Rhodesia Find all individuals with events at this location
1589. Waterfall Find all individuals with events at this location
1590. Watergat Find all individuals with events at this location
1591. Waterkloof Find all individuals with events at this location
1592. Wellington Find all individuals with events at this location
1593. Wellington. Find all individuals with events at this location
1594. Weltevrede Find all individuals with events at this location
1595. Weltevreden Find all individuals with events at this location
1596. Wemmershoek Find all individuals with events at this location
1597. Wentworth Find all individuals with events at this location
1598. Wepener Find all individuals with events at this location
1599. Wesselsbron. Free State Find all individuals with events at this location
1600. Wesselsgat Find all individuals with events at this location
1601. West Coast (1)
1602. West End Cemetery Kimberley Find all individuals with events at this location
1603. Western Cape (4) Find all individuals with events at this location
1604. Westmains Find all individuals with events at this location
1605. Wexford. Ireland Find all individuals with events at this location
1606. Whittlesea Find all individuals with events at this location
1607. Widow of Johannes Matthysen Find all individuals with events at this location
1608. Williston Find all individuals with events at this location
1609. Willowmore (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
1610. Willowmore. Find all individuals with events at this location
1611. Willowvale Find all individuals with events at this location
1612. Winburg Find all individuals with events at this location
1613. Winburg. Find all individuals with events at this location
1614. Windhoek SWA (Namibia) Find all individuals with events at this location
1615. Windsor (1)
1616. Winterberg Find all individuals with events at this location
1617. Winterhoek Find all individuals with events at this location
1618. Winterton 1987 Find all individuals with events at this location
1619. Wit Kersrivier Find all individuals with events at this location
1620. Witbank Find all individuals with events at this location
1621. Witsand Find all individuals with events at this location
1622. Wodehouse Find all individuals with events at this location
1623. Wohlau. Germany Find all individuals with events at this location
1624. Wolseley Find all individuals with events at this location
1625. Wolseley. Find all individuals with events at this location
1626. Wolseley. W Cape Find all individuals with events at this location
1627. Woodstock (5) Find all individuals with events at this location
1628. Woodville Find all individuals with events at this location
1629. Woorcester Find all individuals with events at this location
1630. Woostock Queensland Find all individuals with events at this location
1631. Worceste Find all individuals with events at this location
1632. Worcester Find all individuals with events at this location
1633. Worcester. Find all individuals with events at this location
1634. Worcester? Find all individuals with events at this location
1635. Worcster Find all individuals with events at this location
1636. Worcster. Find all individuals with events at this location
1637. Worscester Find all individuals with events at this location
1638. Wydgelegen Find all individuals with events at this location
1639. Wynberg (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
1640. Wynberg. Find all individuals with events at this location
1641. Yorkshire (2)
1642. Yorkshire. England Find all individuals with events at this location
1643. Ysterfontein Find all individuals with events at this location
1644. Ysterplaat Find all individuals with events at this location
1645. Yugoslavia Find all individuals with events at this location
1646. Zambia (9) Find all individuals with events at this location
1647. Zandkraal Find all individuals with events at this location
1648. Zandvliet Find all individuals with events at this location
1649. Zeekoegat Find all individuals with events at this location
1650. Zeekoevlei Find all individuals with events at this location
1651. Zeerust Find all individuals with events at this location
1652. Zeerust 1981 Find all individuals with events at this location
1653. Zeerust.Transvaal Find all individuals with events at this location
1654. Zimbabwbe Find all individuals with events at this location
1655. Zimbabwe (19) Find all individuals with events at this location
1656. Zimbabwe) (1)
1657. Zimbabwe?? Find all individuals with events at this location
1658. Zimbawbe (1)
1659. Zmbabwe (1)
1660. Zoar Find all individuals with events at this location
1661. Zondagskloof Find all individuals with events at this location
1662. Zuider Paarl Find all individuals with events at this location
1663. Zuiverkuil Middelburg Find all individuals with events at this location
1664. Zululand (1)
1665. Zuuranys Find all individuals with events at this location
1666. Zuurberge Find all individuals with events at this location
1667. Zuurbraak Find all individuals with events at this location
1668. Zwartberg Find all individuals with events at this location

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