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- [S1] MWS, Andries William De Villiers, (University of Witwatersrand).
Educated: Exeter College, Oxford (matriculated, 7 June 1854; BA, 1858; MA, 1863). Ordained: Deacon, 1859, and Priest, 1860, by the Bishop of Salisbury. Career: Curate of Warminster, in the diocese of Salisbury, 1859-1861. Vicar of Frankby, Cheshire, 1861-1873. Member, Society of St. John the Evangelist ("Cowley Fathers"). Served at Cowley St. John, in the diocese of Oxford, 1874-1893. Priest-in-charge (licensed 25 June 1900; served until February 1901), and Mission Priest (1901-1904), of St. Philip the Evangelist's Mission, in the city and diocese of Cape Town. He returned to live at the Mission House, Marston Street, Oxford, in 1904. Author of, among other works, The Christian Mystics, a Paper read at a Meeting of the Capetown Clerical Society (1900), and Work and Worry, an Address to the Nurses' Guild of St. Bamabas (Cape Town, 1901) Died: 16 April 1918. "He wrote several books of a devotional kind, and was an outstanding spiritual director" (Campbell). [Bishopscourt Archives, institution of Clergy, 1857-1987. Joseph Foster, Alumni Oxonienses, vols. I and II (1887), p. 285. Crockford's Clerical Directory, 1905, p. 290. The Pilot (July 1931), p. 12. Father David Campbell, SSJE, private communication, 6 October 1995.]